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1、 Entrepreneurship2015/xx/xxxxxx1.DefinitionDong MingzhuRockefeller familyConclusionAdvicePhil Knight2.Definitionlstarting a business?lstartup company offering an innovative product,process or service?lThe capacity and willingness to develop,organize and manage a business venture along with any of it

2、s risks in order to make a profit?3.Dong MingzhuGREE electric appliancel1984:Husband diedl1990:Grass roots clerkl1995:Leader of the companyl2005:Vice chairman and President of Gree-Legendary life begins at the age of 36 Persistent:System is the most importantDedication:create more valueCreate multip

3、le marketing mythsWhether marketing or management,Dong Mingzhu is a genius.can be 36 years old to re choose and position their lives,and has always insisted that now,not everyone has the courage!4.Phil KnightGeniusWeirdFantast MysteriousRebel against orthodoxyDiscard the classics lNike become a symb

4、ol of the United StateslYet his leadership is still a mystery lHe has tried three times to retire,but the three fire hand picked successor.lOver the past thirty years,Nike is still a personal battle knight.5.Rockefeller family-The six generation is all rich6.Rockefeller familyJohn Davison Rockefelle

5、rStandard Oil Corporation-The six generation is all richFirst billionaire on earthLittle John D Rockefellersent out the family wealth but not the accumulation of more wealth.Tenacity second generation charityhistorical relics environmentFrugalVisionaryMonopolyPhilanthropist7.Rockefeller familyDavid

6、Rockefeller-The six generation is all richNelson RockefellerAn outstanding politicianOvercome all obstaclesReading disordergovernor of New YorkLawrence RockefellerWall Street geniusFather of venture capitalHead of the third generation of economic empireRedefined the identity of an entrepreneursocial

7、 responsibilityManhattan bank“Memoirs”Flexible mindInvestment in apple and the nations largest chip company Intel group8.Conclusionlandlaborresourcescapitalcombineproduce profitOrganizationManagement StyleCorporate CultureEntrepreneurial spirit More 9.AdviceHow to become a successful entrepreneur?CharacteristicTenacityBraveDiligenceHave an ideaConfidentYou want!Most important10.Thank you!11.

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