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1、1 (每日一练每日一练)人教版人教版 20222022 年高中英语情景交际及习惯表达重难点归纳年高中英语情景交际及习惯表达重难点归纳 单选题 1、Professor Zhang,I wonder if I can ask you a rather personal question?_,Im always ready.AGood ideaBNo wayCGo aheadDForget it 答案:C 解析:考查情景交际。句意:张教授,我能否问您一个非常私人的问题?问吧,我准备好了。A.Good idea 好主意;B.No way 绝不;C.Go ahead 进行、做吧;D.Forget it

2、算了吧。根据后文“Im always ready.”可知张教授同意对方提问,go ahead 符合语境。故选 C。2、-_?-Nothing much.AHow much is it?BIs there anything?CHow are you?DWhats up?答案:D 解析:考查交际用语。句意:怎么了?没什么。A.多少钱?;B.有事吗?;C.你好;D.怎么了?根据答语“Nothing much.”,故选 D。3、Are you done with the book I gave you?2 _.Im still reading the last chapter.AHard to say

3、BNot quiteCOf courseDIt all depends 答案:B 解析:考查情景交际。句意:我给你的那本书你看完了吗?还没完全看完。我还在看最后一章。A.Hard to say很难说;B.Not quite 不完全,未必;C.Of course 当然;D.It all depends 要看情况而定。根据后文“Im still reading the last chapter.”可知书还没完全看完,not quite 符合语境。故选 B。4、I have trouble falling asleep these days because my neighbor upstairs

4、is too noisy!一 _.You should talk to him about it.AIts up to youBThats annoyingCForget itDWhat a pity 答案:B 解析:考查情景交际。句意:这些天我都难以入睡,因为我楼上的邻居太吵了!这有点烦人。你应该和他谈谈。A.Its up to you 由你决定;B.Thats annoying 这有点烦人;C.Forget it 不必在意;D.What a pity 多可惜啊。根据常识可知,当别人向你倾诉自己的烦恼时,首先应该表示同情,然后给予一些建议。因为邻居太吵而影响睡眠这种事是很让人烦恼的。故选 B

5、 项。5、-Let me help you cross the street.-_!Im not that old.ACome onBNo wayCTake your timeDGo ahead 答案:A 解析:考查情景交际。句意:我来帮您过街。拜托。我还没那么老。A.Come on 可以表鼓励,催促,加油,不耐烦,等;B.No way 绝不;C.Take your time 别着急;D.Go ahead 表同意,继续,等。根据答语中的“Im not 3 that old.”可知此处表示不耐烦,可译为“拜托”。故选 A 项。6、So,shall we sign the contract now

6、?_.I havent agreed to that yet.AYou betBBy all meansCGo aheadDHold your horse 答案:D 解析:考查情景交际用语。句意:那么,我们现在可以签合同了吗?耐心一点。我还没同意呢。A.You bet 当然;B.By all means 一定,务必;C.Go ahead 进行;D.Hold your horse 耐心一点。由“I havent agreed to that yet”可知,第二个说话人叫第一个说话人耐心一点,等他同意了再签合同,因此空格处是“耐心一点”。故选 D。7、-_ you make so much noi

7、se?Cant you see were having a meeting?-Sorry,sir.ANeedBCanCMustDWould 答案:C 解析:考查情态动词。句意:你非得制造这么多的噪音吗?你看不出我们在开会吗?对不起,先生。A.Need需要;B.Can 能;C.Must 非得,偏要;D.Would 将要,愿意。结合句意,其中 must 表示与说话人愿望相反或不耐烦,意为“一定要,非要”。故选 C 项。8、How often do you visit your grandparents?_.Usually once a week.AOf course notBWell,it dep

8、ends CCertainly,we doDGo ahead 答案:B 解析:4 考查情境交际。句意:你通常多久看望一次你的祖父母?视情况而定。通常是一周一次。A.Of course not 当然不;B.Well,it depends 这得看情况;C.Certainly,we do 当然,我们所做的;D.Go ahead 去吧。根据“Usually once a week.”可知,通常请况下一周一次,不是确定的频率,故要视情况而定,故选 B。9、He is always rushing into things.He should wait and be patient.Youre quite

9、right.He has to _.Abrave the elementsBhave both feet on the ground Chold his horsesDkill two birds with one stone 答案:C 解析:考查固定搭配。句意:他做事总是匆匆忙忙。他应该耐心等待。你完全正确。他必须耐心等待。A.brave the elements 风雨无阻;B.have both feet on the ground 脚踏实地;C.hold his horses 耐心等待;D.kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟。故选 C。10、The ne

10、west thriller _ the authors fans will be hoping for.Ahas a frog in his throatBjumps in with both feet Cticks all the right boxesDkicks the edge of his seat 答案:C 解析:考查情景交际。句意:这部最新的惊悚小说符合作者的粉丝们所希望的一切。A.has a frog in his throat 说话困难,声音嘶哑;B.jumps in with both feet 全心全意地从事;C.ticks all the right boxes 适合众人口味;D.kicks the edge of his seat 坐立不安。此处指“最新的惊悚小说符合粉丝口味”。故选 C。

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