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1、15绝密启用前 2018 年 3 月普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)英语 笔试本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共 130 分,考试用时100 分钟。第卷 1 至 10 页,第卷 11 至 12 页。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。祝各位考生考试顺利! 第卷注意事项: 1每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。2 本卷共 55 小题,共 95 分。第一部分:英语知识运

2、用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:Stand over there youll be able to see it better. Aor Band Cbut Dwhile 答案是 B。1Shall I tell John our secret? No, you mustnt. _. ATake it easy BIt sounds like a great idea CIf you dont mind DIts just between you and me 2Pro

3、fessional skills are tools like a knife or a hammer. You need _ to complete the things you want to do. Ait Bthat Cthem Dones 3Whats wrong with the door? The key has got stuck in it and _ come out. Ashouldnt Bmustnt Cneednt Dwont 4I know you want to talk about this report, but Id like to tell you abo

4、ut our new partner. _. We can talk about him later. ALets stick to the point BIts nice of you CIts really hard to say DYoull make it 5Its easy to get lost when you drive in a new city, so its important to _ a good map before you set out. Astudy Bdisplay Cdeliver Dpublish 6Mrs. Taylor went around the

5、 shops, _ what she thought was necessary. Aordered Bordering Cto have ordered Dhaving been ordered 7There was a long wait at the reception desk, _ everyone was checking in. Awhy Bwhich Cwhom Dwhere 8I jumped with joy the moment I _ my drivers license in the mail. Areceive Breceived Chad received Dwo

6、uld receive 9Can we stop the _ of the worlds deserts and save the land that man depends so much on? Aloss Bheat Cspread Ddefence 10He studied hard and later became a well-known writer, which was _ his father had expected. Awhy Bhow Cthat Dwhat 11There have been many advances in medicine in recent ye

7、ars. That means money _for medical research has been well spent. Aused Busing Cto use Dto be used 12When people want to expand their knowledge, they usually _ books that offer useful information. Apoint to Bturn to Cattend to Dbelong to 13Make sure you save all your work on screen _ the computer bre

8、aks down. Ain case Bas if Cso that Deven though 14Jane wishes that she _ foreign trade instead of literature when she was in college. Astudied Bhad studied Cwould study Dmight have studied 15What was it _ brought you two together? Was it your love of music? Aas Bwho Cthat Dwhich 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题

9、 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1635 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Years of living with a lisp (口齿不清) had taught me it was better not to say anything than to speak and risk embarrassment. As a result of my 16 , I felt distanced from most of my peers (同龄人). “Kathy? Oh, shes quiet.” Thats what most peopl

10、e would say when they 17 me, as if “Quiet” were part of my 18 . I was okay with that. I didnt need to be 19 . Last September, however, that all 20 . I started my creative writing class with Ms. Haist. Every day we would be given a different writing task and, if we wished, we could 21 what we had wri

11、tten. I 22 listening to others read their work and thinking: “That will never be me. Ill never have the 23 to do that.” One day, I was really 24 with what I had written and wanted to share. My heart was beating wildly as I raised my hand. Those 25 little voices were ringing in my ear, “You have a li

12、sp, remember? 26 , your writing isnt that good. Be quiet.” I was about to 27 my hand when I met Ms. Haists encouraging eyes. I swallowed the voices down and let my real voice 28 . I could hear it 29 as I read, and I could hear every stutter (结巴) and mistake. I finished reading, waiting to be laughed

13、 at. 30 , I heard claps from the class and praise from Ms. Haist. The next day, I did it 31 . Soon I was reading out loud nearly every day. Gradually, I realized that 32 my lisp, the class and the teacher always appreciated my writing. Now I may still not be the most 33 , social person, but Ive beco

14、me better at oral presentations. I 34 read my poetry out loud at a reading club. Every time those little voices try to tell me to be quiet, I think of all the encouragement I received in class and I know that I 35 to be heard. 16 Aembarrassment Bexcitement Chumor Dsilence 17 Aheard from Btalked of C

15、called on Dlooked for 18 Aname Bopinion Cduty Dbusiness 19 Aseen Bheard Cfollowed Dprotected 20 Adisappeared Breturned Cdeveloped Dchanged 21 Aexamine Bpractice Cshare Dcopy 22 Aregret Bconsider Cimagine Dremember 23 Atime Bcourage Cpatience Devidence 24 Abusy Bstrict Cpleased Ddisappointed 25 Atire

16、d Burgent Cfunny Dcheerful 26 ABesides BOtherwise CTherefore DNormally 27 Atouch Bwave Cextend Dwithdraw 28 Ago down Bdie away Ccome out Dcalm down 29 Ashaking Bsinging Cshouting Ddeepening 30 ASadly BHopefully CHonestly DUnexpectedly 31 Aagain Balone Calready Danyway 32 Athanks to Binstead of Cdesp

17、ite Dexcept 33 Aserious Boutgoing Cnervous Dhardworking 34 Aeven Bstill Conly Dseldom 35 Afear Bagree Cdeserve Dpretend 第二部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhen you choose a higher education course, here are some tips for you to follow. Choosing your course There

18、are a range of subjects and courses available. Many are work-related; others are academic. Youll need to look beyond the course title because courses with almost the same name may differ enormously. For example, if youre interested in construction but wish to use your creative skills, you may be bet

19、ter suited to a building design management course than a building project management course. Style of learning Think about the style of learning that best suits you. Its important to study a subject that you particularly enjoy, but if you want to follow a career in a different area, you may consider

20、 taking the subjects you want to learn and joining them into one degree. Many degree courses are made up of different subject modules which deal with particular areas of interest. Choosing where to study Where you study can be almost as important as what you study. One thing to consider is whether y

21、ou want to live at home or move away. For some people, living at home offers the best of both worlds, but it may make sense to move if you want to study a particular course at a specific university or college. Many students value the experience of living on campus or in a different part of the count

22、ry as an important part of university life.Finding out more about coursesOnce youve got a list of courses that appeal to you, its worth looking at some other sources of information about them, like independent reports. These provide information on the numbers of students who finished the course, stu

23、dent satisfaction and more. Open days Open days usually take place in spring or autumn. Although you may have an idea about what a course is like, theres no substitute(替代)for attending a class yourself. If you cant come on the open days, you can sign up for a guided tour instead. 36You need to look

24、beyond the course title because courses with similar names may be _. Acreativity-focused Bwork-related Cfar different Dquite similar 37What are you advised to do if your interest disagrees with your future career? AAdd preferred subjects to your degree courses. BChoose the subjects based on your int

25、erest. CEarn different degrees. DGive up your interest. 38What do we learn about from Para. 4? ADisadvantages of studying on campus. BReasons for choosing where to study. CImportance of attending a nearby college. DProblems of going to a faraway university. 39Why is it recommended to check independe

26、nt reports? ATo increase applicants interest. BTo better understand a course. CTo figure out how to complete a course. DTo find out how different the courses are. 40On the open days, would-be college students can _. Asign up for a particular course Btake a guided tour on the campus Csee whether ther

27、e is a substitute course Dhave a first-hand experience of a course BWith a satisfied smile, Keisha finished the last sentence of her English essay about one of her heroes, Rosa Parks, an important figure in the Civil Rights Movement. “Keisha,” her mother shouted from downstairs. “Its almost 4:15.” “

28、Dont worry. I wont be late. ” Keisha pulled down a storybook from her bookshelf,as she always read to the nursing homes residents. And on an impulse(一时心血来潮), she added her English notebook as well. As Keisha came running in the door, the manager told her, “We have a new resident this week, Mrs. Ruby

29、 Watson. Shes still adjusting to her new surroundings. Youll find her in Room 28. And by the way, Keisha, good luck.” Keisha walked down the hallway at a quick pace. As she entered Room 28, she met two sharp brown eyes staring at her doubtfully. “Im Keisha Jackson, a volunteer,” Keisha explained. “I

30、 come here to help pass the time with residents, or read to them, or, . . .” Keisha started stammering(结巴)as Mrs. Watson continued to stare at her. “I didnt request anyone to keep me company,” Mrs. Watson interrupted. “Im alone most of the time, and thats how I prefer it.” “I brought along some funn

31、y stories,” Keisha said hesitantly. “Im not in the mood for funny stories,” Mrs. Watson replied angrily. “What else do you have?” Nervously, Keisha opened her notebook to her essay. She read the title aloud, “Rosa Parks: A Woman of Courage and Conviction(信念).” She glanced at Mrs. Watson to see how s

32、he might react, but to her surprise, Mrs. Watsons face relaxed and her eyes shone. “Read to me about Rosa,” Mrs. Watson said. Keisha read how Rosa Parks refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in 1955 inspired the protest that became a turning point in the struggle for civil rights

33、. “I walked with Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King,” Mrs. Watson said with pride. “That was the greatest moment of my life because” She paused. “Because you were a woman of courage and conviction too.” Sitting up straighter, Mrs. Watson said, “Yes, I was and I still am. Thank you for reminding m

34、e, Keisha. Next Thursday, I will tell you my story.” 41Why did Keisha take her English notebook along? AHer mother asked her to take it. BShe would hand it in on her way. CShe might read her essay to someone. DThe manager wanted to read her essay. 42Why did the manager wish Keisha good luck before s

35、he visited Mrs. Watson? AMrs. Watson could be difficult. BMrs. Watson was in poor health. CKeisha was feeling nervous. DKeisha was a shy person. 43Mrs. Watsons eyes (Para. 10) suggested that she was _. Aamused Bpuzzled Cannoyed Dinterested 44What effect did Keishas essay have on Mrs. Watson? AIt aro

36、used her curiosity in volunteer work. BIt built up her expectation for more visitors. CIt awoke her pride in her struggle for civil rights. DIt changed her attitude to the Civil Rights Movement. 45Readers may find this story inspiring because _. Aa girl enjoys learning about her heroes Ba girl helps

37、 someone feel appreciated Ca woman overcomes hardship by herself Da woman gathers the courage for life CIf you were bringing friends home to visit, you could show them the way. You know the landmarksa big red house or a bus-stop sign. But what if you were swimming in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean

38、? Could you still find your way home? A loggerhead turtle(海龟)could. According to Dr. Ken Lohmann, loggerheads have a magnetic(磁力的)sense based on Earths magnetic field. It helps them locate the best spots for finding food and their home beaches. Scientists already know that several other animals, suc

39、h as whales and honeybees, can detect(探测到)magnetic fields. The difference between them and loggerheads, however, is the way they learn to use their magnetic sense. Young whales and honeybees can learn from adults. Loggerheads are abandoned as eggs. As newborn loggerheads have no adults to learn from

40、, what helps them figure out how to use their magnetic sense? Lohmann thinks one of the cues was light on the sea. Baby loggerheads hatch only at night. However, a small amount of light reflects off the ocean. The light makes that region brighter. Heading toward the light helps them get quickly out

41、to sea, where they can find food. Lohmann tested whether newborn loggerheads use this light source to set their magnetic “compasses”(罗盘). He and his team put some newborns in a water tank and recorded which way they swam. Around the tank, the scientists created a magnetic field that matched the Eart

42、hs. They set a weak light to the east of the magnetic field. Then they let the newborns go. At first, the newborns swam toward the light. After the scientists turned off the light, the turtles that had seen the light in the east always swam toward east. When the researchers reversed(颠倒)the magnetic

43、field, these turtles turned around and swam toward the new “east”. This and the follow-up experiments all showed that loggerheads use light from the outside world to set their magnetic “compasses” and then remember the “correct” direction. If a turtle hatches on a brightly-lit beach, that would dama

44、ge its magnetic sense forever and make survival hard for the turtle. Lohmanns work has led others to protect the habitat of this endangered species. Yet many questions about these creatures remain unanswered, and researchers have a lot to study. 46Loggerheads and whales differ in the way they _. Abr

45、ing up their young Brecognize landmarks Cdetect magnetic fields Dlearn to find directions 47What is needed for newborn loggerheads to set their magnetic sense? AWeak light reflected off the ocean. BHelp from adult loggerheads. CBright sunlight from the sky. DFood in warmer waters. 48In the experimen

46、t, after the newborns magnetic sense was set, their moving direction was determined by _. Athe light Bthe magnetic field Cother unknown factors Dthe light and the magnetic field 49What is the significance of Lohmanns research work? AIt enables researchers to keep track of turtles. BIt contributes to the studies of the magnetic field. CIt offers a new solution to environmental pollution. DIt helps protect the loggerheads living environment. 50What could be the best title of the passage? AE

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