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1、英语小学五年级上册阅读理解专项质量试题测试卷(及答案)一、阅读理解There is a frog. He lives in a well (井) and he never goes out of the well. He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well. One day a crow comes to the well. He sees the frog and says, Frog, lets have a talk. Then the frog asks, Where are you from? I fly from th

2、e sky, the crow says. The frog feels surprised and says, The sky is only as big as the mouth of the well. How can you fly from the sky?The crow says, The sky is very big. You always stay in the well, so you dont know the world is big.The frog says, I dont believe. But the crow says, You can come out

3、 and have a look by yourself.So the frog comes out from the well. He is very surprised. How big the world is!犇1、The frog lives in _. ()Aa gardenBa pondCa well犇2、The frog thinks the sky is _. ()Avery bigBvery smallCvery high犇3、The crow _ from a well. ()AisBisntCdoesnt犇4、The frog is very surprised whe

4、n he comes out from the well, because _. ()Ahe doesnt know the world is so big.Bhe doesnt know he can jump high.Che doesnt know the sky is blue.犇5、The best title (题目) of the story is “_”. ()AThe Frog and the CrowBThe FrogCThe Frog in the Well二、阅读理解Mike doesnt feel well in the morning. Now he is call

5、ing his good friend, Molly.Mike: Is that Molly? This is Mike. Can you tell me how to get to the hospital?Molly: This is Molly. You can go along Park Street beside your house. Turn right at the third traffic lights. Then, walk along Renmin Road for about five minutes. You can see the hospital on your

6、 right.Mike: OK. I see. Thank you.Molly: By the way, why do you ask me the way to the hospital?Mike: I dont feel well. Im cold now.Molly: Im sorry to hear that. I will go to your house and go to the hospital with you.Mike: OK. Thank you. See you.Molly: See you soon.犇6、Whats wrong with Mike? ()AHe fe

7、els hot.BHe feels cold.CHe is healthy.犇7、How long should Mike walk from his house to the hospital? ()AIts about 5 minutes walk.BAbout 50 minutes.CSorry, I dont know.犇8、Does Molly want to go to the hospital with Mike? ()ANo, she doesnt.BYes, she does.CShe comes with Mike.犇9、Where is the hospital? ()A

8、Its on Park Street.BIts on Renmin Road.CIts next to Mikes house.犇10、Is Molly Mikes good friend? ()AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CSorry, I dont know.三、阅读理解Mary likes drawing pictures. She wants to have a piece of paper (纸) to draw. But there is not any at home. So she goes to the supermarket to buy some

9、 paper. When she goes into the supermarket, there are so many things in it. She gets an ice cream, a book and a pair of new shoes. Then she uses up (用完) her money. She goes to the cashier (收银员). The cashier asks, “What else do you want to buy?”, Mary says, “ I want to buy some paper, but I have no m

10、oney.”犇11、Mary likes _. ()Areading booksBdrawing picturesCwatching TV犇12、There is _ paper at home. ()AnoBa lot ofCmuch犇13、Mary goes to the _. ()AschoolBfood shopCsupermarket犇14、Mary doesnt buy any _. ()ApaperBice creamsCbooks犇15、Does Mary do right? ()AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CSorry, I dont kno

11、w.四、阅读理解People in different countries have different food to eat.Chinese food is famous all over the world. It is good in colour, and its yummy too. There are many kinds of Chinese food. People in Guangdong like Cantonese food. Sichuan hot pot is spicy and hot. Noodles are popular in China and Shang

12、hai food is a little sweet.Japanese food is famous for the fish. They usually use fish and rice to make sushi. It looks very nice. People usually eat the sushi with some mustard sauce (芥末酱). They dont eat too much meat.People in the UK eat in an easy and fast way for their breakfast and lunch. They

13、like to have sandwiches and coffee. They also like chocolate very much. For English people, dinner is important. They often have some soup, some meat, potatoes and salad or fruit in the evening.Pizza and pasta are both popular in Italy (意大利). People usually have soup and wine (红酒) with their meals.

14、They like to cook the food with cheese and milk. People in Italy love coffee and ice cream too.犇16、_ is spicy and hot. ()AShanghai foodBSichuan hot potCCantonese food犇17、Japanese people usually eat sushi with _. ()Afruit saladBrice and fishCmustard sauce犇18、_ is very important in the UK. ()ABreakfas

15、tBLunchCDinner犇19、People in the UK like _ very much. ()AchocolateBwineCpizza犇20、Which one is right? ()APeople in Italy cook the food with cheese and milk.BPeople in the UK like sandwiches, but they dont like coffee.CJapanese people eat much fish and meat五、阅读理解(Calvin is a new student in Peters class

16、. He wants to know more about his classmates (同班同学). Now Calvin and Peter are in the playground.)Calvin: Peter, whos the boy under the tree?Peter: Is the boy playing with a cat?Calvin: Yes. And his jacket is brown.Peter: Oh, hes Gao Shan. He likes playing computer games (游戏) . He has an iPad. Its gr

17、eat!Calvin: Oh, I see. Look! There are two boys over there. They are playing basketball. Who are they?Peter: They are my good friends. The tall one is Mike. The fat one is Bill. We all like playing basketball. Whats your hobby, Calvin? Calvin: My hobby is playing football. I like playing basketball

18、too. Shall we go and play with them now?Peter: Good idea. Lets go. Calvin: OK.犇1、_ is a new student in Peters class. ()AGao ShanBBillCCalvin犇2、Gao Shan is playing _ under the tree. ()Acomputer gamesBwith a catCfootball犇3、Mike and Bill both like playing _. ()Acomputer gamesBbasketballCfootball犇4、Can

19、Calvin play basketball? ()ANo, he cant.BYes, he can.CI dont know.犇5、Calvin wants to play _ with Peter. ()Acomputer gamesBfootballCbasketball六、阅读理解It is Jimmys birthday today. He is five years old. He gets many birthday presents from his family and one of them is a nice big drum (鼓).“Who gives him th

20、at drum?” his father asks.“His grandfather,” answers Jimmys mother.Jimmy likes his drum very much. He often makes a terrible (可怕的) noise with it, but his mother doesnt say anything about it. His father is not at home. He is working in a school. So he doesnt hear the noise.But one of the neighbours (

21、邻居) does not like the noise. So one morning she takes a knife (刀) and goes into Jimmys room. Jimmy is making a noise with the drum. She says to him, “Hello, Jimmy. Do you know there is something very nice in your drum? Heres a knife. Open the drum and lets find it.” Jimmy is very happy to get the kn

22、ife.犇26、How old is Jimmy? ()Hes _. A5B4C15犇27、_ gives Jimmy the drum. ()AHis fatherBHis neighborCHis grandfather犇28、What does Jimmys father do? ()AAn engineerBA workerCA teacher犇29、What does the word “noise” mean in Chinese? ()_. A哭声B噪音C叫声犇30、_ opens the drum with the knife. ()AJimmyBJimmys fatherCJ

23、immys neighbour【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、C犇2、B犇3、B犇4、A犇5、C【分析】该篇主要讲述了井底之蛙的故事。犇1、句意:青蛙住在_。A花园,B池塘,C井。根据There is a frog. He lives in a well (井) and he never goes out of the well, 可知青蛙住在井里,故选C。犇2、句意:青蛙认为天空是_。A非常大,B非常小,C非常高。根据He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.可知青蛙认为天空像井口一样的,非常小,故选B。犇3、句意:乌鸦_从

24、井里出来的。A是,B不是,C不。根据Where are you from? I fly from the sky, 可知乌鸦从天上来,不是从井里来,故选B。犇4、句意:青蛙从井里出来的时候很惊讶,因为_。A它不知道世界这么大,B它不知道他可以跳得很高。C它不知道天空是蓝色的。根据So the frog comes out from the well. He is very surprised. How big the world is! 可知它不知道世界这么大,故选A。犇5、句意:这个故事最好的标题是_。A青蛙和乌鸦,B青蛙,C井底之蛙。通读全文,可知该篇讲了井底之蛙的故事,故选C。二、阅读理

25、解解析:犇6、B犇7、C犇8、B犇9、B犇10、A【导语】本文是Molly和迈克之间的对话,两人在谈论去医院的路。犇6、句意:迈克怎么了?A他感觉很热。B他感觉很冷。C他很健康。根据Mike: I dont feel well. Im cold now.可知他感觉很冷。故选B。犇7、句意:从迈克家到医院他要步行走多久?A大约步行5分钟。B大约50分钟。C对不起,我不知道。根据短文内容可知没有提到从迈克家到医院的时间。故选C。犇8、句意:Molly想和迈克一起去医院吗?根据Molly: Im sorry to hear that. I will go to your house and go t

26、o the hospital with you.Mike: OK. Thank you. See you.可知他们要一起去。故做肯定回答,故选B。犇9、句意:医院在哪里?A它在公园大街。B它在人民路。C它紧挨着迈克家。根据Then, walk along Renmin Road for about five minutes. You can see the hospital on your right.可知它在人民路。故选B。犇10、句意:Molly是迈克的好朋友吗?根据Now he is calling his good friend, Molly.可知他们是好朋友。故做肯定回答,故选A。三

27、、阅读理解解析:犇11、B犇12、A犇13、C犇14、A犇15、B【导语】本文讲了玛丽去超市买纸的事情。犇11、句意:玛丽喜欢_。A看书,B画画,C看电视,根据“Mary likes drawing pictures.”,可知玛丽喜欢画画,故选B。犇12、句意:家里没有纸。A没有,B许多,C许多,根据“She wants to have a piece of paper (纸) to draw. But there is not any at home.”,可知家里没有纸,故选A。犇13、句意:玛丽去_。A学校,B食品店,C超市,根据“So she goes to the supermarke

28、t to buy some paper.”,可知玛丽去超市,故选C。犇14、句意:玛丽没有买_。A纸,B冰淇淋,C书,根据“I want to buy some paper, but I have no money.”,可知玛丽没有买纸,故选A。犇15、句意:玛丽做得对吗?根据全文可知玛丽做得不对,答语为否定回答,故选B。四、阅读理解解析:犇16、B犇17、C犇18、C犇19、A犇20、A【导语】本文介绍了不同地方人们的饮食,包括中,日本,英国和意大利。犇16、题干句意:_是辛辣的。根据Sichuan hot pot is spicy and hot.可知是四川火锅,A上海菜,B四川火锅,C粤

29、菜,故选B。犇17、题干句意:日本人通常吃寿司要放_。根据People usually eat the sushi with some mustard sauce (芥末酱).可知是芥末酱,A水果沙拉,B米饭和鱼,C芥末酱,故选C。犇18、题干句意:_在英国非常重要。根据For English people, dinner is important.可知是晚餐,A早餐,B午餐,C晚餐,故选C。犇19、题干句意:英国人非常喜欢_。根据 They like to have sandwiches and coffee. They also like chocolate very much. 可知他们

30、喜欢三明治,咖啡和巧克力,A巧克力,B葡萄酒,C披萨,故选A。犇20、题干句意:哪一个是对的?A意大利人用奶酪和牛奶烹饪食物。根据They like to cook the food with cheese and milk. 可知描述正确;B英国人喜欢三明治,但他们不喜欢咖啡。根据They like to have sandwiches and coffee. 可知英国人喜欢三明治也喜欢咖啡,C日本人吃很多鱼和肉。根据They dont eat too much meat.可知日本人不吃很多肉;故选A。五、阅读理解1、C犇2、B犇3、B犇4、B犇5、C【分析】对话内容,彼得带着新同学卡尔文去

31、认识他们班上的其他同学。犇1、句意:_是彼得班里的新学生。A高山,B解析:犇1、C犇2、B犇3、B犇4、B犇5、C【分析】对话内容,彼得带着新同学卡尔文去认识他们班上的其他同学。犇1、句意:_是彼得班里的新学生。A高山,B比尔,C卡尔文,根据Calvin is a new student in Peters class.可知卡尔文是彼得班里的新学生。故选C。犇2、句意:高山正在树下玩_。A电脑游戏,B和一只猫,C足球,根据Peter: Is the boy playing with a cat?Calvin: Yes. And his jacket is brown.Peter: Oh, he

32、s Gao Shan. 可知高山正在树下和一只猫玩。故选B。犇3、句意:迈克和比尔都喜欢打_。A电脑游戏,B篮球,C足球,根据Calvin: Oh, I see. Look! There are two boys over there. They are playing basketball. Who are they?Peter: They are my good friends. The tall one is Mike. The fat one is Bill. We all like playing basketball. 可知迈克和比尔都喜欢打篮球。故选B。犇4、句意:卡尔文会打篮球

33、吗?A不,他不会。B是的,他会。C我不知道。根据Calvin: My hobby is playing football. I like playing basketball too.可知卡尔文会打篮球。故选B。犇5、句意:卡尔文想和彼得一起打_。A电脑游戏,B足球,C篮球,根据 Shall we go and play with them now?可知卡尔文想和彼得一起打篮球。故选C。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、A犇27、C犇28、C犇29、B犇30、A【导语】本文讲述了一个叫做Jimmy的小孩子在5岁生日的时候收到一个生日礼物鼓,Jimmy很喜欢这个解析:犇26、A犇27、C犇28、C犇29

34、、B犇30、A【导语】本文讲述了一个叫做Jimmy的小孩子在5岁生日的时候收到一个生日礼物鼓,Jimmy很喜欢这个鼓,每天会敲。因此他也制造了很多噪音,但他父母并未制止他。最后一个邻居用一个办法让Jimmy不再制造噪音。犇26、问句句意:Jimmy几岁了?他_。根据He is five years old.他五岁了。可知Jimmy5岁了。故选A。犇27、句意:_送给了Jimmy鼓。根据妈妈的回答His grandfather。他的爷爷。可知是爷爷grandfather送给他的。故选C。犇28、问句句意:Jimmy的爸爸是做什么的?根据He is working in a school.他在学校工作。可知他的爸爸是一名老师teacher。故选C。犇29、问句句意:“noise”这个词的汉语意思是什么?根据整篇文章含义可以推断出noise是噪音,故选B。犇30、句意:_用刀子打开了鼓。Jimmy is very happy to get the knife.Jimmy很开心拿到了刀子。可推测是Jimmy自己打开了鼓。故选A。

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