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1、高考英语第一轮复习练习精编词汇与语法训练(Unit 19-20)I. Give the Chinese or English equivalents of the following1. 对有不好的影响 2.连绵不绝3. 引进,带来,赚钱 4.换句话说5. 看情况 6.比有优势7. 追溯到 8.取笑9. 为而设立10.笑料11. roar with laughter12.in silence13. exist in 14.acta roleof15.with the intention of 16.be on good terms (with) sb17.operate on sb 18.dr

2、ive off19.look onas 20. in the direction ofII. Spell out the words accordingly, their initials given1. With the d_ of agriculture and industry, more and more waste is produced.2. From then on ,he started f_the habit of getting up early.3. The road accident cost several passengers lives, two high sch

3、ool students and a engineer i_.4. I want you to p_ one thing-to keep it secret.5.A good teacher gives his students not only knowledge but also a m_ of study.6. The man works day and night because he has a big family to s_ .7. I invited her to my birthday party yesterday but she r _ .8. When the teac

4、her came in, she p to be reading but the book in her hand was upside down,. 9. He is a famous engineer. D_ new cars is his job.10. How can I r_ the ink from my new coat?III. Fill in the blanks with the given words in proper forms1.I cant say with _ whether this is going to be a successful film. (cer

5、tain)2.I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in the five days. (sail)3.The _ of a flood was just reported over the radio. (possible)4.The picture _ on the wall is painted by my son. (hang)5.His remarks left me _ about his real purpose. (wonder)6.Do you know the boy _ under the big t

6、ree? (lie)7.Get _ quickly, or you will be late for Bettys birthday. (dress)8.The factory is now facing great difficulties. _ of man-power is the chief cause. (short)9.He had an _ look on his face. (amuse)10.Ill make it _ to all that you were once a thief. (know)IV. Complete the following sentences1.

7、中国的农民一直沿用诸如施肥和灌溉等手段来提高土地产量。Farmers in China has long used technique _ _ _and _ to make their land _ more.2.书的内容涉及农业和园艺,包括下列有关课题的意见: 种青菜果树、养牛羊、湖泊养鱼,还有酿酒的方法。It includes advice _ the _ subjects: growing green vegetables and fruit trees, _ cow, sheep and fish in the lake. There are also _ for _ wine.3.我

8、愿意有众多的观众,虽然我内心考虑更多的是成年观众。Of course, I would like to reach _ _ _, though I _ have adults _ _.4.演员们逗我们笑,靠的是那别人的衣着开玩笑,或是讲个逗乐的故事。The actors make us laugh by _ _ _ somebodys way of dressing or telling an _ story.5. 我们正要动身去海边,这时我的一位老朋友来看我。We _ _ to set off for the seaside _ one of my old friends came to s

9、ee me.6. 他使劲装出不担心的样子,但他抖动的双手暴露了真情。He tried to _ that he wasnt worried, but his shaking hands _ him _.7. 应邀参加那样的国际会议对我来说,是一种荣幸。_ is a great honour for me to _ _ to the international meeting.8. 东南亚地区由于海啸旅游业遭受重大损失。The Southeast Asia is _ a great loss in tourism _ the earthquake and tsunamis.9. 我们班并非所有的

10、学生都能回答这个问题。_ the students in our class can _ answer the question.10. 他听到母亲去世的消息,止不住眼泪直流。_ the sad news of his mothers death, he could not _ _ his tears.V. Translate the following Chinese into English1. 他不但会说法语,而且会讲德语。_2. 已请来许多专家为这项工程提建议。_3. 他在乡村呆的那些日子对他的一生有很大的影响。_4. 在过去的几年里我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。_5. 科学家们正在研究这

11、种疾病的起因。_6. 他有一种奇特的方法使他的课上得生动有趣。_7. 这古庙可追溯到18世纪, 当时这个国家受法国统治。_8. 在圣诞节他打扮成圣诞老人。_9. 像许多人一样, 我有早上锻炼的习惯。_10. 他小时候靠卖报谋生。_Keys:I. Give the Chinese or English equivalents of the following1. have a bad effect on2. a flow of 3. bring in 4. in other words 5. It (all) depends6. have advantages over 7. date back

12、 to/date from 8. make fun of 9. be intended for 10. laughing matter 11. 大笑 12. 安静地 13. 存在于 14.扮演的角色 15.有的目的 16.(与某人)关系好 17. 动手术 18. 开走,赶走 19. 把看作 20.朝着的方向II. Spell out the words accordingly, their initials given1. development 2. forming 3. included 4. promise 5. method 6.support 7. refused 8. preten

13、ded 9. designing 10. removeIII. Fill in the blanks with the given words in proper forms1.certainty 2. sailing 3.possibility 4.hanging 5. wondering6.lying 7.dressed 8.shortage 9.amusing 10. knownIV. Complete the following sentences1. such as fertilization; irrigation; produce 2. on; following; keepin

14、g; instructions; making3. a wide audience; mostly; in mind 4. making fun of; amusing 5.were about; when6.pretend; give away 7.It; be invited8.suffering from 9.All not 10.Hearing; keep backV. Translate the following Chinese into English1.He can speak German as well as French.2.Many experts have been

15、brought in to advise on the project.3.The days he spent in the country had a great effect on his life.4.Great changes have taken place in my hometown.5.Scientists are doing research on the cause of the disease.6.He has a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.7.The old temple dates back to the 18th century, when the country was ruled by France.8.He dressed up as Father Christmas at Christmas.9.In common with many people, I am in the habit of taking exercise every morning.10.He made a living by selling newspapers when he was a child.3 / 3

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