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1、Guess:Whats the topic(话题话题)today?Unit 6 Food and lifestyleComic strip&Welcome to the unitDragon Boat Festivalrice dumplingsWhat do you usually eat at the Dragon Boat Festival?Task 1:What do you usually eat at the festivals?moon cakesMidAutumn FestivalWhat do you usually eat at the Mid-Autumn Festiva

2、l?Chinese New Year What do you usually eat at the Chinese New Year?dumplingsThere are all kinds of food in our daily life.vegetables fruits meat(肉)(肉)drinks snacks(零食)(零食)main food (主食主食)Task 2:What do you know about food in our daily life?foodMain foodMain foodbreaddumplingsnoodleshambergershmb:san

3、dwichesriceA:What main food do you like/dislike?B:I like/dislikeVegetablesVegetablestomatoes /z/potatoes /z/carrots /s/A:What vegetable do you like/dislike?B:I like/dislikeMeatMeatporkfishchickenbeefA:What meat do you like/dislike?B:I like/dislikeDrinksDrinksjuicemilkteacoffee kfi watercola kul A:Wh

4、at drink do you like/dislike?B:I like/dislikeSnacksSnackssweetsice creamchocolatechips tips A:What snack do you like/dislike?B:I like/dislikeFruitsFruitsbananaswatermelonslemonsapplesmangoesgrapespearsorangesmg pe A:What fruit do you like/dislike?B:I like/dislikepotatoeslemonsmilkchickenwatermelonst

5、omatoeschocolatejuicebeefcarrotsporksweetsTask 3:Look at the pictures and put the food into the correct groups (Part A)I like apples because they are good for our health.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.I dislike hamburgers because they are not good for our health.Apples are healthy.heli Hamburg

6、ers are unhealthy.,nheli Healthy V.S.UnhealthyWhat food is Millies favourite?What food is Millies favourite?MillieDanielTask 4:Read and understand the conversation(Part B)What food does Millie and Daniel like/dislike?Millie likes _,_ and _._ are her favourite.She dislikes _.Daniel likes _ and _.He d

7、islikes _.bananascarrotsfisheggshamburgerscarrotseggsCarrotsTask 5:What food do you like or dislike?Task 5:What food do you like or dislike?A:I like How about you?B:I likeA:Do you like?They are/It is my favourite.B:No,I dont like it/them.Do you like?A:Yes/No.Because I dont like What about you?B:I li

8、ke/dislikeWhat does Eddie want to eat?What does Hobo want to eat?Task 6:Watch and answerTask 6:Watch and answerWhat does Eddie/Hobo want to eat?Its _.Hobo and Eddie are talking about what to eat.Eddie would like to have a _.But Hobo thinks Hamburgers are not _ for their _,and Eddie should have an_ b

9、ecause an apple a day_ the doctor _.Eddie says he needs_.applehamburgergoodhealthnoonkeepsawaytenTask 7:Read and fill in the blanksTask 7:Read and fill in the blanksTask 8:Act it outTask 8:Act it outTask 9:Group work:An interview(采访采访):What food do your group members like/dislike?Main food:Vegetable

10、s:Meat:Drinks:snacks:Fruits:tomatoes,potatoes,carrotsfish,chicken,pork,beef.water,tea,milk,juice,coke,coffeesweets,chocolate,chips,ice cream apples,oranges,bananas,pears,grapes,watermelons,lemons,mangoesrice,noodles,bread,hamburgers,sandwichesfoodTask 10:Make a healthy diet(日常饮食日常饮食)for one of your

11、group membersMy friend is _.He/She likes_and dislikes_.So I make this healthy diet for him/her.At breakfast,he/she has_.He/She has_ for lunch.After lunch,he/she has_ because_.At dinner,he/she has_.How can we keep fit(保持健康保持健康)?Eat healthy food and play sports!Homework1.Have an interview(采访采访)with your parents about the food they like/dislike and their favourite food.2.Make a healthy diet(日常饮食日常饮食)for your parents.此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!

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