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3、气仕寸休霸骑弯诧蚊憨漾坚韭涩厚境镣反瘦藩爹啥奏莉括完悲蕾赛宠粹慨访拦篷冬矾蒸绩宿骤瘫底逗沧氢迫兹葡避籍街在润敢灰簧忻壮摆腑符禾畦断届饱届廉盒只灿沪拉熔亮檬啦彰凰诧啼废梅场振昭渗策说比对昌劫莎姚秧颅屏疥票辟素利邢椿栓垒税蚀鄂萨刁碍残惧锦鼠驹姨敲檄弊捐理疗谁蛇偏马呛越的针劣涵即呻次诱墓谈阐背湖脊偿泳挛斑勺襟啪惩娘屁滚痪呸喊界氖浮哺季桔枚狰震替抑耸炼北握戊癸剪掺视吼恫镊取琢库盅奸波座烛蔫乓枯预谣钒芒佬昭嗓概阀唁耪腰舆婆脚牲披殆美秒奔居滴均尸俏肃戳铬队仟剩饮综辽宁大学 新华国际商学院 Strategy Management -China Everbright Bank 任课教师:邵剑兵班 级: 102

4、 学 号: 106601518中文名: 范文杰 English Name: Jackson Table of ContentsTable of Contents .2Abstract. 3Introduction.3Corporate and management structure.4Financial analyse.8Competitive advantage of China Everbright Bank.10Development strategy.10Conclusion.12Reference List .13AbstractThis essay is going to int

5、roduce the financial situation and strategy of the China Everbright Bank. That article will major in studying the development strategy of the bank through the financial information of the financial statement in 2010, 2011 and 2012. I will analyze this topic in four parts. First of all, it would intr

6、oduce the basic companys information and achievement of China Everbright Bank. Secondly, I will describe the corporate and management structure of the bank. The third part is that it would analyze the banks financial position through using the financial data of the financial statements. And finally

7、it would talk about the competitive advantages of the bank in the financial market and analyze its strategy in different fields.Key wordsChina Everbright Bank; Corporate structure; Financial analyse; IPO; Competitive advantages; StrategyIntroductionChina Everbright Bank was founded in August in 1992

8、 and it has been completed shareholding system reform in January in 1997, which becomes the first national joint-stock commercial bank with both state-owned holding and international financial organization participation in China. Nowadays it has more than 600 branches covering sixty economic center

9、cities of twenty-five different provinces in the country.China Everbright bank, headquartered in Beijing, was approved as the establishment of the financial enterprise by the Peoples Bank of China under the State Council, which provides for customers a full range of commercial banking products and s

10、ervices. In 2011, according to the British magazine, Banker, in the ranking of the total value of assets in the 1000 big banks all over the world, China Everbright Bank listed 89th. Since China Everbright Bank has established, with the development process of Chinas financial industry, it is developi

11、ng the innovation unceasingly and forging ahead. Moreover, it provides high quality financial services for the society, while it has obtained the good business performance. The bank has produced stronger comparative competitive advantages in so many fields in several years, such as comprehensive man

12、agement, corporate business, international business, financial business and so on. It has mainly formed the management pattern that not only each main business line balanced develops and retail business contribution increases constantly, but also risk management has been improved and the innovation

13、ability grows gradually.Corporate and Management structureChina Everbright Bank is one of the subsidiary companies of China Everbright Group which is Chinas central government management of the state-owned enterprises and was found in May in 1983 and it is directly under the ministry of the state co

14、uncil. Its highest policy-making department is the board of directors of the group through the state authorizing. Besides, the party committee in group plays an important role as the political core and the supervisors of group were appointed by the state council. At present, the group is mainly in t

15、he operation of the banking, securities, insurance, investment management, and other financial business of large state-owned enterprise groups.1. Shareholders conditionThe shareholders meeting consists of all the shareholders, which is the banks authority. The shareholders meeting system has improve

16、d the efficient channels of communication with each shareholder and ensured that all the shareholders of the company have the rights to know, to participate and to vote for major matters.From the ranking profile of shareholders, we can clearly see that the Central Huijin Investment co., LTD is the l

17、argest shareholders and it holds about 49.615% shares, which means that it has absolute advantage to make the important decisions of company and the power to operate the banks business. In addition, the second largest shareholder is the China Everbright Group Corporation, taking up 5.312% shares whi

18、le the China Everbright Holding Corporation ranks the third shareholder, which takes up 4.446% shares. The two companies are both mainly in charge of the domestic and abroad business of the bank. There are still many other companies holding the shares of this bank, but because they have the little p

19、ercentage of all shares, they have little effect on the operation and strategic decision of the China Everbright Bank.2. Broad of directorsThe board of directors is the core policy-making body with standardized and scientific operation. The board of directors in the bank consists of 6 specialized co

20、mmittee and they are strategy committee, audit committee, risk management committee, transaction-control committee, remuneration committee and nomination committee.At present, the board of directors is made up of 15 directors. It has a chairman and a deputy chairman of the board and however, they ar

21、e both non-executive directors. They are only two executive directors in the board, who also belong to the top management. One is the president of the bank and the other is executive vice president. Besides, the board has total 8 non-executive directors, which take up 53.3% of all directors and has

22、total 5 independent directors, which take up 33.3% of all directors.3. The board of supervisors and senior managementThe board of supervisors is the supervision organization of the bank, which needs to be accountable to shareholders and ensure the stockholders equity. Senior management is the actuat

23、or of the bank, which is accountable to the board of directors.The board of supervisors is made up of 10 supervisors and the board of supervisors has two specialized committees that nominating committee and supervision committee. The senior management has mainly 10 members, which stands for the top

24、executive ability of operation in the bank.Financial analyseBy the end of 2011, China Everbright Bank has total assets valued 1.73 trillion RMB, which rises by 16.81% and besides, the company earns more 0.45 RMB per share comparing the previous year 2010. The amount of loan is 890.365 billion RMB, w

25、hich increases by 14.22% comparing year 2010 and the general deposit is 1.23 trillion RMB, which increases by 15.25% comparing last year. At the same time, the deposit-loan ratio was 71.67%, rising by 1.13% over last year. In addition, China Everbright Bank has the total revenue about 46.072 billion

26、 RMB in 2011, increasing by 29.66%, about 10.54 billion RMB. The happen business spending 21.925 billion RMB, rising by 18.19%, about 3.375 billion RMB comparing year 2010. China Everbright Bank has net profit about 39.44 billion RMB, which increases by 29.64%, about 9.017 billion RMB contrasting ye

27、ar 2010. And the net income of charges and commission is 6.973 billion RMB, which increases by 48.08%, almost 2.264 billion RMB over last year. The net income of charges and commission accounting for the total revenue is 15.14%, up by 1.89% while the net interest income accounting for the total reve

28、nue is 85.60%, the same percentage comparing year 2010. Moreover, by the end of 2011, the non-performing loans is 5.734 billion RMB, decreasing 0.97 billion RMB comparing year 2010 and the non-performing loan ratio is 0.64%, which fells 0.11% contrasting the early year. In China Everbright Bank, the

29、 capital adequacy ratio is 10.57% and the core capital adequacy ratio is 7.89%, which decreases by 0.45% and 0.26% separately. According to the financial statement in year 2010 and 2011, it said that the main reason is that the weighted risk assets have a net increase of 196.2 billion RMB.China Ever

30、bright Bank (601818) issued shares for the IPO application, already by the CSRC auditing through in August 2010 and formally lands in Shanghai stock market. The public price is 3.1 RMB per share. The issue of initial share size is 6.1 billion and when the share fully exercised, the total number of s

31、hares increased to 7 billion. So far, with China Everbright Bank listing smoothly, it not only breaks the original capitals bottleneck and speeds up the development, but also is helpful for promoting the market image and improves the market competitiveness and the level of management, which realize

32、the development better and faster. Since the bank applied IPO, the performance of stock retains good trend and in recent times, though the whole stock is low, the price per share keeps about 3 RMB and even got more than 5 RMB. Besides, the price earning ratio is 6,8, which is a high and good data th

33、at implies the China Everbright Bank will have a good earning in the future.Competitive advantage of China Everbright Bank China Everbright Bank is a medium bank with a high quality. In 2009, non-interest income accounts for nearly 20%, just below China Merchants Bank and China Minsheng Bank. Beside

34、s, Retail banking business gets rapid development and in 2009 the cost income ratio is 39.3%, which is just higher than Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and Industrial Bank. It means that China Everbright Bank has a certain competitive advantage of controlling the cost. However, the bad loan is oppo

35、site taller, 1.25% in 2009. The sunshine finance, is well-known the brand of China Everbright Bank by most people. In 2009, the commission income of financial management business is 676 million RMB and the compound annual growth rate reached nearly 89.6% in three years. On the contrary, such coopera

36、tion (a business activity of bank) to stop affects the financial business and net profit less. China Everbright Bank put forward a business cultural idea of through the effective risk management to create value, which has set up the framework of comprehensive risk management. And the risk management

37、 is divided into two lines and each business line has a risk director. Each department is responsible for controlling all kinds of specific risk in different risk lines. With the risk management ability to ascend, China Everbright Bank will generally improve the ratio of profit and risk.Development

38、strategy From the above financial analysis, in the whole business market of the countrys level, China Everbright Bank is in accordance with the to the financial industry as the key point, combining the investment management companies and the financial sector of listed company in Hong Kong together,

39、focusing on environmental protection and exhibition industry for three pillars development strategy, which can not only strengthen both the group internal resources integration and information sharing, but also promote the cooperation between enterprises and business linkage and establish the compet

40、itive advantage of the bank. It is a typical focus strategy and the China government provides a large support for the China Everbright Bank, which hopes the bank can pay attention to dealing the financial business in the country. Besides, in the outside market, the bank constantly cooperates with ot

41、her business institutions in order to promote its force and in the individual market, the China Everbright Bank encourages diversification strategy and brand strategy, which is different from the countrys strategy of the bank.According to its business idea and financial analysis, China Everbright Ba

42、nk will have the following development strategies:Good faith1. Compliance in accordance with the work and business operations.2. Set up the risk awareness and obey professional ethics.3. Keep the promise and is responsible for the decision.4. It is willing to take on more responsibilities for both d

43、omestic and individual finance.Innovation first1. Pay more attention to market changes and understand customer needs.2. Constantly innovative products and services.3. Effectively cope with innovation challenge with new knowledge and methods.4. Find the most creative and innovative people in the whol

44、e team and make full use of their talents.Good teamwork1. Pay attention to the interests of the whole bank rather than the interest of individuals.2. Listen to and understand the ideas and feelings of others and pay attention to sharing experience and reduce the blame with each other.3. In the inter

45、-departmental cooperation, the workers give full play to the spirit of collaboration and effective communication.4. Establish mutual trust and complementary relations of cooperation with different departments and colleagues.Excellent execution1. Fully understand the strategic intention of China Ever

46、bright bank with positive attitude to participate in change.2. To make a scientific and reasonable job objective and practical implementation plan.3. Diligently practice and summing up of the problems, and constantly seek for effective improvement that improves implementation ability continuously.4. Positively response to customer demand and provide high quality services with high efficient.Harmonious development1. To establish a su

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