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1、What chore is he doing?Guessing games!Hes sweeping the floor.What chore are they doing?They are making the bed.What chore is she doing?She is folding the clothes.A:What chores does he do every day?B:He every day.do the dishes fold the clothes clean the living roommake the bedsweep the floortake out

2、the rubbish A:What chores does he do every day?B:He every day.学科网 zxxkA:Could you please.?B:Yes,sure./All right./No problem./Certainly.Sorry,I cant.I have to do.Sorry,I cant.I am doing.Make polite requests礼貌提出请求礼貌提出请求Listen.Peter asks his father if he can do four things.What does his father say?Chec

3、k()“yes”or“no”.2aListen again.Why does Peters father say“no”?Draw lines to the reasons.2bA:Could I use your computer?B:Sorry.Im going to work on it now.A:Well,could I watch TV?B:Yes,you can,but first you have to clean your room.No,you cant.2cMake conversations between Peter and his father.1.What did

4、 the sister ask her brother to do?2.When will their mother come back?She asked him to take out the rubbish,fold the clothes and do the dishes.2dShe will be back any minute now.Read the conversation and answer:Listen and fill in the blanksS:Tony,could you please _ a few things?B:Could I at least _ th

5、is show?S:No.I think two hours of TV is_ for you!B:Fine.What do you want me to do?S:Could you _ the rubbish,_the clothes and do the dishes?2dhelp out withfinish watchingenoughtake outfoldB:So much?S:Yes,because Mom will _from shopping _ now.And she wont be happy if she sees this _.B:But the house is

6、 already_!S:Yes,well,its clean,but its not “mother clean”!be backany minutemesspretty clean and tidyRole-play the conversation.Sister:Tony,could you please help out with a few things?Brother:Could I at least finish watching this show?Sister:No.I think two hours of TV is enough for you!Brother:Fine.W

7、hat do you want me to do?Sister:Could you take out the rubbish,fold the clothes and do the dishes?2dBrother:So much?Sister:Yes,because Mom will be back from shopping any minute now.And she wont be happy if she sees this mess.Brother:But the house is already pretty clean and tidy!Sister:Yes,well,its

8、dean,but its not “mother clean”!Role-play the conversation.2ddo the dishes sweep the floor take out the rubbish make your bedclean the living room fold your clothes SummaryChores:Love your parents.Help do the chores.A:Could you please.?B:Yes,sure./All right./No problem./Certainly.Sorry,I cant.I have to do.Sorry,I cant.I am doing.How to make a polite request(礼貌的请求):礼貌的请求):Summary Write a conversation between you and your parent about doing chores at home.1.Remember 2d.2.Write a conversation between you and your parent about doing chores at home.

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