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1、第 1 页Unit20 New Frontiers-词汇篇 1_1、掌握本单元 warm-up 及 Lesson 1 中的重点单词,短语及句型。2、灵活运用本单元 warm-up 及 Lesson 1 中的重点单词,短语及句型。一重点单词一重点单词1.beneficial adj.有裨益的词汇拓展:beneifit n.益处,好处 v.使受益,得益于短语拓展:be beneficial to 对有益处for sb.s beneifit 为了某人的利益beneifit from/by 得益于Fresh air is beneficial to ones health.新鲜空气有益于健康。He h

2、asnt benefited from the experience.他并没有从这次经历中得到好处。2.latter n.后者;adj.后者的,后面的(back)the former.,the latter.前者,后者the latter part 后部分the latter point 后一点the latter year 晚年This latter part is of great importance.后一个论点是非常重要的。Of the two choices,I prefer the latter.在这两个选择中,我更喜欢后者。夯实基础(1)I invited Tom and Mar

3、y to my birthday party.The former(前者)is 15 years old and the latter(后者)is 14 years old.(2)Of your two examples,I prefer the latter(更喜欢后者).3.present adj.现存的,当前的;在场的,出席的;n.礼物(gift);目前;v.授予(give.to);展现,展示;呈现;主持(电视或广播节目)at presentat the present time现在;目前be present at 出席in the presence of sb.in ones pres

4、ence 当着的面,在面前present sth.to sb.present sb.with sth.向某人赠送某物第 2 页make a present of sth.to sb.make sb.a present of sth.把某物赠送给某人for the present for the time being目前;暂时Besides,there are some presents I bought for my family members and friends;it will be a great disappointment to me if I cant find the sui

5、tcase.而且,箱子里面有我为家人和朋友买的礼物,如果找不到它,我会很失望。(重庆书面表达)图解助记 特别提醒present 作前置定语时意为“目前的”;作后置定语时,意为“出席的,在场的”。例:The present president present at the meeting presented us with a present.出席会议的现任总统给我们赠送份礼物。4.rescue v.营救;拯救;救援;n.营救;救援rescue sb./sth.from sth.从中营救go/come to ones rescue 去/来救某人rescuer n.救助者,救星,援救者We wer

6、e about to close down the business,but the bank went/came to our rescue with a huge loan.我们几乎要停业,但银行借出了一大笔钱救了我们。Rescuers searched the rubble for survivors.救援人员在瓦砾中搜寻幸存者。词义辨析rescue,save(1)rescue 意为“营救,救援”,指从危险中迅速有效地援救、抢救,一般指人,也指抢救东西不致毁坏。(2)save 意为“拯救、救出”,是普通用语,指使受害者或物摆脱危险,使其保存或生存下来。5.especially adv.特

7、别,尤其易混单词易混词词义区别especially特别,尤其表示某事物在重要性上超过其他事物specially专门地表示专门地,为特别目的particularly特别,尤其表示与同类事物不同的个别事物The crime rate is rising,especially in urban areas.犯罪率正在上升,尤其是在城镇地区。The boats are specially built for the disabled.这些船是专门为残疾人建造的。Keep your office looking good,particularly your desk.让你的办公室保持美观,特别是你的桌子

8、。6.worn adj.磨损的,用旧的wear v.穿;戴 其过去是 wore,过去分词为 worn短语拓展:wear out 磨损,穿破worn out 疲惫不堪;破烂不堪的第 3 页His pants have been worn out.Can I sit down?Im worn out.二重点短语二重点短语 1.in advance/ahead of time 提前,预先advance n.进步,进展;v.前进,行进;发展,进步advance on/upon/towards 朝前进in advance of 在前面;超前advanced adj.高级的;先进的;晚期的Thank yo

9、u in advance!提前向你表示感谢。夯实基础(1)His ideas were in advance of his times(在他那个时代之前).(2)Napoleons army advanced on/upon/towards(朝着前进)Moscow.2.look into 调查,审察短语拓展:look on 旁观look up 查阅look into 调查look out 小心,当心look through 仔细检查3.die of 死于die of 与 die from 的区别die of死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词 of.如:die

10、of illness(heart trouble,cancer,a fever,etc)死于疾病(心脏病,癌症,发烧等)die from死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因),一般用介词 from.如:die from an earthquakedie out 灭绝,消失die off 先后死去die away 逐渐减弱,逐渐消失4.carry out 实施1)实施,执行They are carring out urgent repairs.他们正在进行抢修。2)进行(查询、调查)第 4 页Extensive tests have been carried

11、out on the patient.已对患者进行了全面检查。carry on 继续做,坚持干carry through 成功完成,顺利实现carry off 获得;赢得5.mighte have done 过去可能做了某事must have done 过去肯定做了某事cant/couldnt have done 过去不可能做了某事should have done 过去本应该做某事could have done 过去本能够做某事It must have rained last night,for the road is quite muddy.昨晚一定下雨了,因为路很泥泞。He cannot

12、have forgotten it.他不可能忘了它。三重点识记词汇三重点识记词汇1.mass n.质量;物质;adj.大量的2.latter n.后者3.handy adj.方便使用的 4.shortly adv.不久;很快5.download vt.下载 6.update vt.更新7.conflict n.争执;冲突 8.equality n.平等9.stain n.污迹,污点 10.starvation n.饥饿11.in advance 预先 12.welfare n.福利例 1.(2019 广东惠州调研)When someone has deeply hurt you,it can

13、be extremely difficult to let go of your dislike.But forgiveness is possibleand it can be surprisingly_ to your physical and mental health.A.harmful B.beneficial C.commercial D.painful解析:句意:当有人深深地伤害了你时,将你的厌恶放下是困难的。但是宽恕是有可能的而且它对你的身心健康可能都会有惊人的帮助。根据语境可知前后句为转折关系,beneficial 意为有裨益的。由句意可知本题答案。答案:B例 2.(2019

14、 安徽)Terry,please _your cellphone when Grandma is talking to you.A.look up from B.look into C.look back on D.look through解析:本题考查动词短语句意:Terry,当奶奶和你说话的时候,请将头从手机上抬起来。四个选项的含义分别是:A.look up from 从抬起头,B.look into 调查,研究,C.look back on 回顾,D.look through 浏览。所以可知本题答案。答案为 A 例 3.(2019 福建)Anyone,whether he is an o

15、fficial or a bus driver,should be _respected.A.especiallyB.naturallyC.equallyD.normally解析:本题考查副词辨析.A 尤其,特别;B 自然地;C 公平地,平等地;D 正常地;句意:任何人,无论他是官员还是司机,都应该被公平地对待.根据句意可知本题答案.第 5 页答案:C 例 4.(2019 山东桓台二中期末)Its a good idea,But who is going to _the plan?I think Tom and Greg will.A.set aside B.carry outC.take i

16、n D.get through解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。由语境可知本句所表达的句意:这是个好主意,但是谁来执行这个计划?我认为 Tom 和 Greg 可以。set aside 留出;carry out 执行;take in 吸入;get through 完成。根据句意可知本题答案。答案:B例 5.(2019 海淀一模)She _have attended the meeting,for she was doing paperwork in the office then.A.shouldn tB.mustntC.wouldntD.couldn t解析:句意:她不可能参加那次会议,因为那个时候

17、她正在办公室写文件。Shouldnt 不应该;mustnt 禁止;wouldnt 表示意愿;couldnt 不可能由此可知本题答案。答案:D基础演练基础演练一根据英文释义写出单词1._ to bring something up to date 2._easy to use or to do 3._in a short time;soon 4._ to move data to a computer system from the Internet 5._ to estimate the value Keys:1.update 2.handy 3.shortly 4.download 5.as

18、sess巩固提高巩固提高二根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空1.The flight was delayed because of _(技术上的)reasons.2.It was a race against time to stop people dying from _(饥饿).3.They live and work together in complete _(平等)and brotherhood.4.Reading and walking are his favorite forms of _(消遣).5.Have you_(下载)the film?6.He is a_

19、专家)in Asian history.7.They have fought against racial _(歧视)for many years.8.The reference book is very _(方便使用的).9.Who will a_ you with the task?10.Your opinion c_ with his.一用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空in terms of,in advance,in conclusion,shortly after,out of the ordinary,in progress,by mistake,nothing like第 6 页1

20、.He was about to throw it away when he noticed something _.2.During the Spring Festival,wed better book tickets _.3._coming back from the hospital,Tom gave up smoking.4.And thats why youre seeing so many leaps _.5.I brought other peoples baggage_.6.Now,I want my family to include a little girl who l

21、ooks_ me or my wife.7.Computers will be more powerful than the human brain_ intelligence.8._,space exploration is still in its initial stage.二用所给单词的适当形式填空1.He always comes to my _(assist)when Im in trouble.2.He is an excellent writer and full of _(imagine).3.Millions will face _(starve)next year as

22、a result of the drought.4.Women havent achieved full _(equal)with men in the workplace.5.Whats your_(assess)of the current situation in Egypt?_一单项选择一单项选择()1.The people in the neighborhood _ the police _finding the murder.A.help;toB.help;withC.assist;inD.assist;with()2.Your statement is _ the rest of

23、 the evidence.A.in conflict withB.with conflict inC.in conflictingD.in conflicting with()3.It is reported that many battles broke out in Middle East.Whats your _ of the situation there?A.assessmentB.anxietyC.comprehensionD.consideration()4.The crew of the shuttle _ made up of two women and five men,

24、who _ all devoted to their enterprise.A.is;areB.are;isC.is;isD.are;are()5.Everyone has to take further study,or he will be left _as the knowledge and information are being _ quickly.A.behind;updatedB.after;updatingC.last;updated D.behind;to update()6.Hearing the good news,he found it very difficult

25、_ sleep.A.to get toB.to fallC.ge t toD.fall into()7.Of these two basketball teams,the former comes from the US;the _comes from England.A.lateB.laterC.latterD.lately()8.In industrialization it is important to prevent pollution._ important is to take measures 第 7 页to check the rise in price.A.EquallyB

26、.GenerallyC.SimilarlyD.Namely()9.Peter was so excited _ he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.A.whereB.thatC.whyD.when()10.It is difficult to imagine his _the decision without any consideration.A.acceptB.acceptingC.to acceptD.accepted二二.阅读理解阅读理解COOL INVENTIONSFor light sleeper

27、sMillions of people have trouble falling asleep each night,which is why Light Sleeper was created.Developed in the United Kingdom,LightSleepers makers say it can help a person fall asleep and also help a person fall back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night.LightSleeper works by proje

28、cting(投射)a light onto the ceiling while the person is lying down.The idea is to watch the light,because the light moving in a circle has a relaxing effect.One of the advantages of the product is that it wont disturb other people in the room.The product can be easily moved and will switch itself off

29、after 30 minutes to save power.Stop the snoring(打鼾打鼾)Heres a new product designed to slow down the frequency and level of your snoring.The Snore Stopper has a sensitive instrument that will detect when youre snoring.Once it does that,it will send a very mild electronic signal to your wrist.This cons

30、equently changes your sleeping position to stop you from snoring.The Snore Stopper wont cause any damage to your body.Get your true colorsPhotoshop features a pen that will copy the color settings of what you are monitoring onscreen to use as a color in your program.Now an off-line product allows yo

31、u to pick a color when not using the computer software.The Color Picker is a concept pen.After placing the pen against an object,the user just presses the scan button.Color sensors(感应器)inside the pen send information to a box,which then mixes red,green and blue to produce the desired ink color.Keep

32、it freshMore high technology products are showing up in the kitchen.A new Bagel dome(圆顶形物)advertises that it will keep your baked goods fresher for longer periods of time.The product,which is able to remove air,works for bread rolls,cakes and other perishables.To use it,you just push a button at the

33、 top.()1.How can LightSleeper help a person fall asleep?A.Its light makes people feel calm.B.It doesnt make any noise.C.It is fixed on the ceiling.D.Its light moves fast.第 8 页()2.What do we know about the Snore Stopper?A.It will cause slight damage to a persons body.B.It will wake a person up once h

34、e starts snoring.C.It can make sure a person doesnt snore all night.D.It can make a person snore less by changing his sleeping position.()3.The Color Picker will probably be used while youre _.A.using the computer B.drawing picturesC.collecting information D.designing a program()4.The underlined wor

35、d“perishables”in the last paragraph refers to foods which _.A.are easy to keep B.go bad easilyC.are rich in vitamins D.keep you thin三三.完形填空完形填空 Nowadays robots can not only talk and dance,but also answer your questions in English.They are“1”.The following is the first China-made“beauty”2.A new 168-c

36、m high“beauty”robot who has not yet been3looks wonderful in a red wedding4.She can act as a tour guide,a receptionist,5a hostess.Her face6the beautiful facial characteristics of many girls.And her eyes can move.“The robot is the first human simulation(仿真)7in China,and she is8with the most advanced v

37、oice and movement control technologies and9communicate with humans,”said Li Chengrong,chief10of the robot,who works for the Chinese Academy of Science Institute of Automation.“She replies 11 if you praise her by saying You are so12.”The sentences that the robot can understand and say are13at present

38、.“We will improve her in the future,to make her talk14with human beings,”Li said.15the“beauty”will work as a receptionist and tour guide in Sichuan Science Museum,she has been programmed to16the southwestern dialect that is popular in inland Sichuan Province.Li said the lab17for designing and making

39、 the robot was 300,000 yuan(37,500 U.S.dollars).The robot is equipped with interactive technologies.It is18to the most advanced robot in the worldAsimo,19by Japanese auto-maker Honda.Asimo,20can walk at a speed of one mile per hour and climb up and down stairs,costs about one million U.S.dollars.()1

40、.A.receptionistsB.hostessesC.beautiesD.guides()2.A.robotB.cushionC.carpetD.fingernail()3.A.inventedB.designedC.madeD.named()4.A.dressB.clothesC.shoesD.skirt()5.A.orB.andC.butD.so()6.A.containsB.includesC.connectsD.combines()7.A.oneB.thisC.thatD.it第 9 页()8.A.desiredB.piledC.equippedD.scanned()9.A.mus

41、tB.canC.shouldD.may()10.A.designerB.declarerC.juniorD.haircutter()11.A.Go aheadB.Thank youC.SorryD.With pleasure()12.A.holyB.prettyC.elegantD.outgoing()13.A.developedB.complicatedC.limitedD.improved()14.A.happilyB.slowlyC.particularlyD.freely()15.A.SinceB.IfC.UnlessD.When()16.A.studyB.speakC.ignoreD.understand()17.A.payB.priceC.costD.work()18.A.familiarB.similarC.oppositeD.reasonable()19.A.producedB.obeyedC.enviedD.tested()20.A.whichB.whereC.whenD.who

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