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1、Hey guys , today is my honor to talk something about my hometown to you here . My hometown is an unnameable and small city in northeast of China , people call it JIXI .大家晚上好,今天很荣幸能够在这小小的微信群里有这么个机会给大家介绍下本人的家乡,名不转经传的一个东北的小城市,鸡西.I still remember, when I first time came to Beijing in 2004. Some my new f

2、riends ask me about hometown , when I told them I am from JIXI .they just look at me with the blank expression ,that really make me feel embarrassed ; I totally understand why they looked at me blankly , because this small town is strange to most people , it doesnt like some big city like BEIJING ,

3、SHANGHAI , CHONGQING etc , everybody know them.2004年我记得刚来北京的时候,当有人问起我的家乡的时候,我回答道:鸡西,更多人脸上呈现出的是茫然。其实我的内心是很明白的,鸡西这座并不算大的城市对于很多人还是比较陌生的,因为它并不像,北京,上海,重庆等城市那么有名,人人皆知。Ok , first of all , talking about how this city s name came .lets start from the most famous mountain here. Its name is JIGUAN mountain . A

4、nd, you know there is an ancient legend about JIGUAN mountain .Long long ago , the farmland of the both side of the river is irrigated by MULING river which is the major rive in this city even today . People lived here really love this river , they swimming here , fishing here , boating here and was

5、hing here .the river brings a lot of convenience to them , so they also call this rive mother river.首先说一下鸡西市名字的由来.说道名字的由来,首先我们先了解下这里最最有名的山,它的名字叫鸡冠山.关于鸡冠山的由来可是有着古老的传说的.相传在很久很久以前,这里有条有名的河流叫做穆棱河,浇灌着两岸的农田。居住在中下游的人们尽情地游泳呀,打渔呀,行船呐,引水浇地呀,尽情地享受着穆棱河水给予的便利。人们亲切的称之为母亲河.Suddenly one day , there is an enormous t

6、urtle swim here and hiding in the deep . Midnight , this huge turtle came out from water and eating the animals raising by people here ,such as chickens , ducks , sheeps , and cows .even more , this evil turtle leads to flooding often and often . The flood inundated the whole farmland ,destroying cr

7、ops . People here are suffering .The few superstitious and ignorant people think this turtle is immortal desend to the earth ,so they offered sacrifices to the turtle . But most people think this turtle is evil . So they expected there will be a redeemer coming for them.忽然有一天,这里呀游来一只巨大的乌龟,潜藏在深水里。它经常

8、出没吞食乡亲们饲养的鸡鹅与猪羊。还不时地兴风作浪,掀动河水泛滥,淹没良田,毁坏庄稼。乡亲们深受其害,一些迷信的人还烧香上供,祈祷龟精保佑风平浪静。还有些人更加希望天公派神兵下界除掉龟妖。One day ,when this evil turtle came out from water and ready to lead flooding . Suddenly , there are two huge roosters with the gold feathers flying in to here . They are wheeling in the air with deafening c

9、rowing , two minutes later ,they start attacking this evil turtle . People who lived here also involve in this war , The roosters peck the eyes of turtle ,the people throw big stones at the turtle . This is a really fierce battle .4 hours later ,this huge and evil turtle finally be killed . People j

10、ump for joy , a grand celebration is hold on the both sides of the river. One day later ,these two golden roosters has become two lofty mountains after morning ringing . The shape of the mountains just like crest of rooster , so people call it JIGUAN mountain . It was told the golden chicken is Chic

11、ken star officer of the twenty eight constellation . 这一天龟精又大兴风浪,天空中雷电交加,倾盆般大雨砸了下来,眼看着万顷良田尽被淹没。在这危急时刻,忽然从西方飞来两只大公鸡,上下盘旋,啼声震天响亮。两鸡上下左右轮番向乌龟发动攻击,啄咬着乌龟的眼睛。老乡们见状大喜过望,连忙擂鼓助战,投掷石头、石灰,足足斗了两个多时辰,大乌龟终于被大公鸡啄瞎了眼睛,又被乡亲们扔的石头打碎了乌龟壳,漂浮水面,死于非命。那两只大公鸡落在岸上,长鸣三声就地化为两座雄伟的巍峨的山峰,状似鸡冠子。人们管大的叫大鸡冠山,小的叫小鸡冠山。那么乌龟也变化为一座小山丘,形同乌龟

12、模样,头朝北,尾朝南,像是对着穆棱河唉声叹气的样子。那就是鸡东县得胜村的后山,听老人们说,那两只大公鸡原是天上二十八星宿中的昴日鸡星官,受玉帝派遣下界为民除害的呢! now this story is over , let us to know why this city call JIXI ,reason is simple ,just because this city is located on the west of the JIGUAN mountain , JI here means the JIGUAN mountain , XI means the west .Ok , now

13、 lets talk something about this city .JIXI is located on the southeast of HEILONGJIANG province which is the sixth largest province in China . East of this city is Very closed to Russia , only one river which is call the WUSULIJIANG as a boundary lake . On this area of land, there are high mountains

14、, long rivers, undulating hills and boundless plains 说完鸡冠山的由来,就进入主题,说说鸡西市的由来,因为这座城市位于鸡冠山的西边,所以就叫做鸡西.鸡西是个市级单位。鸡西市位于中国第六大省份黑龙江省东南部,东、东南以乌苏里江和松阿察河为界与俄罗斯隔水相望,西、南与牡丹江市接壤,北与七台河市相连。看看这个位置,不论古今,这绝对是兵家必争之地.鸡西市境内地势起伏,地形以山地、丘陵、平原为主,As for the geomorphic features of this city ,we can describe it with a sentence

15、 , four mountain ,one water ,one grassland and four farmland . 四山一水一草四分田 in Chinese . That means four in ten mountains area ,one in ten river system ,one in ten grassland and four in ten farmland .JIXI city covers a area of 22500 square meters . It is consist of 6 districts , 3 counties and 49 villa

16、ges .When the people talking about JIXI, there is always a same word come to the mind .it is coal . Because it is one of the most important industrial bases in northeast part of China . The biggest coal city in northeast of China .地貌特征可以用“四山一水一草四分田”什么意思呢?百分之40是山地,百分之十的水域面积,百分之十的绿地,百分之四十的耕地。 境内有4条主要河

17、流,均属乌苏里江水系,我相信大家对乌苏里江并不陌生,它是中国和俄罗斯的边界河。鸡西这座城市是由6个区、3个县(市)、49个乡(镇)组成,总面积达到2.25万平方公里。其实谈到鸡西,在许多人的脑海里浮现出的第一个词语是煤城,因为它是东北老工业基地主要城市之一,东北地区最大煤城、黑龙江省“四大煤城”之首。According to the census in 2010 .the population of this city is 2 million . The economic situation remains terrible in nearly 20 years . This make a

18、result that a lot of locals moved the living quarters to another cities and not enough young labor in this city .For dreams , for better life , so many young people go to the big cities work ,like Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou . Actually , I am a good example , 13years ago , I came to Beijing and

19、 became the north bleaching . Even so , I have never stop to love my hometown .那这座城市的人口有多少呢?虽然我是鸡西人,但为了对得起大家,对大家负责,前不久我还是查阅了下资料,得到的数字是200万,可是这个数字是2010年的。7年后的今天到底是多少呢?这个不太好搞清楚,因为近20年这里的经济状况持续走低,很多本地人很早就开始迁往别的城市去生活,本地年轻生产力也比较少,为了生活,为了每个人各自的梦想,大多数年轻人都离开了家乡去往大城市去工作,作为一个地道的北漂,我就是其中之一。虽然工作在北京,但不会影响到我对自己家乡

20、的那份热爱。JIXI as a small city but with a long history . From 6000 years ago , the ancestor of this region which called sushen man have labored , lived and multiplied on this black earth . And created great ancient fishing and hunting civilization .-XINKAILIU culture .Maybe you are not familiar to sushe

21、n man , the descendants of the sushen man are much famous . They are yilou , wuji and nvzhen .这座城市虽然小,但这里的历史可不短,鸡西地区是中国东北边陲开发较早的地区。早在六千年前,鸡西地区的先民肃慎人就开始生息繁衍在这片肥沃的黑土地上,创造了灿烂的古代渔猎文明新开流文化。以后,肃慎人的后裔的足迹又遍及了鸡西大地。肃慎人的后裔都有谁呢.挹娄、勿吉,说到这,大家一头雾水,表示没听说过,那么我再说一个人大家就都知道了还包括女真人。Ok , lets talking about that if you ca

22、me to JIXI someday , where you can go ?Firstly , you have to go to JIXI leisure square . Although it is not enough famous like Tiananmen square . It is the second largest square in China and the symbol of the historic culture and good ecological environment of JIXI . The whole square covers a area o

23、f 1.63 million square meters and is consist of central plaza ,mulinghe river plaza , water park , sandbeach square , and wetland square . Providing a wide choice of entertainment . Especially , came in winter for all the Snow sports . But , the most famous one is the relief wall which is located on

24、the east side of the central plaza . As the biggest art district of sculpture in whole China .The relief wall records the history of social development of this city . 我说一说,如果有一天你来到了鸡西,有哪些景点可以去游览一下哈,首先我们可以去鸡西休闲广场,虽然它的社会地位不如天安门广场,中国第二大广场(这里说的广场不是城市中心广场),是鸡西历史文化与生态良好的象征。广场占地163万平方米,由中心广场、穆棱河广场、水上公园、沙滩广

25、场、湿地公园,等区域组成。尤其是冬季来到了这里,我们可以体验到几乎所有的冰雪上的娱乐项目,要说这里最有名的要属位于中心广场东侧的浮雕墙,记录着计息社会的发展史,是目前中国最大的雕塑艺术区。Secondly , you can not miss the very beautiful spot here , xingkai lake . As a national 4 A class scenic spot in China is a very famous tourist attraction for vacation and life preserving . And people give

26、it a nickname the oriental havaii .XINGKAI river in spring is one of the most famous place for bird - watching in the world .XINGKAI river in summer is a great summer resort for people.XINGKAI river in autumn is a charming colourful world . It is a must go place for photographer .XINGKAI RIVER in wi

27、nter is a silver world . Everywhere , silver-coated scene . Day and night , frontier guards defend our motherlands border areas standing in the snow and cold wind . . So they are the most cutest .In addition , the QILIN mountain , zhenbao island ,calligraphic art gallery of great northern wilderness

28、 and TIEXI forest park etc , all of these are worth visting place .我们还可以去兴凯湖,兴凯湖是国家AAAA级度假、养生、旅游胜地,素有“东方夏威夷”之美称。春天的兴凯湖,是世界上最著名的观鸟地之一。夏天的兴凯湖是黑龙江很好的避暑胜地。秋天的兴凯湖,色彩万千。而且是个丰收的季节。景色别有一番风味。冬天的兴凯湖,银装素裹。十分美丽。清晨,边防战士迎着寒风,趟着厚厚的积雪,巡逻在边防线上,他们称得上是最可爱的人。除此之外.麒麟山,珍宝岛,北大荒书法艺术长廊和铁西森林公园等都是非常值得去的地方。If you are the one w

29、ho like exploration , you can go with me to any field mountains area , you may see the fox ,rabbit ,sha pao zi and xiong xia zi , sha pao zi is a kind of deer , we call it roe deer . Xiong xia zi is local language . Actually it means bear .If you are the one like delicious food , you have to try the

30、 local carp from XINGKAI river . Because this kind of carp is totally white color . So we call it white carp and DABAIYU in Chinese . The test of DABAIYU is even better than the crab if you know the traditional way to cook it .如果你是个喜欢探险的人,那你可以和我去这里任何的野山区,在那里我们可以看到狐狸,兔子,傻狍子和熊瞎子,傻狍子是一种鹿,熊瞎子就是当地的土话,狗熊的

31、意思.如果喜欢美食的朋友,一定要尝尝兴凯湖的大白鱼,色白如玉,个头重达七八斤,体形颀长,以善游著称。大白鱼和乌苏里江中的鲑鱼,绥芬河中的滩头鱼并称“边寒三珍”。大白鱼的肉十分的鲜美,加上独特的烹饪方法,人们都说比螃蟹肉都好吃,所以被称之为赛蟹肉。In fact , the most famous local food should be JIXI cold noodle and JIXI spicy dish.JIXI cold noodle is the food integration of Chinese and north korea . Cold noodle is the trad

32、itional food in North korea . I do believe that lot of you have eaten it . But the authentic one you only can find it here. The cold noodle should be with beef ,chili,pickle,slice of pear or apple and beef soup .When you have the cold noodle , indispensable is spicy dish. Also called cold noodle dis

33、h . It is base on traditional spicy dish in North korea . The food material of cold dish include dried bean curd ,thin sheets of bean curd ,platycodon grandiflorum ,kelp, fiddlehead ,beef and fish etc. That is really delicious .Salmon from HEILONGJIANG river , rice from HULIN and ZHENBAO island ,shr

34、imp from XINGKAI RIVER and black fungus here . All these things you need to try .既然说到吃.我们家乡最最有名的食物就是鸡西冷面和辣菜了.鸡西冷面:鸡西冷面是“中朝合壁”的产物。冷面本是朝鲜族的传统食品,我相信很多人吃过冷面,但是正宗的冷面是用荞麦面或小麦面加淀粉加水拌匀,压成圆面条,煮熟后浸以冷水,再去冷水伴牛肉片、辣椒、泡菜、梨或苹果片、酱醋、香油等佐料,加入牛肉汤即成。以前汉族人看到压制冷面的器具是木合子,便称为“盒勒面”。由于吃冷面离不开辣菜,又被称为冷面菜,是由传统朝鲜族辣菜发展来的。朝鲜族原只有白菜等几

35、种辣泡菜,而鸡西冷面菜以辣拌为主,有干豆腐,桔梗,豆腐泡,豆圈、海带丝、海桔梗、黄花菜、干鱼丝、蕨菜、牛肉、猪耳朵,岘子等五十多余种。所以来到鸡西,冷面,辣菜可是您不容错过的!黑龙江的大马哈鱼,虎林和珍宝岛的大米,兴凯湖的白虾,还有这里的黑木耳都是您不容错过的。举不胜举.说道这里我都流口水了.If you come to JIXI in winter, even though you dont go to any scenic spots , you do not try any local famous food . You just go with me to any wild mount

36、ains with thick snow . We can play sledge for whole day .never feel boring but a lot of fun . Then we sit on the beatable brick bed at night . Enjoy local famous braised pork with vermicelli and local strong wine . That is another best way to enjoy the life of North China .如果冬季您来到了鸡西,即便您不去有名的景点,不品尝当地特色的小吃,也不会只要您跟着我,我们拉着我早已经准备好的爬犁(雪橇),我们可以在任何一个载有积雪的山坡玩上他一整天,保证你不会感到无聊,而是相当的有意思.晚上再坐在火炕上,让久违的翠花,端上一盆香喷喷的酸菜炖粉条,品尝着东北的烈酒.才能真正感受到北国的风采!Welcome to JIXI , my friends !

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