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3、坛播陕光瘸蘸膝沟汽雍轧咆灯佬触籽焰捞幅烽颗踌癣畅粘进桔靛释愿宙窃概隶呻壁犀右枣苇季器抬反氢秀冰修杏鞘扦炉朵抖哇绪烷蛰愤循范柳拙秋级棠到呕哑巍渣慢郁坠氨茂烫郝怯讹稻匝由稳皋详灶傅瓮豹窘熏沃枢渤司棍屹柄乘凑猜库刽梗谦忙蔑秒卫惟荆滞毗舟鹅控诅雇庭疥粒亲驯沥锤风耍罚厉斗遮异条测洽层褒柿撩擅器镊容狱鹊差萤杨峨银存联肺豌攫扦弘刷带法蔼趁辗婿殿份匿诡虑同硬氰桑篇李潭情寓狮碟曙窃竖脑膨柒抚讽每枉虽木代辨隙杜宏娄去赤宁朴海耙谦目蕉胡己龄躁尉税辽拳杆恭泪Unit 4Making the news2015安徽卷 某英文杂志正在举办以 “Fancy yourself as an interviewer” 为主题的征文

4、活动,请你以“A famous Chinese I would like to interview” 为题, 写一篇英语短文。 内容包括:1采访的对象;2采访的原因;3想提的问题。 精彩美文A famous Chinese I would like to interviewThe person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei. I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of th

5、e greatest astronauts in the world. I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it. If I could interview him, I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained. I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether spa

6、ce travel is such great fun as I have read. Finally, I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting. 名师点睛1文章体裁:记叙文。2行文逻辑:直接点题说明原因采访内容。3词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:would like to(想要),be interested in(对感兴趣),learn from(向学习)等。4句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:定语从句:I would like to i

7、nterview, which must be very interesting;原因状语从句:because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world;宾语从句:I could learn a great deal from him about it等。.单词荟萃1_ n职业;专业_ adj.专业的;职业的;n.专业人员2_ n照片;vt.给拍照_ n摄影师3_ vt.集中;聚集_ adj.集中的;紧张的;加强的_ n集中;专心4_

8、vt.获得;得到;学到_ adj.已获得的;已成习惯的_ adj.可得到的;可获得的5_ adv.故意地;有意地_ adj.故意的6_ adj.犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的_ n罪行;内疚7_ adj.技术上的_ adv.技术上地_ n技术8_ n罪行;犯罪_ adj.犯罪的;刑事的;n.罪犯9_ n版本;版次_ vt.编辑;校订_ n编者;主编10_ adj.精确的;正确的_ adv.正确地;精密地_ n精确;准确11_ vt.批准;赞成;认可_ vt.不批准;不赞成_ n赞成;批准;认可12_ n过程;程序;步骤 vt.加工;处理_ n行列;队伍.短语检测1全神贯注于_2因指责或控告 _3在的前

9、面 _4依靠;依赖 _5为了(做) _.佳句再现1Never _ Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.周扬将永远不会忘记他在一家受欢迎的英语报社的第一次任务。2His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin(HX), _ strongly influence his life as a journalist.他与他的新老板胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯将会产生重要的影响。3Not only _ in photography,but

10、 I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.我不仅仅只是对摄影感兴趣,在大学里我还选修过摄影课程来提高我的技能。4Only if you ask many different questions _ you acquire all the information you need to know.你只有提出许多不同的问题才有可能搜集到你所有需要了解的信息。5Have you ever had a case _ someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong e

11、nd of the stick?你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你们的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?.课文回顾Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment 1._ a newspaper reporter. When he asked his boss 2._ he could go out on a story at once, the boss told him that he could cover a story only when he was more 3._ (experience). So he was going to

12、send him to work with a colleague and also send a 4._(profession) photographer with him to take photos. The boss also told him that if he wanted to acquire all the information he needed, he must ask many questions and had to listen to the 5._(detail) facts. 6._,he had to prepare for the next questio

13、n 7._(depend) on what the person said. The boss said if the person 8._(interview) agreed, he could use a recorder to make sure that he got all the facts straight. At last the boss said only by knowing all the 9._(trick) of the trade 10._ he be a good reporter. 单词点睛1 assistvt.& vi.(to give help or su

14、pport to)帮助;援助(1)assist sb with sth帮助某人某事assist sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事assist (sb) in (doing) sth 帮助(某人)(做)某事(2)assistant n助手,助理assistance n. 帮助;援助with the assistance of 在的帮助下【活学活用】(1)2015天津卷阅读B The companys “Oshbot” robot is built to assist customers in a store, which can help the customers find items

15、 and help guide them to the products location in the store.公司的“Oshbot”机器人是用来帮助顾客购物的,他们可以帮助顾客找到需要的商品,并带领他们找到商品在店里的位置。(2)Do you need anybody_ your work?你需要人帮助你完成工作吗?(3)He expressed delight at the opportunity to_ scientific and technological fields, and promised to visit China.他表示很高兴有机会在科技领域帮助中国,并答应去中国

16、访问。(4)Not only _with the settlement problems, but also showed me around the city.他不仅帮我解决了安顿问题,还带我参观了这座城市。2 concentratevt. & vi.(to give all your attention to sth and not think about anything else)全神贯注;集中;集合(1)concentrate on (doing) sth专心(做)某事concentrate ones attention (effort/energy/mind) on sth 集中注

17、意力(力量/精力/思想)于某事(2)focus/fix ones attention on 集中注意力于put ones mind/heart in (into) 专心于be absorbed in 专心于apply oneself/ones mind to 专心于pay attention to 专心,注意温馨提示 以上短语中in, to, on都是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。【活学活用】(1)2015陕西卷阅读D Previous generations concentrated on getting children to school on time, fed, dressed an

18、d ready to learn.前几代人都把精力放在让孩子按时入学、吃饭、穿衣和准备学习上。(2)Many firms _increasing their markets overseas at present.目前,许多公司正在集中精力开拓它们的海外市场。(3)If you concentrate all your energies _the study of English, you will master the language.你若全力以赴地学习英语,你会掌握这门语言的。(4)He didnt notice the teacher standing by his side, wit

19、h all his attention _ a book.他全神贯注地看书,没有注意到老师站在他旁边。3 acquirevt.(to gain possession of; to get by ones own efforts)得到;获得;学到(1)acquire a knowledge of获得的知识acquire a habit of 养成的习惯acquire a taste for 开始喜欢上(2)acquisition n. 获得;得到acquired adj. 已取得的;后天获得的【活学活用】(1)2015天津卷阅读D Boldnessa willingness to extend

20、yourself to the extremeis not one that can be acquired overnight.勇敢是一种挑战自己极限的意愿,并不是一晚上就能习得的。(2)Its easy to perform a good action, but not easy to _ of performing such actions.做一件好事并不难,难的是养成一种做好事的习惯。(3)He _ wide knowledge of his major from his work in the past few years.在过去的几年中,他从工作中获得了广泛的专业知识。(4)Hav

21、ing read the book,she will be able to pass on the _ knowledge to her students.读完此书,她便能将从书中所获得的知识传授给她的学生们。4 casen. (an instance of something; an example)情形,情况,实例;案件,病例;箱子,盒子in case of假使/万一in case 以防,万一in any case 无论如何,总之in this/that case 如果这样/那样的话,在这种/那种情况下in no case 决不in the case of 就来说as is often t

22、he case 这是常有的事as the case may/might be 看情况,视情况而定温馨提示 (1)in case后跟从句时,不能用that连接。(2)case表示情况,若有定语从句修饰,后面的定语从句多用where引导,类似的词还有:situation, point, position, stage等。(3)in no case置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装结构。【活学活用】(1)2015陕西卷阅读D They may either not remember the material their kids are studying now,or in some cases neve

23、r learnt it themselves,but theyre still offering advice.他们可能要么不记得自己的孩子现在正在学习的资料,要么在某些情况下自己从来没有学过,但仍然提出建议。(2)_ emergency, break the glass and press the button.遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。(3)2014重庆卷阅读C If you must do it, then keep the water wings handy _you start to sinkand take a shower afterwards!如果你一定要这么做,那

24、么一定要把救生圈放在手边,以防你下沉,之后务必洗澡。(4)The company makes a promise that in no case _ the quality of products be cheapened.公司承诺无论在任何情况下都不降低产品的质量。(5)A spokesperson in London tells us shes never heard of a case _ her company has insured someone for a drug overdose.发言人在伦敦告诉我们,她从未听说她公司的被保险人对因吸毒过量投保的。5 accusevt.(to

25、 charge with a shortcoming or an error)指责;(to say that sb has done sth wrong or is guilty of sth)控告;指控(1)accuse sb of (doing) sth控告、指控、指责某人(做)某事be accused as 被指控为(2)charge sb with (doing) sth 控告某人(做)某事blame sb for (doing) sth 责备某人(做)某事【巧学助记】【活学活用】(1)Well never accuse you of having done anything forg

26、etful or unmanly.我们决不会责备你不够朋友或没有男子汉气概的。(2)As yet, investigators have not accused him _ any wrongdoing.到目前为止,调查人员尚未指控他有任何不当行为。(3)The newlyappointed mayor was said to be accused of (_) cheating on his income tax.据说新任市长被指控在所得税上逃税。(4)_ neglecting our education, my father sent my brother and me to a summ

27、er school.父亲因为被责备忽视我们兄弟俩的教育,而把我们哥俩送到了暑期补习班学习。6 demandvt. (to ask for sth as if one is commanding, or as if one has a right to do so)强烈要求 n. (command, or sth which is given as if it was a command)需要;请求(1)demand sth要求某物demand sth of/from sb 向某人要求某物demand to do 要求做demand that 要求从句用“(should)动词原形”(2)be i

28、n (great) demand (迫切)需求satisfy ones demands 满足某人的需求【活学活用】(1)2015全国卷阅读A Well before the arrival of freezers, there was a demand for ice for food preservation and catering. 在冰柜到来之前,食品保存和餐饮服务还是需要冰块。(2)The matter cannot rest there. I demand an apology _ your company.事情不能就此作罢我要求你们公司向我道歉。(3)As planes and

29、cars were _ of oil, people went and found many big oil wells.由于飞机和汽车迫切需要很多油料,人们勘探到许多大油井。(4)It is every citizens demand that the murderer who killed three children _ (punish). 每个公民都要求严惩那个谋杀了三名儿童的杀人犯。7 approvevt.& vi. (to agree to a plan; to consider right or good; to think or speak favourably of)批准,通

30、过;认可;赞成;同意(1)(2)【活学活用】(1)2015江苏卷阅读D To make yourself obey what you approved was freedom.遵守你自己认同的东西就是自由。(2)Her father will never approve _ her marrying such a lazy fellow.她父亲永远不会赞成她嫁给这样懒的一个人。(3)The developers submitted building plans to the council for _开发商把施工方案提交议会以求批准。(4)2014湖北卷阅读B Before building

31、work began, a lot of people didnt want the Shard though the plans _在建设工作开始之前,尽管计划已经通过了,许多人还是不想接受水晶宫的设计。8 informvt. (to give information or knowledge to; to tell)通知;告知(1)(2)information nU通知;消息;情报;信息【活学活用】(1)2015福建卷单项填空 It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.迈克尔

32、通知我们他要晚点到,以免我们担心,真是考虑周到。(2)You ought to inform the police _ a man has been hiding in the bushes outside your gate.你应该通知警察有个人藏在你大门外的树丛里。(3)The newspapers keep us _ what is going on around us at any time.报纸随时让我们了解我们周围发生的事情。(4)If I _ him of the exact time for the meeting earlier, he wouldnt have been l

33、ate yesterday.要是我早一点儿通知他开会的准确时间,昨天他就不会迟到了。短语储存1 depend on/upon依靠,依赖depend on sb to do sth指望/依靠某人做某事depend on sb/sth for sth 依靠供给某物depend upon it 请相信;没问题It/That (all) depends. 看情况而定。(用于口语)【活学活用】(1)2015湖南卷阅读C Inspections were a regular part of lighthouse(灯塔) living, and a keepers reputation depended o

34、n the results. 视察是灯塔生活的常规部分,而且看守人的声誉取决于视察结果。(2)You may depend on _ that all the goods will be shipped abroad in time.你可以相信所有的货物都会及时用船运到国外去。(3)The teacher will put forward a variety of questions, _ your different answers.针对你不同的回答,这位老师还会提出许多不同的问题。(4)Theyll not study hard any more, with rich parents _有

35、富有的父母可依赖,他们就不再努力学习了。2 ahead of在前面;领先;胜过ahead of time/schedule提前go _ 前进;(事情的)进行,继续;(祈使句)请吧,开始吧look ahead往前看,为未来着想或打算think/plan ahead 事先考虑/计划【活学活用】(1)2015湖北卷阅读A The pony responsible was queuing up for some ice cream in the car park near Haytor, and perhaps thought Id jumped in ahead of him.负责的小马驹正在海特公

36、园旁边的停车场排队买冰淇淋,并且认为我可能插队到它前面了。(2)Because he was absent for two weeks, the other students in his class are _ him.因为他缺了两周课,班上其他同学都超过了他。(3)We laboured hard to finish our job _我们努力工作,以期把工作提前完成。句型透视1 Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? 你们有

37、没有过这样的情况:别人控告你们的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?a case where一种的情形【句式点拨】where引导定语从句,修饰先行词a case。当先行词为case,situation,position,point,atmosphere等且从句缺状语时,常用where或in which来引导定语从句。【活学活用】(1)Today, well discuss a number of cases where/in which beginners of English fail to use the language properly.今天,我们将讨论一下许多英语的初学者不能正确使用语

38、言的情况。(2)We are in a position _ we may lose a large sum of money.我们处在一种可能会损失大量金钱的处境下。(3)Noise is coming to the point _with it.噪声快到我们无法忍受的地步了。(4)2015天津卷单项填空 The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere _ his employees enjoy their work. 这个公司的老板在努力创造一种舒适的氛围,在这样的氛围里他的员工们享受他们的工作。2 So we

39、arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him.因此我们安排这名球员和被认为对他行贿的人一起接受采访。be supposed to do sth 应当做;认为做是必然的be supposed to have done sth 理应做过某事(但可能没有做)【句式点拨】句中supposed to bribe him是过去分词短语作定语,修饰the man,相当于一个定语从句the man who was supposed to bribe him。【活学活用】(1)2015湖南卷阅读C T

40、he inspections were supposed to be a surprise, but keepers sometimes had advance notice.检查理应是不期而至的,但管理员有时会事先通知。(2)Last summer, he was supposed to have been the groomsman at his brothers wedding.去年夏天他本来应该在他哥哥的婚礼上当伴郎。(3)He was supposed to _ from college two years ago,but he didnt.他本该两年以前大学毕业的,但是他没有。(4

41、)The _(suppose) beggar was really a police officer in disguise.那个众人眼中的乞丐,其实是化了装的警察。 .单句填空1You should not take advantages of his kindness and generosity by _(demand) too much of him.2Our software, unless _(update) on a regular basis, may not serve us well in our work.3In our daily life, we sometimes

42、come across a number of cases _ people suffer from heart attacks.4They investigated the problem _(thorough) before making the decision.5A man helping an old lady who fell on the floor to get up on a bus ended up _ (accuse) of causing her injury.6He is a _(gift) musician and promises to be a famous m

43、usician.7_(acquire) the money through hard work, he was reluctant to give it away.8After years of hard work, you may depend on _that he can fulfil the task.9Not until one of his works _(publish) was he able to gain his confidence in writing.10Generally speaking, a political leader should have a good nose _ current affairs.单句改错1Today,well discuss a number of cases that beginners of English are likely to meet with.2She was so absorbed in her book that she didnt hear anyone called her name.3Althou

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