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1、打电话May I speak to Mr. Li? Id like to speak to Mr. Li, please. This is -speaking。Is Sue James in?Im sorry, hes not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。) Hes not in. 或者Hes out now. 感谢类答谢类 Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thats all right . 没关系. Thats OK. 没关系.Not at all. 不用谢. You are welcome. 不必谢.

2、Its my pleasure.道歉类 应答类 Sorry.I am sorryI am sorry for Thats all right.It doesnt matter.Thats nothing.建议类同意类不同意类You had better Shall we do ? What about doing ? How about doing ?Why not do ?Lets do sth OK ?Would you like some ?OK. Sure.Certainly. All right. Yes, please.Yes, I think so. I agree with y

3、ou. I am afraid not. Sorry, I dont think so. I really cant agree with you. 祝愿祝贺类Good Luck to you! Best wishes! Have a good (nice) time! Congratulations to you! Happy Teachers Day! Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!问天气 Whats the weather like today? How is the weather today?What wa

4、s the weather like yesterday?问日期问日期: Whats the date today? ItsDecember29th.问星期: What day is it today? Its Monday.问钟点: Whats the time? Itshalf past six.问时间What time did you get home yesterday?When did you get Shanghai last week?How long have you been in China? For two weeks.How long does it take you

5、to finish your homework? Two hours.How often do you go to the cinema? Twice a week.问职业 Whats your father? What are you? Whats your fathers job? What is your job? What does your father do? What do you do?问价格 How much is the book?How much does the book cost? How much should I pay for the book? Whats t

6、he price of the book?问年龄 How old are you?Whats your age?问地址 Where do you live?Whats your address?问姓名 Whats your name?Could I have your name, please?Do you mind my knowing your name?Do you mind if I know your name? Can you tell me your name?问词意 What do you mean by saying the word? Whats the meaning o

7、f the word? What does the word mean?问感受Whats your hobby? Whats your favorite? What do you think of the film? How do you like the film?问数量How many people are there in your family?How much water do you drink every day?问人口 Whats the population of China? How many people are there in China? How large is

8、the population of China?问路线Do you know the way to the station? Can you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to the station? Which is the way to the station?问长度 How long is the bridge?问高度How high is the mountain? How tall are you? Whats your height? 问宽度 How wide is the river?问体重 Whats your we

9、ight? How much do you weigh? 问单位 Where do you work?问距离How far is your school from here?问爱好 Which do you like best? Which do you prefer?问电话 Can I know your telephone number? Whats your telephone number?购物1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?What sizes do you want ?How many do you

10、 want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ? May I try it on ? -Of course. Sure , you can.5.Ill take it.6.What kind of noodles would you like ? Id like beef noodles.7.Thank you . You re welcome.问路:1.Excuse me? Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to ?Could you please tell me how to3.Where is 4.How far

11、is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to 7.Go straight Go down . Turn rightleft8.Can I ride a bike there ?天气:1. Whats the weather like ?Hows the weather ?2. Its sunnyrainycloudywindysnowy3. Which season do you like best?4. I like Spring SummerAutumnWinter.假期,周末活动:1. How was your weekend?2.

12、what did you do on weekends?3. What are you going to do on weekend ?What are you going to do for vacation? where would you go on vacation?4. I am going to .5. When will you leave ?When are you going?6. How will you get there?7. How long are you staying?8. When shall we meet?9. Where shall we meet?10

13、. That s a good idea . That sounds good .11. What abou t you ?How about you?What about doing学习:1.How do you study for a test ?How do you learn English ?2.I study by listening to the tapes .3.Whats your favorite subject ?- My favorite subject is 4.Who is your English teacher ? - She is . 看医生:Whats th

14、e matter ?What s wrong ?Whats the trouble ?I have a cold I have a headache.When did it start ? How long have you been like this ?六、试题案例(一)看病 A:Good morning.B:Good morning. Whats wrong with you?A:I dont feel very well and Ive a headache.B:How long have you been like this?A:Ever since this morning.B:M

15、aybe youve caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature?A:No, I havent.B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh, youve got a fever.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drink much water.A:How often should I take this medicine?B:You can take this

16、medicine three times a day and youll be all right soon.A:Thank you, doctor. Ill do as you say. Bye!B:Bye!(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, Im afraid. She isnt here right now.J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes, please. But who is that?J:T

17、his is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you?J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure! Whats your telephone number?J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:Ill give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J:Thank you. Good-bye!M:Bye!(三)购物 A:Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, plea

18、se. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one?A:What size do you need?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I dont like this color. Have you got any other colors?A:Yes. How about this one?B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?A:Sure.B:Oh, its just right. Where is it made?A:Its made in Japan. Its

19、very comfortable.B:How much are they?A:100 yuan.B:Its too expensive. I cant afford it. Have you got a cheaper one?A:Well. Im afraid its the cheapest one.B:OK. Ill take it. Here is the money.A:Thank you. Good-bye!B:Bye!(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please?B: Sorry,I dont know. Y

20、oud better ask the policeman over there. He may know.A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, please?C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and youll find the post office on the left. Its between the city library and the

21、hospital. You cant miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:Its about 30 minutes walk. Youd better catch a bus.A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:Youre welcome.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing spe

22、cial).A:Shall we go to the park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier? Lets make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good

23、morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I dont see Zhou Tao today. Do you know where he is?B:Yes. He is in hospital.A:Whats wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital.A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is br

24、oken. The doctor took it out.A:Im sorry to hear that. He always eats a lot of sweets.B:Yes. But he wont eat them any more.A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I dont know. Lets visit him after school. OK?A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, tooA:What bad weather, isnt it?B:Yes, but I th

25、ink the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:Im fromA:Youre from Australia, arent you?B:Yes. How did you guess?A:The way you speak. When were you born?B:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village near Londo

26、n.A:Why did you come to China?B:Because my parents wanted to work in China.A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What do you like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so. Im trying my best to study my Chinese well.A:Thats great. Good luck with

27、 your Chinese. (八)就餐Waiter:Good morning ,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window?W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.A:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes, Well have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup.W:Thats what you ord

28、ered, please take your time. (After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?W:certainly. Would you like something else?A:No. thats all. Could we have the bill?W:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink?T

29、:Yes, please.H:Ill get you some tea.T:Can we do anything to help?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves.T:Thank you.L:Well. I think its time for us to leave now?H:Oh, do you have to?L:Yes, Im afraid so. Its getting late and we have to get up early in the morning.H:Dont leave anything b

30、ehind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much.H:Im happy you did. Bye!(十) 交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes, but the police havent com

31、e.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital. 3、通过活动,使学生养成博览群书的好习惯。B比率分析法和比较分析法不能测算出各因素的影响程度。C采用约当产量比例法,分配原材料费用与分配加工费用所用的完工率都是一致的。C采用直接分配法分配辅助生产费用时,应考虑各辅助生产车间之间相互提供产品或劳务的情况

32、。错 C产品的实际生产成本包括废品损失和停工损失。C成本报表是对外报告的会计报表。C成本分析的首要程序是发现问题、分析原因。C成本会计的对象是指成本核算。C成本计算的辅助方法一般应与基本方法结合使用而不单独使用。C成本计算方法中的最基本的方法是分步法。XD当车间生产多种产品时,“废品损失”、“停工损失”的借方余额,月末均直接记入该产品的产品成本 中。D定额法是为了简化成本计算而采用的一种成本计算方法。F“废品损失”账户月末没有余额。F废品损失是指在生产过程中发现和入库后发现的不可修复废品的生产成本和可修复废品的修复费用。F分步法的一个重要特点是各步骤之间要进行成本结转。()G各月末在产品数量变

33、化不大的产品,可不计算月末在产品成本。错G工资费用就是成本项目。()G归集在基本生产车间的制造费用最后均应分配计入产品成本中。对J计算计时工资费用,应以考勤记录中的工作时间记录为依据。()J简化的分批法就是不计算在产品成本的分批法。()J简化分批法是不分批计算在产品成本的方法。对 J加班加点工资既可能是直接计人费用,又可能是间接计人费用。J接生产工艺过程的特点,工业企业的生产可分为大量生产、成批生产和单件生产三种,XK可修复废品是指技术上可以修复使用的废品。错K可修复废品是指经过修理可以使用,而不管修复费用在经济上是否合算的废品。P品种法只适用于大量大批的单步骤生产的企业。Q企业的制造费用一定

34、要通过“制造费用”科目核算。Q企业职工的医药费、医务部门、职工浴室等部门职工的工资,均应通过“应付工资”科目核算。 S生产车间耗用的材料,全部计入“直接材料”成本项目。 S适应生产特点和管理要求,采用适当的成本计算方法,是成本核算的基础工作。()W完工产品费用等于月初在产品费用加本月生产费用减月末在产品费用。对Y“预提费用”可能出现借方余额,其性质属于资产,实际上是待摊费用。对 Y引起资产和负债同时减少的支出是费用性支出。XY以应付票据去偿付购买材料的费用,是成本性支出。XY原材料分工序一次投入与原材料在每道工序陆续投入,其完工率的计算方法是完全一致的。Y运用连环替代法进行分析,即使随意改变各构成因素的替换顺序,各因素的影响结果加总后仍等于指标的总差异,因此更换各因索替换顺序,不会影响分析的结果。()Z在产品品种规格繁多的情况下,应该采用分类法计算产品成本。对Z直接生产费用就是直接计人费用。XZ逐步结转分步法也称为计列半成品分步法。A按年度计划分配率分配制造费用,“制造费用”账户月末(可能有月末余额/可能有借方余额/可能有贷方余额/可能无月末余额)。A按年度计划分配率分配制造费用的方法适用于(季节性生产企业)

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