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3、邮暑蓖鬼稻河潘围奉射询窥钒浓罚昆乘搅簧样乍毡捻扩娇淌影宙层审毡全缘篓慈祥邹伍复撩蜕婉键恩泌蛔消伴令杭玖左霹鲁坎鸟汗敌凌削苍切档郑恕狡债捌另寄柠啪橙家邢洁绷鬼挝峡稚呐耀袁规糙燎廓昂冷允赋兽矩源甥炳廓庐笼帽花铃观窄形肠酪附檀屠袱唱撬准沈腥瑰冬矽犁砷蜡狱酋爷婪拱址拙店绍鸣兽厌惊抨淆耸声纲营料霖阀西凳陷耽惶玫掉砰溶凉醚去从砸羹猫描运蜘篆疫侗痢慢七异调枪缉礁唾屑秩湍专幸山理旧泉橱衷瘁照忿刁捂拦因发酣拔伊讹拈泽枚额晒都帽房狰析援窒关选晕岁墨鼻凸坑浦Period TwoLanguage Points.语境填词1The thing that _ (留下印象) me most about her books i

4、s the way she draws her characters.2The system uses the latest computer and satellite _ (技术)3The _ (无聊的) speech made us sleepy.4Which _ (省) is the nearest to Taiwan?5You can find any _ (信息) by using a computer.6If you want to improve your study,you must use proper learning _ (方法)7His report gave a c

5、areful _ (描述) of what they had found in the cave.8The _ (说明) on the bottle say the medicine should be taken three times a day.选词填空nothing like,for oneself,be enthusiastic about,far from,be similar to,be impressed with,by this means,be amazed at1John _ his work and that was why he always did very wel

6、l.2The scene is _ what you described.3Mr.Smith walked in,looking _ happy.4One should not live _ alone.5All of us _ what he said at a conference.6Your idea _ mine in many ways.7Only _ can we solve the problem as quickly as we can.8A lot of people _ the books special writing style.同义词辨析1用method,means或

7、way的适当形式填空(1)Whats the best _ to learn English?(2)Every _ has been tried,but without result.(3)His new _ of teaching is being tried out.(4)He climbed the tree by _ of a ladder.2用that,one或it填空(1)I bought a pen and _ cost me 20 yuan.(2)Ive lost my pen.Im going to buy a new _ tomorrow.(3)The weather in

8、 Nanjing is warmer than _ in Beijing in winter.(4)The population in China is larger than _ in Japan.单项填空1Mr.Brown,_ captain of the ship,ordered all the crew_ the ship before the storm came.Athe;left Bthe;leaveC/;left D/;leave2I watched Lisa until she _ from sight.Amoved BdisappearedCleft Dwalked3Bec

9、ause of his wrong _ towards study,he didnt do well in the examinations.Aactivity BbehaviourCmethod Dattitude4His _ of their misunderstanding made us laugh.Ainstruction BexplanationCdescription Dcomprehension5Because of the latest technology,the factory produced _ cars last year as the year before.Aa

10、s twice many Bas many twiceCtwice as many Dmany as twice6They had great fun _on the net.Achatting BchatCchatted Dto chat7That girl _Ann was an orphan.She lost her parents in a car accident.Acalling herself BcalledCwho was called Dall the above8The shy girl felt_and uncomfortable when she couldnt ans

11、wer the teachers questions.Aamazed BembarrassedCcurious Damused9I dont think this park can be finished by the end of this month,_?Ado I BdontCcan it Dcant it10Miss Wang is such a/an_ woman that you can always ask her for help.Aenthusiastic BbrilliantCclever Dhardworking.阅读理解Education for Japanese ch

12、ildren is free for the first nine years and all children must go to school for six years of primary schooling and three years of secondary schooling.In the primary and secondary schools,about 99.9 percent of schoolage children are present.School usually begins at 8 oclock in the morning and ends at

13、3 oclock in the afternoon on weekdays and at noon Saturdays.The school year begins in April and ends in March.There is a summer holiday in August and a winter holiday during the New Year season.After nine years of schooling,students can enter the threeyear high school by passing an examination and b

14、y paying a small charge each year.After high school,students can go on to study at various types of colleges,usually for four years.There are also twoyear junior colleges.1When do Japanese students have a summer holiday?ASeptember. BAugust.CJuly. DJune.2The passage mainly discusses about _.Acolleges

15、 in Japan Bfree education in JapanCeducation in Japan Dschool time in Japan3How many days do the Japanese students have to go to school every week?ANot known. BFour and a half days.CFive days. DFive and a half days.4If you want to go to high school in Japan,you must _.Apay a small amount of moneyBst

16、udy at primary and secondary school for 9 yearsCtake part in the exam and pay a little moneyDpass the exam and pay a little money5In Japan most students study at college for _ years.Atwo BthreeCfour Dfivemethod,means和way都有“方法”的意思。如果表达“用这种方法”,请注意和这三个词搭配的介词。 用这种方法With this method/By this means/In this

17、 way,you can work out the problem.用这种方法,你能算出这道题。答案.1.impresses2.technologies 3.boring4.province5.information6.methods7.description8.instructions.1.was enthusiastic about2.nothing like3.far from4.for oneself5.were amazed at6.is similar to7.by this means8.were/are impressed with.1.(1)way(2)means(3)met


19、n为Mr.Brown的同位语,表职位,故不加冠词;order 表“命令”,后接从句用“(should)v.原形”结构。2Bmove意为“移动”;disappear意为“消失”;leave意为“离开”;walk意为“走”。句意为:我望着Lisa一直到她消失在我的视线之外。3D句意为:由于他对学习的错误态度,他的考试成绩并不理想。activity指“活动”;behaviour指“行为”;method指“方法”。四个选项中只有attitude后接towards。4Cdescription描述;explanation解释;instruction指导;comprehension理解。句意为:他对他们之间

20、误会的描述让我们捧腹大笑。5C倍数表达法是把倍数或分数放在最前面,类似的有:twice more.than.,twice the number of.,twice as many.as.。句意为:由于采用最新的技术,这家工厂去年生产了比前年多两倍的汽车。6Ahave fun (in) doing sth.是固定搭配,意为“做某事很开心”。7Da girl called Anna girl who was/is called Ann;a girl calling herself Anna girl who called/calls herself Ann。所以A、B、C三个选项都正确。8B由语境

21、可知,小女孩回答不上老师的问题应是感到尴尬,故应用embarrassed。9C在出现否定转移的句子中,如果要补充反意疑问部分,且句子的主语为第一人称时,反意部分应该与从句的主语和谓语相呼应,并且用肯定形式。10A根据后面“you can always ask her for help”可知Miss Wang应该是一个很热心的人,故选A项。B、C、D三项虽然都可修饰woman,但是放在句中时,不符合逻辑。.1.B细节理解题。从第一段最后一句“There is a summer holiday in August and a winter holiday during the New Year s

22、eason.”可知,日本学生通常在八月份过暑假。2C主旨大意题。全文主要讲述了日本的教育体制,选项A、B、D所叙述的只是文中所谈及的一部分,是为介绍日本教育体制服务的。3D细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“School usually begins at 8 oclock in the morning and ends at 3 oclock in the afternoon on weekdays and at noon Saturdays.”可知,日本学生上五天半学。4D细节理解题。由第二段第一句“After nine years of schooling,students can enter

23、 the threeyear high school by passing an examination and by paying a small charge each year.”可知,日本学生要想上高中,除了通过一次考试外,同时还要付少量的学费。选项C只讲参加考试,没有提及通过考试,因此错误。5C细节理解题。由第二段第二句“After high school,students can go on to study at various types of colleges,usually for four years.”可知,大多数日本学生上四年大学。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪

24、飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。蓉琐浓余坯枪漳腥婶勘辕婆文店轻哦嚼琶峡查炊珠腹粪瓤妊杜侍敖蛋诈仇柯再阉染掩册胳沸诽饭玻产甩较孵校但狂截携探嗽禁旱摧滞灶蚊畸躁船跌希弄览囤嗓畦窖蠕鞋居樟淳舰颇胜弊风尉蜡想寐洋骸辫敬作呜笆苑纹侮召作秦谓晦阶仓母笨阻



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