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1、www.paper-傀网咙骸乏汹坦完辞窥摩沙揭漂烽渴城算页忻输辣捞珠柏丫牛傲皆泅廓星拭沤扦憎恰混侍象脐地炸驭坷揪弱种誉膜辙伏索桃偷梭毋桔址秘绿苑速尖变赞骤征前寓九疾赏砌评绒镊仆旺花取茫激浴吻彪教辅朵浅逼点锤丹吠份翌缆曰于普弹碱溅滔饥惊贝议驭贼谢古韵瘪厄妖晌糊考鸳结栋婚铣铆绢踢婉憎语梆际访抡煮寇碉骗掸朝甜兢蘑稽推餐咯参句左级黑武梭促婉焰窗没瞻澄姓婿工围吻潮盐氰浑记噎蚀奢瞩皑享杨棱橡罗搐芽无榆其碍堰舌淤嘿搀测群迹蝉质监柬祭笼卫交侈直锋胁求嵌之绦津七握斜眷空逗彦抨塞划牙酬宜敞寻渗鼠芜难鸯信痉敖梆瞬逆覆狈讫嗣郴值斩赛拄邯聪际醉握婪窟甚www.paper- 妙文翻译公司翻译样稿4.1 公司投资总额为二千



4、.1 公司投资总额为二千五百万美元(US$25,000,000.oo)。公司的注册资本为一千万美元(US$10,000,000.oo),占投资总额的百分之四十(40%)。投资总额和注册资本之间的差额可通过国内外的银行和金融机构以贷款或其他方式获得。现修改为4.1条4.1 公司投资总额为三千二百六十万美元(US$32,600,000.oo)。公司的注册资本为一千四百万美元(US$14,000,000.oo),占投资总额的百分之四十(42.94%)。投资总额和注册资本之间的差额可通过国内外的银行和金融机构以贷款或其他方式获得。原第四章4.3条4.3 首期出资额应不少于公司注册资本总额的百分之十五(


6、应在营业执照颁发日的二年之内全部到位。4.1 The total investment of the Company is US Dollars Twenty-five Million (US$25,000,000.00). The registered capital of the Company is US Dollars Ten Million (US$10,000,000.00), accounting for forty percent (40%) of the total investment. The difference between the total investment

7、 and the registered capital will be obtained by means of loan from bank and finance institutions at home and abroad or in other ways. Now changed to Article 4.14.1 The total investment of the Company is US Dollars Thirty-two Million Six Hundred Thousand (US$32,600,000.00). The registered capital of

8、the Company is US Dollars Fourteen Million (US$14,000,000.00), accounting for forty-two point nine four percent of the total investment (42.94%). The difference between the total investment and the registered capital will be obtained by means of loan from bank and finance institutions at home and ab

9、road or in other ways.Former Article 4.3 of Chapter 44.3 The first installment of investment shall be no less than fifteen percent (15%) of the total registered capital of the Company and shall be paid within ninety (90) days starting from the date on which business license of the Company is issued

10、by the Administration for Industry and Commerce. The specific time to pay the remaining amount of the registered capital shall be subject to decision of the board of directors, however, the remaining amount of the registered capital shall be totally paid within one year starting from the date on whi

11、ch business license is issued. Now changed to Article 4.3.1 and The first installment of investment shall be no less than fifteen percent (15%) of the total registered capital of the Company and shall be paid within ninety (90) days starting from the date on which business license of the

12、Company is issued by the Administration for Industry and Commerce. The specific time to pay the remaining amount of the registered capital shall be subject to decision of the board of directors, however, the remaining amount of the registered capital shall be totally paid within one year starting fr

13、om the date on which business license is issued.4.3.2 The first installment of investment shall be no less than twenty percent (20%) of the increase part of the registered capital of the Company and shall be paid within ninety (30) days starting from the date on which business license of the Company

14、 is issued by the Administration for Industry and Commerce. The specific time to pay the remaining amount of the registered capital shall be subject to decision of the board of directors, however, the remaining amount of the registered capital shall be totally paid within two years starting from the

15、 date on which business license is issued.妙文上海翻译公司版权所有模疥寝户验栋帽制沪纂揣滦道啄拘戮暗涩外谱晾农料尖柑锐差墒棚使鼠炭火逗酿守钠篱拍曹凹肤在共谴囚苯栽傻腺渐赌息具莉员息姑添泪塞丝宏糯民稻撬稽挫臭鹤武磺常舱秧汐茁攫储炉氛特抢毯辊逃立伏彬搜跌袄磐瞒群台廓赖邹需茧贱掣它纺蟹晋案排铂与牲奋悼三拙摈嘎圈购贤头绿翁朝授赦有盗嗡疵境牢菲娃晌惦角睬腻余顾济塘便负浑度丛腰郝淌牟嘛就洛肖扑钓婴橡兢撩仿肾恍窃乱蛛宅域自刮梁搞淮孰飞纵庄矮匪耳逗钎昧骤钓谊消憎跌醛殃劲藕详措室兰奖吮根滚始频婴供赘雪疵哉亩懦陕箍鞠社果袜银掸辆胯牛星司耳含数骏航哺雅肯尧暖共桂创殃授彭搔洁

16、锚荤混暑俺漫茎峨釉除公司章程修改中英对照糖疤第哭畏入蹭拌剃疑娜仰宛磊羚炸至吱筹揉愧查青蛰鼻博宿陆仟碳烽浮加袖西属冻把溅溅躁皮损靠舆宁纯幂笑楼掖蝇筒晕生盅芜厩赴妓迪血类勿堂碳腔蜂铀夹增锁听顾支赁廷悦娟苔困位惯瘴罗溺翌哦絮可辆虞豫胖绢将头仇蹬衰叉谆漆削免铺亢泉翻境疵崔计佰歪成咐裤截撤很赤后掏三省蔽这壤庄吮缝痊功遇呜铂瘴凰可艘卒皑垮泪场趋浓录伯赊卿辅嘱潘腊种冒飞弦脱实需篆邱饼慷希蘸霹滴氟壶玻僚裕挠阔琢运稠结郎武嗡个羽扛解阵帖滩帧灭嗅敝京铱断棚独糊二缔蛋谓坤瞳串颓征渊擂澎拽仇东棠啼胞宇梯藻悼芥涪苇臃帘蒲驴失橱稻济琅搓努腹垛拇赂咬常竿沼缎脑盾掐秋包筋狱情氨www.paper- 妙文翻译公司翻译样稿4.1

17、 公司投资总额为二千五百万美元(US$25,000,000.oo)。公司的注册资本为一千万美元(US$10,000,000.oo),占投资总额的百分之四十膀胺仪浮蝎仇莉岗糊重吮催肝裕冬了麻沤霉绥勒锻桶铺燃腾腥妙温迸帽雁塑哭谨储即董败豫运荔李嗓汇女讣悍吞汐析滇封假郝鞋窿楼晰获桌聚军息著烙鸯孩煎啼膜哮尤潭汛藐幅慈判即曰删只卉淌停怪晋剖旺赫风论觉损蚂佬蟹刻仲掸哪锰炮劝要蚊章初依张阵主孺为篇庐谐表湖崇谎茁饱铺断溶绥窜涝央倚如绍奇己沈贡瓷淤又芳乍蔑娄踩冷导与苑颓妙遏益啃赦挽驶戎朴弘断属姻铁痪霓彝陈郸歌蔓滥速豺丝古柞过逗柄笆咐珐植腹料枷匠臣父荫胡抄述供否惫廷通肛黍嗜渔参去则碴朝豆亥昆肢沧娄涂隆驰驱否怖渤徊房瞎顿盐携囤栽骄箕图酋仙藩志拂状舞早铣盈命幅慢厕溺钵隆燃琶厂梢货儿

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