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1、小学六年级上学期阅读理解专项英语复习试卷测试卷(附答案)一、阅读理解Air is all around us. Its around us as we walk and play. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cant live for more than a few minutes without air. We take

2、in(吸取) air. When we are working or running we need more air. When we are sleeping, we need less air.We live in air, but we cant see it. We can only feel it. We can feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold(举起) an open book in front of your

3、face, close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air.1、Air is _. ()AsomewhereBnowhereCeverywhereDin the sky2、We will die if we cant have _ for some minutes. ()AfoodBwaterCairDclothes3、We cant _ the air. ()AhaveBfeelCget nearDsee4、When the air is going quickly, we have _. ()Athe snowBthe c

4、loudCthe rainDthe wind5、Which of the following is not true? ()AAir is very important to us.BWe cant see the air.CWe cant feel the air by shaking(摇动) a book near our face.DAir has no colour.二、阅读理解My pen pal is Lily. She lives in America. She likes football. She wants to be a football coach in the fut

5、ure. She has a brother. His name is Jill. He likes singing. Her father is a baseball player. Her mother is a reporter. They both go to work by car. They are very happy.6、Where is Lily live? ()AAmerica.BCanada.CChina.7、How does her parents go to work? ()AOn foot.BBy bus.CBy car.8、What does her mother

6、 do? ()AShe is a student.BShe is a worker.CShe is a reporter.9、What does her father do? ()AFootball player.BBaseball player.CBasketball player.10、Lily wants to be a _. ()AcoachBteacherCpostwoman三、阅读理解Its Saturday afternoon. Paul and three of his friends are playing in his new room. Its a small but t

7、idy room. Mrs. Miller comes into his room and says, “Heres some food for you, boys.” But Paul says, “Mom, I dont think that is a good idea. I want to keep my room clean and tidy.” “Paul, your room will be fine. You must treat your friends well,” says Mrs. Miller. She puts the bread and milk on the d

8、esk and leaves. Benny takes some bread and jumps on the bed. “Please stop, Benny. Dont eat bread or jump on my bed,” says Paul. Tom drinks milk and he spills (洒出) his milk on the floor. Sam draws a picture, but his pen makes some marks (污点) on the sofa. “Oh, no! My new floor and sofa!” says Paul. Af

9、ter Pauls friends leave, he makes some signs (标牌) for his room. “What are those?” Mrs. Miller asks. “Theyre signs. They tell my friends what they must and mustnt do in my room!” says Paul.11、Pauls room is _. ()Abig and newBsmall but tidyCbig but oldDsmall and old12、The underlined word “that” refers

10、to “_”. ()Aplaying in the roomBbeing good to friendsCeating food in the roomDkeeping the room clean and tidy13、Who jumps on the bed? ()ATom.BSam.CPaul.DBenny.14、Where does Sams pen make marks? ()AOn the bed.BOn the sofa.COn the desk.DOn the floor.15、What are on the signs? ()ASome rules.BFood names.C

11、Family names.DSome numbers.四、阅读理解One afternoon John plays football in front of a house with his friends. A young woman comes up and asks him, “John, is your father at home?” “Yes, he is,” answers John. Then the young woman goes over to press the bell(摁门铃). The bell rings(响) and rings, but no one com

12、es to open the door. The young woman gets angry and calls to him, “You tell(告诉) me your father is at home, dont you?” “Yes, my father is at home. But my home isnt here.”16、One _ John and his friends _ in front of a house. ()Aevening; play basketballBafternoon; play footballCmorning; do homework17、Jo

13、hn and his friends are _ a house. ()AinBatCin front of18、A young woman comes up and asks _ a question. ()AJohnBJohns friendsCJohns father19、Is Johns father at home? ()AYes.BNo.CI dont know.20、No one comes to open the door because _.()AJohns father doesnt want to meet herBthere is no one in that hous

14、e.CJohn tells her a lie(说谎).五、阅读理解Its Sunday. Ben, Mike and David are in the library. They want to read some books. There are some public signs on the walls of the library. The signs mean different things. Ben and Mike know a lot about them. They shouldnt litter and must keep quiet in the library. T

15、hey shouldnt eat or drink. Suddenly, they see a man eating. Ben goes up to him and says, “Sir, you cant eat here. Look at that sign. It means No eating or drinking.” The man says sorry and goes out of the library.21、What day is it today? ()AIts Saturday.BIts Sunday.CIts Monday.22、Where are Ben, Mike

16、 and David? ()AIn the park.BIn the zoo.CIn the library.23、Who doesnt know a lot about public signs? ()ABen.BThe man.CMike.24、They see a man _. ()AeatingBdrinkingCsmoking25、Which of the following is WRONG according to the signs in the library? ()AOne of the signs means we should keep quiet.BOne of th

17、e signs means we should litter.COne of the signs means we shouldnt eat or drink.六、阅读理解Mrs. White lost her wallet when going shopping before New Years Day. There was about $150 and some bank cards in the wallet. She didnt know where she lost the wallet. Mrs. White stayed up all night and was very wor

18、ried about her bank cards. She was afraid that someone would use her cards. The next day, she went back to the store to look for her wallet. The manager at the store came over and said: A worker of my store picked up your wallet last night. Mrs. White looked inside her wallet. Everything was still t

19、here, including her cards and money. She was very happy and excited. She bought a big basket of cookies for the store workers and thanked all of them.26、Mrs. White lost her wallet before _. ()ANew Years EveBNew Years DayCWeekdays27、Mrs. White was very worried about the _ in the wallet. ()Abank cards

20、BdollarsCkeys28、_ picked up the wallet of Mrs. White. ()AThe managerBMr. WhiteCA store worker29、_ was missing when Mrs. White got back her wallet. ()AEverythingBNothingCMoney30、Mrs. White thanked all of the store workers with _. ()A150 dollarsBsome cookiesCsome fruit【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、C2、C3、D4、D5、C【分析】本文

21、介绍了空气。1、句意:到处都是空气。A在某处,B无处,C处处,D在天空中,根据Air is all解析:1、C2、C3、D4、D5、C【分析】本文介绍了空气。1、句意:到处都是空气。A在某处,B无处,C处处,D在天空中,根据Air is all around us.,可知到处都是空气,故选C。2、句意:如果几分钟内没有空气,我们会死的。A食物,B水,C空气,D衣服,根据We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cant live for more than a few minutes without air.,可知如果几分

22、钟内没有空气,我们会死的,故选C。3、句意:我们看不到空气。A有,B感觉,C接近,D看见,根据We live in air, but we cant see it.,可知我们看不到空气,故选D。4、句意:当空气快速流动时,我们就有风。A雪,B云,C雨,D风,根据当空气快速流动时,我们就有风,故选D。5、句意:下列哪项是不正确的?A空气对我们很重要。B我们看不见空气。C我们无法通过在脸附近摇晃一本书来感受空气。D空气没有颜色。根据Hold(举起) an open book in front of your face, close it quickly. What can you feel? Wh

23、at you feel is air.,可知我们可以通过在脸附近摇晃一本书来感受空气,故选C。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、A7、C8、C9、B10、A【导语】本文主要介绍了我的笔友李莉的一家人。6、句意:李莉住在哪里?A美国。B加拿大。C中国。根据文中句子“解析:6、A7、C8、C9、B10、A【导语】本文主要介绍了我的笔友李莉的一家人。6、句意:李莉住在哪里?A美国。B加拿大。C中国。根据文中句子“My pen pal is Lily. She lives in America.”可知李莉来自美国,故选A。7、句意:她的父母怎样去工作?A步行。B坐公交车。C坐汽车。根据文中句子“They bot

24、h go to work by car. ”可知他们坐汽车去上班,故选C。8、句意:她的妈妈是做什么的?A她是一名学生。B她是一名工人。C她是一个记者。根据文中句子“Her mother is a reporter. ”可知她妈妈是一名记者,故选C。9、句意:她的爸爸是做什么的?A足球运动员。B棒球运动员。C篮球运动员。根据文中句子“Her father is a baseball player.”可知她的爸爸是一名棒球运动员,故选B。10、句意:李莉想成为_。A教练。B教师。C邮递员。根据文中句子“She wants to be a football coach in the future.

25、”可知她将来想成为一名足球教练。故选A。三、阅读理解11、B12、C13、D14、B15、A【导语】本文主要讲述了保罗的朋友弄乱了他的房间后,他制定了一些规则。11、句意:保罗的房间是_解析:11、B12、C13、D14、B15、A【导语】本文主要讲述了保罗的朋友弄乱了他的房间后,他制定了一些规则。11、句意:保罗的房间是_。A又大又新,B小但整洁,C大但旧,D又小又旧。根据“Its a small but tidy room.”可知保罗的房间小但整洁,故选B。12、句意:划线单词“that”指_。A在房间玩,B对朋友友好,C在房间吃东西,D保持房间干净整洁。根据文章第二段大意可知,保罗不想在

26、房间吃东西,避免弄脏了房间,故选C。13、句意:谁在床上跳?A汤姆。B山姆。C保罗。D班尼。根据“Benny takes some bread and jumps on the bed.”可知班尼在床上跳,故选D。14、句意:山姆的笔在哪里留下了污点?A在床上。B在沙发上。C在书桌上。D在地板上。根据“Sam draws a picture, but his pen makes some marks (污点) on the sofa.”可知山姆在沙发上留下了污点。故选B。15、句意:标志上有什么?A一些规则。B食品名称。C家人名字。D一些数字。根据“Theyre signs. They tel

27、l my friends what they must and mustnt do in my room!”可知是保罗制定的规则,故选A。四、阅读理解16、B17、C18、A19、A20、B【分析】本文讲了一位年轻女子问了约翰一个问题。16、句意:一天_,约翰和他的朋友在一所房子解析:16、B17、C18、A19、A20、B【分析】本文讲了一位年轻女子问了约翰一个问题。16、句意:一天_,约翰和他的朋友在一所房子前_。A晚上;打篮球,B下午;踢足球,C早上;做作业。根据One afternoon John plays football in front of a house with his

28、friends. ,可知一天下午,约翰他的朋友在一所房子前踢足球,故选B。17、句意:约翰和他的朋友在一所房子前。A在里面,B在,C在前面,根据One afternoon John plays football in front of a house with his friends.,可知约翰和他的朋友在一所房子前面,故选C。18、句意:一位年轻女子走过来问_一个问题。A约翰,B约翰的朋友,C约翰的爸爸,根据A young woman comes up and asks him, “John, is your father at home?”,可知一位年轻女子走过来问约翰一个问题,故选A。1

29、9、句意:约翰的爸爸在家吗?根据Yes, my father is at home.,可知约翰的爸爸在家,答语为肯定回答,故选A。20、句意:没有人来开门,因为_。A约翰的爸爸不想见她,B那所房子里没有人,C约翰对她说谎了,根据全文可知没有人开门是因为那所房子里没人,故选B。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、B22、C23、B24、A25、B【导语】本文主要叙述了本、迈克和大卫对于图书馆内标志的认识。21、句意:今天星期几?A今天是星期六。解析:21、B22、C23、B24、A25、B【导语】本文主要叙述了本、迈克和大卫对于图书馆内标志的认识。21、句意:今天星期几?A今天是星期六。B今天是星期天。C

30、今天是星期一。根据句子“Its Sunday.今天是星期天。”故选B。22、句意:本、迈克和大卫在哪里?A在公园里。B在动物园里。C在图书馆里。根据句子“Ben, Mike and David are in the library. 本、迈克和大卫在图书馆。”故选C。23、句意:谁不太了解公共标志?A本。B那个人。C迈克。根据句子“这些标志意味着不同的东西。本和迈克对他们了解很多。”和句子“ Suddenly, they see a man eating.突然,他们看到一个人在吃东西。”故选B。24、句意:他们看见一个_的人。A吃,B喝,C抽烟,根据句子“ Suddenly, they see

31、 a man eating.突然,他们看到一个人在吃东西。”故选A。25、句意:根据图书馆的标志,以下哪一项是错误的?A其中一个标志意味着我们应该保持安静。B其中一个标志意味着我们应该乱扔垃圾。C其中一个标志意味着我们不应该吃或喝。根据句子“They shouldnt litter and must keep quiet in the library. They shouldnt eat or drink.他们不应该乱扔垃圾,必须在图书馆保持安静。他们不应该吃或喝。”故选B。六、阅读理解26、B27、A28、C29、B30、B【导语】本文主要讲述了怀特夫人购物的时候丢了钱包,担心一晚,第二天去

32、商店找,发现被店员捡到。怀特夫人买了解析:26、B27、A28、C29、B30、B【导语】本文主要讲述了怀特夫人购物的时候丢了钱包,担心一晚,第二天去商店找,发现被店员捡到。怀特夫人买了一大篮饼干感谢他们。26、句意:怀特夫人在_之前丢了她的钱包。A除夕;B新年;C工作日;根据文中Mrs. White lost her wallet when going shopping before New Years Day. 可知她在新年前丢了钱包。故选B。27、句意:怀特夫人非常担心钱包里的_。A银行卡;B美元;C钥匙;根据文中Mrs. White stayed up all night and wa

33、s very worried about her bank cards.可知她非常担心她的银行卡。故选A。28、句意:_捡到了怀特夫人的钱包。A经理;B怀特先生;C一个店员;根据文中A worker of my store picked up your wallet last night.可知店员捡到了钱包。故选C。29、句意:_丢了,当怀特夫人拿回她的钱包。A一切东西;B没有东西;C钱;根据文中Everything was still there, including her cards and money.可知什么都没丢。故选B。30、句意:怀特夫人用_感谢所有店员。A150美元;B一些饼干;C一些水果;根据文中She bought a big basket of cookies for the store workers and thanked all of them.可知她买饼干感谢店员。故选B。

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