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1、如何报告论文:我的建议吉 利报告论文并非简单地朗读论文,建议你的演讲突出3个问题:(1)What is it?论文的研究主题。(2)Why is it interesting?论文为什么值得一读,其实就是论文的贡献或创新。(3)How is it done?论文的研究过程。虽然以下并非一篇学术论文的组成部分,但建议你以以下内容来结束你的演讲:(4)评论和讨论。作为一个报告者,你的任务不仅仅是报告论文,而且还要带领全班就论文的长处、不足以及其中蕴含的更广的含义进行讨论。为了更好地使全班的讨论集中起来,你可以以2、3个主要问题/争议来结束你的演讲。(1)论文的研究主题应该首先将论文的研究主题介绍给


3、评论请用2、3个需要讨论的问题来结束你的演讲。这些问题可以是:论文本身的问题,你认为合适的、需要改进的;论文给我们的启示(要将论文放到整门课程,乃至你的研究生涯这个大背景中)。在这一点上,应特别鼓励听众讨论,但你应该提前准备好,提出问题来引起听众讨论。(比如在最后一张幻灯片上列出这些问题。)其他提示:掌控进度。对多数演讲来说,在演讲过程中不应打断,提问应在演讲结束后进行。对于这门课程宽松的讨论氛围来说,你可以选择鼓励提问或者将所有问题(除澄清之外的问题)推迟至演讲结束后回答。表现出热情。热情和无聊都有感染性。 练习,练习,再练习。95%的工作在你进行演讲之前完成:幻灯片要按照以上所讲到的主要话

4、题进行组织;你的幻灯片应当是整洁的,字体大,并且没有杂乱的东西;你了解每张幻灯片的要点,并已练习过如何叙述这些要点;你已经练习了整个的演讲,并解决了所有的“变数”;因为你的练习,你很自信你的演讲可以在期望的时间内进行,所以不需要赶时间或者考虑时间问题。你可以享受精心准备和展示的过程。How to present a paper(网络资源)在准备一个paper presentation(别人的paper),查到了这个贴士感觉很实用Some tips for preparing your paper presentationFirst, organize your talk:1. Read the

5、 entire paper at least 3 times. You need to be able to explain the details in the paper (even the ugly tricky notation) You need to be able to provide a critical analysis of the paper Check out references in the related work section of the paper. (this will help you put the paper in context of a lar

6、ger body of work and will help you critique the papers results/contributions) Look at Paper Reading Advice for more details. 2. Find the important ideas A paper has many details but only one or two main ideas; structure your talk around these main ideas. 3. Create a Talk Outline Your talk should be

7、organized in a top-down manner. You should have the following main sections in your talk: o Introduction, The Big Picture: what, why, how, and why we should care (motivation). Be sure to include: a statement of the problem being solved (what) motivation and putting the work in context (why and why s

8、hould we care) a high-level view of the authors solution (how) o Details of solution o Results demonstrating/proving their solution o Critic of Work (possibly compare to related work) o Conclusions & Future Directions for this work The talk should be organized as the important ideas first, the detai

9、ls second, conclusions last. Each section of your talk should be organized in a similar manor: high-level important points first, details second, summarize high-level points last. If the paper is well written, you can use the papers organization as a guide. Next, Design your slides1. Slide Organizat

10、ion Your slides should be organized like an outline-a few main points, with sub points under each one. Your slides are a guide for your talk not a word-for-word copy of your talk. List specific points that you want to talk about as sub-topics of each main topic. If there are particular details that

11、you want to discuss, outline them on the slide and keep written notes for you to refer to in your talk rather than writing all the details on the slide. 2. Summarize Main Points You should have a summary slide of the main ideas at the end. If applicable, Include a list of open questions from the pap

12、er 3. It is okay to waste spaceAdd just enough prose prose to present the main points and highlight the main parts of each point. Use phrases rather than complete sentences and use large fonts. You can use acronyms and abbreviations sparingly, however you should say the complete name when you talk a

13、bout about them. For example, if you abbreviate processes to procs on a slide, say processes when you talk about the point not procs. Similarly, if your create an acronym for your super fast multi-cast implementation SFMC and refer to the old slow multi-cast implementation as OSMC, then say our supe

14、r fast multi-cast and the old slow multi-cast rather than SFMC and OSMC. The exception is for well-known acronyms such as PVM, MPI, API, JVM, etc. 4. A picture is worth a thousand wordsUse figures and graphs to explain implementation and results. It is very hard to describe a system implementation w

15、ithout having a picture of the components of the system. I once attended a talk about Intels I64 architecture where the speaker tried to discuss the details of the layout of the chip and the interactions between the components without having any figures. It made for a very bad talk and a very hostil

16、e audience. 5. Number of SlidesAs a general rule, it should take 2-3 minutes to talk through the material on one slide, so for a 45 minute talk you should have about 20 slides. If there is too much material in a paper to present completely in 45 minutes, then pick one part (the most interesting/impo

17、rtant part) that you will discuss in detail, and present the other parts at a higher level. You can create back-up slides for specific details that you dont plan to talk about, but may get questions about. Next, preparing your presentation1. Provide a talk road-mapTell audience where you are going w

18、ith your talk. o Give audience a road-map of your talk at the beginning by using outline slides Immediately after the title slide, put up an outline slide and tell the audience the main organization of your talk. Another alternative is to first have a few slides motivating the papers general topic,

19、then put up an outline slide giving the audience a road-map of your talk. o It should be clear when you start a new high-level part of your talk Use good transitions from one slide to the next, and from one main topic to the next.We just talked about the implementation of foo now we will look at how

20、 well foo performs for synthetic and real workloads. You may want to use the outline slide at other points in your talk to provide a visual transition between parts. 2. Repeat Your PointThere is a rule that says you have to tell your audience something three times before the really hear it: 0. Tell

21、them what you are going to say. 1. Say it. 2. Summarize what you said. This is particularly important for figures and graphs. For example:1. This graph show how the A algorithm performs better than the B and C algorithms as the number of nodes increase 2. The X axis is number of nodes, the Y axis is

22、 execution time in seconds The red curve shows the execution time of A as the number of nodes increases The blue curve shows . 3. Thus you can see that as the number of nodes increases above N, the A algorithm performs better. This is because of increased message traffic in algorithms B and C as sho

23、wn on the next slide. 3. Explain concepts in your own wordsIt is certainly okay to lift key phrases from the paper to use in your talk. However, you should also try to summarize the main ideas of the paper in your own words. 4. Talk to the AudienceDont read your slide off the screen, nor directly of

24、f the projector. It is okay to stop for a second and refer to your notes if you need to. 5. PracticeGive a practice run-through of your talk. Stand in a room for 1 hour and talk through all your slides (out loud). This should be a timed dress rehearsal (dont stop and fix slides as you go). Members o

25、f your reading group should provide a practice audience for you. 6. Nervousness: How to fight back A well organized, practiced talk will almost always go well. If you draw a blank, then looking at your slides will help you get back on track. Taking a deep breath will clam you down. One trick is to t

26、ry to remember to take a deep breath between each slide. Slow down. Take a few seconds to think about a question that is being asked before you answer it. It is okay to pause for a few seconds between points and between slides; a second or two of silence between points is noticeable only to you, but

27、 if you are talking a mile a minute everyone will notice. Bring notes. if you are afraid that you will forget a point or will forget your elegant transition between slides 11 and 12, write these down on a piece of paper and bring it with you. However, you dont want to have a verbatim copy of your ta

28、lk, instead write down key phrases that you want to remember to say. Give at least one practice talk to an audience. Be prepared to answer questions. You dont have to know the answer to every question, however you should be prepared to answer questions and able to answer most questions about the pap

29、er. Before you give the talk, think about what questions you are likely to get, and how you would answer them. You may want to have back-up slides ready for answering certain questions. It is okay to say I dont know or better yet gee, I hadnt thought about that, but one possible approach would be to

30、. or to refer to your notes to answer questions. 其中专业理论知识内容包括:保安理论知识、消防业务知识、职业道德、法律常识、保安礼仪、救护知识。作技能训练内容包括:岗位操作指引、勤务技能、消防技能、军事技能。二培训的及要求培训目的安全生产目标责任书为了进一步落实安全生产责任制,做到“责、权、利”相结合,根据我公司2015年度安全生产目标的内容,现与财务部签订如下安全生产目标:一、目标值:1、全年人身死亡事故为零,重伤事故为零,轻伤人数为零。2、现金安全保管,不发生盗窃事故。3、每月足额提取安全生产费用,保障安全生产投入资金的到位。4、安全培训合格

31、率为100%。二、本单位安全工作上必须做到以下内容: 1、对本单位的安全生产负直接领导责任,必须模范遵守公司的各项安全管理制度,不发布与公司安全管理制度相抵触的指令,严格履行本人的安全职责,确保安全责任制在本单位全面落实,并全力支持安全工作。 2、保证公司各项安全管理制度和管理办法在本单位内全面实施,并自觉接受公司安全部门的监督和管理。 3、在确保安全的前提下组织生产,始终把安全工作放在首位,当“安全与交货期、质量”发生矛盾时,坚持安全第一的原则。 4、参加生产碰头会时,首先汇报本单位的安全生产情况和安全问题落实情况;在安排本单位生产任务时,必须安排安全工作内容,并写入记录。 5、在公司及政府

32、的安全检查中杜绝各类违章现象。 6、组织本部门积极参加安全检查,做到有检查、有整改,记录全。 7、以身作则,不违章指挥、不违章操作。对发现的各类违章现象负有查禁的责任,同时要予以查处。 8、虚心接受员工提出的问题,杜绝不接受或盲目指挥;9、发生事故,应立即报告主管领导,按照“四不放过”的原则召开事故分析会,提出整改措施和对责任者的处理意见,并填写事故登记表,严禁隐瞒不报或降低对责任者的处罚标准。 10、必须按规定对单位员工进行培训和新员工上岗教育;11、严格执行公司安全生产十六项禁令,保证本单位所有人员不违章作业。 三、 安全奖惩: 1、对于全年实现安全目标的按照公司生产现场管理规定和工作说明书进行考核奖励;对于未实现安全目标的按照公司规定进行处罚。 2、每月接受主管领导指派人员对安全生产责任状的落

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