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1、1 (每日一练每日一练)()(文末附答案文末附答案)2022)2022 届初中英语宾语从句易混淆知识点届初中英语宾语从句易混淆知识点 单选题 1、下列 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,哪一个是宾语从句?AHis mother called him Robbie when he was a baby.BOn Mars you might see people who wear special boots.CMr.Green tells us that wed better use the Internet properly.DOur life has improved because the env

2、ironment is getting better.2、What time will your father be back to China?Sorry,I dont know _.Awhen will he come backBhow soon will he be back Cwhen he went abroadDhow long he will stay abroad 3、Since May 31st,2021,China has allowed all families to have up to three children.Can you tell me _?To deal

3、with the challenge of a rapid aging(老龄化)population,China Daily reported.Awhat the population of China is Bwhy the government did it like this Cwhen the families might have three children 4、“Sir,its true that being happy is an ability.So can you tell me_.”Yes,just as President Xi says,“Happiness is a

4、chieved through hard work”.2 Awho can help achieve happinessBhow we can find happiness Cwhy happiness is so importantDwhether it is necessary to achieve happiness 5、Quite a few people watch the program called Street Dance of China 这!就是街舞now.Can you tell me _?Sure.The dancers dance well and they crea

5、te their own dance.Ahow I can learn to danceBwhy they like to watch it Cwhich dancer is in the programDwhether is it a good program 6、Though my dog _ for three months,I sometimes see him in my dream.Im sorry to hear _ your pet dog has died.Ahas died;whenBhas been dead;that Cdied;whichDwas dead;what

6、7、Do you know _ tomorrow morning?At about ten.Awhen will Mario arriveBwhen Mario will arriveChow will Mario arriveDhow Mario will arrive 8、Did you know why _?He was ill in hospital.Ahe doesnt come to schoolBhe didnt come to schoolChe came to school 9、Peter,is there anything else you want to know abo

7、ut the famous people?Yes,I am still wondering _.Ahow much does Yao Ming weigh Bwhen Audrey Hepburn had entered the film industry Cthat Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon 3 Dif Professor Zhong Nanshan still works for medical research 10、Could you tell me_?In a month.Ahow often he goes fi

8、shing Bhow often he went fishing Chow soon he will come back Dhow soon will he come back 11、Were wondering _.Because he has to look after his mother.Awhen he is leavingBwhen is he leaving Cwhy he is leavingDwhy is he leaving 12、Can you tell me _ on Mothers Day?Well.I wrote a poem for my mother.Awher

9、e you wentBwhere did you go Cwhat you didDwhat did you go 13、Could you tell me _?She rides a bike.Ahow she goes to schoolBwhat she usually doesCwhen she goes to school 4 2022 届初中英语宾语从句_006 参考答案 1、答案:C 解析:句意:下列 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,哪一个是宾语从句?考查宾语从句。His mother called him Robbie when he was a baby.“他小时候妈妈叫他罗比。

10、”,此句由 when 引导时间状语从句;On Mars you might see people who wear special boots.“在火星上你可能会看到穿特殊靴子的人。”,此句为定语从句,先行词为 people,关系词为 who;Mr.Green tells us that wed better use the Internet properly.“格林先生告诉我们,我们最好正确使用互联网。”,此句为宾语从句,连接词为 that,从句语序为陈述句语序,在整个句子中作宾语。Our life has improved because the environment is gettin

11、g better.“我们的生活有所改善,因为环境越来越好。”,此句由 because 引导原因状语从句。题目要求选出宾语从句,C 为宾语从句。故选 C。2、答案:D 解析:句意:你父亲什么时候回中国?对不起,我不知道他要在国外待多久。考查宾语从句。know 后缺少宾语,用宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序,排除 AB。主句是一般现在时,主现从不限,结合“What time will your father be back to China?”可知要用一般将来时,排除 C。故选 D。3、答案:B 解析:句意:-自 2021 年 5 月 31 日起,中国允许所有家庭可以生三胎。你能告诉我政府为什么这样做

12、吗?为了应对人口快速老龄化的挑战,中国日报报道。考查宾语从句。what the population of China is 中国的人口是多少;why the government did it like this 政府为什么这样做;when the families might have three children 什么时候这些家庭可能有三个孩子。根据“To deal with the 5 challenge of a rapid aging(老龄化)population”可知回答是表示目的,所以前面问的是原因,故选 B。4、答案:B 解析:句意:“先生,确实,快乐是一种能力。那么你能告诉

13、我我们怎样才能找到幸福吗?”是的,正如习主席所说,“幸福是通过努力获得的”。考查宾语从句。分析句子可知,此处是宾语从句,根据“Happiness is achieved through hard work”可知幸福是通过努力获得的,故前文应提问如何获得幸福,用 how 引导宾语从句。故选 B。5、答案:B 解析:句意:现在有不少人在看名为这!就是街舞的节目。你能告诉我他们为什么喜欢看吗?当然。舞蹈演员们跳得很好,他们创造了自己的舞蹈。考查宾语从句。宾语从句应该用陈述句语序,排除 D;根据“The dancers dance well and they create their own danc

14、e.”可知,此处是问“为什么他们喜欢看”。故选 B。6、答案:B 解析:句意:尽管我的狗已经死了三个月了,我有时会在我的梦里见到他。很遗憾听到你的宠物狗死了。本题考查现在完成时和宾语从句。根据“for three months”可知,第一空应该使用现在完成时 have/has done,且die 是非延续性动词,不能跟一段时间连用,需要转换成延续性动词 be dead,主语 my dog 是第三人称单数,因此第一空填写 has been dead;动词“hear”之后是一个宾语从句,空格处缺少引导词,根据句意“很遗憾听到你的宠物狗死了”可知,此处引导词只起到连接作用,没有实际意义,因此用 th

15、at。故选 B。7、答案:B 6 解析:句意:你知道 Mario 明天什么时候到吗?大约在 10 点。考查宾语从句。根据“At about ten.”可知,回答的是时间,所以从句用 when 引导,排除选项 C 和 D;根据宾语从句用陈述语序的规则可知,助动词 will 应位于主语之后。故选 B。8、答案:B 解析:句意:你知道他为什么没来学校吗?他生病住院了。考查宾语从句。此句是宾语从句,遵循“主过从必过”,排除 A 选项。根据“He was ill in hospital”可知,询问为什么没来学校,故选 B。9、答案:D 解析:句意:彼得,关于名人你还有什么想知道的吗?是的,我在想钟南山教

16、授是否还在从事医学研究。考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序,排除选项 A;主句是现在进行时,从句不限时态,B 项描述过去的事,时态应用一般过去时,故排除 B 项;根据“I am still wondering”可知,从句描述一个不知道的问题,that 引导的宾语从句用于陈述事件,与语境不符,故排除 C 项;D 项符合语法和语境。故选 D。10、答案:C 解析:句意:你可以告诉我他什么时候回来么?一个月之后。考查宾语从句。根据“in a month”可知,此处应用 how soon 引导宾语从句,表示“多久之后”。此外,宾语从句语序为陈述句。故选 C。11、答案:C 7 解析:句意:我们想知道他为

17、什么要走。因为他要照顾他的母亲。考查宾语从句。when 什么时候;why 为什么。根据“Because he has to look after his mother.”可知,上文是询问原因的,因此是 why;又因宾语从句要用陈述句语序,故选 C。12、答案:C 解析:句意:你能告诉我你在母亲节做了什么吗?嗯我为母亲写了一首诗。考查宾语从句。宾语从句应用陈述语序:连接词+主语+谓语,据此排除 BD 选项;再根据“I wrote a poem for my mother.”可知指的是做的事情,故选 C。13、答案:A 解析:句意:你能告诉我她是怎么上学的吗?她骑自行车。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,根据答语“She rides a bike.”可知,此处对方式进行提问,故选 A。

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