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1、 It 的用法的用法知识网络 “it”在中学英语中出现频率高,用法复杂,学生不易掌握,但把它从下面几个方面归纳之后,学起来就比较容易了。1、指代人或事(物)1.一般情况下,it 指代人以外的事物,指代上文提到过的单数名词,译为“它”。如:Where is the eraser?Have you seen it?Whats this?It is a car.2.有时也可指心目中不太清楚的那个人;指代 child,baby 等性别不太清楚的名词;指代 someone 和 somebody 等代表人的不行代词。如:Who is that man at the door?It is the postm

2、an.The woman will have a baby next month.She hopes it will be a boy.Someone is knocking at the door.Who is it?3.指上、下文提到的事情。如:It will be a pity if you dont pass the exam.(It 指 if 从句所提到的事)Mary is often late for school.It makes her teacher angry.(it 指上文提到的玛丽上学经常迟到这件事)4.指时间、天气、气候、距离等,“it”通常不译出来。如:It is

3、half past eight,and it is time for class.It looks like snow.It is warm in spring.It is five minutes walk from the school to the bus stop.2、用作形式主语,代替不定式、动名词或主语从句等真正主语。真正的主语后置。如:It is impossible to do morning exercise.=To do morning exercise is important.It is no use/good talking about it with her.=Ta

4、lking about it with her is no use/good.It is impossible that we can finish the work in a short time.=That we can finish the work in a short time is impossible.3、用作形式宾语,代替不定式、动名词或宾语从句等真正宾语。真正的宾语后置。如:He found it difficult to learn English well.=He found to learn English well difficult.I consider it go

5、od using the computer.=I consider using the computer good.We feel it strange that nobody wants to go there.=We feel that nobody wants to go there strange.注意:能用这种结构作宾语的动词常见的有:think,consider,find,feel,make等。4、用在特殊句型中。如:It seems/appears that he has known the result of the exam.看起来/似乎他已经指导了考试的结果。It happ

6、ened that he wasnt there that day.碰巧他那天不在那里。5、it 与 one 和 that 的区别。One 表示泛指,it 和 that 表示特指;it 与所指的名词为同一个,that 与所指的名词为同一类,但不是同一个。如:I cant find my pen,I want to buy one.(泛指)I cant find my pen,I dont know who took it away.(同一个)The pen you bought is better than that I bought.(同一类)注意:that 可用 the one 来代替。范

7、例解密()1.I dont like June in Wuhan._ is too hot in June.A.This B.That C.It D.One()2.He put umbrella behind the door,but _ isnt there now.A.that B.it C.one D.this()3.Would you like some apples?Yes,bing me _.A.that B.one C.it D.this()4.Would you like some tea?Yes,Id like _.A.that B.one C.it D.this()5.Th

8、e price of a watch is higher than _ of a pen.A.one B.this C.that D.it()6.Is _ necessary to take off our shoes when we enter the lab?A.everyone B.this C.that D.it()7.I dont think _ possible to learn a foreign language well without hard work.A.this B.that C.its D.it()8.Does _ matter if he cant finish

9、the job on time?A.this B.that C.he D.it()9.Toms mother kept telling that he should work harder,but _ didnt help.A.he B.which C.she D.it()10.I hope there are enough glasses for each visitor to have _.A.it B.those C.them D.one点击思路1.答案为 C.此时 it 指天气。2.答案为 B.it 是指前面提到的同一把伞。3.答案为 B.one 在此表泛指。4.答案为 A.tea 是

10、不可数名词,one 指代可数名词的单数,故选 that。5.答案为 C.只有 that 能跟后面的定语。6.答案为 D.it 作形式主语,to 引导的不定式是真正的主语。7.答案为 D.it 作形式宾语,to learn.是真正的宾语。8.答案为 D.学生非常熟悉 it doesnt matter 这一句型。这题是疑问句,it 是matter 的主语,指代后面 it 句子所说的事。9.答案为 D.it 指代前一句所说的事。10.答案为 D.one 指代 one of the glasses。该句意思是:我希望有足够的玻璃杯使每位参观者有一个。模例拷贝题1、选择填空()1.This is my

11、biology book._ cover is already missing.A.That B.One C.Its D.It()2.It wont _ me much time to correct the paper.A.spend B.take C.use D.pay()3._ is impossible for us to keep the pet _ a long time.A.That,such B.This,for C.All,/D.It,such()4._ is clear that fish cant live _ water.A.That,without B.This,wi

12、th C.It,without D.That,with()5.The population of Beijing is the same as _ of Shanghai.A.one B.this C.that D.it()6.He always helps others._ is why we like him.A.this B.that C.it D.man()7.Is _ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?A.this B.that C.it D.man()8.Do you want the teacup?Yes,I want _.A.

13、one B.it C.either D.that()9.Will you go home tomorrow evening?No,Im going to a lecture,or at least,Im planing _.A.so B.to C.it D.that()10.Is _ necessary to finish the design before Christmas?A.that B.it C.this D.he()11._ unlikely that we shall get there in time.A.That appears B.It appears C.Thats ap

14、peared D.Its appeared()12.It was a surprise _ that I was invited to the party.A.to tell B.being told C.to be told D.that be told()13.The nights in winter are longer than _ in summer.A.that B.one C.those D.ones()14._ going on with the work.A.It doesnt seem much use B.It isnt much use C.That is useles

15、s D.That isnt much use()15.“Who is knocking at the door?”“_ me,Tom.”A.Im B.Its C.Thats D.This is()16.I think _ good for you to do so.A.that is B.its C.that D.this()17.This is an important matter.I need at least a day or two _.A.Of thinking over it B.to think it over C.of thinking it over D.to think

16、over it()18.The bird builds _ nest in the tree.A.her B.its C.its D.hers()19._ took me three years to finish writing this book.A.That B.This C.It D.What()20.His camera is more expensive than _.A.hers B.her C.it D.its()21._ is real that English is widely used all over the world.A.There B.This C.That D

17、.It()22.I hate _ when people talk with their months full.A.it B.that C.these D.this()23.Why dont we take a little break?Didnt we just have _?A.it B.that C.one D.this()24.Dad,Ive just seen only one copy of FOOTBALL at that newsstand.Go and buy _ back,Bob.A.one B.other C.it D.this()25._ happened that

18、a fire broke out last night.A.That B.It C.This D.What2、句型转换。1.It seems to be very happy.(改为否定句)It _ _ to be very happy.2.We young water the young trees well.(改为被动语态)They young trees _ _ _ well.3.Both Wei Hua and Ann are on the team.(用 either.or 改写)_ Wei Hua _ Ann _ on the team.4.The boy has to take

19、the medicine three times a day.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the boy _ to take the medicine?5.There is something wrong with my car.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ wrong with your car?3、完形填空 Peters father took him to see the Golden Gate bridge.He first saw it 1 far away.How big it looked!2 then he saw something else.The bridge was re

20、d!“The bridge isnt golden.Why is it 3 the Golden Gate Bridge?”asked Peter.It isnt named 4 its colour,Its named for the Golden Gate.said his father.Whats the Golden Gate?asked Peter.A gate is 5 an opening,or a thing that closes an opening,said his father.The Golden Gate is an opening 6 the land.Water

21、 from the sea comes 7 this opening into San Francisco Bay.Oh,said peter.And the bridge is 8 the opening.But why is the opening called the Golden Gate?Years ago men came California to 9 gold.Many came by ship.They came 10 the bay through that opening.For them it was a gate 11 gold.So they named it th

22、e Golden GateWell,”said Peter,“I still think the bridge 12 look golden.When Peter 13 home,he sent a letter to a California paper.14 the letter he wrote:Red is not the 15 colour for the Golden Gate Bridge.The bridge should look golden,the way most people think it does.”()1.A.very B.from C.for D.so()2

23、.A.So B.And C.But D.Or()3.A.called B.built C.coloured D.made()4.A.because B.if C.for D.of()5.A.either B.neither C.and D.or()6.A.on B.into C.in D.不填()7.A.in B.from C.to D.through()8.A.on B.over C.under D.below()9.A.look after B.look up C.look for D.look into()10.A.from B.into C.for D.towards()11.A.wi

24、th B.to C.for D.不填()12.A.should B.must C.must be D.should be()13.A.left B.got C.leaves D.gets()14.A.At B.From C.On D.In()15.A.right B.wrong C.good D.bad 4、阅读理解 A A young American doctor was sleeping when suddenly his doorbell began to ring.It was already midnight,but what could the doctor do?He had

25、to get up,put on his coat and go downstairs.When he opened the door,he saw a man standing with a hat in his hand.“How do you do?”said the man,“Can you come at once to a place out of town?Its quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way.”“Certainly,”said the doctor,“Im quite ready.I can co

26、me at once.”After a few minutes the car was standing at the front door,the man got into the doctors car,and they drove off.They drove on for a long time.Then the man said,“Here we are.This is my home.Now I can pay you and you can go back to town.”“I must see the patient.How can I go back without see

27、ing the patient?”“There is no patient,”explained the man.“Nobody is ill.I live here,you see,and one must get home from a town,mustnt he?There are no taxis this time of the night,but a doctor often makes night calls,so excuse me.Here is money.Thank you,doctor.Good night.”()1.The doctor _ when the doo

28、rbell started to ring.Awas sleeping upstairs Bwas sleeping downstairs Cwas working upstairs Dwas working downstairs()2.The man asked the doctor _.Ato go out for a walk with him Bto go to a place out of town Cto see a patient Dto go for a vacation()3.They left _.Aon foot Bby bike C.at once D.after a

29、few minutes()4.What the man wanted to do was only _.A.to fool the doctor B.to give the doctor moneyC.to get home in the doctors car D to play a joke on the doctor()5.The doctor was _ when he heard the mans words.A.happy B.angry C.sad D sorry B Some people have sailed around the world in quite small

30、boats.It is not an easy thing to do.Sometimes the weather gets bad.That can be the end of everyone in it.Accidents can happen easily and quickly.One family once had an accident with some big fish.The fish swam under their boat and bit holes in it.Sea water came in,of course,and the boat soon went do

31、wn.However,these people had another small boat-a lifeboat,and they all got into that.They lived and hoped for many days.They ate and slept,and they always hoped.At last a ship found them.How do people live in a very small lifeboat?Perhaps for weeks or months?They must be strong in every way.They mus

32、t have hope-they want to live.But you cannot eat and drink hope.You cannot drink sea water.Drink a lot of sea water and you will quickly die.Sailors can drink rain water.They must catch rain water in their boat.They must also catch fish and birds for food.Lifeboats do not carry a cooker,and so the s

33、ailors cannot cook their food.Raw fish and bird meat is not very nice.But there is no other choice in a lifeboat!The sailors must eat raw food,or they will die.What do people think about in a life boat?They think about land,a warm bed,dry clothes,fresh water and food,food,food.()6.When sailors boat

34、sinks,their lifeboat gives them _.A.food B.beds C.rainwater D.Hope()7.One family once had an accident at sea,because _.A.their boat was caught in bad weather B.some fish bit through the bottom of their boat C.the boat knocked against a rock and sea water came in D.none of them knew how to sail in th

35、e sea()8.Sailors can catch _ for food and drink at sea in a lifeboat.A.rain water B.fish and birds C.both sea water and rain water D.both A and B()9.Lifeboats do not often carry a cooker,which is _.A.something used for cooking B.food for cooking C.a large basket D.a person who cooks food()10.Which o

36、f the following is NOT true?A.Sailing around the world in quite small boats is not easy.B.All the food sailors have in a lifeboat is cooked fish and bird meat.C.Anyone who drinks a lot of sea water will die.D.No one can live for weeks in a lifeboat if he is strong and doesnt want to live.C The stude

37、nts in Shanghai No.3 Girls High School have a flower-arrangement lesson every week.The course is the first of its kind among middle schools in Shanghai.It helps the students to better en-joy the beauty of flowers.Thats why the course has become very popular among the students.The teachers of the cou

38、rse are very good at this art,and a number if students in the class have won prizes in Shanghai.In order to further develop the students interest,the teacher usually plays music while the students are arranging flowers.Sure enough,the students are so pleased with the music that better ideas for flow

39、er-arrangement may come into their minds.Whats more,the teachers also ask the students to do some writing about flowers.In this way,students should not only learn how to arrange flowers,but also push themselves to make their writing better.Several months ago,a meeting was held in the school.The stud

40、ents showed great artistic skill in flower-arrangement.The foreign friends took a great number of photos and spoke highly of the students for their knowledge of the art.()11.Why the flower-arrangement course has become popular is that students _.A.dont have to study other courses B.can get beautiful

41、 flowers C.can better enjoy the beauty of flowers D.can learn a about flowers()12.The passage mainly wants to tell us that _.A.the teachers of the course do well in this art B.a number of students have won prizes C.students now learn how to arrange flowers D.the course is popular in many middle scho

42、ols()13.Its clear that playing music in flower-arrangement _.A.can help students arrange flowers better B.teachers students more music than other things C.can help students arrange flowers easily D.students practice both music and flower-arrangement()14.From the passage,we know _.A.the flower-arrang

43、ement course is the first of its kind among middle schools B.many foreign friends will come and learn the course C.some pieces of work by the students will be shown in foreign countries D.some good students are asked to do more writing about flowers()15.What the foreign friends did showed that _.A.t

44、hey were very glad to see what the students had done B.the school had asked them to do that C.they wanted to stay there to learn how to arrange flowers themselves D.the students had great artistic skill in flower arrangement5、短文填词 Can we make animals work for us?Some scientists think that we can tea

45、ch animals to do a lot of t 1 for the people.They say that in a farm or on TV,you may see elephants,monkeys,dogs or some o 2 animals doing a lot of things.If you watch carefully,you may find those animals are always given a little f 3 to eat after they have done something.Scientists say that people

46、can teach many d 4 animals to do some of the easy w 5 if they know they will get something to eat.We a 6 know elephants can carry large logs,and dogs can look after h 7 .And we even teach animals to work in factories.In America,for example,people have u 8 apes to help make cars,and scientists think that those l 9 monkeys may,one day,drive trains.Now people are t 10 to get them to do something just like man.1.t_ 2.o_ 3.f_ 4.d_ 5.w_6.a_ 7.h_ 8.u_ 9.l_ 10.t_

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