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1、(每日一练每日一练)全国通用版高中英语必修一全国通用版高中英语必修一 Unit1TeenageLifeUnit1TeenageLife 考点大全笔记考点大全笔记 单选题 1、The movie called Jaws made people _ of sharks,especially of the great white shark.AfrighteningBto frightenChaving frightenedDfrightened 答案:D 考查形容词。句意:电影大白鲨让人们害怕鲨鱼,尤其是大白鲨。“make sb.+形容词”表示“让某人”,因此空格处是形容词 frightened,

2、意为“害怕的”。故选 D。2、Lilys mother bought her a pet dog as a birthday present.A宾补 B直接宾语 C间接宾语 D表语 答案:C 考查句子成分。句意:莉莉的妈妈给她买了一条宠物狗作为生日礼物。buy sb.sth.“给某人买某物”,sb.是间接宾语,sth.是直接宾语,因此句中 her 是间接宾语。故选 C。3、“The news makes me feel very happy.”The structure of this sentence is“_”.AS+V+OBS+V+IO+DOCS+V+PDS+V+DO+OC 答案:D 考

3、查句子结构。句意:这消息使我感到非常高兴。“make+宾语+宾语补足语”为固定结构,the news 是主语 S;makes 是谓语 V;me 是宾语 DC;feel very happy 是宾语补足语 OC。故选 D。4、As we all know,success lies in hard work while laziness _failure.Aturns outBleads toCresults fromDconcentrates on 答案:B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们都知道,成功在于努力,而懒惰导致失败。A.turns out 结果是;B.leads to 导致;C.resu

4、lts from 由于;D.concentrates on 集中精力于。根据前后文语境“success lies in hard work while laziness _failure”可知,懒惰导致失败,应用 lead to。故选 B。5、If you want to stay healthy,you must _ junk food.Atake care ofBpay attention to Cstay away fromDlook forward to 答案:C 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:如果你想保持健康,你必须远离垃圾食品。A.take care of 照顾;B.pay atte

5、ntion to 注意;C.stay away from 远离;D.look forward to 期望。根据“If you want to stay healthy,”可知,想保持健康必须远离垃圾食品。故选 C。6、She is so _ a woman that she is certain of her views.AfamiliarBordinaryCsignificantDconfident 答案:D 考查形容词。句意:她是一个非常自信的女人,确信自己的观点。A.familiar 熟悉的;B.ordinary 普通的;C.significant 重要的;D.confident 自信的

6、。根据句中的“she is certain of her views.(她确信自己的观点)”可知,她一定是个自信的女人。故选 D 项。7、Study shows that there is strong _ between physical punishment and the IQ.AconnectionBconditionCorganizationDcooperation 答案:A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:研究表明体罚和智商之间有很强的关联。A.connection 关联,关系;B.condition条件,状况;C.organization 组织;D.cooperation 合作。结合句意

7、可知,此处指研究表明两者之间有“关联”。故选 A 项。8、I didnt feel _ at all when _ myself at the beginning of this school year.Aconfident,introducingBconfidently,introducing Cconfident,introducedDconfidently,introduced 答案:A 考查形容词和状语从句的省略。句意:这学年开始我介绍自己的时候,我一点都不自信。根据句子结构可知,第一个空要用形容词做表语,表示主语的状态,所以第一个空填 confident;第二个空考查“when”引导

8、的时间状语从句的省略:当主从句主语一致,并且从句谓语有 be 动词时,可以把从句的主语和 be 动词省略。根据意思可知,introduce 这个动作是主句主语“I”主动发出的动作,所以完整的句子应该是“when I was introducing myself at the beginning of this school year.”,省略了从句的主语和 be 动词之后,就是“when introducing myself at the beginning of this school year.”,所以第二个空填 introducing。故选 A。9、Emily Dickinson is

9、generally _ as one of the finest women poets in history.ArestrictedBacknowledgedCdesignedDemployed 答案:B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Emily Dickinson 是公认的历史上最优秀的女诗人之一。A.restricted 限制;B.acknowledged 承认;C.designed 设计;D.employed 雇用。结合句意可知,此处指“被公认为是历史上最优秀的女诗人之一”,be acknowledged as 被公认为,固定搭配。故选 B 项。10、Tom always turns to

10、his father for help and he has absolute _ in his father.AcampaignBcautionCconfidenceDcollection 答案:C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:汤姆总是向他的父亲寻求帮助,他对他的父亲有绝对的信心。A.campaign 运动;B.caution 谨慎;C.confidence 自信;D.collection 收藏品。根据上文“Tom always turns to his father for help”可知,汤姆对他的父亲有绝对的信心,have confidence in sb.表示“对某人有信心”。故选 C。

11、11、Be as careful of the books you read,as of the _ you keep,for your habits and character will be as much influenced by the _ as by the latter.Aresentment.formalBcompany.former Chatred.formalDvirtue.former 答案:B 考查名词和形容词辨析。句意:对你所读的书和你所结交的朋友要同样谨慎,因为你的习惯和性格受到前者(书籍)和后者(朋友)的影响一样大。A.resentment 愤恨,formal 正

12、式的;B.company 同伴,former 前者(的);C.hatred 憎恨,formal 正式的;D.virtue 美德,former 前者(的)。根据“Be as careful of the books you read”可知,第一空拿读书和交友作比较,所以选“同伴”;根据“the latter”可知,第二空将前者和后者进行对比,所以选“前者”,故选 B。12、When entering the office,_.ARoger was found sitting at a deskBwe found Roger seated at a desk CRoger was found sa

13、t at a deskDit was we who found Roger seat at a desk 答案:B 考查句子结构。句意:当我们进入办公室时,发现罗杰坐在一张桌子旁。分析句子和句意可知,本句为状语从句的省略,主从句的主语都为 we,还原后为:When we were entering the office,we found Roger seated at a desk。故选 B 项。小提示:13、选出以下句子的结构类型:He tells them a funny story.ASVOBSVOCCSV IO DODSV 答案:C 考查句子结构。句意:他给他们讲了一个有趣的故事。句中

14、 He 为主语,tells 为谓语动词,them 为间接宾语,a funny story 为直接宾语,所以本句为主谓宾宾结构。故选 C。14、Afternoon tea,_ as a light snack to bridge the gap between lunch and dinner,dates back to the 1840s.Ato designBdesigningCdesignedDhaving designed 答案:C 考查非谓语动词。句意:下午茶的历史可以追溯到 19 世纪 40 年代,是午餐和晚餐之间的一种小吃。本句已有谓语 date back to,所以空白处为非谓语

15、。动词 design 和所修饰的名词短语 Afternoon tea 之间是被动关系,故用其过去分词作后置定语,由逗号隔开,相当于非限制性定语从句。故选 C 项。15、Which statement is wrong?AI wish you good luck and look forward to your early recovery.BThe day that he had been looking forward to came at last.CHe looked forward to see whos shouting in the crowd.DHe has been looki

16、ng forward to travel in Tibet.答案:D 考查非谓语动词。A 项译为:我祝你好运,并期待着你的早日康复,句子正确,B 项译为:他一直期待着的那一天终于到来了,句子正确。C 项译为:他向前看,想看看谁在人群中喊叫,句子正确。D 项译为:他一直期待着去西藏旅行,look forward to“渴望”,to 是介词,后接动名词作宾语,故 D 项中的 travel 应用动名词形式traveling,故 D 项错误。故选 D。16、The sentence structure of“He lent me a book.”is _ AS+V+OBS+V+IO+DOCS+V+DO

17、+OCDS+V+P 答案:B 考查句子结构。句意:“他借给我一本书”的句子结构是He 是主语,lent 是谓语,me 是间接宾语,a book是直接宾语,因此句子结构是 S+V+IO+DO。故选 B。17、The government has announced that public sector pay rises are to be _at 1%for two years.AservedBcappedCdedicatedDflashed 答案:B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:政府宣布,公共部门的工资增长将在两年内限制在 1%。A.served 为服务;B.capped 限额收取(或支出);C

18、.dedicated 致力于,献身于;D.flashed 闪光,闪亮。根据句意和句中“at 1%”可推知,工资增长率会被限制,应用动词 cap 的过去分词形式 capped 构成不定式的被动形式,意为“被限额”。故选 B 项。18、Each one of us are highly recommended to _ oil and gas by taking advantage of the renewable energy sources.AdismissBconcentrateCpossessDconserve 答案:D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们每个人都被强烈建议通过使用可再生能源来节

19、约石油和天然气。A.dismiss 解雇;B.concentrate 集中注意力;C.possess 拥有;D.conserve 节约,保护。根据句意及常识可知,人们通过使用可再生资源,以到达节约石油和天然气的目的。conserve 意为“节约”符合题意。故选 D 项。19、How long did David work here?For half of a year,but he didnt leave much _ on us.AexpressionBinstructionCconclusionDimpression 答案:D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:大卫在这里工作了多久?四年半,但他没有

20、给我们留下太深的印象。A.expression 表情、表达;B.instruction 指示、说明;C.conclusion 结论;D.impression 印象。leave an impression on sb.意为“给某人留下印象”,结合前文 leave 和后文介词 on 可知,符合题意。故选 D 项。20、Tom,you seem to be overjoyed._?I have just received the offer of Sydney University.AGuess whatBWhat forCWhat ifDSo what 答案:A 考查交际用语。句意:汤姆,你看起来

21、很高兴。你猜怎么着?我刚刚收到悉尼大学的录取通知书。A.Guess what 你猜怎么着;B.What for 为什么;C.What if 假使将会怎么样;D.So what 那又怎样。根据语境可知,汤姆很高兴,取得了意想不到的结果,Guess what(你猜怎么着)符合题意。故选 A。21、Its a _ idea to build cabin hospitals(方舱医院)to receive patients during the outbreak of the Covid-19.AcheerfulBclassicalCcreativeDcurious 答案:C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意

22、:在新冠肺炎疫情期间,建造方舱医院来接收患者是一个有创意的想法。A.cheerful 欢快的;B.classical 经典的;C.creative 有创意的;D.curious 好奇的。根据句意及常识可知,建造方舱医院是我们国家的一个有创意的想法。故选 C。22、No matter what you like to do,there is a way to get involved in _activities on Earth Day.AvarietiesBanxiousCvariousDa variety 答案:C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:无论你喜欢做什么,都有办法在地球日参与各种活动。

23、A.varieties 种类;B.anxious 焦虑的,担心的;C.various 各种各样的,千差万别的;D.a variety 一种种类。分析句子可知,此处修饰名词 activities,应用形容词,因此排除 A、D。根据句意可知,设空处要表达“多种多样的”。故选 C 项。23、Finding a proper apartment takes a lot of time,but with adequate preparation and _,youll find the one you want.AqualityBpersonalityCgenerosityDpatience 答案:D

24、考查名词词义辨析。句意:找到一套合适的公寓需要很多时间,但只要有充分的准备和耐心,你就会找到你想要的公寓。A.quality 质量;B.personality 个性;C.generosity 慷慨;D.patience 耐心。根据句意可知,找到一套合适的公寓需要很多时间,由此可知,你需要耐心,“patience”意为“耐心”,为不可数名词,作介词“with”的宾语,符合语境。故选 D 项。24、Ive been trying to read this book all day,but somehow I cannot _ to it properly.Agive inBsettle downC

25、look forwardDlive up 答案:B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我一整天一直都在尽力读这本书,但不知怎么的,我不能完全专心致志于它。A.give in 迁就;B.settle down 专心致志于;C.look forward 盼望;D.live up 不辜负。以上四个动词短语都与句中介词 to 构成固定短语,根据句意可知,要用动词短语 settle down to(专心致志于)在句中作谓语,符合句意。故选 B 项。25、All the students present were eagerly asking questions about the new comer,_ to k

26、now his secret.AcuriousBenviousCcautiousDgenerous 答案:A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所有在场的学生都急切地询问这位新来的人的情况,想知道他的秘密。A.curious 好奇的,渴望知道的;B.envious 嫉妒的;C.cautious 谨慎的;D.generous 慷慨的。根据“All the students present were eagerly asking questions about the new comer,”可知,所有的学生都渴望知道这位新来的人的秘密。故选 A。26、The machine must be out of

27、order.The structure of the sentence is _.A主+谓+宾 B主+谓+间宾+直宾 C主+系+表 D主+谓+宾+宾补 答案:C 考查基本句型。句意:这部机器一定是坏了。分析句子结构,the machine 是主语,must be 为情态动词+系动词,out of order 位于系动词后面,是表语。由此可知,这个句子是“主+系+表”结构。故填 C。27、Young people show a _ for larger friend groups,more intimacy and companionship.AcompanyBpreferenceCexperi

28、enceDselection 答案:B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:年轻人更喜欢更大的朋友群,更亲密,更陪伴。A.company 陪伴;B.preference偏爱;C.experience 经验;D.selection 挑选。preference for 对的偏爱。根据“for larger friend groups,more intimacy and companionship.”可知,年轻人更偏爱更大的朋友群。故选 B。28、On the evening of July 1st 2021,the brilliant colors and designs of the fireworks _

29、 millions of people celebrating the centenary of the CPC AdazzledBwanderedCencountered 答案:A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:2021 年 7 月 1 日晚上,烟花的绚丽色彩和图案使庆祝中国共产党成立一百周年的数百万人惊叹。A.dazzled 使惊叹;B.wandered 漫游;C.encountered 遇到。根据空格前“the brilliant colors and designs of the fireworks”以及句意可知,空格处应填表示“使惊叹,使叹服”。故选 A。29、_ honesty,I kn

30、ow a lot of people who dont pay bus fares.AConcentrating onBSpeaking ofCLeading toDLiving up to 答案:B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:谈到诚实,我知道许多人乘公车不买票。A.Concentrating on 集中于;B.Speaking of 谈到;C.Leading to 导致;D.Living up to 不辜负。根据句意可知,设空处表达了“谈到”的含义,所以要选 B 项。故选 B 项。30、She couldnt make herself heard above the noise of the

31、traffic.The structure of the sentence is _.A主+谓+宾 B主+谓+间宾+直宾 C主+系+表 D主+谓+宾+宾补 答案:D 考查句子结构。句意:在车辆的嘈杂声中,她无法使人听见她的声音。分析句子结构可知,这个句子的主语是 She,谓语是 couldnt make,宾语是 herself,过去分词 heard 作宾语补足语。故选 D 项。完成句子 31、问题在于我们能否在周五之前完成这项实验。The question is_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:whether we can finish the experiment by Friday 考

32、查表语从句。根据汉语提示以及空前的 The question is 可知“我们能否在周五之前完成这项实验”可以翻译为whether 引导的表语从句,谓语为 can+动词原形;“完成这项实验”用动词短语 finish the experiment 表达;“在周五前”用 by Friday 表达;所以设空处可填 whether we can finish the experiment by Friday。故答案为whetherwecanfinishtheexperimentbyFriday。32、我发现英语在我们的日常生活中非常有用。I _ _ _ _in our daily life.答案:fi

33、nd English very useful/helpful 考查动词时态和形容词。句意:我发现英语在我们的日常生活中非常有用。find 发现;English 英语;very 非常;useful/helpful 有用的;“find+宾语+宾语补足语”为固定结构,此处陈述客观事实,需用一般现在时,主语为 I,谓语动词用原形,useful/helpful 为形容词作宾语补足语。故答案是findEnglishveryuseful/helpful。33、理解你自己的需要和交流风格与学会表达你的喜爱和情感一样重要。_ as important as learning to convey your aff

34、ection and emotions.答案:Understanding your own needs and styles of communication is 考查固定短语。结合句意表示“理解你自己的需要和交流风格”翻译为understand your own needs and styles of communication,作句子的主语,应用动名词形式,且为一般现在时,谓语用单数。句首单词首字母要大写。故填 Understanding your own needs and styles of communication is。34、新的一年即将来临,因此到了我回顾过去的日子并制订计划

35、、不断进步的时候了。_,so it is time for me to look back on the past days and make plans to improve myself.答案:The new year is around the corner 考查固定短语和时态。英汉对比可知英文句子中缺少“新的一年即将来临”,可以使用主系表结构,结合后文中的 is 可知句子时态是一般现在时,主语是 The new year,系动词使用 is,固定搭配 around the corner“即将来临”作表语。故填 The new year is around the corner。35、没有

36、一次尝试,你永远都不会知道结果。You will never know the result_ _ _.答案:without a try.考查介词短语。介词 without 意为“没有,缺乏”,名词 try 意为“尝试”,“没有一次尝试”可翻译为 without a try,在该句中作状语。故填 without a try。36、在上高中时,我们有语文、英语、科学等课程。In_ _ _we have Chinese,English,science,and so forth.答案:senior high school 考查固定短语。根据汉语意思“高中”可知短语为 senior high scho

37、ol。故填senior;high;school。37、15 岁是个尴尬的年纪。15_ _ _ _.答案:is an awkward age 考查名词和形容词。“年纪”是 age,“尴尬的”是 awkward,an awkward age 尴尬的年纪。句子为主系表结构,陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。根据句意,故填 is an awkward age。38、公司出钱请我们外出就餐。We were taken out for a meal _.答案:at the companys expense 考查固定短语。“由某人出钱”使用固定短语 at sbs expense,“公司”使用名词 company,

38、此处特指某个公司,用单数形式。故填 at the companys expense。39、她性格外向,给别人留下了很好的印象。She has an _,which makes _ others.答案:outgoing personality a good impression on 考查名词和固定短语。根据汉语提示,和空前 an 可知,空中填可数名词单数 personality 作宾语,且由形容词 outgoing 修饰;根据汉语提示,固定短语 make a good impression on sb.“给某人留下好印象”符合空。故空填 outgoing personality;空填 a go

39、od impression on。40、你在课堂上记笔记通常用钢笔还是铅笔?Do you usually_ _in class with a pen or pencil?答案:take notes 考查固定短语。根据句意及所给句子可知,此处使用固定短语 take notes“记笔记”,本句为一般疑问句,谓语动词应还原为原形。故填take;notes。语法填空 41、The official visit,_(design)to strengthen the friendship between the two countries,was a great success.答案:designed 考

40、查非谓语动词。句意:这次旨在加强两国友谊的正式访问取得了巨大成功。分析可知,此处为非谓语,动词 design 和前文名词 visit 之间是被动关系,故用其过去分词作后置定语,由逗号隔开,相当于非限制性定语从句。故填 designed。42、The scientist believed that in the near future,humans _(explore)more planets besides Mars.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:would explore 考查动词。句意:这位科学家相信,在不久的将来,人类将探索除火星以外的更多行星。分析句子,设空处应该使用动词作谓语。此处表

41、示的是从过去的某一时间来看将来。故使用过去将来时。故填 would explore。43、Is there any chance_(succeed),Jerry?(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:to succeed 考查不定式。句意:杰瑞,有成功的机会吗?分析句子可知,设空处应使用不定式作定语修饰名词 chance,故填 to succeed。44、Her most_(annoy)habit was eating with her mouth open.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:annoying 考查形容词。句意:她最令人讨厌的习惯就是张着嘴吃饭。根据名词 habit 可知此处要用 v-di

42、ng 形式形容词,做定语,表事物的特征,且由 most 可知此处要用形容词的原形,与 most 构成形容词的最高级。故填annoying。45、If Tononis theory is right,it would explain why,when we miss a nights sleep,we find it harder the next day _(concentrate)and learn new information.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:to concentrate 考查非谓语动词。句意:如果托诺尼的理论是正确的,它将解释为什么当我们一夜没睡好,第二天就很难集中精力学

43、习新信息。分析句子,find it+形容词 to do 为固定句型,该结构中 it 形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语。故填 to concentrate。46、Sewing is considered a _(male)occupation.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:female 考查形容词。句意:缝纫被认为是女性的职业。空处应填形容词作定语,修饰名词 occupation,结合 Sewing可知,此处指“女性的”,female 符合题意。故填 female。47、I have told myself after the failure that Ill concentrate more

44、_ study.(用适当的词填空)答案:on 考查介词。句意:失败后我告诉自己,我会更加专注于学习。分析句子可知,句中涉及固定短语“concentrate on.”,意为“集中注意力于,专注于”,故空格处应用介词“on”。故填 on。48、It is known to all that _(fail)is the mother of success.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:failure 考查名词。句意:众所周知,失败是成功之母。根据句意和句子结构可知,句子为主语从句,It 在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是 that 引导的从句,空格处在从句中作主语,应用名词,fail 意为“失败”,动词

45、词性,对应的名词为 failure,意为“失败”,抽象名词,不可数。故填 failure。49、The heart _(compare)to a pump.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:is compared 考查动词时态和语态。句意:心脏被比喻为一个泵。此处是句子谓语动词,陈述客观事实,用一般现在时,主语 heart 和 compare 之间是被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是单数,be 动词用 is。故填is compared。50、Where can I exchange my dollars _ pounds?(用适当的词填空)答案:for 考查介词。句意:我在哪里可以把美元兑换成英镑?exchange A for B“把 A 换成 B”为固定短语。故填 for。

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