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1、英语小学六年级上册阅读理解专项培优试题(及答案)一、阅读理解 Once there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself. He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it died. Father and son walked because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired. They met two men on the road who said,

2、“Why are you walking, farmer? Its a long way to the market. You should ride on it.” The farmer knew that this was true, so he rode on the horse while his son walked. Then they met two old women, “What are you doing up there, farmer? Cant you see how tired the boy is?” So the farmer got down and his

3、son rode inside instead. Next, three old men stopped them, one said, “Why are you walking, farmer? Get up. Its too hot for an old man like you to walk today.” So the farmer got up behind his son and they rode on. Some time later, a young woman passed them, “Why arent you walking?” She asked, “It isn

4、t far to the market. Give your poor horse a rest.” So the farmer and his son got down once again. It is a fact that you cannot please all the people all the time.1、The farmer wanted to sell the horse _. ()Abefore it was deadBbefore it become too tiredCbefore the market was over2、The two men on the r

5、oad _. ()Aasked how far it was to the market.Bsaid they thought the horse looked very tired.Casked why the farmer was not riding on his horse.3、The two old women said it was wrong for _. ()Athe farmer to ride such a tired horse.Bthe farmer to ride instead of his son.Cthe boy to ride instead of his f

6、ather.4、The farmer got up behind his son because _. ()Athree old men said it was too hot for him to walk.Bthe three old men stopped them on the road.Che did not know why he was walking.5、The young woman was most sorry _. ()Afor the old manBfor the farmers young sonCfor the horse二、阅读理解Carol goes to s

7、ee her grandparents in Shanghai from Dalian. Now she is at the Shanghai Station. But she forgets the way to her grandparents home. So she calls her grandpa. Her grandpa tells her, “Turn left at the Shanghai Station. Go straight for about two minutes to get to Hualian Supermarket. The bus stop is in

8、front of the supermarket. Take the No. 5 bus and get off at the science museum. Walk south for about one minute. You can see a white building. It s near our home. Ill meet you there.”6、Carol lives in _. ()AHainanBShanghaiCDalian7、Where is Carol now? ()She is _.Aat the stationBat her grandpas homeCat

9、 the science museum8、The bus stop is in front of _. ()Athe bookstoreBthe supermarketCthe white building9、Carol must turn left at the station and then go _ to get to the supermarket.()AsouthBnorthCstraight10、Carols grandparents home is _. ()Anear the white buildingBin front of the science museumCnear

10、 Hualian Supermarket三、阅读理解 It was sunny last Sunday. Yang Ling visited Liu Taos grandparents. She went there with Liu Tao, Su Hai, Su Yang, Wang Bing and Mike. Liu Taos grandpa showed them a lot of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked a nice lunch for them. They liked the food very mu

11、ch.In the morning, the children cleaned the house for Liu Taos grandparents. In the afternoon, they worked in the garden. Su Hai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers. Liu Tao and Wang Bing picked apples. Yang Ling and Mike planted (种植) some trees. They worked for about two hours (小时). They real

12、ly had a good time there.11、It was _ last Sunday. ()AsunnyBcloudyCwindy12、Liu Taos grandma cooked a nice _ for them. ()AbreakfastBlunchCdinner13、The children cleaned the house _. ()Aafter lunchBin the afternoonCin the morning14、_ watered the trees and flowers. ()ALiu Tao and Wang BingBThe twinsCYang

13、 Ling and Mike15、The children were very _ last Sunday. ()AsadBhungryChappy四、阅读理解Dear Mark,How are you? I am so glad to be your pen pal. Now let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Jie. I am 12、 I live in Beijing China. I know you are interested in Chinese. I feel so happy to let you learn about Chi

14、na.Pandas are my favourite animals. They are cute and shy. They are black and white. They like to eat bamboo. So most of them live in Sichuan.Do you like food? We have many kinds of traditional(传统的) food. On Spring Festival, we have dumplings. On Dragon Boat Festival, we have zongzi. On Mid-Autumn F

15、estival, we have mooncakes. They are all delicious.If you come to Beijing, I will take you to the Great Wall. It is a very long wall. I will take you to the Palace Museum(故宫). You can learn about the ancient(古代) Emperors lives(皇帝的生活).I hope you will write to me soon.Yours,Chen Jie16、The letter is fr

16、om _. ()AChen JieBpen palCMark17、The letter is to _. ()AChen JieBpen palCMark18、Where do pandas live? ()AThe Great Wall.BThe Summer Palace.CSichuan.19、We have _ on Mid-Autumn Day. ()AzongziBdumplingsCmooncakes20、What are pandas favourite food? ()ADumplings.BMooncakes.CBamboo.五、阅读理解Hello, Im Mike. I

17、went to Hainan with my parents in the winter holiday. Everyone asked us to bring some T-shirts to Hainan, because it was very hot in Hainan. So we took many T-shirts and shorts with us. This winter, it was so strange(奇怪的), the weather was not fine. It was always cloudy and rainy, it was very cold. B

18、ut we only had T-shirts and shorts. We didnt take one coat or sweater. So we stayed in the restaurant. We went back four days later. We didnt visit any places in Hainan. It was really a terrible trip.21、Where did Mike to in the winter holiday? ()He went to _.ABeijingBHainanCXinjiang22、Did they take

19、any sweaters? ()AYes, they did.BNo, they didnt.CThey forgot.23、What was the weather like in Hainan this holiday? ()It was _.AgoodBhotCbad24、What did they do in Hainan? ()They _.Avisited many beautiful placesBtook a tripCstayed in the room25、What does “terrible” mean(意思)? ()It means “_”Avery goodBOKC

20、very bad六、阅读理解There is an interesting festival in China. At this festival people in Hunan always have a dragon boat match. The dragon boat is quite long. There are pictures of dragons on each side. The front of the boat is like the head of a dragon. There are twenty members in each team. Besides the

21、m there is a man on the boat. He beats a drum(击鼓). Its an exciting match, especially(特别是)when they are reaching the end. The audience(观众)beside the lake shout for their favourite teams. From this match. we have the name of the festivalthe Dragon Boat Festival. This special day has another(另一个)name-D

22、uanwu Festival. It has a story. The story is about a poet(诗人)called Qu Yuan.26、Whats the name of this special festival? Its name is _. ()AChinese New YearBthe Mid-Autumn FestivalCthe Dragon Boat FestivalDHalloween27、The name of the Dragon Boat Festival comes from _. ()Apictures of dragons on the boa

23、tBthe dragon boat match in HunanCthe boat like a dragon in JinanDthe dragon flying in the sky28、In the match, there is always a man on the boat to _. ()Ashout for themBhelp them boatCcarry a dragon for themDbeat a drum for them29、The story of Duanwu Festival is about _. ()Aa poet called Qu YuanBa po

24、et called Li BaiCa poet called Du FuDa poet called Bai Juyi30、Duanwu Festival is in _. ()Aspring BsummerCautumnDwinter【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、A2、C3、B4、B5、C【分析】短文大意:短文主要讲述一对没有主见的父子在卖马的路上发生的故事。1、句意:农民想要卖掉马_。由短解析:1、A2、C3、B4、B5、C【分析】短文大意:短文主要讲述一对没有主见的父子在卖马的路上发生的故事。1、句意:农民想要卖掉马_。由短文He set out one morning with his

25、son to sell the horse before it died.可知农民想在马死了之前把马卖了。A在它死之前,B在它变得太累之前,C在市场关门之前,故选A。2、句意:路上的两个男人_。由短文They met two men on the road who said, “Why are you walking, farmer? 可知路上的两个男人问为什么他们不骑马,A问离市场多远。B说他们认为马看起来很累。C问他们为什么不骑马。故选C。3、句意:这两位老太太说_不对的。由短文hen they met two old women, “What are you doing up there

26、, farmer? Cant you see how tired the boy is?”可知这两位老太太问农夫为什么骑马而儿子在走路,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。4、句意:农夫站在他儿子后面,因为_。由短文Next, three old men stopped them, one said, “Why are you walking, farmer? Get up. Its too hot for an old man like you to walk today.” So the farmer got up behind his son and they rode on.可知是因为三个男人

27、拦住了他们,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。5、句意:这位年轻女人非常抱歉_。由短文Some time later, a young woman passed them, “Why arent you walking?” She asked, “It isnt far to the market. Give your poor horse a rest.” 可知年轻的女人觉得马非常累,A老人,B农夫和儿子,C马,故选C。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、C7、A8、B9、C10、A【分析】短文主要讲述卡罗尔的爷爷告诉卡罗尔怎么去他家的路。6、句意:卡罗尔住在_。由短文Carol go解析:6、C7、A8、B

28、9、C10、A【分析】短文主要讲述卡罗尔的爷爷告诉卡罗尔怎么去他家的路。6、句意:卡罗尔住在_。由短文Carol goes to see her grandparents in Shanghai from Dalian.可知卡罗尔住在大连,A海南,B上海,C大连,故选C。7、句意:卡罗尔现在在哪?她在_。由短文Now she is at the Shanghai Station.可知她现在在上海车站,A车站,B在她爷爷奶奶家,C在科学博物馆,故选A。8、句意:公交车站在_前面。由短文The bus stop is in front of the supermarket.可知公交车站在超市前面,

29、A车站,B超市,C白色建筑物,故选B。9、句意:卡罗尔必须在车站左转然后_到达超市。由短文Go straight for about two minutes to get to Hualian Supermarket.可知必须在车站直走到达超市,A南部,B北部,C直走,故选C。10、句意:卡罗尔的爷爷奶奶家在_。由短文You can see a white building. It s near our home.可知爷爷奶奶家在白色建筑物附近,结合选项A符合题意,故选A。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、A12、B13、C14、B15、C【分析】短文主要讲述上星期日,刘涛和他的朋友们一起去看望爷爷奶

30、奶的事。11、句意:上星期日是_解析:11、A12、B13、C14、B15、C【分析】短文主要讲述上星期日,刘涛和他的朋友们一起去看望爷爷奶奶的事。11、句意:上星期日是_。根据It was sunny last Sunday.可知上星期日是晴朗的。A.晴朗的,B.多云的,C.有风的。故选A。12、句意:刘涛的奶奶为他们做了一顿美味的_。根据His grandma cooked a nice lunch for them. 可知刘涛的奶奶为他们做了一顿美味的午餐。A.早餐,B.午餐,C.晚餐。故选B。13、句意:孩子们_打扫房子。根据In the morning, the children c

31、leaned the house for Liu Taos grandparents. 可知早上,孩子们为刘涛的爷爷奶奶打扫房子。A.午餐后,B.下午,C.早上。故选C。14、句意:_浇了树和花。根据Su Hai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers. 可知苏海和苏洋浇了树和花。A.刘涛和王兵,B.双胞胎,C.杨玲和迈克。苏海和苏洋是双胞胎。故选B。15、句意:上星期日孩子们很_。根据They really had a good time there.可知他们在那里玩得很开心。A.悲伤的,B.饥饿的,C.高兴的。故选C。【点睛】四、阅读理解16、A

32、17、C18、C19、C20、C【导语】本文是作者向她的笔友介绍自己和介绍中国。16、句意:这封信来自_。A陈洁,B笔友,解析:16、A17、C18、C19、C20、C【导语】本文是作者向她的笔友介绍自己和介绍中国。16、句意:这封信来自_。A陈洁,B笔友,C马克。根据书信署名可知信是陈洁写的,故选A。17、句意:这封信是写给_。A陈洁,B笔友,C马克。根据书信的称呼可知是写给马克的信,故选C。18、句意:熊猫住在哪里?A长城,B颐和园,C四川。根据“So most of them live in Sichuan.”大多数熊猫都居住在四川,故选C。19、句意:中秋节我们吃_。A粽子,B饺子,C

33、月饼。根据“On Mid-Autumn Festival, we have mooncakes. ”可知我们中秋节吃月饼,故选C。20、句意:熊猫最喜欢的食物是什么?A饺子,B月饼,C竹子。根据“They like to eat bamboo. ”可知熊猫喜欢吃竹子,故选C。五、阅读理解21、B22、B23、C24、C25、C【分析】短文大意:介绍迈克一家去海南旅行的故事。21、句意:迈克寒假去哪里了?他去了_解析:21、B22、B23、C24、C25、C【分析】短文大意:介绍迈克一家去海南旅行的故事。21、句意:迈克寒假去哪里了?他去了_。A北京,B海南,C新疆,根据 I went to H

34、ainan with my parents in the winter holiday.可知是海南。故选B。22、句意:他们带着毛衣了吗?根据We didnt take one coat or sweater. 可知没有带毛衣,故做否定回答,故选B。23、句意:这个假期海南的天气怎么样?天气_。A好的,B热的,C坏的,根据This winter, it was so strange(奇怪的), the weather was not fine. 可知天气不好。故选C。24、句意:他们在海南做什么?他们_。A参观了很多美丽的地方,B旅行,C呆在房间里,根据We didnt take one coat or sweater. So we stayed in the restaurant. 可知他们呆在餐馆里。故选C。25、句意:“terrible”的意思是什么?它的意思是_。A非常好,B可以,C非常坏,根据It was really a terrible trip.可知是很不好的一次旅行。故选C。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、C27、B28、D29、A30、B解析:26、C27、B28、D29、A30、B

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