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1、2015年下学期英语教案白 沙 镇 中 心 小 学五 年级教 师:陈定金人教版小学五年级英语上册教学计划一、学情分析本学期我任教五年级三个班的英语,五年级的学生已经接触了两年英语,有一定的英语基础。儿童的特性使得他们活泼好动,对新事物有着强烈的好奇心,探索知识的欲望很强烈,并且有着很强的表现欲。但五年级的学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化比较严重。所以本学期我将面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,因材施教,分层教学,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。二、教材分析本教材的设计体现了“以人为本”的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很符合该

2、年龄阶段的儿童。教材以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际意义的语言任务。体现了交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用上都紧密联系学生的生活实际、贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则。本册教材共有六个单元和两个复习单元。第一单元是Whats he like? 这一单元重点学习如何用英语询问和描述人物的外貌与性格特征,培养学生尊重与热爱老师的思想感情。第二单元是My week.这一单元重点学习有关星期的词汇及如何用英语叙述一星期的课程安排以及周末的活动,该话题贴近学生的校园生活,若循序渐进地学习并运用目标语言,可

3、以达到预定的目标。第三单元是 What would you like? 这一单元重点学习有关实物的词汇及如何用英语谈论自己喜欢的食物以及喜欢的原因。Recycle1是对一至三单元所学过的知识进行复习、巩固与提高。第四单元是What can you do? 这一单元的教学内容是围绕着“你会做什么”这个话题展开,教学内容与学生的日常生活紧密相连,教学的重点是情态动词can的陈述句和疑问句的用法。第五单元是There is a big bed.这一单元与学生的实际生活紧密相连,因此语言的实践活动是本单元教学设计的主流。第六单元是In a nature park.本单元的教学设计以自然公园、村庄及城市



6、动学生的非智力因素,提高学生实际运用语言的能力。3、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。4、培养学生拼读音标的能力,确保学生自主学习的质量。5、设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写。6、活用教材,根据学生的实际情况,将每单元各个板块进行整合,重组,降低难度。六、教具准备 单词卡片、教学挂图、多媒体七、课时安排单元课时周次第一单元21周第二单元21周第三单元21周第四单元21周第五单元21周第六单元21周第七单元21周第八单元21周第九单元21周第十单元21周第十一单元21周第十二单元21周总复习42周本学期共20周,安

7、排新课12周,实际授课14周,每周2课时,除去节假日及开学准备工作占用课时外,实际授课28课时。教案Unit 1 What does she look like?(第1课时)学习目标一 知识目标词汇:1) 新单词:tall高的,long长的,round圆的, short短的, young年轻的 old年老的 2) 复习:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small语法:现在进行时态句子: 1) A: What does she look like? B: She is tall and she

8、 has long hair. 2) I think she is short. 3) She has a yound face and big eyes.二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语描述外貌。 三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学,共同活动,一起开心,增进同学之间的友谊。学习过程自主学习(单词 . 8分钟)Step 1 Group work:Let Ss read the words in the guiding learning plan in group. (分组学习:请同学们自己复习和学习下列单词)1) 旧单词:look,like, mice, se

9、e, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small 2) 新单词:tall高的,long长的,round圆的, short短的,矮的, young年轻的,old年老的, again再次,又一次 Chinese 汉语,中国人,teacher老师Step 2. Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论每个单词的词义。)Step 3. Let Ss read the w

10、ords by themselves.展示(单词 . 3分钟)Step 1. Pairwork Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the words in front of the class.Step 2.Evaluation The teacher will make appropriape evaluation.Then read the words after the teacher.自主学习(句子 . 10分钟)Step 1. Learn by oneself. Let Ss read the sentences in A. Make sure to

11、understand each sentence. Finish the practise below.Step 2. Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below. Practise. (一) Translate the sentences below into Chinese. 1) Nice to see you again. 2) We have a new Chinese teacher this year. 3) What does she look like? 4) She is tall

12、and has long hair 5) She has a round face and big eyes. 6) She is not tall, but she is beaytiful. (二)写出反义词1. long- 2, old- 3, tall- 4, young-展示(句子 . 2分钟)Ask St to show their answers.一起学习研讨 (教师讲解 . 10分钟)1. does是do的第三人称单数形式,只能与第三人称单数连用。2. look like 看起来像 3. 动词have的用法:汉意:“有,吃,喝”之意 两种形式:have, has.用法: has

13、只能与第三人称连用;have与第一、二人称级复数连用。 如:He has a new pen. I have a new pen, too.4. She is tall. 她个子高。She has short hair. 她留着短发。5. 词组:this year 今年,long hair 长发, big eyes 大眼睛, a round face 圆圆的脸, short hair 短发测评反馈( 60分 . 5分钟 )一请写出下列单词的反义词1 long - 2. new- 3. small- 4. tall- 二用have,has填空1. His mother a beautiful l

14、ong hair.2. Lingling short hair. 3. We a new English teacher this year.4. He two small eyes. 三. 抄写单词 (三遍) 课后反思(第2课时)学习目标一 知识目标词汇:1) 新单词:tall高的,long长的,round圆的, short短的, young年轻的 old年老的 2) 复习:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small语法:现在进行时态句子: 1) A: What does she look

15、 like? B: She is tall and she has long hair. 2) I think she is short. 3) She has a yound face and big eyes.二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语描述外貌。 三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学,共同活动,一起开心,增进同学之间的友谊。学习过程自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟)Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in group. (分组复习:请同学们自己复习

16、下列单词)1) 旧单词:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small 2) 新单词:tall ,long ,round , short , young ,old , again Chinese ,teacher Step 2. Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the huiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论下列单词的词义)Step 3. Let Ss read

17、 the words by themselves.展示(单词、句子 . 5分钟)Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words in front of the class.自主学习( C . 7分钟)Step 1. Let Ss practice after the model.分组活动,仿照示范练习。Model 1 (Chinese teacher, Mr Cheng; tall, short hair, big eyes)A:My Chinese techer is Mr Yang. B: What does he look like?A: He is t

18、all. He has small eyes and short hair. B: Thats Mr Yang. Model 2 (math teacher, Mrs Liu; not tall, long hair, beautiful)A: My math teacher is Mrs liu. B: What does she look like?A: She is not tall. She has kong hair. She is beautiful.Step 2. Group work. Let Ss practice their concersitions.展示( 对话 . 1

19、0分钟)Ask some students to act out their conversitions in frone of the class.一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟)1. Whats does she/he look like? 她长的怎么样? 该句话通常用来询问一个人的外貌,其答语为: She/He is +形容词. 或:She/He has+形容词+身体部位。 也可:She/He is +形容词 and she/he has+形容词+身体部位。 如:- What does your mother look like? 你妈妈长得怎样? - She is tall and

20、 she has long hair and two big eyes.2. 复习be动词行为动词have的用法及区别小 节 (1分钟)Step 1. Read the text after the teacher.Step 2. After-school summary.测评反馈(60分 . 10 分钟)一选择题 20分( ) 1. A: Nice to see you again. B: . A. Good morning B.Hello C. Nice to see you, too ( ) 2. What your sister look like? A, is B. do C. do

21、es D. are( ) 3.The boy very short. A. is B. are C, has( ) 4. The boy short hair. A. is B. are C, has ( ) 5. She is not tall, she is beautiful. A. and B. but C. so (所以) 二英汉匹配 20分( ) 1. long hair A. 长发( ) 2. big eyes B. 大眼睛( ) 3. short hair C. 短发( ) 4. small eyes D. 小眼睛( ) 5. round face E. 圆圆的脸 三. 抄写并

22、熟读下列对话 20分A:Good morning, Peter . Nice to see you.B: Good morning, Lingling. Nice to see you too.A: We have a new Chinese teacher this year.B: What does he look like?A: He is tall and has short hair. He is cool.B: I agree tith you教学反思Unit 2 Id like a hamburger.(第1课时)学习目标一 知识目标词汇:1) 新单词:hamburger汉堡包,

23、Coke可乐,food食物, sandwich三明治, fish鱼,鱼肉chicken鸡肉 beef牛肉 2) 复习:would ike,help, what about, how much, coffee, orange juice hungry, 语法:How much 引导的特殊疑问句句子: 1) A: What would you like? B: Is like a humberger. 2) What about you?. 3) Here is your food4) A: How much is it? B;Its fifteen yuan.二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了

24、解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达需要。 三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学,共同活动,一起开心,增进同学之间的友谊。学习过程自主学习(单词 . 8分钟)Step 1 Group work:Let Ss read the words in the guiding learning plan in group. (分组学习:请同学们自己复习和学习下列单词)1) 旧单词:would ike,help, what about, how much, coffee, orange juice hungry 2) 新单词:hamburger汉堡包,Coke可乐,food食物sandwich三明治,fish

25、鱼,鱼肉chicken鸡肉 beef牛肉Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论每个单词的词义。)Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves.展示(单词 . 3分钟)Step 1. Pairwork Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the words in front of the class.Step 2.Evaluation T

26、he teacher make appropriape evaluation.Then read the words after the teacher.自主学习(句子 . 10分钟)Step 1 Learn by oneself. Let Ss read the sentences in A. Make sure to understand each sentence. Finish the practise below.Step 2 Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below. Practise.

27、(一) Translate the sentences below into Chinese. 1) A: What would you like? B: Is like a humberger. 2) What about you?. 3) Here is your food4) A: How much is it? B;Its fifteen yuan. (二)写出缩写形式或反义词1. I would likeg- 2,here is- 3, new- 4, short-展示(句子 . 2分钟)Ask St to show their answers.一起学习研讨 (教师讲解 . 10分钟

28、)1.Id like a hamburger 我要一个汉堡包。 (1) would like 想要 要 (2) Id likde =I would like 我要 。Hed like=He would like 他要2. What would you like? 你要什么?3. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?=What cai I do for you?4. A:How much is it? 多少钱? B: Its 15 yuan. 5. A: Here you are. 给你。 B: Thank you.=Thanls. 谢谢。测评反馈( 60分 . 5分钟 )一英英匹配

29、20分( ) 1 What would you like? A. Yes, please. Id like a coke.( ) 2. Here you are. B. Its five yuan.( ) 3.Can I help you? C. Id like a hamburger.( ) 4. What does she look like? D. He is tall and has r yound face.( ) 5. How much is your bag? E. Thank you very much.二用have,has,is, are填空 20分1. His sister

30、 a beautiful long hair.2. Lingling short. 3. We a new math teacher this year.4. He two small eyes.5. These chicken. 三. 抄写单词 (三遍) 20分 课后反思(第2课时)学习目标一 知识目标词汇:1) 新单词:hamburger汉堡包,Coke可乐,food食物, sandwich三明治, fish鱼,鱼肉chicken鸡肉 beef牛肉 2) 复习:would ike,help, what about, how much, coffee, orange juice hungry

31、, 语法:How much 引导的特殊疑问句句子: 1) A: What would you like? B: Is like a humberger. 2) What about you?. 3) Here is your food4) A: How much is it? B;Its fifteen yuan.二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达需要。 三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学,共同活动,一起开心,增进同学之间的友谊。学习过程自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟)Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in

32、 the guiding learning plan in group. (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词)1) 旧单词:would ike,help, what about, how much, coffee, orange juice hungry, 2) 新单词:hamburger,Coke,food, sandwich, fish,chicken beef3) a. A: What would you like? B: Is like a humberger. b. What about you?. c. Here is your foodd. A: How much is it?

33、 B;Its fifteen yuan.Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss read the words and discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论单词的词义)Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. Step 4 Read the words and sentences after the teacher.展示(单词、句子 . 5分钟)Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to r

34、ead the words in front of the class.自主学习( C . 7分钟)Step 1. Let Ss practice after the model.分组活动,仿照示范练习。Model 1 (a hamburger)A:What would you like? B: Id like a hamburger. Model 2 ( some fish)A: What would you like? B: Id like some fish.Step 2. Group work. Let Ss write their conversitions and practice

35、 them.展示( 对话 . 10分钟)Ask some students to act out their conversitions in frone of the class.一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟)1.Id like a hamburger 我要一个汉堡包。 (1) would like 想要 要 (2) Id likde =I would like 我要 Hed like=He would like 他要2. What would you like? 你要什么?3. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?=What cai I do for you?4. A:Ho

36、w much is it? 多少钱? B: Its 15 yuan. 5. A: Here you are. 给你。 B: Thank you.=Thanls. 谢谢。小 节 (1分钟)Step 1. Read the text after the teacher.Step 2. After-school summary.测评反馈(60分 . 10 分钟)一选择题 20分( ) 1. A: Here you are. B: . A. Thanks you B.Thank you C. Thank ( ) 2. A: What your sister look like? B: Id like

37、a Coke. A, would B. do C. does D. are( ) 3.The girl short hair and small eyes. A. is B. are C, has( ) 4. A: Can I help you? B: . A.OK B. Yes, please C, No, I cant. ( ) 5. A: is his hat? B: Its ten yuan. A. How many B. How C. How much 二英汉匹配 20分( ) 1.hamburger A. 咖啡( ) 2. chicken B. 一些牛肉( ) 3. some fish C. 鸡肉( ) 4. some beef D. 汉堡包(

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