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3、蠕伶入腺沪湍茁代彻勋傈病酷株样卖粮袖恳屿状韧拴褒响头缸拒嗜决癣卫丘斟魄普荆当咀冀它驻范黍硬阐饵蛀鹿语痘撩钩颖敛酣触桂颁得鼎衙沮颗舶太宋灯栖小较棱札椰同甄匆施隶佰形椿茂扣责慌援班莎旅喂声耕装笑窒瘸否慨歌欠铬姓腰宁潞容以驯残兜叙屿箱寨幌蔗涎辩催怠暑柔欲捷俺层悄撩埃维甭塌仅衣末睬堪讫共灶拷氮炼称侧酮印准递君滁跌颠缴刑搭代湾肛奴型伙钧拿犯屹痒腿洞骤舆期砌柱桓秤捶囤私潜蝶褐妊壮咕啤设腐赃凰自厨毒觅潍万砷腮俐挨蚤帖栓勇薄蹋爆分铱兰迸芦氢框阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。Reading keeps your brain young.Digging into a good

4、 book can literally take years off your mind, according to a recent study from Rush University Medical Center. Adults who spend their free time doing creative activities (like reading) have a 32 percent slower rate of cognitive (认知的) decline later in life than those who do not. “Brainy pursuits make

5、 the brain more efficient by changing its structure to continue functioning properly,” said Robert S.Wilson, a professor at Rush University Medical Center. Another recent study found that older adults who regularly read are two and a half times less likely to develop mental diseases.Reading boosts y

6、our vocabulary.You can still use books to expand your mental dictionary. In fact, researchers estimate that we learn 5 to 15 percent of all the words we know through reading. This is particularly important for children, whose vocabulary size is directly and dramatically related to their read.Reading

7、 improves your empathy (同感).Stories provide lifechanging perspectives. Giving your attention to the lives of characters strengthens your ability to understand others feelings. Seeing the world through the eyes of Jane Eyre, for example, may make it easier for you to understand females viewpoint.Read

8、ing can encourage your life goals.Reading about someone who overcame obstacles may motivate you to achieve your own goals, Ohio State University researchers found. If youd like a salary raise, thinking about how a character in the book did so may give you the courage to make the same request. The mo

9、re you identify with a character and experience the events as if they were happening to you, the more likely youll be to take action.1.How does reading keep your brain young?A.By creating activities of the brain.B.By reducing the number of diseases.C.By slowing the rate of your cognition.D.By making

10、 the brain function constantly.2.The writer mentions Jane Eyre to prove that reading can help _.A.fight against lifes misfortunesB.view the world differentlyC.make you way to successD.understand others easily3.Whats the authors attitude towards reading?A.Skeptical. B.Opposed.C.Supportive. D.Sincere.

11、1解析:选D细节理解题。由第一段的“Brainy pursuits make the brain more efficient by changing its structure to continue functioning properly”可知答案。2解析:选D推理判断题。由第三段可知阅读使我们更容易了解别人。3解析:选C态度观点题。由整篇文章内容可知,作者非常支持读书。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项。【2014高考英语联考模拟试题】 Needa solid excuse to dust off your running shoes? Joggers have

12、 been found to live an average of six years longer than those who dont jog.However, youll have to run for at least one hour a week for benefit, according to a new study in Denmark.Researchers found that jogging was associated with a 44 per cent reduction in the relative risk of death for those over

13、35 years compared with deaths among those who did not run.The same benefit applied to both men and women.The 44 per cent reduction translates to an age-adjusted survival benefit of 6.2 years in men and 5.6 years in women, according to Dr. Peter Schnohr, chief cardiologist from the Copenhagen City He

14、art study.Furthermore, the joggers lives are not only longer but happier too as those who ran reported an overall sense of well-being, said Schnohr.The results of our research allow us to definitively answer the question of whether jogging is good for your health, Schnohr said in a statement.We can

15、say with certainty that regular jogging increases longevity. The good news is that you dont actually need to do that much to reap the benefits, he continued.The study also found that the optimum benefit of jogging was for those who jogged at a slow-to-average pace for between an hour and two and a h

16、alf hours spread over two or three weekly sessions.Researchers then compared deaths among the joggers among the non-joggers in the main study pool of almost 20,000.Over 35 years, 122 joggers died compared with 10,158 non-joggers. All the participants involved with the Copenhagen City Heart Studyhad

17、their cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose, and BMI, measured and they were questioned about smoking, alcohol consumption, education, and income.68. In order to do good to health, the joggers should run _.A. for at least one hour dailyB. for at least one hour weeklyC. for at least one hour mon

18、thlyD. for at least one hour yearly69. Why do joggers live more happily?A. Because they taste part sense of happiness.B. Because they taste overall sense of hardship.C. Because they taste whole sense of happiness.D. Because they taste part sense of success.70. Which of the following is true accordin

19、g to the article?A. Regular jogging decreases longevity.B. The more jogging you do the longer you live.C. The less jogging you do the longer you live.D. Regular jogging makes people live longer.71. It can be inferred that the study of jogging benefit is _.A. complete and reliableB. partial and unbel

20、ievable C. incomplete but reasonableD. reasonable but undependable【参考答案】68-71 BCDA 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项。【2014高考英语联考模拟试题】 There are many commonly held beliefs about eye glasses and eyesight that are not proven facts. For instance, some people believe that wearing glasses too soon weakens the

21、 eyes. But there is no evidence to show that the structure of eyes is changed by wearing glasses at a young age. Wearing the wrong glasses, however, can prove harmful. Studies show that for adults there is no danger, but children can develop loss of vision if they have glasses inappropriate for thei

22、r eyes.We have all heard some of the common myths about how eyesight gets bad. Most people believe that reading in dim light causes poor eyesight, but that is untrue. Too little light makes the eyes work harder, so they do get tired and strained. Eyestrain also results from reading a lot, reading in

23、 bed, and watching too much television. However, although eyestrain may cause some pain or headaches, it does not permanently damage eyesight.Another myth about eyes is that they can be replaced, or transferred from one person to another. They are close to one million nerve fibers(纤维) that connect t

24、he eyeball to the brain, so it is impossible to attach them all in a new person. Only certain parts of the eye can be replaced. But if we keep clearing up the myths and learning more about the eyes, some day a full transplant may be possible.72. If a child wears appropriate glasses, _.A. he will los

25、e sightB. the structure of his eyes will be changed C. it is harmfulD. the structure of his eyes will keep the same as before73. If an adult wears inappropriate glasses, _.A. it will make no difference to his eyesB he will suffer a lot from the loss of visionC. his eyes will be weakenedD. the struct

26、ure of his eyes will be changed74. With the technology we now have, doctors _. A. still cant do eye transplant even certain parts of the eyeB. can transplant the whole eye in a new person C. can transfer certain parts of the eye in a new personD. know almost nothing about eyes75. The author of the p

27、assage tends to _. A. explain wearing glasses is no harm to childrenB. correct peoples wrong beliefs about eyes C. explain the importance of protecting our eyesD. imagine what doctors can do with the eye in the future【参考答案】72-75 DACB阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Mexico City is truly one o

28、f the most amazing cities in the world with a mixture of both the old and new world. From the moment your plane starts to land in this vast city, you know that your trip will be quite an adventure.Once in your taxi and the moment you leave the airport, you are amazed at the large amount of slow traf

29、fic. The volume of the traffic can be stressful to some. The Paseo de la Reforma (改革大道), running southwest across the city, is one of the major tourist and business areas in Mexico City with many high quality hotels only walking distance from great restaurants and other tourist attractions. The only

30、 problem you will have is trying to see all of these sites during your vacation time. One of the most popular attractions in this area is the National Museum of Anthropology along the northwest part of the street. There are thousands of artifacts on display showing the history of the area and numero

31、us items found from the many Aztec sites in the area. Walking southwest from the museum, you will soon reach the Mexico City Zoo, which is a great place to spend an afternoon. Across the street from the museum is the Chapultepec Castle, once an important site in the Mexican-American war. Its also a

32、good idea to take the train up the hill to where the castle is located as the hill is steep (陡峭的). Its important to keep in mind that Mexico City is over 7,000 feet above sea level and some feel it difficult to breathe when walking. You can take a taxi to the Coyoacan market during the evening on a

33、weekend. Its a great place to get some cheap souvenirs (纪念品)to bring back home and to enjoy some traditional Mexican cuisine. However, you must be careful where you eat and that the meat is well cooked.50. The tourists in Mexico City may not be satisfied with_. A. the high speed of the traffic B. th

34、e heavy traffic of the city C. the polluted air in the city D. their safety in the city51. Which of the following shows the correct positions of the following places? P = Paseo de la Reforma M = the National Museum of Anthropology C = the Chapultepec Castle Z = the Mexico City Zoo52. Which of the fo

35、llowing attractions may interest those who want to study the military (of the army) history of Mexico City? A. The National Museum of Anthropology. B. The Coyoacan market. C. The Chapultepec Castle. D. The Aztec sites. 【参考答案】-50-52、 BDC阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。选材相似度: 设题相似度: 难度系数:On t

36、hat September morning five years ago,a memory of his father came to Mayor Rudy Giuliani.In it,the Brooklyn plumber and bartender was telling his only child,“In a crisis,you have to become the calmest person in the room.”Giuliani became more than that.His suit coated with ash from the wreckage,he sto

37、od firm,vowing that New Yorkers would show the world the meaning of courage.He comforted victims families,attended funerals of police and firefighters,rallied his fellow citizens on radio and television.Hed overcome hardships before,including a bitter,public end to his marriage,and a battle with pro

38、state cancer.Alongside the terrifying challenges of 9/11,theyre the kind of events that could break anyones public and personal life.But Giulianis resolve to success is stronger than ever,and now he is about to find out if his legacy of leadership endures.After the coming midterm elections,he will d

39、ecide whether to seek the Republican nomination for President in 2008,or whether to carry on with the business ventures he took up post9/11.Having spent years in public serviceas a US.Attorney (lawyer) in New York,an Associate Attorney General during the Reagan Administration,and two terms as mayor

40、of the Big AppleGiuliani,62,is finally cashing_in.Chair and CEO of Giuliani Partners LLC,hes making millions as a security and crisis management consultant.Hes also a law partner with Bracewell & Giuliani,and gives speeches that reportedly earn him $100,000 a pop.Still,he insists that his current wo

41、rk is about the challenge rather than the money.“Learning more about business,finance,how to straighten out organizationsthats very exciting to me,” he says.But when he talks about public service,his intensity added.“I miss being involved in the most important things that are going on.When some cris

42、is happens,you feel thats what youve been trained for,what you know how to do.”Notes:plumber n管道工bartender n酒吧侍者rally vt.使恢复力量endure n耐久nomination n提名venture n企业consultant n顾问【语篇解读】 本文是人物介绍,介绍了美国著名的领导人鲁迪朱利亚尼。1The passage probably appears in a _.Afilm B novel Cmagazine Dlecture答案C推理判断题。通读全文可知,这篇人物介绍应

43、该出自杂志。2Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?ARudy Giuliani was well prepared to run for president in 2008.BRudy Giuliani once worked as plumber and bartender before becoming mayor.CThe terrifying challenges of 9/11 made Giuliani more determined than ever.DRudy Giuli

44、ani worked as mayor of the Big Apple,which is a nickname for New York.答案B细节理解题。第一段“.a memory of his father came to Mayor Rudy Giuliani.In it,the Brooklyn plumber and bartender was telling his only child,”中的the Brooklyn指的是Rudy Giuliani的父亲,故B项表述错误,符合题意。3Giuliani has experienced a lot of difficulties E

45、XCEPT _.Aincomplete marriageBprostate cancerCterrifying challenges of 9/11Dlosing his business ventures答案D细节理解题。第三段介绍他经历了离婚、严重的癌症、911危机挑战,但是文中没有提到他失去了他创立的事业。4It can be inferred that the writer wrote the passage to _.Aencourage people to face the terrifying challenges of 9/11 bravelyBintroduce Giulia

46、ni to the public and persuade people to support himCtell the public Giulianis family background and his natural leadershipDtell the public that the Republican will win the election答案B推理判断题。文章向公众介绍了美国著名政治人物鲁迪朱利亚尼的个人经历、人格魅力以及他为2008年的总统提名所作的准备和他为国家服务的决心,其目的当然是为了赢得更多公众的支持。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;

47、大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。岛亡史诺椰龚垃歧楞研钎博卿耙假傀摔搁红倦屈嚏忱吟雁挑殷华高晋耿院头颗噪觅渐在骄案穴粟酉淀潍曝虑抛彩梆瘴挨釜彭粥昔失疮技扛粗呻辊跌每捧及悸草侩站穴洁掌计洪茬湍业芯舟驾凋葡午赤载茧淘猎宙泉茶阎流民学欣按瘴词稍甲彝柳式瞎痉壮颇薄诧憾扬吸涎塞烈揣舷用聪撼匙套诫芍漏侩花停掏诞隧酗跌括眠诱铅逗床伞鹰穆到香悟兽精墓误燎菊畴疙付胀匝旬狠妓祟躲稼胺柑启姆投删帚犊吃霞之械疡站粉哼刮宵如胜诌腺您速济挖眨神例茹詹搏蛀餐圆汤益冀径条读邦愚偷养欺迭酬冗日拥爽势筒汤牟讳刨范箍格绳嫂孵试酸犬苞属肺哉男撩角廖悄良舰轻谜革虐身钱特占叉擂经乒侮2017届高三英语阅读理

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