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1、启帆教育科技(北京)有限公司南京分公司 做学校做不了的,做家长做不好的牛津小学英语5B UNIT4单元检测A卷学校 班级 姓名 得分听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(每小题读两遍)(10分)( )1. A. runB. jumpC. stand( )2. A. singB. speak C. sweep( )3. A. MondayB. morningC. Sunday( )4. A. washB. water C. write( )5. A. useB. usuallyC. uncle( )6. A. helloB. HalloweenC. Helen( )7. A.

2、 loveB. stoveC. monkey( )8. A. write carefullyB. walk carefullyC. listen carefully( )9. A. on SaturdayB. on SundaysC. on Saturday morning( )10.A.speak loudlyB. sit quietlyC. dance beautifully二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题读两遍)(10分)( )1. A. No, he doesnt.B. No, he cant. C. No, he isnt.( )2. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes,

3、 he does. C. Yes, he can.( )3. A. I go to the park.B. I am reading. C. They go to the park.( )4. A. We play the violin. B. They play the violin.C. He play the violin.( )5. A. Shes making clothes.B. She makes clothes.C. She can make clothes.三、听录音,完成下列句子,每空一词。(每小题读两遍)(10分)1. Wang Bing is an e-mail to

4、English friend the computer room. Gao Shan in. He to play table tennis Wang Bing.2. Tom is an English . He in a small near London. He plays football .笔试部分(70分)一、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的用“”表示,不相同的用“”表示。(5分)( )1. bus jump( )2. brother hope( )3. doctor clock( )4. minus five( )5. grow how二、翻译下列词组。(10分)1、忙碌的

5、一天 2、游得好 3、住在镇上 4、从周一到周五5、跑得快 6、surf the Internet7、play table tennis8、in the computer room9、walk carefully 10、near London 三、选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号内。(10分)( )1.WangBing,letsgoplaytabletennis.A. withB.andC.on( ) 2. - AreyoutheInternet? - No,Imnot.A. surfingB.surfC. write( ) 3. - heusuallyswimonSaturdays? - Y

6、es,hedoes.A.Do B.does C.Does( ) 4.Whatsubjectsdoeshestudyschool?A. on B.at the C.at( ) 5.GaoShantoplaytabletenniswithme.A. wantsB. wantC.wanting( ) 6.- HowoldMike? - Eleven.A. are B.am C.is( ) 7.- DoyouliveLondon? - Yes,Ido.A.on B.in C.at( ) 8.- DoesHelenmakeclothesonSundays? - Yes,she.A.doesB.do C.

7、doesnt( ) 9.IfromMondaytoFriday.A.goestoschool B.goestotheschool C.gotoschool( ) 10. - your brother well? - Yes.A. Do, plays B. Does, plays C. Does, play四、根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. Ben usually Chinese after school.(study)2. On Sundays, my mother usually (go) shopping3. Jim speaks Chinese .(good)4. Loo

8、k, my classmates are in the classroom.(read)5. He likes (make)model planes.五、按要求完成下列各句。(10分)1. They like cooking.(改为否定句)They cooking. 2. He has seven lessons every day. (改为一般疑问句) he seven lessons every day?3. Can you get a hamburger for me?( 做肯定回答) , I .4. I feel cold now. (对画线部分提问) you feel now?5.

9、Nancy usually grows flowers on Sundays. (对画线部分提问) What Nancy usually on Sundays?六、根据中文意思完成下列句子。(10分)1. 学生们在教室里安静地看书。The are books quietly in the .2. 不要在医院里大声讲话。 speak loudly the hospital.3. -你喜欢体育吗? -是,我跑得快,跳得高.- you like PE?-Yes, I do. I run and jump .4. 看!那个男孩在仔细地画一只老虎。Look! That boy a tiger caref

10、ully.七、在II栏中选出I栏中句子的正确答语,将其序号填入括号内。(10分) I II( )1. What day is it today? A. Theyre fifty yuan.( )2. Im hungry, mum. B. Yes, I do.( )3. What subject do you like? C. Its Monday.( )4. How much are they? D. Yes, he does.( )5. Whats wrong with you? E. Here are some cakes for you.( )6. How do you feel now

11、? F. Good idea.( )7. What would you like ? G. Ive got a cold.( )8. Do you have any hobbies ? H. I feel hot.( )9. Lets play football. I. Some bread, please.( )10. Does Jim play football well? J. I like Maths.八、阅读理解。(10分)(A)Mr Wang is a doctor. He works in a hospital in Nanjing. He likes his job very

12、much. He works from Monday to Saturday. He usually goes to work by car. He has many hobbies. He likes surfing the Internet, taking photos and playing basketball. He is a tall man and plays basketball very well. He usually plays basketball with his friends after work. In the evenings he watches TV or

13、 surfs the Internet. On Sundays he usually goes to the park with his family. He likes playing with his son in the park. 阅读短文,判断下列句子,正确的写上“”,错误的写上“”.( )1. Mr Wang works in a hospital. ( )2. Mr Wang usually goes to work by bus. ( )3. Mr Wang does not go to work on Sundays. ( )4. Mr Wang likes playing

14、football with his friends. ( )5. Mr Wang usually goes to the cinema on Sundays. (B)Im Bob. Im from London. I live in Nanjing now. Im twelve. I study in Xinhua School. There are twenty girls and twenty-five boys in our class. I usully have three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. I like

15、 playing football very much. On Saturdays and Sundays, I often do housework with my parents at home. Sometimes I listen to music and make model planes.阅读短文,选择正确答案。( )1. Bob is a(n) boy. A. ChineseB. EnglishC. American( )2. There are students in his class. A. 44B. 45C. 46( )3. He has lessons every day. A. threeB. fourC. five( )4. Bob goes to school . A. from Monday to FridayB. from Monday to SaturdayC. from Monday to Sunday( )5. Bob makes model planes . A. on Mondays and TuesdaysB. on Fridays and SatudaysC. on Saturdays and Sundays

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