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1、.1.Read and tick.Pass all my English exams.5Able to sing my favorite English songs.3Never forget the new words.1Understand every word in the English movies.2Say what I want to say in English.4Write stories in English.6【】【】【】【】【】【】.b._a._2.Look and match.1)I cant understand my English teacher.2)I fin

2、d it difficult to understand foreigners.3)I feel too shy to talk with foreigners.4)Im poor at pronunciation.5)I often forget the words I want to say.6)Im not good at reading in English.c._d._2.Look and match.1)I cant understand my English teacher.2)I find it difficult to understand foreigners.3)I fe

3、el too shy to talk with foreigners.4)Im poor at pronunciation.5)I often forget the words I want to say.6)Im not good at reading in English.e._f._2.Look and match.1)I cant understand my English teacher.2)I find it difficult to understand foreigners.3)I feel too shy to talk with foreigners.4)Im poor a

4、t pronunciation.5)I often forget the words I want to say.6)Im not good at reading in English.Callers problemProf Learnings Advice Poor at listening.Cant understand every word.Poor at pronunciation.Cant remember the new word.Should try to understand the key words.Should learn to say the words first.D

5、ialogue3.Listen and tick.Callers problemProf Learnings Advice Cant understand every word.Poor at pronunciation.Should try to understand the key words.Should learn to say the words first.4.Listen and match.5.Listen,read and underline.Prof Learning:Li Dong:Prof Learning:Li Dong:Prof Learning:Yang Fan:

6、Prof Learning:Yang Fan:Hi!Thanks for calling“Prof Learning”.Whats your problem?Im a waiter.I want to introduce Chinese dishes to foreign guests,but Im poor at memorizing new words.Can you give me some advice?You should write them down in your notebook and read them every day.Thank you.Youre welcome.

7、Here we have a new listener.Hello,whats your problem?Im a steward.I need to serve many foreign passengers on my plane,but sometimes I cant understand them.What can I do?Well,you may ask them to repeat.OK.Ill try.Thanks a lot.6.Practice and act.Im not very good at.I cant.Im poor at.I find it difficul

8、t to.Can you give me.You should.You can.You may.You need to.7.Discuss and write.ProblemSolution.8.Discuss and choose.ProblemSolution.Whats the matter?Whats the matter?Whats up?Whats up?Dont mention it.Dont mention it.什么事?什么事?什么事?什么事?怎么了?怎么了?怎么了?怎么了?别客气。别客气。别客气。别客气。.9.Answer and check.Is learning Eng

9、lish important for atraffic policeman?Your answer:English is becoming more and more important for the policeman.10.Read and answer.Prof Learning,Im a traffic policeman.English is becoming more and more important in my work.Now Im working hard to improve my English,but I cant do well in listening.In

10、my work I meet many foreigners.They dont speak Chinese.They ask me for directions in English.However,I cant always understand them.What can I do?.10.Read and answer.Its not easy to learn English,but I have some ideas here.First,you should try to listen for the important points.You dont have to under

11、stand every word.Second,you can ask them to repeat again.Dont feel shy to do that.Finally,you may listen to some English songs.You can practice your English and have a lot of fun.10.Read and answer.Zhang Xiaobos problem:Zhang Xiaobos problem:_Prof Learnings Advice:Prof Learnings Advice:_I cant alway

12、s understand them.Try to listen for the important points.Ask them to repeat again.Listen to some English songs.11.Discuss and choose._ _ _ _ _ _ _.Grammar focusYou may take an umbrella.You can use your dictionary.You should do more exercises.You need to go to see a doctor.Youd better go home before

13、dark.a.a.You can close the window.You can close the window.b.b.Youd better go to the Youd better go to the reception desk.reception desk.c.c.You may ask her to repeat.You may ask her to repeat.d.d.You need to take a rest.You need to take a rest.e.e.You can have a glass of You can have a glass of mil

14、k in the evening.milk in the evening.1)Im so tired.1)Im so tired.2)I cant sleep at night.2)I cant sleep at night.3)We cant find the key to 3)We cant find the key to our room.our room.4)I cant understand the 4)I cant understand the teacher.teacher.5)Its so noisy outside.5)Its so noisy outside.12.Writ

15、e and match.13.Look and complete.Excuse me.How can I join the club?First,you _ complete this form.should.13.Look and complete.I want to get a good score in the exam.You _ practice English every day.need to.13.Look and complete.I think Im getting a flu.You _ go to bed and take some medicine.d better.

16、13.Look and complete.I want to visit Xian.You _ get a tourist map.may.14.Act and practice.Situation:At the doctors office.Problem:Ive got a headache.Advice:Youd better go to bed early every day.Situation 1:In the restaurant.Situation 1:In the restaurant.Situation 2:At the airport.Situation 2:At the

17、airport.Situation 3:In the office.Situation 3:In the office.Situation 4:In a foreign country.Situation 4:In a foreign country.15.Read and match.understand the question _toforupdownatunderstandwritereadforgetaskrepeatlistenaantheyourtextsentencewordhelpmeaningquestionread the sentence write down a wo

18、rdforget the meaning ask for help repeat your sentencelisten to a question._ your pronunciation by listening to the tape.1._ the new words by writing them down.2._ to the tape to improve your listening.3._ your speaking skills by talking with foreign friends.4._ the teacher by listening for the impo

19、rtant points.remember understand practice listen16.Read and choose.ImproveRememberListenPracticeUnderstand.be good atguess the meaning give advicebe poor atimprove practice17.Think and talk.I can _ my pronunciation by singing English songs.improve_ _ _ _.Make an English learning plan for yourself.Th

20、ink how you may use English in your future job and what you need to learn.Then make a plan for your English learning.1)Write down the situations where you may need to use English in your future work.The first line is given as an example.I can introduce the dishes in my restaurant to foreign guests._

21、 _ _.2)Make a list of things you need to learn or improve in order to use English in your future job.The first line is given as an example.I need to learn many English words to introduce the dishes._ _ _3)Make a list of things you plan to do.The first line is given as an example.Learn 5 new words ev

22、ery day._ _ _Make an English learning plan for yourself.Make an English learning plan for yourself.4)Work in groups.Tell your group members what you need to learn or improve and what you plan to do.Then ask your group members for some advice.5)Think about your group members advice and revise your English-learning plan.My English Learning PlanMy Future JobUse of English in My Future JobThings I Need to Learn or ImproveMy English Learning Plan.Star light,star bright,First star I see tonight,I wish I may,I wish I might,Have the wish I wish tonight.Listen and repeat.

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