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1、1. There is _ milk in this bottle than that one .(little)2. He never does _ at home when he comes back from the factory .(something )3. Doing much sport is good for your _.(healthy)4. We cant live _ air. (with )5. The mooncakes taste _ .(well)6. The two _ shoes are old and broken .Well buy some new

2、ones for them.(baby) 8. Can I ask you _ questions ? (any )9. The _ exercise -book is mine . (nine)10. The students are making model planes _ . (careful)11. You must take exercise, because you are much _ than before .( fat) 13. The old man goes to the park every _ days. (fifth)14. Mike is one of _ bo

3、ys in our class. (thin)15. The light music made me fall _ quickly . (sleep) 16. In this hospital , there are many _(woman doctor)17. Listen ! How beautiful she _ ! (sing)19. Im sorry to tell you that Im not feeling _ . (good )20. Do you know the _ of the words in bold type? (mean)21. How _ the man i

4、s running ! (slow) 22. We cant leave the boy by _ . (he)23. There may be some _ (danger) animals in the evening. 26. Help _ to these cakes , children . (you)27. He _ ( find) his English book just now .28. The children wanted _ (eat ) the bananas on that island.29. There _ (be) something wrong with h

5、er watch .30. Dont _ (take) our basket away , monkeys !32. At first the baby was _ (sleep) . An hour later she _ (wake) up .33. The story is very _. And I am _ in it .(interest) 34. _ (pick) apples is hard work .35. The girl is too young to get _ .(dress)36. He kept the boy _ (read) English for an h

6、our every day.37. I finished _ ( draw) the picture three days ago .38. Our hometown becomes _ and _ . (good)39. Nobody can make the baby _ (stop) _ (cry) 41. I teach _ (me) French .42. The child enjoyed _ (he) yesterday.44. They _ (try) to find out the mans address but they _ ( not find ) at last.49

7、. Its time for you _ (leave) this city .50. To _ (ones) surprise, Beethoven found the girl was blind. 1. On my way home I saw a snake _(lie) on the road.2. He jumped into the river to save the boy without _(think).3. Many people lost their _(life) in the serious accident.4. He put his hands down _ (

8、angry) and ran into his room.5. Lets go _ (shop) together after school.6. Students shouldnt spend all their time _(do) their homework.7. I think _ (eat) more vegetables is good for your health.8. The harder you study, the _(good) grades youll get.9. She found her father _ (cook) in the kitchen.10. H

9、is success made us _ (surprise)11. Parents should let their children _ (do) what they like.12. Listening to music makes me feel _ (relax).13. They had great fun _ (sing) in the KTV last night.14. They had great fun _ (sing) in the KTV last night.15. _(luck), he found his lost key in the reading room

10、.16. He is going away for at _ (little) a week.17. Take care of your_(tooth) or youll have a toothache.18. You have a fever, youd better _ (lie) down and have a rest.19. Which do you like (well), Chinese, English or Japanese?20. Is Huanghe one of the longest (river) in the world?21. There are many (

11、sheep) on the farm.22. Liu Xiang is one of the best _(run)23. We should make _ (decide) by ourselves and for ourselves.24. I am sorry for _(break) your book.25. I think _ (different) are not important in a friendship.26. _ (swim)is one of the best sports in summer.27. Last football match was very (e

12、xcite).28. Katrina takes exercise every day _ (keep) healthy.29. .Dont forget _ (call) me if you go to the concert this evening.30. December is the _(twelve) month of a year. I like it very much.31. He has a son _ (call) Tom32. There are some _(sandwich) on the table.33. He had two _ ( piece) of bre

13、ad just now.34. Wang Hai is _(heavy) of the five.35. It often takes me two hours _(play) sports.36. . They have many _(tooth), so they can bite the fruit.37. This story sounds _(interest).38. Your sister is too young to dress _(she). Please help her, Ann.39. Whats the _(mean) of this word, do you kn

14、ow?40. Dont forget (close) the door when you leave the room.41. Who is (healthy), Maia or Kathy?42. Whats the most popular way of _ (get) to school in China?43. She got up and _ (leave) for school at 7:30 in the morning.44. Look at the two pictures. What are the _ (different)?45. We have many _(reas

15、on )for helping the old man.46. Would you mind _ (close) the window?47. It will be _ (sun) in Beijing this weekend.48. What you (do) when your teacher came in?49. I had a difficult time (know) who was my real friend.50. Mother would like me (sweep)the floor.51. There are many _ (visit) in the park every day.52. .I must ask him to give up _ (smoke).53. Did you enjoy _ ( you ), Maria?54. . Everybody (go) to school by bike.55. Im sorry (hear) that news.56. Do you enjoy the movie (call) Avatar?7

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