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1、资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。Unit 7 Robotic Total Station ( 智能型全站仪) For many years, the optical transit was the surveyors tool of choice to measure angles.( 多年以来, 光学【optical】经纬仪一直是测量人员测角的工具选择) By the 1970s, however, the electronic theodolite began to replace the transit since it could measure angl

2、es more accurately on both the horizontal and vertical axes.( 然而, 20 世界 70 年代, 由于【since】它在水平轴和垂直轴方向上测角更精确【就是水平角竖直角】, 电子经纬仪开始代替经纬仪。) In the early 1980s, ”total stations,” which measure distances very accurately by using electronic distance meters (EDMs), became the instrument of choice.( 80 年代早期, 采用

3、EDMs 非常精确的测距的全站仪, 成为测量仪器的选择。) Then in late 1990, Geodimeter, Dandryd Sweden introduced the first ”robotic total station” adding automatic tracking and radio communication to a radio and data collector at the ”target” or pole.( 然后在 90 年代后期, 瑞典 Dandryd【应该是瑞典的一个地名】Geodimeter【公司名】, 推出【introduce 介绍、 提出】了

4、第一台”智能型全站仪”, 在”目标”或测杆上增加了一个有自动跟踪【automatic tracking】和无线电通讯【radio communication】功能的信号和数据收集器) Thus, for the first time, no person was required at the instrumentonly at the target, reducing the size of a survey crew.( 这样, 第一次, 仪器不再需要人除了目标点, 减少了测量人员) Total Station ( 全站仪) A total station is the most comm

5、only used instruments now in geomatics engineering, which is fully integrated instrument that capture all the spatial data necessary for a 3-dimensional positional information.( 全站仪是现在测绘工程中使用最普遍的仪器, 完全综合的【fully integrated 考虑到平时介绍全站仪的词句, 我们能够翻译为全站型】仪器, 能够获取所有的反映 3 维空间位置信息所需的空间数据。) A total station int

6、egrates the functions of an electronic theodolite for measuring angles, an EDM for measuring distances, digital data and a data recorder.( 全站仪整合了电子经纬仪的测角功能和 EDM 的测距功能, 以及? ? 和数据存储器的功能) All total stations have similar constructional features regardless of their age or level of technology,and all perf

7、orm basically the same functions.( 不论她们工艺的年代和水平如何, 所有的全站仪的结构【constructional 构造的 feature 特征】都是类似的【similar】, 都能基本【basically 基本地】完成相同的功能) After the instrument has been set up on a control station, centered, leveled and properly oriented,and the prism target has been set up over another point whose posi

8、tion is to be measured, the surveyor may focus the target and depress a button.( 在控制点上安置仪器、 对中、 整平和恰当的【properly】定向【orient 确定方向、 东方】之后, 棱镜【prism】目标【目标棱镜】置于测点之上, 测量人员就能够照准【focus】目标并按动按钮。) Then output from the horizontal and vertical circular encoders and from the EDM can be displayed at the instrument

9、 and stored in a data collector and enters into a built-in microprocessor.( 然后水平和竖直编码【encoder 编码器】度盘和 EDM 的输出结果能够显示在仪器上, 并能够存储在数据收集里, 送入内置的【built-in】微处理器) The microprocessor can convert the measured slope distance to the horizontal distance using the measured vertical or zenith angle.( 微处理器能够将测得的斜距利

10、用测得的竖直角或天顶距转化【convert】为平距) The microprocessor also computes the difference in elevation between the instrument center and the prism target.( 微处理器还能够计算仪器中心和棱镜目标【目标棱镜】之间的高差) If the elevation of the instrument center (the HI) and the height of the reflector target (the HT) above the ground are entered,

11、 the microprocessor computes the elevation of the target station taking into account the effect of curvature and refraction.( 如果仪器中心的高程( HI) 和反射目标到地面的高度( HT) 输入仪器, 微处理器在考虑【take into account】地球曲率和折光影响 后就能够计算出目标站点的高程) Furthermore the microprocessor can also compute the resolution of the horizontal dis

12、tance together with the current horizontal direction, expressed as an azimuth, into a coordinate of the target station.( 另外, 微处理器还能够由水平距离和【together with】当前水平方向表示为方位角【azimuth】, 计算出目标点的坐标) 【resolution 分析、 决定 n.】In construction layout measurement, the data necessary to establish the direction and dista

13、nce from a control point to locate a construction point can be entered into the instrument via the keyboard or directly from an office computer.( 在建筑施工放样测量工作中, 在控制点上为建筑点位定位所需的方向和距离数据, 能够由【via 经过】键盘或直接由办公室的计算机出入到仪器中去) Then the surveyor guides the person holding the prism along the line of computed di

14、rection until the distance to the point to be located agrees with the computed distance.( 然后, 测量人员引导持棱镜的人沿着计算出的方向线前行, 直到 到所定点距离于计算出的距离相吻合为止) All displayed outputs can also be recorded or stored in electronic field book for further calculations in a computer.( 所有显示的输出结果也能够记录或存储在外业电子手簿当中, 用以在计算机中进一步的计

15、算) Total stations allow the measurement of many points on a surface being observed within a very short time range. ( 全站仪使得【allow 使得得以发生】在观测范围内, 非常短时间内对多点进行观测称为可能) Robotic Total Station ( 智能型全站仪) A late 1980s adaption of the total station is the addition of servo motors to drive both the horizontal a

16、nd the vertical motions of these instruments.( 80 年代末, 全站仪改进【adaption 改变、 改写】是加入伺服【servo】电动机【motor】, 用以驱动仪器的水平和垂直移动【motion】) For all the complex electronics inside a robotic total station, the motion is still provided by simple servo motors with a reduction gear system.( 在智能型全站仪内所有的复杂的电子元件, 它们的活动依然是

17、由简单的带有一个变速【reduction 变速、 减速】齿轮系统的伺服电动机提供的) The end result must be lightweight, durable and fast and have sub-second positioning accuracy.( 最终结果必定是, 质量轻【原文应该是 light weight, 中间有空格; lightweight 的意思是轻量级选手、 不胜任者】, 耐用的和快速的、 有着亚秒级定位精度的) When those total stations have been designed with automatic target rec

18、ognition (ATR) function, they allow the user to automatically track, measure and record targets.( 当带有自动目标识别功能【automatic target recognition】的全站仪被设计出后, 自动跟踪【track】、 测量和记录目标得以实现。) Current technology provides robotic (motorized) total stations that are able to measure angles with an accuracy of 0.5and d

19、istances with an accuracy of 1mm+1ppm to a range of 3500m.( 当前的技术能够使智能型全站仪在 3500m 的范围内的测角精度达到0.5, 测距精度达到1mm+1ppm) Latest models are capable of searching automatically for targets and then locking onto them precisely, turning angles automatically to designated points using the uploaded coordinates of

20、 those points,repeating angles by automatically double-centering, and even equipped with automatic data transfer systems.( 最近的样式能够自动搜寻目标并将其精确锁定, 自动转角到指定【designated】点利用上载的【uploaded】这些点的坐标, 经过自动两次置中复测角度, 甚至装备了自动数据转换系统) These instruments, when combined with a remote controller held by the prism surveyo

21、r, enable the survey to proceed with a reduced need for personnel.( 这种仪器, 当与一个可被持镜【prism 棱镜】测量者持有的遥控装置【remote controller 遥控装置】结合后, 测量工作就能够减少人员【personnel 人员 n.】的需要) All these characteristics make the robotic total stations very useful for geomatics engineering tasks.( 所有这些特性使得智能型全站仪在测绘工程任务当中非常有用) Usi

22、ng a robotic total station with ATR, first, the telescope must be pointed roughly at the target prismeither manually or under software controland then the instrument does the rest.( 使用带有ATR 的智能型全站仪时, 首先, 望远镜必须大致地【roughly 粗略地】照准目标棱镜或者手工【manually 用手 adv.】或者软件控制然后省下的就交给仪器去做了) The ATR module is a digita

23、l camera that notes the offset of the reflected laser beam, permitting the instrument then to move automatically until the cross hairs have electronically set on the point precisely.( ATR 模块是一个数字照相机, 能够记录【note】反射激光束的偏移量【offset】, 使得【permit 使有可能】仪器能够自动移动【转动】, 直至十字丝电子的调整到正好【precisely】照准那个点) After the p

24、oint has been precisely ”sighted”, the instrument can then read and record the angle and distance.( 当该点被正好”看到”, 仪器就能够读出并记录角度和距离) Reports indicate that the time required this process is only one-third to one-half of the time required to obtain the same results by conventional total station techniques

25、. ( 有报告指出【indicate】, 该过程所需时间仅是使用常规【conventional 常规的、 传统的】全站仪获得同样结果所需时间的一半或三分之一) With the proper ATR-based instrument Leica TCA , the surveyor will be able to handle new applications and address existing jobs with a different spin.( 利用基于 ATR 的 Leica TCA , 测量者将能够从事新的工作) 【application 应用】【即干以前干不了的活】, 也能

26、够以不同的方式【spin 方式、 风格; 旋转】从事【address从事 v.】现有的工作) Because of the co-axial target detection system and the use of conventional EDM prisms, daily operation will remain unchanged.( 因为同轴【co-axial 同轴的】目标探测【target detection】系统和常规 EDM 棱镜的使用, 例行的【daily 日常的、 例行的】操作保留没有变) What will change is the speed with which

27、 data is collected.( 改变的是数据采集的速度) Topographical surveys are automated by putting the TCA in Auto-record modethe instrument followsthe rod person and automatically records a point at specified distances, time intervals, or wheneverthe rod is held steady for more than a certain time.( 地形测量自动化, 将 TCA 设

28、置为自动记录模式仪器跟踪持镜人并按指定的【specified】距离、 时间间隔或者当棱镜保持不动超过一定时间就自动记录) Take advantage of the measuring speed and have multiple rod people on larger jobs.( 在大型项目中, 利用【Take advantage of】测量的速度和复合测杆【复合棱镜】) The TCA can even turn sets of angles while the user prepares for the next traverse point. ( 当使用者为下个导线点作准备时,

29、TCA 能够连贯地【even】转过若干组角度) Take automation a step further and do some ”no-man” surveying. Robotic total stations are already being used in hazardous areas to provide continuous monitoring of structures or processes.( 将自动化更进一步, 用于一些”无人”测量工作。智能型全站仪已经被应用于危险领域, 用来提供对建筑物或活动的持续的监测) Certain sites link measure

30、ment systems with civil defense agencies and law enforcement groups.( 某些【Certain】场合【site】下将测量系统与民防机构和执法【law enforcement】团体联系起来) An offspring of ”no-man” surveying is machine guidance.( 无人测量的一个产物是机械的导向。) TCAs guide road headers, tunneling moles and paving machinery.( TCAs 引导巷道掘进机【roadheade】、 隧道掘进机【tu

31、nneling mole】【mole 鼹鼠】和筑路【paving】机械) A surveyor is in charge of installing the robotic survey station at predetermined locations and lets the robotic unit inform machine operators where they are relative to design information.( 测量者在预定【predetermined 预先设定】位置【location】负责智能全站仪的安装【install】, 让它通知仪器操作者她们与设

32、计信息相比较所在的位置【相对于设计点的位置】) The machine operator reads the machine position from a small display receiving position updates from a base station. ( 仪器操作者在一个小显示器中读出从基准站上传来的的仪器所在位置) The base station can be robotic, GPS or a combination of a number of sensors.( 这个基准站能够是智能型全站仪站点, GPS 站点或者许多传感器的联合站点) Unit 8 E

33、rrors n n n in Measurement( 测量工作中的误差) Measurements are defined as observations made to determine unknown quantities.( 测量被定义为确定未知量【quantity】的观测) They may be classified as either direct or indirect.( 它们能够被分为直接观测和间接观测) A direct measurement is one where the reading observed represents the quantity measu

34、red, without a need to add, take averages or use geometric formulas to compute the value desired.( 直接观测就是观测读数即代表了【represent 代表、 描述】测量量, 不需要另外加、 取平均或利用几何【geometric 几何的】公式【formulas】来计算出所需【desired想得到的】值。) Determining the distance between two points by making a direct measurement using a graduated tape

35、is an example of direct measurement.( 用一把刻度尺直接确定两点之间的距离, 就是一个直接观测的例子) An indirect measurement requires calculation and can be determined from its mathematical relationship to direct measurements when it is not possible or practical to make direct measurements.( 间接观测需要计算, 当直接观测是不可能或不实际【practical 实际的】

36、时 , 能够利用它与直接观测量之间的数学关系来确定。) For example, station coordinates can be mathematically computed by measuring angles and lengths of lines between points directly.( 例如, 测点【station 测点】坐标能够由直接测得的点之间直线的角度和长度来计算) Therefore the indirect measurements (computed station coordinates) contain errors that were prese

37、nt in the original direct observations and propagated (distributed) by the computational process.( 因此, 这个间接测量值( 计算出的测点坐标) 包含了初始【original】直接观测出现【present】的和由计算过程传播【propagate】( 散播的) 的误差。) 【that 后面全都是修饰 errors 的】This distribution of errors is known as error propagation.( 这种误差的散播被认为【be known as 被称为】误差传播)

38、 Also, it is the indirect nature of measurements that forces the need to often apply some rather sophisticated mathematical procedures to analysis of errors and thus determine a ”best value” to represent the size of the quantity.( 同样, 间接测量的特性需要【forces the need to 使成为需要】经常应用一些更复杂的数学方法【procedure】来分析误差

39、并从而确定”最佳值”来代替【represent 代替、 代表、 扮演、 表现】测量值的大小) It can be stated unconditionally that all measurements, no matter how carefully executed, will contain error, and so the true value of a measurement is never known, and the exact sizes of the errors present are always unknown.( 能够绝对地【unconditionally 无条件

40、地】说【state 声明】, 所有测量工作, 无论多么仔细的实行【execute】, 也会包含误差, 因此测量的真值是永远不知道的, 出现【present 出现】的确切的【exact】误差大小也永远不知道) Even with the most sophisticated equipment, a measurement is only an estimate of the true size of a quantity.( 即使使用最复杂精密的装置, 测量值也仅仅是一个量的真值的估计【estimate】) This is because the instruments, as well as

41、 the people using them are imperfect, because the environment in which the instruments and people operate influences the process, and because the behavior of people, instruments, and theenvironment cannot be fully predicted.( 这是因为同使用它们的人一样, 仪器是不完美的【imperfect】, 因为仪器和人的操作环境影响观测过程, 因为人的行为, 仪器, 和环境不能完全预

42、知【predicte】) However, measurements can approach their true values more closely as better equipment is developed, environmental conditions improve and observer ability increases, but they can never be exact.( 然而, 测量能够非常接近它们的真值, 当【as】仪器的改进, 环境条件改进和观测者技术【ability】的进步时。可是它们永远不能达到真值) By definition, an err

43、or is the difference between a measured value for any quantity and its true value.( 按照【By】定义, 误差是某一量的测量值和它的真值之间的差值。) The sources of errors fall into three broad categories which are described as follows:( 误差来源分成【fall into 分成、 属于、 落入】三个主要的【broad】类型【category】, 描述如下: ) Instrumental Errors.( 仪器误差) These

44、 errors are caused by imperfections in instrument construction or adjustment.( 这种误差由仪器的结构和调节装置不完整性引起) For example, the divisions on a theodolite or total station instrument may not be spaced uniformly.( 例如, 经纬仪或全站仪中的刻度【divisions, division 原意指分离、 分开, 这里指刻度】没有被均匀地【uniformly】分划【即刻度分划不均】) These error so

45、urces are present whether the equipment is read manually or digitally.( 这种误差源出现在不论是人工【manually 人工地】读取还是数字式读取的仪器上) Natural Errors. ( 自然【环境】误差) These errors are caused by variation in the surrounding environment conditions, such as atmospheric pressure, temperatures wind, gravitational fields, and mag

46、netic fields, etc.( 这种误差是由周围环境条件的变化【variation】引起的, 如大气压力, 温度, 风力, 重力场, 和磁场) Personal Errors.( 人为误差) These errors arise due to limitations in human senses, such as the ability to read a micrometer or to center a level bubble.( 这种误差出现【arise 出现 v.】由于【due to 由于 adv.】人类的感官局限性【limitation 局限性】) The sizes o

47、f these errors are affected by personal ability to see and by manual dexterity. ( 这种误差的大小受到人看的能力和手的灵活性【dexterity 灵活 n.】的影响) These factors may be influenced further by temperature, insects, and other physical conditions that cause humans to behave in a less precise manner than they would under ideal

48、conditions.( 这种因素受温度、 蚊虫【insect 虫】和其它引起人不精确行为的自然条件的影响比在理想条件下所受的要大) From the discussion thus far it can be stated with absolute certainty that all measured values contain errors, whether due to lack of refinement in readings, instabilities in environmental conditions, instrumental imperfection or hum

49、an limitations.( 从以上【thus far 迄今】我们的讨论中, 能够绝对确定的【certainty 确定 n.】说【state 声明】, 所有测量值都有误差, 不论是归咎于【due to 归于】读数缺乏精确、 环境条件的不稳定性【instability】、 仪器的不完整性【imperfection】还是人的局限性【limitation】) Some of these errors result from physical conditions that cause them to occur in a systematic way, whereas others occurwith apparent randomness.( 这些误差中有些由物理条件产生【result from 由产生】的, 使它们以系统的方式发生【表现为系统性】, 而【whereas】其它的表现为

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