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1、2014.12.29.Seong Beom Cho,M.D.,Ph.D.Division of Biomedical Informatics National Institute of Health,KCDCBig Data in HealthcareWhats big data?Big Data&Healthcare Big Data&Genomics&MedicineTable of Contents Big Data?Volume,Variety,Velocity“large volumes of high velocity,complex,and variable data that

2、require advanced techniques and technologies to enable the capture,storage,distribution,management and analysis of the information”(U.S.congress report,2012)Big Data in healthcaresVolume:X bytes?Variety:sensors,imaging,tests(including genetic tests)Velocity:real-time streaming data(ex.ICU)Veracity?B

3、ig Data in GenomicsHighthroughput genomic data(whole genome sequencing data)What is big data?Why big data in healthcare industry?About$165 300 Billion savings!For what?Potential benefitsDetecting diseases at earlier stagesManaging specific individual and population health andDetecting health care fr

4、aud more quickly and efficiently.Another potentials Patients who will choose elective surgeryPatients who likely will not benefit from surgerPatients at risk for medical complicationsPatients at risk for sepsis,MRSA,C.difficile,or other hospital-acquired illness;illness/disease progression;Patients

5、at risk for advancement in disease statesCausal factors of illness/disease progressionPossible comorbid conditions(EMC Consulting).For what?Required technologies for big data(&disease management system)Big Data Analytics&TechnologiesBig Data Analytics&Technologies Whats related?Big Data&Disease Mana

6、gementWhats related?Big Data&Disease ManagementBig data in action!Big Data&Disease ManagementPrediction of readmission due to CHFBig Data&Disease ManagementBig Data Analytics ExamplesColumbia University Medical CenterTo treat complications proactively rather than reactively for brain-injured patient

7、s.48 hours earlier than traditional methods in patients with a bleeding stroke from a ruptured brain aneurysm.real-time data streams and persistent data from patients with bleeding strokes Detect hidden patterns that indicated the likelihood of complications.Big Data&Medical DevicesMobile computing

8、based telecardiologyBig data&Medical DevicesA global ECG and image cloud service for tele-consultation,research,and educationBig Data&Medical DevicesCloudwave:Distributed Processing of“Big Data”from Electro-physiological Recordings for Epilepsy Clinical Research Using HadoopBig Data&Medical DevicesB

9、ig Data&Medical DevicesSTRIDE Big Data&Disease Information System STRIDE An Integrated Standards-BasedTranslational Research Informatics PlatformBig Data&Disease Information System STRIDE exampleBig Data&Disease Information System Expect what?Big Data&Genomics&MedicineWhole genome sequencing&predict

10、ionBig Data&Genomics&MedicineWhole genome sequencing&predictionBig Data&Genomics&MedicineWhole genome sequencing&predictionBig Data&Genomics&MedicinePersonal omics profiling exampleBig Data&Genomics&MedicineeMERGE networkBig Data&Genomics&MedicineeMERGE networkBig Data&Genomics&MedicineWhats going o

11、n?Big Data&Genomics&MedicineChallenges&potential solutionsLimited evidence and conflicting interpretation of benefit/valueLack of institutional and clinician acceptanceLimited access to genomic medicine expertise and testingLack of standards for genomic applicationsEMR integration of genomic results

12、 and clinical decision supportFollow-up of genotyped patientsOutreach to at-risk family membersConsentUnderstanding by patients,clinicians,publicLack of access to comparison“control”sequence data and banking resourcesLack of research funding and reimbursementBig Data&Genomics&MedicineImplementation roadmap for genomic medicineThank You!

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