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1、小学六年级阅读理解精选毕业英语复习培优试题(含答案解析)一、阅读判断Ten monkeys are playing under a tree near a lake. They are having a good time. Suddenly a little monkey cries, “Look, the moon has dropped into the water!” “Get it out quickly!” says the old monkey. The little monkey hangs (悬挂) from the tree by his tail. Then each m

2、onkey hangs from the other by his tail or legs. At last they get to the level of the water, but still they cannot pick up the moon. They try again. But they still cant catch the moon. The monkeys are very sad. But when they look up, they find the moon is still high up in the sky shining brightly. Te

3、n monkeys are happy again.1、Ten monkeys are near a river. ( )2、The moon drops into the water. ( )3、To get to the water, the monkeys hang by their tails or legs. ( )4、The monkeys pick up the moon from the water at last. ( )5、This story is an animal fable. ( )答案:1、F2、F3、T4、F5、T【导语】本文讲述了猴子捞月的寓言故事。1、句意:

4、十只猴子在河边。根据短文开头第一句“Ten monkeys a解析:1、F2、F3、T4、F5、T【导语】本文讲述了猴子捞月的寓言故事。1、句意:十只猴子在河边。根据短文开头第一句“Ten monkeys are playing under a tree near a lake.”十只猴子在湖边的树下玩耍,可知题干与原文不符,故答案为F。2、句意:月亮落到水里。根据“they find the moon is still high up in the sky shining brightly.”它们发现月亮仍然高高挂在天空中,闪闪发光,可知题干与原文不符,故答案为F。3、句意:为了到水里,猴子

5、们用它们的尾巴或腿悬挂着。根据“Then each monkey hangs from the other by his tail or legs.”然后每只猴子都用它的尾巴或腿互相悬挂着,可知题干与原文相符,故答案为T。4、句意:猴子们最终从水中捞起了月亮。根据“At last they get to the level of the water, but still they cannot pick up the moon. ”它们终于到达了水面,但仍然无法捞起月亮,可知题干与原文不符,故答案为F。5、句意:这个故事是一则动物寓言。通读全文可知题干表述正确,故答案为T。二、阅读判断阅读下面

6、的短文,并根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。Jack was busy last weekend. His parents were not at home. He walked to the park in the morning. He read English books and did sports there. Then he went back home by bus. He had to clean the room and wash the clothes before 12:00. After finishing these things, he had lunch. T

7、hen he went to Lisas home, and he studied maths with her. They played many maths games together. In the evening, Jack went to the supermarket and bought some food. When he got home, his parents were at home, too.6、Jack went to the park on foot in the morning. ( )7、Jack did sports in Lisas home. ( )8

8、、Jack cleaned the room and washed the clothes in the afternoon. ( )9、Jack did dinner with Lisa. ( )10、Jack went shopping and watched TV in the evening. ( )答案:6、T7、F8、F9、F10、F【解析】解析:6、T7、F8、F9、F10、F【解析】三、阅读理解Mr Rock has some apple trees in his garden, he looks after them carefully. Now there are very

9、 good apples on the trees and Mr Rock is happy.This afternoon when he looks through the window, he sees a boy in one of his apple trees. He is helping himself eat the nice apples.Mr Rock opens the window and shouts “Hey, what are you doing there? Come down and get away, or Ill go to see your father!

10、”The boy is not frightened at all.“Dad” he looks up and cries, “Mr Rock wants to see you! ”11、Mr Rock has some _in his garden. ()Apear treesBbanana treesCapple treesDorange trees12、Mr Rock is happy that _. ()Ahis apples are very goodBhe has some treesCa boy is in the treeDhe looks after carefully13、

11、The boy in the tree _. ()Ais counting the applesBis looking after the applesCis looking for his fatherDis eating the apples14、Mr Rock wants the boy _. ()Ato see his fatherBto come downCeat the applesDto be in the tree15、Which is right? ()AThe boy is not frightened to see his father.BThe boys father

12、is in the apple tree, too.CMr Rock knows the boys father is eating the apples.DThe boy likes eating apples.答案:11、C12、A13、D14、B15、A【分析】短文主要讲了洛克先生花园里有一棵长得很好的苹果树,一个男孩在树上吃苹果的事情。11、句意:洛解析:11、C12、A13、D14、B15、A【分析】短文主要讲了洛克先生花园里有一棵长得很好的苹果树,一个男孩在树上吃苹果的事情。11、句意:洛克先生花园里有一些_。A梨树,B香蕉树,C苹果树,D橙子树。根据文中句子Mr Rock has

13、 some apple trees in his garden, 可知洛克先生花园里有一些苹果树,故选C。12、句意:洛克先生很高兴_。A他的苹果很好。B他有一些树。C一个男孩在树上。D他照看的很仔细。根据文中句子Now there are very good apples on the trees and Mr Rock is happy.可知洛克先生高兴的是树上有许多很好的苹果,故选A。13、句意:那个男孩在树上_。A正在数苹果。B正在照看苹果。C正在找爸爸。D正在吃苹果。根据文中句子He is helping himself eat the nice apples.可知那个男孩正在树上吃

14、苹果,故选D。14、句意:洛克先生想那个男孩_。A去见他的爸爸。B下来。C吃苹果。D在树上。根据文中句子Come down and get away, or Ill go to see your father!可知洛克先生让男孩下来离开,否则带他去见他的爸爸,所以B选项正确,故选B。15、句意:哪一个是正确的?A这个男孩不害怕见到他的父亲。B男孩的爸爸也在树上。C洛克先生知道男孩的爸爸正在吃苹果。D男孩喜欢吃苹果。根据文中句子The boy is not frightened at all.可知男孩不害怕去见他的爸爸,故选A。【点睛】四、阅读理解On National Day, we had

15、a long holiday. We had seven days. I went to Hainan Island with my parents to visit my grandparents. They live in a small house, but its beautiful. We went to see the blue and clear water every day. We swam in it. We went fishing and had seafood. My grandma cooked good food for us every day. The foo

16、d was very delicious. I like it. We took many photos. I was very happy.11、I went to Hainan Island with my _.()Afather and motherBgrandparentsCfriends12、How many days were there in our holiday?()AI dont know.BA week.CMany days.13、I was _ on National Day.()AdeliciousBsadChappy14、I can _ in Hainan.()Ag

17、o fishingBswim in the seaCA and B15、My grandapretns live in _.()Aa beautiful cityBa small house but beautifulCa big house答案:11、A12、B13、C14、C15、B解析:11、A12、B13、C14、C15、B五、阅读理解Mum: Whats this?Dad: Its a letter. It says, Youve won a free holiday!Lily: Amazing! I hope its to the sea. I can swim and play

18、with sand.Dad: No! I hope its a camping holiday. I can sleep in a tent and get lots of fresh air.Ben: No! Id like to go to the sea in a ship. I can watch fish and eat nice food.Mum: Well, Id like to go to a big city. I can go shopping.(The phone rings.)Grandma: Hello! This is Lucky Holidays. Youve w

19、on a holiday to sunny Dalian.Lily: Dalian? Thats where Grandma lives!Grandma: Ha-ha! This is Grandma!Lily: Oh, Grandma! You tricked us!Grandma: Come and have a nice summer holiday with me, will you?Lily: Sure! Thats great!16、Where did the letter come from? ()It came from_.Aa travel companyBGrandmaCa

20、 friend17、Who would like to go to the sea? ()ADad. BLily and Ben. CMum.18、Where are they going this summer holiday?Theyre going to_. ()ADalianBthe countrysideCthe sea19、What does tricked mean? ()A想念B捉弄C邀请20、What do you think of Grandma? ()Shes _.AkindBbadCfunny答案:16、B17、B18、A19、B20、C解析:16、B17、B18、A1

21、9、B20、C六、阅读理解Mike visits Uncle Bobs farm on a summer day. In the morning she learns to ride a little red horse. The little red horse runs and runs around the beautiful farm. Mike is very happy but tired. Then she paints under a big tree. The big dog Cookie helps her paint with his tail. After lunch

22、Mike learns to collect milk from the cow. But the cow is very naughty(淘气的). She gives Mike a white shower! Now its time to feed pigs. Mike feeds them with Uncle Bob. The pigs jump into the mud after a good meal. So does Mike. Its really fun! In the evening, all the neighbours come. They have a barbe

23、cue on the farm. They sing and dance until midnight.21、Mike visits Unlce Bobs farm in _. ()AspringBsummerCautumn22、Mike _ in the morning. ()Alearns to ride a horseBpaints with CookieCA and B23、Mike learns to collect milk _. ()Ain the morningBafter lunchCin the evening24、_ jump into the mud. ()AThe pigsBMikeCThe pigs and Mike25、The neighbours _ until midnight. ()Asing and danceBhave a barbecueCrun and jump答案:21、B22、C23、B24、C25、A解析:21、B22、C23、B24、C25、A

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