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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习 话题专项复习(二十八)(含解析)2021届高考英语二轮复习 话题专项复习(二十八)(含解析)年级:姓名:2021高考英语话题专项复习(二十八)目录内容Part 1话题相关词汇Part 2话题相关短语Part 2话题相关句式Part 3话题相关写作Part 4话题相关阅读学生默写版 一:相关词汇(1)1. v积累,积聚2 adj. 准确的;精确的3 v. 扩大,扩充,扩展;膨胀4 vt. 完成;达到;实现5 adv. 近似地,大约6 adj. 具有挑战性的7 vt. 鼓舞,激励,激起,唤起8 n. (pl.)指示;命令;用法说明;操作指南;U教育,指导9 vt. 取得

2、;获得;学到(知识等)10. n. 理解;理解力11. adj. 正常的;标准的 n. 正常;标准12 adj. 准时的13 v. 查阅;请教14 n. 评论 vi.表达意见(on/upon)15 vt.&vi. 打断(讲话或讲话的人);打扰(2)1. vt.吸收;理解;使全神贯注;吸引(注意)2. adj.充足的,丰盛的,充裕的3. n.口音;腔调;重音4. vt.完成5. vt.&vi.积累;积聚6. adj.准确的,精确的7. n.准确,精确8. n.字母;字母表9. v.接近;靠近;n.接近;方法;途径10. vt.分类11. v.咨询12. n.改正13. n.课程;过程14. n.

3、文化15. n.听写16. n.&vi.训练,操练17. adj.有效的18. adj.不同的,有差异的19. adj.困难的;不易相处的20. n.困难,困境21. n.方言,土语22. vt.扩大23. vt.丰富24. adj.精确的;确切的25. adj.极好的,优秀的26. vt.解释,说明27. adj.清楚明白的,易于理解的28. v.表达;表示29. n.表达;表示;表情;词语,措辞30. vt.领会;掌握31. n.流利32. adj.流利的33. adv.流利地34. adj.频繁的;惯常的35. adv.逐渐地36. n.成语,习语37. vt.&n.输入38. n.知识

4、,学问39. vt.精通,掌握;n.大师;主人40. n.意义41. v.记忆42. n.错误43. vt.&n.输出44. v.克服,解决45. n.文章46. adj.完美的,极好的47. n.短语;词组48. n.&v.练习49. adj.准确的,精确的,确切的50. vt.发音51. n.发音52. vt.背诵53. v.辨认出;承认;识别54. v.&n.请求;要求55. vt.复述56. v.复习57. n.谚语58. vt.&vi.扫读;浏览59. n.句子60. n.缺点,短处61. adv.不久;简单地,扼要地62. vt.&vi.跳读;略读63. n.演讲64. vt.拼写

5、65. n.拼写;拼法66. n.&adj.标准(的)67. adj.笔直的;正直的;adv.直接地;坦率地68. n.重音69. n.术语;条目70. n.腔调;语调;声调71. n.使用;用法72. n.词汇73. adj.精彩的;了不起的二:相关短语1 做笔记2 听讲座3 与交流4 自学5 (偶然)习得6 做准备7 充分利用8 查词典9 咨询专家10 求助于某人11 培养兴趣12 通晓13 重视14 适应15 养成习惯16 把注意力集中在17 充分发挥潜力18 丰富某人的知识19 拓展某人的视野20 复习三:相关句式1 不可否认英语很重要,它不仅有助于我们同外国人交流,而且给我们提供向他

6、们学习的机会。2 .他们认为学习英语是现代社会的要求之一,它有益于我们未来的职业生涯。3 .其他人反对这个观点,他们说学英语不但没用而且是一种精力的浪费。4 .我们理应学好英语,因为精通英语意味着在将来有更多的机会。4 .毫无疑问,写英语日记非常有助于你书面语的提高。5 .我是北京中学高三学生李华,我写信来报名参加英语网站的口语个人培训。6 像大多数其他中国高三学生一样,我已学了七年多英语,我已学了基本的语法规则和词汇。7 通过阅读英语作品我可以增加词汇量,了解更多说英语国家的风俗文化。四:相关写作假定你是李华。你的笔友Tom给你写信咨询“如何在班级创设浓厚的汉语学习氛围”。请你根据提示给他写

7、一封英文回信。内容包括:1宣传标语用英汉双语;2开设汉语角;3邀请汉语外教来学校上课。注意:1词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 五:相关阅读AChildren from four Buckinghamshire primary schools visited Epilepsy Society to plant a hedge (树篱) as part of a Plant-for-the-Planet project.The children from these schools were planting a hedge in the gar

8、den of the Queen Elizabeth House at the charity in Chalfont St Peter.Plant-for-the-Planet gives children across the globe the opportunity to learn about the threats of global warming to the environment,and then put their new knowledge into practice as they plant new trees.The day was organised by Bo

9、b Sherren who showed the children how to plant the planet-friendly line of trees in protective chambers (防护室) to shield them from hungry wildlife as they settle in their roots.Bob said,“The day really was Thinking Globally,Acting Locally put into action.The children learned about the importance of p

10、lanting trees as a way of helping to bring about climate justice for many living in poorer nations and of course enjoyed planting the trees too.” The eventual hedge,which will grow to full size over ten years behind the Queen Elizabeth House,is made up of trees such as oaks,silver birches and so on.

11、Bob added,“The children were also able to help people living at Epilepsy Society because they will gain some well-needed privacy from the hedge in time.The natural wildlife benefits too from the fruits and nuts that a hedge made from native species can provide as well as the possibility for any numb

12、er of nesting sites.”Emma Darlington,Epilepsy Societys volunteer officer,said,“I think its so important to encourage the younger generation that the future is in their hands and that they can make a difference,whether it is through taking part in projects like this or spreading awareness.We hope the

13、y learn a little bit about the work we do at Epilepsy Society too the trees they planted will be enjoyed by everyone here for years to come.”1.What is the purpose of the Plant-for-the-Planet project?A.To help children learn more about society.B.To offer children colourful after-school activities.C.T

14、o raise childrens awareness of global warming.D.To teach children how to protect natural wildlife.2.What does the underlined word “shield” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Separate.B.Take.C.Get.D.Protect.3.How did Bob Sherren feel after organising this activity?A.Tired.B.Proud.C.Discouraged.D.Peaceful

15、.4.What can we learn from Emma Darlingtons words in the last paragraph?A.She hopes to popularise volunteering work.B.She tries to drive the children to study hard.C.She expects the children to take positive action.D.She believes the younger generation is promising.BSam is a fourth-year student at Ha

16、rvard Medical School,but poetry is still a big part of her life,now with a new teacher who believes poetry can benefit every doctors education and work,Rafael Campo.Rafael is a doctor,professor and a highly respected poet.“Poetry is in every encounter (邂逅) with my patients.I think healing really in

17、a very great way is about poetry.And if we do anything when were with our patients,were really losing ourselves in their stories,really hearing their voices.And,certainly,thats what a poem does,” he said.Campo worries that something important has been lost in medicine and medical education today:hum

18、anity,which he finds in poetry.To end that,he leads a weekly reading and writing workshop for medical students and residents (住院医生).He thinks medical training focuses too much on distancing the doctor from his or her patients,and poems can help close that gap.Third-year resident Andrea Schwartz was

19、one of the workshop regulars.She said,“I think theres no other profession other than medicine that produces as many writers as it does.And I think that is because theres just so much power in doctors and patients interacting when patients are at their saddest.” Not everyone believes thats what docto

20、rs should do,though.Rafael said,“I was afraid of how people might judge me,actually.In the medical profession,as many people know,we must always put the emergency first.But,you know,that kind of treatment,if its happening in the hospital,very regrettably,sadly,results in a bad outcome.The family is

21、sitting by the bedside.The patient hasnt survived the cancer.Dont we still have a role as healers there?”In a poem titled “Health”,Campo writes of the wish to live forever in a world made painless by our incurable joy.He says he will continue teaching students,helping patients and writing poems,his

22、own brand of medicine.5.What do we know about Rafael Campo?A.He works as a doctor.B.He is under medical care.C.He is a literature professor.D.He knows little about poetry.6.What does the author try to show in Paragraph 2?A.The importance of medical training.B.The effect of poetry in medical treatmen

23、t.C.The similarity involved in poetry and medical work.D.The present relationship between patients and doctors.7.What does Andrea Schwartz think of poetry?A.It comforts patients family.B.It contributes to medical work.C.It has nothing to do with doctors.D.It keeps doctors away from patients.8.What i

24、s Rafael Campos view on poetry?A.It requires a lot of spare time.B.It can provide a useful tool for doctors.C.It has little effect on patients conditions.D.It should be included in emergency treatments.CThis is a real story about an old man in China.Sixty-three-year-old Zhuang Guorong is a 1 rural p

25、rimary school art teacher,who has had a life of 2 for more than 40 years.Every year,the strong,younger-than-his-actual-age pensioner goes to “the farmers home” of Chenyang Community to paint or3 other villagers how to 4.“The farmers home”,a public building,5 the venue (聚集地点) for a branch of the Shey

26、ang Farmers Painting Institute.The institute is a government 6 cultural organization in Sheyang County,in the north of Jiangsu Province,east China.Zhuang works at the institate part time,and each year he 7 up to ten paintings,which are then 8 by the local government.He9 around 5,000 yuan thats about

27、 740 US dollars a year by doing this 10.As well as earning himself some money,Zhuang says the job gives him an opportunity to11 his views of life to his fellow countrymen,12 the elderly. “This painting is about a nursing home.We now live in a(n)13 society.We can no longer 14 the traditional way of t

28、aking care of our elderly just with our children doing it.15,professional nursing homes are important for elderly peoples welfare.And all of my paintings are based on our real lives.”1.A.smartB.famous C.strict D.retired2.A.paintingB.writing C.farming D.designing3.A.askB.teach C.examine D.answer4.A.e

29、xerciseB.communicate C.learn D.draw5.A.belongs toB.looks like C.serves as D.stands for6.A.decoratedB.supported C.controlled D.reported7.A.createsB.collects C.copies D.exhibits8.A.publishedB.put up C.bought D.handed in9.A.chargesB.makes C.spends D.donates10.A.testB.talking C.work D.research11.A.giveB

30、.offer C.send D.express12.A.especiallyB.similarly C.equally D.generally13.A.freeB.open C.ageing D.technological14.A.ask forB.rely on C.think of D.turn down15.A.HoweverB.Instead C.Besides D.Therefore 2021高考英语话题专项复习(二十八)教师版一:相关词汇(1)1.accumulate v积累,积聚2accurate adj. 准确的;精确的3expand v. 扩大,扩充,扩展;膨胀4accomp

31、lish vt. 完成;达到;实现5approximately adv. 近似地,大约6challenging adj. 具有挑战性的7inspire vt. 鼓舞,激励,激起,唤起8instruction n. (pl.)指示;命令;用法说明;操作指南;U教育,指导9acquire vt. 取得;获得;学到(知识等)prehension n. 理解;理解力11.normal adj. 正常的;标准的 n. 正常;标准12punctual adj. 准时的13consult v. 查阅;请教14comment n. 评论 vi.表达意见(on/upon)15interrupt vt.&vi.

32、打断(讲话或讲话的人);打扰(2)1.absorb vt.吸收;理解;使全神贯注;吸引(注意)2.abundant adj.充足的,丰盛的,充裕的3.accent n.口音;腔调;重音4.accomplish vt.完成5.accumulate vt.&vi.积累;积聚6.accurate adj.准确的,精确的7.accuracy n.准确,精确8.alphabet n.字母;字母表9.approach v.接近;靠近;n.接近;方法;途径10.classify vt.分类11.consult v.咨询12.correction n.改正13.course n.课程;过程14.culture n.文化15.dictation n.听写16.drill n.&vi.训练,操练17.effective adj.有效的18.different adj.不同的,有差异的19.difficult adj.困难的;不易相处的20.difficulty n.困难,困境21.dialect n.方言,土语22.enlarge vt.扩大23.enrich vt.丰富24.exact adj.精确的;确切的25.excellent adj.

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