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1、英语小学六年级阅读理解精选模拟综合试卷(及答案)一、阅读判断根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Tom and his parents(父母)often eat in the restaurant(餐馆). Toms father likes vegetables(蔬菜). He often orders(点餐)some green beans and tomatoes. Toms mother likes meat. She often orders some fish and pork(猪肉). Tom likes fast food, Coke. Tom and his parents

2、like ice cream very much. They often order ice cream for dessert(甜点).1、Toms father likes meat.( )2、Toms mother often orders green beans.( )3、Tom doesnt like fast food. ( )4、Tom often orders hamburgers and Coke. ( )5、Tom and his parents like ice cream. ( )答案:1、F2、F3、F4、T5、T【解析】解析:1、F2、F3、F4、T5、T【解析】二

3、、阅读判断阅读短文,并根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Mike: Excuse me. Where is the science museum?Simon: The science museum? Its not far. Its next to the bookstore.Mike: But where is the bookstore?Simon: Go straight. Take the No. 12 bus over there. Get off at the cinema. Turn right and you can see the bookstore.Mike: Th

4、ank you very much.Simon: Youre welcome!6、Mike wants to go to the science museum.( )7、The science museum is very far.( )8、The bookstore is next to the science museum.( )9、Take the No. 12 bus, we cant get to the cinema.( )10、Turn left at the cinema, you can get to the science museum.( )答案:6、T7、F8、T9、F

5、10、F【解析】6、根据Where is the science museum?知问博物馆说明要去博物馆,故答案为正解析:6、T7、F8、T9、F10、F【解析】6、根据Where is the science museum?知问博物馆说明要去博物馆,故答案为正确。7、根据 Its not far.知不远,故答案为错误。8、根据Its next to the bookstore.知博物馆就在书店旁边,故答案为正确。9、根据Take the No. 12 bus over there. Get off at the cinema.知可以到达电影院,故答案为错误。10、根据Turn right a

6、nd you can see the bookstore.知是右拐,故答案为错误。【点睛】考查阅读理解,浏览对话大意,根据原文判断。三、阅读理解To spend my holiday together with my friend, I went to Sweden (瑞士) on a bicycle. However, we didnt ride our bikes all the time. We took the train through Poland and then we boarded (登上) a ship to Sweden. The start and the end of

7、 our trip was Ystad (于斯塔德) in Sweden. We had two weeks to travel around southern Sweden. It was a really cold and rainy day when we started our trip, so I thought this holiday wouldnt be good. We traveled about 100 km per day. Sweden is a beautiful country with nice people and hot weather! Yes, of c

8、ourse I did not believe that it would be 35 degrees in Sweden. We came home sun-tanned and full of new experiences.11、To get to Sweden, the writer took _ form(s) of transportation (交通). ()AoneBtwoCthreeDfour12、When the writer arrived at Ystad, the weather was _. ()Ahot and sunnyBcold and rainyChot a

9、nd windyDcold and cloudy13、The underlined word “sun- tanned” in the last paragraph means _ “in Chinese. ()A没有太阳的B升起太阳的C被太阳晒黑的D为太阳欢呼的14、From the passage, we can know _. ()Athe writer and his family had a great timeBat first the writer thought he could have funCthe writer traveled in north of Sweden f

10、or two weeksDthe people in Sweden were friendly to the writer15、Whats the best title of the passage? ()AMy holiday in SwedenBWhy not go on a trip?CHow to get to Sweden?DLets travel around the world答案:11、C12、B13、C14、D15、A【导语】本文讲了作者和朋友去瑞典旅行的事情。11、句意:为了到达瑞典,作者乘了_种交通方式。解析:11、C12、B13、C14、D15、A【导语】本文讲了作者和

11、朋友去瑞典旅行的事情。11、句意:为了到达瑞典,作者乘了_种交通方式。A一,B二,C三,D四,根据第一段可知为了到达瑞典,作者乘了三种交通方式,故选C。12、句意:当作者到达于斯塔德时,天气_。A炎热晴朗,B寒冷多雨,C炎热有风,D寒冷多云,根据“It was a really cold and rainy day when we started our trip, so I thought this holiday wouldnt be good.”,可知当作者到达于斯塔德时,天气寒冷多雨,故选B。13、句意:最后一段中带下划线的“sun- tanned”一词的中文意思是_。根据文章语境可知

12、sun- tanned的中文意思是被太阳晒黑的,故选C。14、句意:从这篇文章中,我们可以知道_。A作者和家人玩得很开心,B起初,作者认为他可以玩得很开心,C作者在瑞典北部旅行了两周,D瑞典人对作者很友好,根据“Sweden is a beautiful country with nice people and hot weather!”,可知D项正确,故选D。15、句意:这篇文章最好的标题是什么?A我在瑞典度假。B为什么不去旅行呢?C怎么去瑞典?D让我们环游世界吧。根据全文可知讲了作者在瑞典度假,故选A。四、阅读理解I am going to take it easy today and t

13、omorrow.Today, I am going to meet some friends for lunch. There is a great Indian restaurant near the river. We eat there about once a month, so we going to go there. And this evening, we are going to go to the cinema. We are going to see “Marathon Man”. It is a new film. Tomorrow, I am going to rid

14、e my bike to the seaside, and I am going to have a swim. I am going to enjoy today and tomorrow.11、The understand words “take it easy” means . ()A得到它容易B变得简单C轻松惬意D自由自在12、I go to the Indian restaurant . ()Aonce a dayBonce a weekConce a monthDonce a year13、I am going to see a film . ()Ain the eveningBi

15、n the afternoonCtomorrow eveningDtomorrow14、I go to the seaside by . ()AcarBbusCtaxiDbicycle15、-Can I swim? ()-_.AYes, it isBYes, you canCNo, it isntDNo, you cant答案:11、C12、C13、A14、D15、B解析:11、C12、C13、A14、D15、B五、阅读理解Its a hot day. A mother crow (乌鸦) and her two children are flying in the sky. They are

16、 very thirsty. So the mother crow says to her children, “Lets find some water to drink.” They find a jar (广口瓶) on the floor. There is some water in the jar. But its not full (满的). Their beaks (鸟嘴) are too short. They cant drink the water. Little crows dont know what to do. The mother crow looks at t

17、he jar, then she asks her children to put some small stones (石头) into the jar. Then, the jar is full. How clever the mother crow is!16、Its a _day.()AcoldBwarmChot17、The crows are_.()AhungryBthirstyCill18、Their beaks are too _, so they cant drink the water.()AlongBtallCshort19、They put some small _in

18、to the jar.()AeggsBstonesCbananas20、The mother crow is very_.()AcleverBbeautifulCbad答案:16、C17、B18、C19、B20、A解析:16、C17、B18、C19、B20、A六、阅读理解Long long ago, there was a man named Wu Song. One day, he went to see his brother. Wu Song drank a lot of wine (酒) before he left home. On his way, there was a plac

19、e called Mountain Jingyang. He began to climb the mountain.There was a sign on the tree, “Be careful with the tigers. Do not climb the mountain alone. Go through the mountain with your partners (同伴).”Wu Song laughed and said, “I am not afraid of tigers. I am strong and brave.” He didnt stop. Wu Song

20、 came to an old house on the top of the mountain. He saw another sign here. “Danger! Tigers here!” At that time, he felt too drunk (酒醉的). He couldnt walk on.So he sat down under a tree and had a rest. Just then, he felt a gust of wind whistling around him, it was a tiger charging at (冲向) him! Wu Son

21、g stood up quickly and had a fight with it. But the tiger was strong and angry, it wanted to bite Wu Song with its sharp teeth. Suddenly, Wu Song jumped onto the tigers back and hit the tiger with his strong fists. The tigers eyes, mouth, nose and ears were badly hurt. The tiger was bleeding all ove

22、r and it fell down on the ground. At last, it was dead.21、Wu Song has a _.AtigerBsisterCbrother22、Wu Song saw _ signs in Mountain Jingyang.AtwoBthreeCfour23、Near the old house, a tiger came to Wu Song. The tiger was _.Abig and hungryBstrong and hungryCangry and strong24、Wu Song hit the tiger with _.

23、Ahis sharp teethBhis fistsChis mouth and nose25、Which sentence is right according to the passage?AWu Song was afraid of the tiger.BThe tiger was not afraid of Wu Song.CIt was safe to walk through the mountain alone.答案:21、C22、A23、C24、B25、B【解析】21、题干句意:武松有一个 _。A. 老虎;B. 姐姐;C. 哥哥。根据“he we解析:21、C22、A23、C2

24、4、B25、B【解析】21、题干句意:武松有一个 _。A. 老虎;B. 姐姐;C. 哥哥。根据“he went to see his brother.”可知武松有一个哥哥,故选C。22、题干句意:武松在景阳山看到了 _ 警示牌。A. 2个;B. 3个;C. 4个。根据“There was a sign on the tree.”和“He saw another sign here.”可知他看到了两个警示牌,故选A。23、题干句意:在老房子附近,一只 _ 老虎来到了武松身边。那只老虎是。A. 又大又饿。B. 强壮和饥饿。C. 暴躁而强壮。根据“the tiger was strong and angry”可知是一只暴躁而强壮的老虎,故选C。24、题干句意:武松用 _ 打老虎。A. 他锋利的牙齿。B. 他的拳头。C. 他的嘴和鼻子。根据“hit the tiger with his strong fists”可知武松用拳头打虎,故选B。25、题干句意:根据短文,哪句话是对的?A. 武松怕老虎。B. 老虎不怕武松。C. 独自一人穿过这座山是安全的。根据排除法武松是不怕老虎的;而且根据牌子上的指示不要独自一人上山,所以排除AC。故选B。

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