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1、2023宜昌市新初一分班英语试卷一、单项选择1Lucy is 42 kg. Kate is 46 kg. So Kate is _ than Lucy. ()AheavierBolderCthinner2She got up late and _ to school. ()ArunBrunsCran3One day Im going to _ the moon. ()AvisitsBvisitedCvisit4The boy was short before, _ hes tall now. ()AandBbutCso5Nancy is talking her plans the weeken

2、d Miss Li.Aabout; at; toBto; about; forCabout; for; with6_ are your grandparents?They are in the kitchen.AWhoBWhereCWhat7Let me _ the teacher to help answer the question. ()AaskBto askCasksDasked8He _ play football before, now he _ play football well. ()Awas; isBdid; doesCcouldnt; can9She _ clothes

3、last weekend. ()AwashBwashedCwashing10A: Did the two men _ the lion that day? ()B: No, they didnt.AcaughtBcatchCcatches11What _ your bedroom messy? ()The _ make my bedroom messy.Amakes; toysBmake; toyCmake; toys12From then on, Sam and Bobby _ good friends. ()AbecomeBbecameCis becomeDare became13Play

4、ing on the road is not _.()AsafeBsafetyCSafely14We can have _ outing in _autumn.()Aa , aBan , anCan , /Dthe , the15Tims mother_ angry because Tim_ homework yesterday. ()Ais, isnt doingBdid, didnt doCwas, didnt do二、用单词的适当形式填空16John _ (fall) off his bike and hurt his foot last Monday.17How does Amy fe

5、el? She _ (feel) very bored.18Thats the _ (tall) dinosaur in this hall.19Tom often _ (study) Chinese on Sundays.20Childrens Day is on the _ (one) of June.21He _ (bring) some water and poured it into the hole.22You _ (see) the Great Wall in China next week.23The mouse _ (wake) the lion up, then the l

6、ion shouted _ (angry).24How many _ (child) are there in your family?2ll my friends like _ (play) the piano. They want to be _ (piano).三、完成句子26I r_ a bike with my friends today. It is fun.27Amy f_ off her bike, she h_ her leg.28W_ there any tall b_ in your v_ before?29The lion is _ (又大又强壮).30People i

7、n the UK _ (欢迎) visitors. 3obby will go to _ (烹饪) school next year.32My grandparents often give us red _ (红包) on Chinese New Years Eve.33Please turn off the _ when you leave the room. 34W_ to my school. Ill show you around it.35I couldnt go _ (骑自行车运动) in winter.36Where did you go yesterday?To the ci

8、nema. We _ _ food (吃新鲜的食物) and _ pictures (拍照).37We plant _ on March 12th.38Lily is taller and _ (更重的) than her sister.39The old fisherman goes _ (钓鱼) every morning.40A cheetah can run faster t_ a rabbit.四、完形填空Bill _41_ a doctor. He lived in a _42_ city in the north of the UK. He _43_ a dog and he o

9、ften played with it.One day a friend _44_ him to dinner. He went there _45_ dog. At the dinner, Bill _46_ some meat and chicken to his dog.His friend said, You love your dog very much. Yes! It is very clever. It can buy newspaper for you. So his friend gave the dog _47_ money and it went out._48_ ho

10、ur later, the dog didnt _49_. Bill asked his friend. How much did you give my dog?”Ten pound. answered his friend, You gave it too much, said Bill, It _50_ go to see a film.”41、AwasBamCare42、AhardBsmallCexciting43、AhaveBhadChas44、AaskingBaskCasked45、AatBwithCof46、AgiveBgaveCgiving47、AsomeBanyCmuch48

11、、AABAnCThe49、Acome backBcame backCcomes back50、AmustBcanCcould五、阅读判断阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Mike is a football fan. There is a football match between Chinese team and American team. He wants to watch it. He comes to the box office and gives the clerk 10 yuan. The clerk says, “Please give me another 10 yuan.

12、 The price of a ticket is 20 yuan.”“Why? ” says Mike, “I just watch Chinese team. I dont want to watch the other team at all. Do you want me to buy a ticket for it? No, no, no. ”51、Mike doesnt like football at all. ( )52、Mike can buy a ticket with 10 yuan. ( )53、The meaning of “clerk” in the passage

13、 means“售货员” in Chinese. ( )54、Do you want me to buy a ticket for it? The word it refers to(指的是)Chinese team. ( )55、At last Mike cant watch the football match, I think. ( )六、阅读理解Its March 12th. Its Tree Planting Day. There are many people on the hill. Theyre planting trees. Because plants are very im

14、portant(重要的) to people. They can make food from air, water ad sunlight. Animals and people can get food from plants. Without plants, life will not go on. Plants can make air clean too. They can help the water from flowing away(流失). And they can stop the wind from blowing up and the earth.But some pe

15、ople are cutting down many trees. This brings about floods(洪水) and sandstorms(沙尘暴). Today many people know plants are important. They will plant more trees and other plants. They will do their best(尽力) to make our country beautiful.56、Tree Planting Day is on . ()Athe twentieth of MarchBthe twelfth o

16、f MarchCthe second of March57、 can make food from air, water and sunlight. ()APlantsBAnimalsCPeople58、Life needs to go on. ()Afood from plantsBanimalsCsand59、What can plants do ? ()AThey can make the air clean and stop the wind from blowing up sand and earth.BThey can keep the water from flowing awa

17、y(流失).CBoth A and B60、 people will do their best to make our country beautiful. ()ASomeBMore and moreCNo【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:A【详解】句意:露西四十二千克。凯特四十六千克。所以凯特比露西重。本题考查形容词辨析。A更重的,B更年老的,C更瘦的,选项A符合题意,故选A。解析:C【详解】句意:她起晚了并且_去学校。A动词原形,B动词第三人称单数形式,C动词过去式。根据got up为过去式形式,and连接两个并列句时态要保持一致,run的过去式形式是ran。故选C。解析:C【详解】句意:有

18、一天我要参观月球。句子是一般将来时,am going to+动词原形,visit是动词原形,故选C。解析:B【详解】句意:这个男孩以前很矮,_现在他很高。A和,B但是,C所以,根据句意可知该句前后表转折,用but连接。故选B。解析:C【详解】略解析:B【详解】7A解析:A【详解】略8C解析:C【详解】句意:他之前_踢足球,但是现在他踢足球踢得很好。本题考查情态动词。Abe动词过去式;be的第三人称单数现在时。B助动词过去式;助动词第三人称单数形式。C不能,情态动词过去式;能。题干横线后是动词原形,不能用be动词,排除A;助动词没有词意,根据句意,该句表示能力,故选C。9B解析:B【详解】句意:

19、上周末她洗衣服了。本题考查动词的过去式。A洗,动词原形。B洗,动词的过去式/过去分词。C洗,动名词/动词的现在分词。根据last weekend上周末,可知句子为一般过去时态,动词用过去式,故选B.10B解析:B【详解】句意:那两个人那天抓到狮子了吗?不,他们没有。助动词did后跟动词原形,catch是动词原形,故选B。1解析:A【详解】句意:什么使你的卧室凌乱不堪?玩具把我的卧室弄得凌乱不堪。makes动词第三人称单数,make动词原形,toys名词复数,toy名词单数,根据句意和选项,可知句子是一般现在时,what做主语后面的谓语动词常用动词的第三人称单数形式,第一空为makes,第二空表

20、示泛指,用复数形式,故选A。【点睛】1解析:B【详解】句意:从那时起,萨姆和鲍比成为好朋友。根据From then on判断该句为一般过去时态,系动词become(成为;变成)要用过去式became,而A选项原形,C、D选项语法错误,故选B。【点睛】1解析:A【详解】略1解析:C【详解】略1解析:C【详解】句意:昨天Tim的妈妈很生气因为Tim没做作业。因为句中yesterday是一般过去时的时间词,因此该句子是一般过去时,angry形容词前面需要be动词,故选C。【点睛】考查一般过去时,注意平时掌握。二、用单词的适当形式填空16fell【详解】句意:上周一约翰从自行车上掉下来并且伤到他的脚。

21、此题考查动词过去式,last Monday是一般过去时的标志词,fall的过去式是fell,故答案为fell。17feels【详解】句意:艾米感觉怎么样?她觉得很无聊。本题考查动词的第三人称单数形式。句子为一般现在时,答语中主语是She第三人称单数,动词feel要用第三人称单数形式feels,故答案为feels。18tallest【详解】句意:那是这个大厅里最高的恐龙。根据句意可知tall用最高级tallest,故答案为tallest。19studies【详解】句意:汤姆经常在周日学习中文。often是一般现在时的标志词,主语Tom是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,动词变第三人称单数

22、,辅音字母+y型,变y为i,加-es,故答案为studies。20first【详解】句意:儿童节在六月一日。几号用序数词,one的序数词是first,故答案为first。2rought【详解】句意:他拿来一些水倒进了洞里。poured是动词的过去式,可知句子为一般过去时态,bring拿来,应该用过去式brought。故答案为brought。22will see【详解】句意:下周你(们)在中国会见到长城。根据next week下周,可知句子为一般将来时态,可以用will加动词原形表示一般将来时态。故答案为will see。23 woke angrily【详解】句意:老鼠把狮子叫醒,然后狮子生气地

23、喊叫。shouted是过去式,可知本题考查一般过去时,wake的过去式是woke,第二个空填副词修饰动词,angry的副词是angrily,故答案为woke,angrily。24H解析:children【详解】句意:在你的家里有多少个孩子?How many后面跟可数名词复数形式,child的复数形式是children,故答案为children。25 playing pianists【详解】句意:我所有的朋友都喜欢弹钢琴。他们想成为钢琴家。喜欢做某事可以用like doing,play的动名词是playing;第二空成为的是什么职业,piano对应的职业名词是pianist,主语they,要用复

24、数pianists,故答案为playing;pianists。三、完成句子26ride#ide【详解】我今天和我的朋友们一起_自行车,它是有趣的。结合句意和首字母提示可知,此处应用动词ride,ride a bike意为骑自行车,为固定短语,故答案为ride。27 fell#ell hurt#urt【详解】句意:艾米从她的自行车上摔下来,她的腿受伤了。根据句意,可知句子描述过去发生的事,是一般过去时态,动词要用过去式。根据句意及所给字母,可知第一个空考查短语fall off摔下,fall的过去式为fell。根据句意及所给字母,可知第二个空考查单词hurt受伤,过去式为hurt。故答案为fell

25、;hurt。【点睛】28 Were#ere buildings#uildings village#illage【详解】句意:以前你们村里有高楼吗?根据句意和句中的before,可知句子是there be句型的一般疑问句,时态是一般过去时,由句意和首字母,可知考查单词building建筑物,any修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,building复数形式为buildings,be动词用are过去式were,考查单词village村庄,in your village在你们村里,故答案为Were;buildings;village。29big / large and strong【详解】句意:狮子又大又

26、强壮。又大又强壮big and strong或large and strong,故答案为big / large and strong。30welcome【详解】句意:英国的人们欢迎游客。欢迎welcome,该句可用一般现在时,People是复数,谓语动词用原形。故答案为welcome。3ooking【详解】句意:鲍比明年将去烹饪学校。该空考查名词词组cooking school烹饪学校,该空应填cooking。故答案为cooking。32packets【详解】句意:我的祖父母经常在除夕夜给我们红包。这里的红包red packet要用名词复数形式red packets,故答案为packets。3

27、3light【详解】句意:请关灯当你离开房间的时候。所给图片为灯,其对应单词为light,故答案为light。34Welcome#elcome【详解】句意:欢迎来到我的学校。我将带你参观一下。由下文参观可知应说欢迎来到学校,因此该空应填Welcome,首字母大写,故答案为Welcome。3ycling【详解】句意:在冬天我不能去骑行。本题考查动词短语,去骑行go cycling,固定短语。故答案为cycling。36 ate fresh took【详解】句意:你昨天去哪儿了?去电影院。我们吃新鲜的食物和拍照。yesterday是一般过去时的标志词,动词吃eat用过去式ate,新鲜的fresh,

28、拍照take pictures,take用过去式took,故答案为ate;fresh;took。37trees【详解】句意:我们在三月十二日种树。根据句意可知和常识可知,三月十二日是植树节, 植树plant trees。动词词组,故答案为trees。38heavier【详解】句意:莉莉长得比她妹妹更高,更重。根据than,可知heavy重的,比较级heavier符合题意,故答案为heavier。39fishing【详解】句意:老渔夫每天上午去钓鱼。go fishing去钓鱼,为固定搭配,fishing符合题意,故答案为fishing。40than#han【详解】句意:猎豹比兔子跑得快。此题考查

29、连词than比,故答案为than。四、完形填空解析:41、A42、B43、B44、C45、B46、B47、A48、B49、A50、A五、阅读判断42F解析:51、F52、F53、F54、F55、T【解析】51、句意:迈克一点也不喜欢足球。根据Mike is a football fan.可知迈克是个足球迷。所以题干表述错误,故答案为F。52、句意:迈克用10元钱就能买到一张票。根据The price of a ticket is 20 yuan.可知一张票的价格是20元,所以10元买不到一张票。所以题干表述错误,故答案为F。53、句意:文中“clerk”的意思在汉语中是“售货员”的意思。根据短

30、文迈克买票看足球比赛可知,clerk指的是售票员,所以题干表述错误,故答案为F。54、句意:你想要我为它买票吗?这个它指的是中国队。根据I just watch Chinese team. I dont want to watch the other team at all. Do you want me to buy a ticket for it? No, no, no.可知他只想看中国队,句中的it指的是美国队,所以题干表述错误,故答案为F。55、句意:我认为最后迈克不能看足球比赛了。根据He comes to the box office and gives the clerk 10 yuan. 和The price of a ticket is 20 yuan.可知迈克只有10元而门票是20元,所以他不能看足球比赛了。所以题干表述正确,故答案为T。六、阅读理解解析:56、B57、A58、A59、C60、B

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