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1、知行英语知行英语知行英语知行英语l i i ueost a tseTask 1Task 1Solve the following crossword puzzle.For some words,the first letters are given.Solve the following crossword puzzle.For some words,the first letters are given.You may refer to the tips given.You may refer to the tips given.ACROSSACROSS3 the particular ta

2、ste of a food or drink4 very pleasant to taste or smell7 the special feeling that is produced by a particular food or drink when you put it in your mouth8 smelling or tasting of spice;hot1 a chemical or food that provides what is needed for plants or animals to live and growDOWNDOWN2 a unit for meas

3、uring the amount of energy that food will produce5 (of food)hard,dry and easily broken like biscuits or potato chips6 the basic function of your nose1 N N4 D D65 C C7 823 F F?utrintemellsripsy ys p i cl v o raClrioea知行英语Task 2Task 2The following pictures show some important elements of our food syst

4、em.Match The following pictures show some important elements of our food system.Match the pictures with the corresponding elements.the pictures with the corresponding elements.1 organic food1 organic food2 fast food2 fast food3 factory-farmed chickens3 factory-farmed chickens4 exhausted soil 4 exhau

5、sted soil ABDCA AC CB BD D知行英语1 It seems to me that corporations are always trying to get kids to make their parents buy unhealthy food.Kids are led to believe all the advertisingadvertising on TV.Little kids,especiallyespecially,are attractedattracted by colorful packagingpackaging and plasticplast

6、ic toys.I must admitadmit that I used to be one of them.I also used to think that all of our food came from happy,little farms where pigs rolled in mudmud and cows grazed grazed on grass all day.Reading ItWhats Wrong with Our Food System?Whats Wrong with Our Food System?Birke Baehr*WordsBetter Bette

7、r acquaintanceacquaintanceadvertising n.广告宣传especially ad.特别;尤其;格外attract v.吸引;引起的注意packaging n.包装;包裹plastic a.塑料(制)的 n.pl.塑料;塑料制品admit v.承认;准许进入mud n.泥;泥浆graze v.吃草1 我觉得食品公司总是试着让像我一样的孩子要父母去买那些不健康食品。他们引导孩子们轻信所有的电视广告。小孩子尤其会被彩色包装和塑料玩具吸引。我必须承认,我曾是他们中的一员,我也曾以为我们所有的食物都来自开心小农场,那里每天猪在泥浆里打滚,牛遍地吃草。知行英语2 I ha

8、ve found out that this is not true.I began to look into this stuffstuff on the Internet,in books and films,and in my travels with my family.I discovered the dark side of the industrializedindustrialized food system.First is the geneticallygenetically engineeredengineered seedsseeds.A seed is manipul

9、atedmanipulated in a laboratorylaboratory to do something not intendedintended by nature,like taking the DNA of a fish and putting it into the DNA of a tomato.The seeds are then planted and grown.The food they produce have been provenproven to cause cancercancer and other problems in lab animals.Peo

10、ple have been eating food produced this way since the 1990s and most folksfolks do not even know whats happening.stuff n.材料;东西;原料*industrialized a.工业化的*genetically ad.在基因上engineer v.设计;策划 n.工程师seed n.种子*manipulate v.操纵;控制;影响laboratory n.实验室intend v.想要;打算;计划prove v.证明;证实cancer n.癌,癌症folk n.人;人们2 但我发现

11、这不是真的。我开始在互联网、书本、电影和与家人一起的旅行中查找真相。我发现了工业化食品体系的阴暗面。首先是转基因种子。这些种子在实验室里经过改造,让它以违背自然的方式生长。比如提取鱼类的DNA,把它植入到西红柿的DNA 中,然后种植这些种子,让其生长。转基因的食物经用于动物实验证明会引发癌症和其他问题。自20 世纪90 年代起,人们一直在吃这些转基因的食物,而大多数人甚至都不知道怎么回事。知行英语3 Second,conventionalconventional farmers use chemicalchemical Better Acquaintance fertilizersfertil

12、izers to make plants grow.They do this because theyve taken away all nutrients nutrients from the soilsoil by growing the same crop over and over again.Next,more harmfulharmful chemicals are sprayedsprayed on fruits and vegetables to kill weedsweeds and bugsbugs.When it rains,these chemicals flowflo

13、w slowly into the ground,or run off into our waterwayswaterways,poisoning our water too.4 So I ask myself,“How can I change these things?”A while back,I wanted to be an NFL football player.Now,I have discovered that theres a movementmovement for a better way to produce our food and I have decided th

14、at Id rather be an organicorganic farmer instead.Hopefully,I will have a greater impactimpact on the world than that of a football player.*conventional a.常规的;普通的chemical a.化学的 n.化学制品*fertilizer n.肥料*nutrient n.营养;滋养物soil n.泥土;土地;土壤harmful a.有害的;可致损伤的spray v.喷;(使)溅散*weed n.杂草;野草bug n.虫子flow v.流动;循环wa

15、terway n.水路;航道movement n.(态度、看法或行为的)转变;移动*organic a.有机(体)的;有机物的impact n.影响;作用;冲击;碰撞3 第二点,在传统种植方式中,农民使用化肥促进植物生长。农民施肥是因为他们年复一年种植同样的作物,已经穷竭了土壤的所有养分。接下来,他们喷洒更多农药到水果蔬菜上,来杀死杂草和虫子。下雨的时候,这些农药慢慢渗入土地,或流到我们的河流中,我们的水也被污染。4 所以我问自己,如何才能改变这些状况?就在不久前,我还想成为一个美国国家橄榄球联盟的运动员。现在我发现有一场推动人们用更好的方法来生产食物的运动。我已经决定了,我更愿意成为一个有机

16、农业家,希望这样我会比当一名美式橄榄球运动员能够更好地对世界产生影响。知行英语5 We can all make a difference by making different choices.We should start by buying organic food and buying our food directly from local farmers or our neighbors who we know in real life.Organic food is safer for us and better for the environmentenvironment an

17、d animals.Some people say organic or local food is more expensive,but is it really?With all Ive been learning about the food system,it seems to me that we can either pay the farmer,or we can pay the hospital.Now I know definitelydefinitely which one I would choose.I want you to know that there are f

18、arms out there whose cows do eat grass and whose pigs do roll in the mud,just as I thought.environment n.环境;周围状况*definitely ad.明确地Farmers there dont use any harmful chemicals or genetically engineered seeds.Sometimes I go to a local organic farm and volunteer,so I can see up close and personal where

19、 the meat I eat comes from.I want you to know that I believe kids will eat fresh vegetables and good food if they know more about it and where it really comes from.I want you toknow that there are farmers markets in every community.那儿的农民不使用任何有害的农药和转基因种子。有时我会去本地的有机农场做义工,所以我可以近距离地亲眼看到我吃的肉来自哪里。我想让大家知道,

20、我相信如果孩子们对食物了解更多,知道它们来自哪里,他们就会愿意吃新鲜蔬菜和健康食物。我还希望大家知道在每个社区都有农民集市。5 通过做出与过去不同的选择,我们都可以有所作为。首先,我们要购买有机食品,向当地农民,或者从我们熟识的邻居那儿直接购买食物。有机食品更加安全,对环境和动物更有益。有人说有机食品或者本地食物会比较贵,但事实是否如此呢?根据我所学到的关于食物体系的这些知识,我知道要么我们付钱给农民,要么付给医院。现在我已经明确知道怎么选择了。我想让大家知道还是有那样的农场,那儿的牛儿真的吃草,猪就在泥地里打滚,就如同我想象的那样。知行英语6 Not too long ago,my uncl

21、e said that he offered my six-year-old cousin cerealcereal.He asked him if he wanted organic cereal or the sugarcoatedsugarcoated flakesflakes.The latterlatter seems more attractive to little kids with sweet flavorsflavors and colorful cartoonscartoons on its package,but my little cousin told his da

22、d that he would rather have the organic cereal.He made this choice because he remembered what I said about the harm of sweet cereal.That is how we can make a difference:one kid at a time.7 So next time youre at the grocerygrocery store,think local,choose organic,know your farmer and know your food.*

23、cereal n.加工而成的谷类食物;谷物*flake n.小薄片;小碎片latter a.后者的 n.(the)后者flavor n.味道cartoon n.漫画;动画片grocery n.食品杂货*sugarcoat v.包糖衣于6 不久前,我叔叔说他给我六岁的堂弟吃麦片时,他问他是想要有机麦片还是糖衣玉米片。对小孩子来说,糖衣玉米片香甜的口味和包装上五颜六色的卡通画更具吸引力,但是小堂弟告诉他爸爸,他想要有机麦片。他这样选择是因为他记得我跟他说过甜麦片是有害的。我们就可以这样一次一个地让孩子们改变。7 所以下次你在商店购物时,请选择本地的、有机的食物,认识为你生产食物的农民,了解你的食物

24、。知行英语Understanding ItTask 1 Read the text and answer the following questions.1 What harm does genetically 1 What harm does genetically engineered food cause according to engineered food cause according to the writer?the writer?2 Why do conventional farmers use 2 Why do conventional farmers use chemi

25、cal fertilizers?chemical fertilizers?3 What does the writer want to do 3 What does the writer want to do in the future?in the future?4 Why does the writer suggest we 4 Why does the writer suggest we buy organic food?buy organic food?5 How can we persuade kids to eat 5 How can we persuade kids to eat

26、 fresh vegetables and good food?fresh vegetables and good food?It can cause cancer and other problems in lab animals.Because they have taken away all nutrients from the soil by growing the same crop over andover again.He wants to be an organic farmer so as to solve the problems with our food system.

27、Because he believes organic food is safer for us and better for the environment and animals.We should let them know more about good food and where it really comes from.知行英语Task 2 Read the text again and correct the following statements.1 Most people are aware of the serious dangers of genetically en

28、gineered food.2 Organic food is more expensive than what we pay the hospital.3 On a conventional farm,cows eat grass and pigs roll in mud.4 It is difficult to buy organic and local food because farmers markets are few.5 My little cousin chose organic cereal because it has sweet flavors and colorful

29、cartoons on its package.1 Most people are not aware of the serious dangers of genetically engineered food.2 Organic food is more expensive,but it is safer for us,so we pay the hospital less.3 On an organic farm,cows eat grass and pigs roll in mud.4 It is not difficult to buy organic and local food b

30、ecause there are farmers markets in every community.5 My little cousin chose organic cereal because I have told him about the harm of sweet cereal.知行英语Task 3 Read the text carefully and complete the following sentences.知行英语Language Pointsthe activity or business of advertising things on television,i

31、n newspapers etc.广告宣传,做广告;广告业e.g.advertising aimed at 18-25 year olds 以18至25岁人群为目标的广告宣传e.g.Both candidates are spending millions on television advertising.the container or material that a product is sold in 包装e.g.plastic packaging 塑料包装 advertising packagingWordsWordsto agree unwillingly that somethi

32、ng is true or that someone else is right承认,供认,招认(常为不情愿地)e.g.You may not like her,but you have to admit that shes good at her job.e.g.Dana admitted feeling hurt by what I had said.if an animal grazes,or if you graze it,it eats grass that is growing(牛羊等)吃青草;放牧(牛、羊等)e.g.Groups of cattle were grazing on

33、 the rich grass.e.g.These are the fields where they used to graze their sheep.admit graze知行英语 intendLanguage PointsWordsWordsto have something in your mind as a plan or purpose打算;意欲;想要e.g.I intend to spend the night there.e.g.I didnt intend her to see the painting until it was finished.(deoxyribonuc

34、leic acid的缩写)a substance that carries genetic information in the cells of the body脱氧核糖核酸(基因的基本成分)e.g.The men will undergo voluntary DNA testing of their saliva.to show that something is true by providing facts,information etc证明,证实e.g.I shall prove to you that the witness is not speaking the truth.e.

35、g.He proved himself(to be)a better driver than the world champion.DNA provea chemical or food that provides what is needed for plants or animals to live and grow营养物,滋养物e.g.The plant absorbs nutrients from the soil.nutrient知行英语 impactLanguage PointsWordsWordsthe effect or influence that an event,situ

36、ation etc has on someone or something(强烈的)作用,影响e.g.Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone.e.g.We need to assess the impact of climate change.自愿地或无偿地给予或提供(帮助建议等)e.g.I volunteered to act as a driver.e.g.She volunteered for relief work.the second of two people or things just mentioned 后者(与form

37、er对应)e.g.Of the two books,I prefer the latter.e.g.Many support the former alternative,but personally I favor the latter(one).volunteer latterthe particular taste of a food or drink 味道e.g.The cheese has a strong flavor.e.g.Adding salt to food improves the flavor.flavor知行英语Language Points转基因种子 genetic

38、ally engineered seedPhrases&Phrases&ExpressionsExpressions dark sideevil or threatening side阴暗面e.g.There was a darker side to his character.to have an important effect or influence on something or someone(对某人或某事物)有作用或影响e.g.The sea air has made a difference to her health.e.g.Whatever she did,it made

39、no difference.make a difference有机食品 organic food对产生影响 have an impact on知行英语Language PointsPhrases&Phrases&ExpressionsExpressionsused to say that if one thing does not happen then something else will have to用于表示在两个可能性中择其一e.g.I left it either on the table or in the drawer.e.g.Its your choice!Either sh

40、e leaves or I will!either or up close and personalintimately 亲近e.g.He got to know the Prime Minister up close and personal.e.g.If you want to get up close and personal with the author,be sure to visit his website listed on the back of the book.at very close range 近距离地e.g.The two kids moved up close

41、together and fell fast asleep.e.g.They lost up close to$1000.up close宁愿;宁可;较喜欢e.g.I would rather have a quiet night in front of the TV.e.g.Id rather walk than take a bus.would rather知行英语Language PointsPhrases&Phrases&ExpressionsExpressions People have been eating food produced this way since the 199

42、0s and most folks don t even know what s happening.“have been eating food”是现在完成进行时,它是动词的一种基本时态,其构成为:主语+助动词(have/has)+been+动词的现在分词,表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且可能还将持续下去。So next time you re at the grocery store,think local,choose organic,know your farmer and know your food.在广告和活动口号中,常常见到单词的词性被改变,通过单词活用来吸引观众的

43、注意力,给他们留下深刻印象。如苹果公司的口号“Think Different(非同凡想)”,这里Different 是形容词当副词用了。本句中,作者也是将local 和organic 作为名词使用,获得了较理想的排比和押韵效果。本句中flow 或者run off 和poison 的动作是基本同时进行的,但poison 是前者产生的结果,所以可以用现在分词结构做状语表示结果,通常放在句子后部。e.g.His wife died,leaving him with three children.When it rains,these chemicals flow slowly into the gr

44、ound,or run off into our waterways,poisoning our water too.知行英语Background informationBackground informationfood systemfood system 食物系统。食物系统包含食物从田间地头到餐桌所涉及的种植或养殖、收获、加工、包装、运输、销售、消费以及废弃物处理的所有过程和环节。知行英语Background informationBackground information 基因工程。指按照人们的愿望,进行严格的设计,通过体外DNA重组和转基因技术,赋予生物新的遗传特性,创造出更符合人们

45、需要的新的生物类型和生物产品。虽然基因技术可以培养出优质、高产的农产品和畜牧产品,但是它对环境和健康可能会产生的不利影响也越来越受到人们的关注。genetic engineeringgenetic engineering知行英语Background informationBackground information 常规农业和有机农业。常规农业是当前世界农业在实施运作上占主导地位的农业发展模式,以系统的开放性、资源的高投入和生产的高效率为基本特征。与常规农业不同,有机农业在生产中完全或基本不用人工合成的肥料、农药、生长调节剂而采用有机肥满足作物营养需求。conventional farming

46、 conventional farming and organic farmingand organic farming知行英语Background informationBackground informationBirke BaehrBirke Baehr 伯克巴尔,美国学生,动物保护协会志愿者,9岁时开始关注可持续发展的有机农业并参与宣传。2010年他11岁时,受到TED的邀请发表了这篇题为“What s Wrong with Our Food System?”的演讲,从一个孩子的视角发表对我们食物系统的看法,指出工业化食物系统对人类健康和环境的危害,倡议人们购买本地生产的绿色食品,支持

47、有机农业的发展。知行英语Background informationBackground informationTEDTED TED(指technology,entertainment,design,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非营利机构,以其组织的TED大会著称。每年3月,TED大会在美国召集众多科学、设计、文学、音乐等领域的杰出人物,以演讲来分享他们关于技术、社会、人的思考和探索。TED大会希望传达这样一个的信息,即优秀的思想可以改变人们对这个世界的看法,使人们反思自己的行为。知行英语Background informationBackground informationNFLNF

48、L 国家橄榄球联盟(National Football League,NFL)是世界最大的职业美式橄榄球联盟,也是世界最具商业价值的体育联盟,由32支来自美国不同地区和城市的球队组成。目前联盟共有32支球队,分为两个联会:美国美式橄榄球联会和国家美式橄榄球联会。知行英语Background informationBackground informationCereal and flakesCereal and flakes Cereal可指一般谷物,而本文中的意思是营养麦片,是西式早餐中的常见食品,一般直接泡在水、牛奶或酸奶中吃,不加热,吃的时候适当加一些新鲜水果。也有干吃的,国外有些麦片即如

49、同中国国内的爆米花,可以空口吃。常见的麦片有玉米片(corn flakes)、燕麦片(oat cereal)等。知行英语Doing ItTask 11 Food is essential to human survival and health,but Food is essential to human survival and health,but people are getting more and more worried about the people are getting more and more worried about the safety of our curren

50、t food system.Find in the text the two safety of our current food system.Find in the text the two serious problems that the writer has discovered.serious problems that the writer has discovered.Genetically changed seedsGenetically changed seedsUse of chemicalsUse of chemicals知行英语2Express your findin

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