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1、英语小学六年级阅读理解精选毕业质量提高试题测试卷(附答案)一、阅读判断阅读下面的短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Wonders of the world(世界奇迹)Great Barrier ReefA coral reef(珊瑚礁) grows under the sea.Coral looks like plants but it is made up of(由组成) animals. The biggest coral reef in the world is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.Coral is a living thing. The G

2、reat Barrier Reef is growing now.Greenland(格林兰岛)An island is a piece of land(一片陆地) which has water all around it. Some islands are in the sea. Some islands are in lakes or rivers. Islands can be big or small. Greenland is the largest island in the world.Greenland is very cold.It snows every month of

3、 the year.1、Coral looks like plants and it is made up of plants. ( )2、The Great Barrier Reef isnt growing now. ( )3、An island is a piece of land which has water around it. ( )4、All islands are big and in the sea. ( )5、Greenland is the largest island in the world and it is very cold. ( )答案:1、F2、F3、T4

4、、F5、T【解析】解析:1、F2、F3、T4、F5、T【解析】二、阅读判断阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误 (F)。Bill is an English boy. He is twelve. He lives with his family in China. There are four people in his family. Theyre his father Jack Clinton, his mother Catherine and his little sister Abby. He has a yellow dog. Its name is Barbie. His father i

5、s mending his bike. What is Bill doing? Ah, he is doing Chinese homework. He cant speak Chinese very well, but he loves Chinese very much. Bills father works in a middle school. Hes an English teacher. His mother is in a TV factory. Bill and his sister go to the same school.6、Bills mother is an Engl

6、ish teacher. ( )7、Bills father is mending his car. ( )8、Barbie is a cat. ( )9、Bill and his sister are in the same school. ( )10、Bills family are in China now. ( )答案:6、F7、F8、F9、T10、T解析:6、F7、F8、F9、T10、T三、阅读理解To spend my holiday together with my friend, I went to Sweden (瑞士) on a bicycle. However, we d

7、idnt ride our bikes all the time. We took the train through Poland and then we boarded (登上) a ship to Sweden. The start and the end of our trip was Ystad (于斯塔德) in Sweden. We had two weeks to travel around southern Sweden. It was a really cold and rainy day when we started our trip, so I thought thi

8、s holiday wouldnt be good. We traveled about 100 km per day. Sweden is a beautiful country with nice people and hot weather! Yes, of course I did not believe that it would be 35 degrees in Sweden. We came home sun-tanned and full of new experiences.11、To get to Sweden, the writer took _ form(s) of t

9、ransportation (交通). ()AoneBtwoCthreeDfour12、When the writer arrived at Ystad, the weather was _. ()Ahot and sunnyBcold and rainyChot and windyDcold and cloudy13、The underlined word “sun- tanned” in the last paragraph means _ “in Chinese. ()A没有太阳的B升起太阳的C被太阳晒黑的D为太阳欢呼的14、From the passage, we can know _

10、. ()Athe writer and his family had a great timeBat first the writer thought he could have funCthe writer traveled in north of Sweden for two weeksDthe people in Sweden were friendly to the writer15、Whats the best title of the passage? ()AMy holiday in SwedenBWhy not go on a trip?CHow to get to Swede

11、n?DLets travel around the world答案:11、C12、B13、C14、D15、A【导语】本文讲了作者和朋友去瑞典旅行的事情。11、句意:为了到达瑞典,作者乘了_种交通方式。解析:11、C12、B13、C14、D15、A【导语】本文讲了作者和朋友去瑞典旅行的事情。11、句意:为了到达瑞典,作者乘了_种交通方式。A一,B二,C三,D四,根据第一段可知为了到达瑞典,作者乘了三种交通方式,故选C。12、句意:当作者到达于斯塔德时,天气_。A炎热晴朗,B寒冷多雨,C炎热有风,D寒冷多云,根据“It was a really cold and rainy day when we

12、 started our trip, so I thought this holiday wouldnt be good.”,可知当作者到达于斯塔德时,天气寒冷多雨,故选B。13、句意:最后一段中带下划线的“sun- tanned”一词的中文意思是_。根据文章语境可知sun- tanned的中文意思是被太阳晒黑的,故选C。14、句意:从这篇文章中,我们可以知道_。A作者和家人玩得很开心,B起初,作者认为他可以玩得很开心,C作者在瑞典北部旅行了两周,D瑞典人对作者很友好,根据“Sweden is a beautiful country with nice people and hot weath

13、er!”,可知D项正确,故选D。15、句意:这篇文章最好的标题是什么?A我在瑞典度假。B为什么不去旅行呢?C怎么去瑞典?D让我们环游世界吧。根据全文可知讲了作者在瑞典度假,故选A。四、阅读理解One day, Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a shop. They buy many things from the shop. And the things are too heavy, so they want to put them into their car. But Mr. White ca

14、nt open the door of the car. “Lets ask a policeman for help. “Says Mrs. White. Then they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them open the door of the car. At that time, a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White look at the numbe

15、r of the car, then they say sorry to the man.11、Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping _. ()Aby bikeBin the eveningCby carDwith their son12、They want to _. ()Acarry the things homeBask a policeman to carry the things for themCbuy a carDput the heavy things into their car13、Mr. White cant open the door of th

16、e car_. ()Abut Mrs. White canBbut a policeman canCbut soon they open itDall day14、_helps them open the door of the car. ()AAn old manBA young womanCA policemanDMr. White15、They look at _and they know they are wrong. ()Athe policemanBthe watchCthe number of the carDthe man答案:11、C12、D13、B14、C15、C解析:11

17、、C12、D13、B14、C15、C五、阅读理解Once there was a farmer. He worked for a landlord(地主). The landlord made the man work all day long, but paid him very little money and didnt give him enough food to eat.One day when the man was having breakfast, the landlord came and said to him, “Its much too inconvenient(不方

18、便的)to go to work and come back for supper. So I want you to have breakfast, lunch and supper now before you go to the fields.”“How can I eat three meals at a time?” the man thought. But he said, “All right.” He finished his breakfast and went out.Two hours later, the landlord went out for a walk. Wh

19、at did he see? He saw that the man was sitting under a tree and smoking. The landlord was very angry. “Why arent you working in the fields?” he said. The man said with a smile, “I have had my supper and you know very well what I should do after supper.”16、The landlord gave the farmer _. ()Avery litt

20、le workBmuch food to eatCvery little money17、The farmer had three meals together because _. ()Ait was good for the landlordBthe landlord was very kindChe smoked under a tree18、Two hours later, the landlord saw the farmer _. ()Aworking hard on the farmBhaving his lunch under a treeCsmoking under a tr

21、ee19、What does the farmer usually do after supper? ()AHe works in the field.BHe has a rest.CHe sits under a tree.20、The farmer was very _. ()Ahard-working(勤劳的)BangryCclever答案:16、C17、A18、C19、B20、C解析:16、C17、A18、C19、B20、C六、阅读理解The way of life in the Tang Dynasty were quite different from those of today

22、. At that time, there were not any tall buildings. People lived in wooden houses. They didnt have bikes, cars, trains or planes. They usually went to another place on foot, by horse or by boat. There werent any computers, either. People could not send emails to their friends. They sent letters with

23、the help of pigeons or postmen. In the Tang Dynasty, people thought women with round faces and fat bodies were beautiful. Men usually wore hats and women always had long hair. But they ate dumplings, pancakes, vegetables and meat just like what we eat today.21、In the Tang Dynasty, people lived in _.

24、 ()Athe forestBthe caveCwooden houses22、In the Tang Dynasty, people went to another place _. ()Aby car; by train or by planeBby horse; by boat or on footCby ship; by bike or by bus23、The underlined word pigeons means _”. ()A鸽子B企鹅C鹦鹉24、In the Tang Dynasty, women always _. ()Ahad glassesBwore hatsChad

25、 long hair25、The _ in the Tang Dynasty is/are the same as that / those of today. ()AclothesBfoodCtraffic答案:21、C22、B23、A24、C25、B【导语】本文主要介绍了唐代的生活方式和现代不同和相同的地方。21、句意:在唐代,人们住在_。由短解析:21、C22、B23、A24、C25、B【导语】本文主要介绍了唐代的生活方式和现代不同和相同的地方。21、句意:在唐代,人们住在_。由短文 People lived in wooden houses.可知人们住在木屋里,A森林,B洞穴,C木屋,

26、故选C。22、句意:在唐代,人们_去别的地方。由短文 They usually went to another place on foot, by horse or by boat.可知他们步行,骑马或者乘船去另外一个地方。A开车,乘火车或飞机。B骑马,乘船或步行,C乘船,骑自行车或乘公交车,故选B。23、句意:划线的单词pigeons意思是_。由短文They sent letters with the help of pigeons or postmen.推测划线单词的意思应是鸽子,结合选项A符合题意,故选A。24、句意:在唐代,女人总是_。由短文 Men usually wore hats and women always had long hair.可知女人总是长头发,A戴眼镜,B戴帽子,C长头发,故选C。25、句意:唐代的_和现在一样。由短文But they ate dumplings, pancakes, vegetables and meat just like what we eat today.可知唐代的食物和现在一样,A衣服,B食物,C交通,故选B。

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