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1、人教版高中英语必修三完成句子【附答案】1.In many peoples opinion, that company ,though relatively small, is pleasant _(做生意).(deal) 2.Wood is a very popular choice ,because it is _(容易加工) and it is inexpensive.(work)3.-What do you think of the book I lent you yesterday?- 0h, not too bad. Its_(并不太难读).(difficult)4.Pepa is

2、a kind-hearted person who genuinely cares for people, which is why people find him _( 容易相处)5.He has never been abroad, but when it comes to Rome, he talks as if he _ _(去过那儿) before.6.He talks as though _(他是一名百万富翁) and could buy anything he wants.(millionaire)7._ _(明显) to everyone that the child has

3、been badly treated.(obvious)8.You can get much entertainment _(度假时) in Sri Lanka.(while)9.It is too late; he_(不可能在等待) you in the dark now. (wait)10.-Isnt that your teacher over there?-No, _ (不可能是他). I am sure he doesnt wear glasses. (it)11.Your sister _(没有必要归还) my MP4 now. She can keep it till next

4、week if she likes.(have)12.- The woman biologist had been studying wild animal for 13 years in Africa before she returns.- oh, dear! She _(一定经历了) a lot of hardship. (go)13.Jack described his father, who _(肯定是) a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed man.14.As it turned out to be a small house

5、 party, we _(没有必要打扮)so formal.(dress)15.Sir, you _(不应该坐在)in this waiting room. Its for women and children only.(ought)16.- My cat is really fat. -You _ _(不该给它) so much food. (give)17.My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday after noon, so he _ _(不可能参加) the meeting . (attend)18.Mike _ _(一定还没找

6、回) his car, for he came to work by bus this morning. (find)19.No wonder that you are scolded; you were out enjoying yourself when you _( 应该学习).(ought)20.Our English teacher has raised a suggestion in the last lecture _ _(我们朗读) English more often. (read)21.Paul is kind, hardworking and intelligent an

7、d in a word, I _(怎么夸也不为过)him.(highly)22.Every year, Tom remembers to have some flowers _(寄给他的母亲) on her birthday.(send)23.-Excuse me, sir, where is Room 301?-Just a minute. Ill have Bob _ _(将你领到你的房间).(lead) 24.They sat together around the table, with _ _(餐桌摆放好了) for a meal to cooked.(lay)25.They sat

8、 together around the table, with _(门关着).(shut)26.-Ive got to go now. -Must you? I _ _(原以为你能够)stay for dinner with us.(think)27._ _(偶然) not on purpose that I found the missing wallet in the drawer.(chance)28.It is your efforts,not your intelligence,_(决定) your success.(determine)29.When I arrived home

9、, I found _(我的手表被偷了),which made me a little upset.(steal)30.When he came back to life, he found _ _(自己躺在医院) with his parents beside him.(lie)31._ _(无论假期多长),I always feel I want a few days more.(however)32.You are welcome here;_ _(至于这名陌生人),he isnt allowed in according to the law.(as)33.With the rapid

10、 development of science and technology, I cant imagine _ _(我的家乡会是什么样子) in ten years. (what)34.I havent the slightest idea _ _( 他正在说什么) (talk)35.-I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.-thats _ _(我不同意之所在). You should have a more active life.(agree)36.Before the sales st

11、art, I make a list of _(我的孩子们所需要的) for the coming season.(need)37.You can _ _(放心) that he wont do anything that is harmful to our friendship.(depend)38.Some experts demanded strongly that children _(给予充足的时间) for sleep and play.(offer)39.Sue still doesnt remember _ _(什么时候和什么地方) that she lost her wall

12、et.(when)40.The reason why he has a sudden heart attack is _ _( 他一直在工作) the whole day without a rest.(work)41.He accidentally let out he had quarreled with his wife and _ _(他没回家) for a couple of weeks.(home)42.What doctors doubt is _ _(他是否会康复) from his serious disease or not.(recover)43.It annoyed m

13、e to think _ _(我们浪费了多少时间) in playing computer games.(waste)44.whether the flight to New York will be delayed is _ _(我特别关心的事情).(what)45.He was ill yesterday. That is _ _(他没有参加的原因) the meeting. (attend)46.See the picture on the wall. That is _ _(他们一直在画的)the whole morning.(draw)47._ _(它会变成什么) was uncer

14、tain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.(be)48.The Great Wall is _ _(一个非常出名的)tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.(well-known)49._ _(令我迷惑不解的)was why he left the meeting without telling anyone.(puzzle)50._ _(他们的共同点) is that th

15、ey are both devoted fans of Michael Jackson.(have)51._ _(不管下不下雨),Im giving a party tomorrow.(whether)52.He has got _ _(三倍多的书) as his sister.(many)53.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried _(两倍远) on the earth and fell over.(far)54.The hall is _ _ (比大五倍) our classroom.(size)55._ _(既然你

16、已经得到了) a chance, you might as well make full use of it.(that)56._ _(他是否出过国) doesnt made much difference. (he, abroad)57._ _(我从没想过) that you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.(occur)58._ _(一些人认为是) a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.(regard)59._ _(他说了) something improper at t

17、he meeting surprised all of us.(say)60.You know, in some countries,_(所谓的) “public school” are not allowed by the public(what)61._ _(不愿做) on a crowed bus, he always prefer to ride a bicycle.(rather)62._ _(冬天来了),it gets colder and colder.(come)63.-its thirty years since we last met.-but I still rememb

18、er the story, believe it or not, _(我们走丢了) on a rainy night.(lose)64.News came from the school office _(他被录取了) to Beijing University.(admit)65.The suggestion _ _(我们参观) the film studio is really exciting.(visit)66.The order _ _(我们什么时候回) hasnt reach us; so we dont know whether we have enough time to vi

19、sit.(return)67.The father made a promise yesterday _ _(如果他努力工作的话),he would take her to visit Huangshan.(work)68.The problems makes me annoyed _ _ (他总是迟到) for class.(late)69.You havent answered my question _(我是否可以参加) the evening party tonight.(join)70.There is a common belief among them _(垃圾可以并且应该) m

20、ade use of.(rubbish)71.The question came up at the meeting _(我们是否有足够的钱) for our research.(have)72.There is a feeling in me _(他走了) and gone to another city.(leave).73.-He worked out such difficult questions at such at young age-Oh, he _ _(肯定是) a very smart student then.(must)74.My uncle was poor but

21、liked fashion, so he _(经常打扮成) a rich man.(dress)75.When she told me she was only in her 40s, I thought she _(肯定是开玩笑). She looked 50 or 60.(joke)76.Jim _ _ (应该信守诺言). I wonder why he changed his idea. (word)77.He ended his letter with “looking forward to _ _(早日见到你).(see)78.Many large cities, such as L

22、iverpool and New York, have had experiments of this kind ,with old factories _(变成) successful art centers.(turn)79.The couple _( 不可能还清了他们的债务) in such a short time, for they are heavily in debts. (pay)80.The mother was trembling with anger, _ _(怒视着) her son and saying nothing.(glare)81.I was sorry th

23、at my vocabularies _(非常有限) that I could found no words to describe it.(limit)82.Tom _ _(不该告诉我) your secret, but he meant no harm.(tell)83.He _ _(不敢单独外出) and spends most of his time inside.(dare)84.Your advice_(她等待) till next week is unreasonable, so she is wise not to take it.(wait)85.Walking in the

24、 street, I often _ _(看见衣衫褴褛的乞丐). (rag)86.-I dont know about it at all. -But I _(确实听说过这件事) yesterday.(hear)87.He said he had eating nothing for a long time and _ _(他非常饥饿).(hungry)88._(好像) he didnt care about helping me out, but instead just wanted the money.(as)89.You say life is meaningless. This is

25、 _(我与你意见不一致之所在).(disagree)90.After graduation he asked to be sent _(需要他的地方) mostly.(need)91.Tom thought he must have seen a strange insect, but it was the goats eyes _(他看见了) in the darkness.92.Henry arrived in London by accident. The reason was _(他迷失方向了) at sea.(lose)93.The teacher _ _(肯定发现了) my mis

26、take in the paper, or he wouldnt have given a cross.(spot)94.Anyone who is found _ _(在教室抽烟) will be dismissed at once.(smoke)95._(不清楚)whether the company will be able to defend itself or whether it might lose the lawsuit.(clear)96.Sometimes they found _(没有必要)to refer to a dictionary even if they mee

27、t with new words.(unnecessary)97.Why didnt I ride my bike to school this morning is _( 它被使用) by my little brother.(use)98._(音乐会何时开始) isnt clear. Why dont you ask the man sitting next to you? (begin)99._(生命最初是怎样出现的) on the earth is still a mystery to scientists.(appear)100._(众所周知) is that the 2016 Ol

28、ympic Games will take place in Rio de Janeiro.(know)1 .Fortunately a soldier came to rescue _ _(及时救了) the drowning boy.(time)2 .Doctors always tell us that drinking too much _ _(有害于我们的健康),but some people dont care.(harmful)3 .An awful traffic accident _ _(的确发生了) the other day.(do)4 ._(已经得到证实) that a

29、 cat has caught the H1N1 virus from humans.(confirm)5 .The old lady accepted the suggestion from her daughter _ _(她应该购买一间房子) downtown.(buy)6 .The news_ _(他身亡) in the accident astonished all of us.(kill)7 .He received an order from the official _ _(开始工作)at once.(start)8 .The fact _(他出生于) in 1953 is n

30、ew to me. I didnt know that he is in his fifties.(born)9 .Two-thirds of money available _ _(已经投入到) helping the victims build their homes so far.(spend)10._ _( 向西走) for three hundred miles, youll find you are reaching the border of the two countries.(go)11.Do you think _ _(有可能性) that our team will wi

31、n the final match.(possibility)12.- The Changjiang River is the longest river in China. Which river comes next?-The Yellow River,_ _(第二长的河流) in China.(long)13._(最长的三条河流) in the world are the Niles, the Amazon, and the Changjiang River.14.The fact has worried many scientists _( 地球正变得越来越暖和) these year

32、s. (warm)15.I didnt hear the telephone ring last night. I _( 一定是睡着了) at that time.(asleep)16.He has gained the first prize in the competition, but he does say he _ _(不可能做得到) without the support of his team.(make)17.Mary spent almost all her time on studies and that is _ _(她已经成为的原因) a top student.(be

33、come)18._(他是否对感兴趣) the topic has nothing to do with me. I dont care. (interest)19.The doubt _ _(他被谋杀了) is finally confirmed by the police.(murder)20.My mother bought me a mobile phone, which was _ _(我需要的). (need)21.He got _ _(非常生我的气) that he didnt talk to me for a long time.(angry)22.It was on purpo

34、se _ _(他不理我) the other day. (ignore)23.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant _ _(感到很沮丧).( frustrate )24.What worries his parents most is _(他怎样谋生) when wandering in that country. (earn)25.Pepa is a kind-hearted person who genuinely cares for people, which is why people find him _ _ _ (容易相处).(get)26.W

35、hen the New Year bell sounds, fireworks and cracker begin to explode here and there,_ _ _ (这通常要持续几个小时). (last)27.- Im sorry. I_(怒视you the other day.-Forget it. It was a bit out of control myself. (ought)28.Their balanced diet became _( 非常成功) that before long Wang Peng became slimmer.(success)29.The

36、police are waiting for the robber at the Paris airport. He _ _ ( 肯定发现了)by someone when boarding a plane for Paris.(spot)30.The suggestion brought up at yesterdays meeting was that nobody _ _(作弊不受惩罚).(get) 31.With the rapid development of science and technology, I cant imagine _ _(会发生什么变化) in my home

37、town in ten years.(take)32.Lily still doesnt remember _ _(什么时候和什么地方) that she lost her wallet.(when)33.He enjoyed sitting in a corner of the teahouse, seeing people coming in and out and _ _(听他们谈话).34.The teacher sat there,_ _(想听到) what Peter had to say for himself.(curious)35.The little boy went to

38、 sleep with _ _ (放着一本书) next to him.(lie)36.The government tried to supply them with all _(他们急需要的)during the war.(need)37.The government has to close small paper factories to prevent the water of the river _(受到污染)38.I cheered immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin _ _(看着地球变小) and the moon larger.(watch)39._ _(不想乘飞机) all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and the

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