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1、小学英语(PEP)四年级上册Unit 1 自主预习单 四年级_班 姓名_汉译英蛋糕 脸 名字 制作 读一读1. We have a new classroom.2. Really? Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see!3. Where is it? Its near the window.小学英语(PEP)四年级上册Unit 1 自主预习单 四年级_班 姓名_英译汉Open the door._ Turn on the light._Close the window._Put up the picture._Clean the blackboard.

2、_ 练一练1. Lets clean the classroom! Ok.2. Let me clean the teachers desk.3. Let me help you. Thank you.小学英语(PEP)四年级上册Unit 2 自主预习单 四年级_班 姓名_汉译英 喜欢 风筝 数字5 数字9 米饭读一读1. Whats in your schoolbag?2. An English book,a maths book,three storybooks and3. Its a fat panda!小学英语(PEP)四年级上册Unit 2 自主预习单 四年级_班 姓名_英译汉Put

3、 your Chinese book in your desk._Put your pencil box on your English book._Put your maths book in your schoolbag._Put your eraser near your pencil box._练一练1. Excuse me.I lost my schoolbag.2. What colour is it? Ok.3. Here it is! Thank you so much!小学英语(PEP)四年级上册Unit 3 自主预习单 四年级_班 姓名_汉译英 鼻子 笔记 可乐 小狗 约翰

4、先生读一读1. Mum,I have a new friend. Really?A Chinese friend?2. Yes,hes very friend. 3. Whats his name? His name is Zhang Peng.小学英语(PEP)四年级上册Unit 3 自主预习单 四年级_班 姓名_ 英译汉tall and strong_ friendly _short and thin_ quiet _练一练1. Hi,John.I have a good friend. A boy or girl?2. A boy.Hes tall and thin. 3. Who is

5、 he? Zhang Peng? No.He has glasses and his shoes are blue.4. Is he Wu Yifan? Yes.Youre right.小学英语(PEP)四年级上册Unit 4自主预习单 四年级_班 姓名_汉译英 使用 可爱的 打扰 鸭子 向上读一读1. I have a cat. Shes cute. Where is she?2. Is she in the study? No,she isnt./Yes,she is.3. Look! Shes in the kitchen. 小学英语(PEP)四年级上册Unit 4自主预习单 四年级_班 姓名_英译汉watch TV _ read a book_have a snack _ have a nap_take a shower_练一练1. Open the door,please. Ok.2. Where are the keys? Are they on the table?3. No, they arent ./Yes, they are.4. Look!Theyre in the door.

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