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1、剑桥一级A书复习资料四会单词:(听,说,读,写)文具类: pen(钢笔) pencil(铅笔) pencil-case(铅笔盒) ruler(尺子) G7Tv6。book(书) bag(书包) eraser(橡皮)水果蔬菜类:pineapple(菠萝) watermelon(西瓜) peach(桃子) pear(梨子) strawberry(草莓) IoHWN。 grape(葡萄) potato(土豆) tomato(西红柿) carrot(红箩卜) bean(豆角) Kgo5o。动物类: cat(小猫) duck(鸭子) dog(小狗) pig(猪) fish(鱼)IMmfg。frog(青蛙

2、) giraffe(长颈鹿) bee(蜜蜂) horse(马) rabbit(兔子) FPZOa。 snake(蛇) turtle(乌龟) monkey(猴子) kangaroo(袋鼠)fox(狐狸)yGnYN。 zebra(斑马) ant(蚂蚁) bird(小鸟) cow(奶牛) sheep(绵羊)I4qwJ。 deer(鹿) goat(山羊) lion(狮子) 衣服类: shirt(衬衣) dress(长裙) skirt(短裙) T-shirt(T血衫) hat(帽子)HoCF4。jacket(夹克) sock(袜子) glass(眼镜) trouser(裤子) short(短裤)uKSI

3、2。jean(牛仔裤) pant(长裤) shoe (鞋子) vest(背心) cap(帽子)CCh5h。颜色类: blue(蓝色) white(白色) red(红色) black(黑色) pink(粉红色) iHGM9。purple(紫色) yellow(黄色) orange(橙色) green(绿色) grey(灰色) CWFwo。brown(棕色) 数字类: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen z82rN。fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eig

4、hteen nineteen twenty CJic9。学校类: pen(钢笔) paint(绘画笔) brush(刷子) pencil(铅笔) ruler(尺子)RKz1U。eraser(橡皮) girl(女孩) boy(男孩) teacher(老师) student(学生)BKtR6。friend(朋友)教室类: desk(桌子) door(门) bookshop(书店) chair(椅子) table(桌子)QlTNu。 computer(电脑) board(写字板) fan(风扇) light(灯) picture(图片)LKxr3。wall(墙) floor(地板) math(数学)

5、 Chinese(语文) English(英语)uG4GQ。 P.E(体育) music(音乐) class(课程) 动词类: touch(摸) pick(捡起) catch(抓住) write(写) hold(握住) NrCbk。 clap(拍手) stand(站立) run(跑) kick(踢) jump(跳) LbtPC。hop(单腿跳) stamp(跺脚)家庭类: mother(妈妈) father(爸爸) brother(哥哥) sister(妹妹) uncle(舅舅) 4RNKS。grandmother(外祖母) niece(外甥女) cousin(堂兄弟) nephew(外甥)

6、ML6MQ。grandfather(外祖父) aunt(阿姨) 重点词组和句子:1. This is my new pencil.(这是我的新铅笔。) 2. What is your name?(你的名字是什么?) I am Lucy.(我是露西)nNfii。3 What is this?(这是什么?) Its a goat.(它是一只山羊)OiyIw。4 What would you like?(你想要什么?) I want some apples.(我想要一些苹果)iK5zJ。How many do you want?(你想要多少?) I would like one.(我想要一个)qfF

7、mX。5 What is on the table now?(现在桌子上是什么?) A bird!(一只鸟)6 Touch your mouth.(摸你的嘴巴)7 Where is Sam?(Sanm在哪里?) He must be in the lemon house.(他一定在柠檬房子里)0w4UP。8 What colour have you got?(你有什么颜色?) My cap is blue.(我的帽子是蓝色的)9Q2bA。9. Where is my toy car?(我的玩具汽车在哪?) It is under the cap.(它在帽子底下)nBgwA。10. What i

8、s your hobby?(你的爱好是什么?) I like listening to music.(我喜欢听音乐)hiAwv。11. What is he/she doing?(他/她正在做什么?) He/She is mopping the floor(他/她正在拖地)CDpTx。12. Who is he ?(他是谁) He is my English teacher.(他是我的英语老师)4PwWE。13. Let me help you!(让我帮助你)14. go bike-riding (骑自行车) go swimming(去游泳) tiqEx。 go skating (去滑冰) w

9、atch TV (看电视) Vnq5E。 play computer games(玩电脑游戏) play hide-and-seek(玩捉迷藏) WEgCC。 play football (踢足球) bounce the ball(拍球)KeLXh。 kick the shuttlecock(踢毽子) draw the clowns nose(给小丑画鼻子)e96DX。 catch the beanbag(抓住沙包) throw the beanbag(仍沙包)SNFTl。 hide and seek(捉迷藏) pick and put(捡起来放上去) cnlTY。a toy train(一个

10、玩具火车) a toy boat (一个玩具船)BvMS2。 mop the floor(擦地板) feed the dog(喂狗) NVI2A。clean the window(打扫窗户) clean the cupboard(打扫键盘) 8siCY。wash the tomatoes (洗西红柿) make tea(沏茶)tKtQ0。 read a book(读书) comb hair(梳头) 5uvGU。tidy the book(整理书) sweep the floor(擦地板)pdgMN。 15. Hello! What is your name? My name is _How o

11、ld are you? I am_Where do you live ? I live in_How do you go to school every day? _R8d4t。What is your favourite colour?_What are your favourite animals?_Who is your best friend?_剑桥少儿英语一级复习资料剑桥一级B书复习资料四会单词:(听,说,读,写)饮料类:juice(果汁) coffee(咖啡) beer(啤酒) milk(牛奶)食物类:burger(汉堡) sausages( 香肠) bread(面包) candy

12、(糖果) fries/chips(炸土豆条) cookie(点心) chocolate(巧克力) noodles(面条) ice cream(冰淇淋) rice(米饭) chicken (鸡肉) d1rx0。蔬菜类:pea(豌豆) tomato(西红柿) pumpkin(南瓜) onion(洋葱) carrot(胡萝卜) potato(土豆)XTIdd。反义词:old(年老的)-young(年轻的) slow(慢的)-quick(快的) happy(高兴的)-sad(伤心的) short(矮的,短的)-long(长的)-tall(高的) big(大的)-small(小的)Happy-angry

13、 new-old up-down0bvHs。Back-front hot-cold left-right Act bend clap drink eat fly hide iron jump kick listen move nod open paint queue read sleep touch visitv66VC。 run throw catch hop walk stand sit 人体器官类ear nose mouth eye hand leg foot arm face neck jOqeH。重点词组和短语:1. stand up 2.look right 3.look left

14、 4.look up 5.bend down 6.cross your armsuNORg。7. put your arms down 8.put your arms up 9.put your hands on your headbW9Wn。10. stand on your left leg 11.put your hands behind your back 12.sit downoNmbV。1.watch TV 2.see a puppet slow 3.go boating4. play table tennis 5.go swimming6. play hide-and-seek

15、7.go bike-riding 3.play football 4.ride a bike 5.ride a horseRAe8w。6. fly a kite 7.draw pictures 8.play table tennis 9.bounce a ball 10.open the door 11.cook 12.feed a bird 14.play the piano 15.play the guitar 16.paint your own facegToCh。1. make a birthday cake 2.light candles 3.give a present rR0KI

16、。4. sing a birthday song 5.make a wish 6.blow out candleZqn4b。7. cut the cake 8.eat the cake 1. hurry up 2.stand in a line 3.three times e on X59tg。5. play games 6.mimic the sounds 7.fun on the playgroundcBsT2。重点词组和短语:1.-Oops!-Dont worry!Let me help you.-Thanks.2. Hello,Sam!Nice to see you again!-Ni

17、ce to see you!Zhang Xin.-Wheres Pat?-Shes coming with Ann now.3. -Oh,its good to see you back. -Me,too.How was your holiday? -Its great!-What would you like,sir? -Can I have two burgers,seven eggs and seven ice creams,please?sUsPW。 -Sure.-Lets buy five chip,five fish ,five eggs and some sausages,OK?

18、8UL7i。 -No problem!-What would you like,Anna? -Id like a burger.Its my favourite.-Do you often eat fish? -Yes,I do./Not often,but sometimes./No,never.重点句子: This way,please.Meet your new friends!A:Im coming. B:Hi,Zhang Ming.Im here. C:Hi,come here!Please sit down.-This reading-room is very nice.I lik

19、e it. -I like this room ,too.I come here everyday.-What books do you like reading? -I like picture book.-Which book would you like? -Id like to read a book on animal.-Which book would you like? -Id like to read the story book.-What is it about? -Its about a boys family.A bird is in the tree.Two red

20、apples are on the tree.-Which coloured balloon do you want? -Yellow,please.Which coloured parrot do you like? -I like this blue parrot!Which colour do you want to see? -Red.-Is your apple red? -Yes,it is.Colour the flowers pink,blue and yellow.Draw a red ball,under the tree.The sun is very hot.The d

21、eer is very tall.The turtle is very slow.The glasses are very new.The elephant is very big.The window is very bright.The tea is very hot.The ruler is very short.The mouse is very little.My favourite colour is red.My dads favourite animal is a dog. Im on a chair.The chair is in the room .The room is in a house.The house is in the street.The street is in Beijing.Beijing is in China.China is so big,but you can still find me.Im still on my chair in the classroom.glldl。

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