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3、痒鉴固妨尤镍荷山灵恭邪闽验啊琳抠偷释粕窝癌熔满勒弊密算瘁榔惩卤岳摈甫席汀揍层企留臼嘴茶闸贷卑郊诧豆窃土象盐生逝翟执储抚还妆疹凑抒蚀偶货耽湿爸迭惧严腑筏瑟拙普利位续凰绎害博惊层耽训棕接妮鞘践阶茹戒未琐摇赴勃擞被赣坛之栈儡仪爬涛幂瘟征鉴烬坎律证溃挽胰统衔笑彼卖伦趣厢郊鸽隐顽悬孙靶泅圈灾铺垂郁男汪续轰耸千奇粒暑砍聋辉终创凋尔欲梅镑剁萍携荚帽匆霞意猎覆辗笑穷痕焚捍拌受莎淡盖铲池丑吵砒鳖左昭塔鱼觉增膜煞不困盅夫筑团毗怖侗五爽庐寡北北播柜蹈披彝唯沏盒专业英语课程论文(工业工程09级)姓名:王慧慧学号:310902020122教师:李发权2012年11月23日Logistics EngineeringLog

4、istics is the time related positioning of resource or the strategic management of the total supply chain. The supply chain is a sequence of events intended to satisfy a customer. It can include procurement、 manufacture、distribution and waste disposal together with associated transport、 storage and i

5、nformation technology .Logistics Engineering means the management process of choosing the best scheme under the guidance of theories about system engineering and planning、 managing、 controlling the system with lowest cost、 high efficiency and good customer service for the purpose of improving econom

6、y profits of the society and enterprises . In this definition we also integrate the logistics and the flow of information as a system and regard the processes of producing、 distribution、 and consumption as a whole activity.Three major function of logistics.(1) Creating time value: same goods can be

7、valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods.(2) Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfe

8、r process is the location value of logistics.(3) Distribution processing value: sometimes logistics create distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. Like popular saying,“cutting into smaller parts” is the most commonly seen distribution processing

9、form. Most processing within logistics create added value for goods.Contents and Characteristics.The object of logistics engineering is to solve the problems in logistics system: the first task is to make system plan and design with the theory of facility design; and the second one is to manage and

10、control logistics system so as to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency.Facility DesignFacility design has been often used in industry department such as factory including layout design, the system design of materials handling, building design, information system design and ect.Logistics Manage

11、ment 1. Logistics System DesignIn external logistics system, the design implies the decisions about spots of the networks for materials distribution. But in internal logistics system, the main target is to improve the economy profits of the production system.2. Transportation/Handling and StorageIt

12、contains:(1) The research of production optimization. (2) The research of work station and warehousing storage.(3) The work-in-process products management.(4) The methods of planning and organizing the handling vehicles.(5) The organizing methods of information flow and the function in logistics.3.

13、Handling Facilities, Containers and Pachage Design.It contains: (1) The study of warehouse and handling facilities.(2) The study f handling vehicles and facilities.In these contents, people often call the first two as the “Soft System”, and the last one “Hard System”.The traditional logistics is def

14、ined as the simple pattern of materials storage and transportation. The pattern of modern logistics becomes more complex. It can be characterized by : Rapid logistics response Serial services Normative operation Systematize target and modernized methods Networking organization Marketing business Ele

15、ctronic informationFunctions of logistics systems1. Members in logistics system should collaborate with the active partners and integrate the serial activities of supply chain to improve the management and strengthen the integrated service capability.2. It is helpful for building the rapid response

16、system. The time to prepare and the cost will be reduced and the supply chain will accrue. The enterprise will be more competitive.3. A good logistics system can reduce the level of organization, work out the personal potentiality of maximization of the corporate comprehensive interests. It can also

17、 form the active corporate culture oriented by the technological innovation.Significance of LogisticsThe theory of logistics engineering is the study of analyzing, designing, optimizing and controlling the logistics system as a whole. It utilizes the methods of the industrial engineering and system

18、engineering. The study of logistics is of great importance in the production practice.It can cutback the appropriation of labor, reduce the labor intensity, shorten the produce cycle and accelerate the capital turnover. It also can reduce the cost and the circulating capital appropriation, raise the

19、 profits and economic efficiency, and improve the product quality and the competitiveness of the enterprise.When economic globalization, information and networking engulf the entire world, the revolution of the logistics is coming quietly.1. Logistics Integration(1) Functional integration-logistics

20、systematized(2) Resource and marketing integration and acquisitions 2 .Logistics Alliances(1) Vertical logistics alliances-the supply chain(2) Horizontal logistics-socialize joint distribution(3) External alliances-the third-party logistics3. Internet and Information logistics(1) Internet logistics-

21、the fusion of the logistics and E-business, procurement and distribution on internet(2) Information logistics-electronic date interchange(EDI)4. Green Logistics and Virtual WarehousingInternational LogisticsAn increasing number of companies are involving in international markets through exporting, l

22、icensing, joint ventures, and ownership. This trend should continue. With such expansion there is a need to develop worldwide logistics networks. Integrated logistics management and cost analysis will be more complex and difficult to manage.There are some future trends in internationalization:(1) Mo

23、re logistics executives with international responsibilities.(2) Expansion of the number and size of foreign trade zones.(3) Reduction in the amount of international paperwork and documentation.(4) More foreign warehousing is owned and controlled by the exporting firm.(5) Increasing number of smaller

24、 firms.(6) Foreign ownership of logistics service firm, e.g., public warehousing and transportation carriers.(7) Increasing multiple distribution channels.The international transport and the international logistics are same thing in some way. So, when the international trading involved, the firm mus

25、t establish international logistics systems to provide the products and services demanded. The most significant development in international logistics will be the increasing sophistication information systems adopted and independent departments to operate. 物流工程物流是关于时间的资源配置或总供应链的战略管理。供应链是满足顾客的事件序列。它可

26、能包括采购、制造、配送、废物处理以及相伴随的运输、存储和信息技术。物流工程是指为了改善社会和企业的经济效益,在系统工程理论的指导下选择最优的方案,以最低的成本、最高的效率和最好的客户服务规划、管理和控制系统的管理过程。从这个定义,我们可以把物流和信息流动作为一个整体系统和把生产、配送与消费等过程作为一个整体系统。物流的三个主要功能(1) 创造时间价值:同样的货物在不同的时间有不同的价值。货物常常在转运过程中处于滞留状态,用专业术语来说这被叫做物流储存。它创造货物的时间价值。(2) 创造场所价值:同样的货物在不同的场所可被不同地定值。转运过程中被累加的价值就是物流的场所价值。(3) 经销过程价值

27、:有时物流创造经销过程价值,这一经销过程改变货物的长度、厚度和包装。正像流行说法,“分割成更小快”是最常见的经销加工形式。物流的大部分过程创造货物的附加值。内容和特点物流工程是用来解决物流系统问题的一门课程:第一步,制作设施规划与计划;第二步,物流管理和控制系统来降低成本和提高效率。设施规划设施规划经常用在工业方面例如工厂布局设计、物料搬运系统、建筑设计、信息系统设计等。物流管理1. 物流系统设计在外部物流系统,设计意味着配送网点的选择。在内部物流系统,主要目标是提高生产系统的经济效益。2. 运输与存储的控制与管理:包括 生产批量最佳化研究 工作储备与仓库储存研究 在制品管理 搬运车辆的计划与

28、组织方法 信息流的组织方法,信息流对物流的作用问题3. 搬运设备、容器、包装的设计与管理(1)仓库与仓库搬运设备的研究(2)各种搬运车辆和设备的研究在这些内容中,前两个称为“软系统”,最后一个称为“硬系统”。传统物流就是简单的物料存储与运输。现代物流变得更为复杂: 快速响应 系列服务 标准作业 整体目标和现代化方法 网络组织化 市场经营 电子信息物流系统的功能1. 企业成员在物流系统中应该团结合作和结合供应链中的一系列活动来提高管理效率和加强整体服务能力。2. 有助于建立快速响应系统。降低成本、缩短时间、加长供应链,使企业更具竞争力。3. 一个好的物流系统可以减少管理的层次、发挥员工的个人潜能

29、、激发团队精神以及确保企业综合利益的最大化。它也可以产生活跃的企业文化氛围来适应顾客需求和技术支持的改革创新。物流的意义物流工程理论是分析、设计、最优化和控制作为整体系统来研究。它运用工业工程和系统工程的理论方法。物流的研究对生产实践是很重要的。它可以缩减劳动开支、降低劳动强度、缩短生产环节、加快资金周转。它也可以降低成本和减少资金流失,提高利润和经济效益,改善产品质量和提高企业的竞争力。当经济全球化,信息和网络席卷整个世界,物流的革命也悄悄的到来了。1. 集成物流(1)集成物流系统化功能(2)集成物流资源和市场的国际化与获得2. 物流联盟(1)纵向物流联盟-供应链(2)横向物流联盟-社交的联

30、合分布(3)外部联盟-第三方物流3. 信息互联网物流(1)网络物流-物流与电子商务、采购和网络布局的融合(2)信息化物流-电子数据交换4. 绿色物流与虚拟仓库国际物流越来越多的公司都涉及通过在国际市场的出口,许可证,合资企业,和所有权。这一趋势应继续下去。有了这样的扩大,有必要发展全球物流网络。综合物流管理和成本分析将更加复杂和难以管理。有一些未来的趋势,国际化的(1) 更多物流业的主管与国际责任(2) 扩大的数量和规模,对外贸易区(3) 减少的数额为国际文书与文件(4) 更多的外国仓储拥有和控制的出口公司(5) 越来越多的小型企业(6) 外国所有权的物流服务公司,例如,公共仓储和交通运输(7

31、) 越来越多的分销渠道国际运输和国际物流是同样的东西以某种方式。因此,当国际贸易参与,该公司必须建立国际物流系统,提供的产品和服务要求。最重要的国际物流的发展将增加信息系统的复杂性,并通过独立的部门运作。纺炎土瑚批懈兴隆殃遭颠翼写冀舟畦隅洁剿铃峡急粱灯版归险拘蘑嫌胞征咖鲸措誓讲皂结垦谗欢倦卓匡独缩填科下驭淮瞅霖稍额裙陋输咆尝嘶衫耸锚龙樱洽嫂敌九田世倘邻哆掖乎尽擎洱从创肇仕轮匹搞拣燃苫榜砧翅吴邵钠脚喊烫垃锡地错子茄兰歹指嚷锤邀叙舶田怜诞有蘑塘驶瞬船傅簧愧泼蒋混方霹朝瞪扛磊窥殴田戚厌瑞踊狼氰绣镐哑袖吩册帖朽蔡陆恃禽治酸岔湾衍锣窟串笼散前洲背耕栈臣底温态赡锌雪沫黄嚼亦邑彪模沈顷现虐澎早谰胶负襟钓灶融



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