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1、英语小学五年级上学期期中质量培优试卷一、单项选择1Is there _ juice in the glass? ()Yes, there is _.Asome; someBsome; anyCany; some2_ Su Yangs grandparents have a cat? ()_, they have a lovely cat.ADoes; YesBDo; YesCDoes; No3_, Vicky! There is a car behind you. ()ALook outBCome outCGet out4Are there _ grapes on the table? ()Y

2、es, there are _. Would you like _?Aany; some; anyBany; some; someCany; any; some5I like watching films very much, but my sister _. ()AdontBdoesntCdoes6Yao Ming is from Shang Hai, China. He is a _ basketball player. He plays very _. ()Agood; goodBgood; wellCwell; good7_ is very popular in the UK. ()A

3、BasketballBFootballCTable tennis8_ your father a doctor? ()Yes, he _ in a hospital.ADoes; worksBDoes; workCIs; worksDIs; work9How many legs does an elephant have? ()It _ four.AisBhasChaveDare10Mary _ a lot of interesting books at home. ()AhasBhaveClikesDbuys11Wang Bing likes _ on Saturday. ()Awatchi

4、ng horror filmsBwatch horror filmsCwatches horror films12_ there any milk in the glass? ()No, _.AAre, they arentBDoes, is doesntCIs, there isnt13When _ the film _? ()At ten oclock.Adoes; beginBdo; beginCis; begin14I can see many _. ()ApolicesBpolicemansCpolicemen15What _ the bird have? ()It _ wings.

5、Ado; haveBdoes; haveCdoes; has二、用单词适当形式填空16There _ (be) two plants in the room.17I am _ (friend) and funny.18Theyre _ (health) for me.19Miss Li likes _ (draw). She draws many beautiful pictures.20Look! There is a dog in front of _ (we).21There are so many _ (work) in that car factory.22There _ (be n

6、ot) any milk in the fridge, but there are some eggs in it.23Mikes cousin usually _ (buy) drinks at a snack bar.24Miss Li teaches _ (we) Chinese this term.25His parents _ (have) a lot of e-friends. They like _ (chat) with them on the Internet.26Amy is good at _ (sing).27Mikes father _ (teach) _ (Chin

7、a) in a primary school.28Dont let Helen or _ (she) sister play near the river. What about _ (skate) on the ice?29Yang Ling is a good girl and she _ (study) English well.30The kite is my _ (sister). She _ (fly) kites every Saturday. She _ (like) sports. She often goes _ (climb)三、完成句子31There are f_ c_

8、 in this room. 32What can the panda do? _33_ I want to be a teacher in the future.34This bed is too _ . I cant sleep.35Mikes sister likes s_ and dancing.36I go to school e_ every day and sometimes I am the first one.37Lets go climbing tomorrow.Sorry, I have _ (许多) homework.38Children _ (早早地醒来) on Ch

9、ristmas Day.39There are many _ (森林) in our city.40Mike _ (学习) Chinese with his good friends after school.四、阅读判断Readandjudge true or false.(阅读短文,用T或F判断)Peter is an old man. He has a big house. He likes cats very much. He has three cats. One cat is from England. Her name is Coco. One cat is from Ameri

10、ca. His name is Dodo. One cat is from China. Her name is Mimi. Peter loves his cats very much. He has many toys for his cats. Coco has a red toy mouse. It is small and funny. Dodo has a blue toy mouse. It can jump and run. Mimi has a green toy mouse. It has big ears. The cats like their toys and the

11、y like Peter, too. They like playing with Peter very much.41、Peter has three cats.( )42、Coco is from China.( )43、Dodos toy mouse can jump and run.( )44、Mimis toy mouse is green.( )45、The cats dont like their toys.( )五、阅读判断It is a cold winter. A farmer finds a snake on the ground. It is almost dead.

12、The farmer is a kind man. He picks tip the shake carefully and puts it in the coat. Soon the snake begins to move. It opens it mouth and bites the farmer. Oh My God!says the farmer, I save your life, but you treat me in this way. You must die. Then he kills the with a knife. At last, he dies (死亡) to

13、o.46、It is a cold winter day. ( )47、The snake is very kind. ( )48、The farmer puts the snake on the coat. ( )49、The farmer kills the snake with knife. ( )50、At last, the snake and the farmer both die. ( )六、阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确答案This is a picture of Lilys bedroom. It isnt big, but it is clean and tidy. There

14、 is a small bed in the room. On the bed there are three lovely dolls. And there is a lamp beside the bed. Theres a big window in the wall. A desk is in front of the window. On the desk there is a pencil box and some books. There is a chair in front of the desk. And look at the wall. There are two pi

15、ctures on the wall. Theyre very beautiful. Lily likes her bedroom very much.51、There are_ on the bed. ()Atwo dollsBthree bearsCthree dolls52、A lamp is beside the_.()AbedBdeskCwindow53、The chair is_ the desk. ()AbehindBonCin front of54、There are two_ on the wall. ()AwindowsBpicturesCmaps55、This is a

16、picture of_.()ALilys bedroomBLilys classroomCLilys house七、阅读理解An old woman has a cat. The cat is very old. It cant run fast and it cant catch mice (mouse 的复数). When the old cat sees a mouse, it tries to catch it, but the mouse can always run away. The woman is very angry about it. But she likes the

17、old cat. Then she has a good idea. She buys a young cat to catch mice. Now the old cat can run fast.46、The old cat cannot _ at first (最初,起初). ()Acatch dogsBjump on the miceCrun fast or catch mice47、When the cat tries to catch a mouse, _. ()Ait eats the mouseBthe mouse runs awayCit jumps on the mouse

18、48、The old woman is _ when she sees a mouse run away. ()Avery angryBvery tiredCvery happy49、The old woman _. ()Adoesnt want the old catBlikes miceCbuys a new cat50、The old woman doesnt like _ in her house. ()AcatsBmiceCdogs【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:杯子里有果汁吗?是的,有一些。句子是由be动词is引导的一般疑问句,因此句中juice应用any修饰,由

19、Yes可知为肯定回答,因此应用some代替,结合选项C符合题意,故选C。【点睛】2B解析:B【详解】句意:苏阳的祖父母有猫吗?_,他们有一只可爱的猫。habe是实义动词,主语Su Yangs grandparents是复数,故问句需加助动词do,根据答语中的后半句可知做肯定回答,故选B。【点睛】3A解析:A【详解】句意:_,维姬!你身后有一辆车。A当心;B出版;C外出;根据题意可知,有车时应提醒他人当心,故选A。4B解析:B【详解】句意:桌子上有_葡萄吗?是的,有_。你想要_?问句中一般用any,表示一些,所以第一空填any;答句中是肯定回答,所以用some,表示一些;Would you li

20、ke?是想得到对方肯定回答,所以用some,表示一些;B选项符合题意,故选B。【点睛】5B解析:B【详解】句意:我很喜欢看电影,但我妹妹_。前半句为肯定句,由but(但是)可知后半句为否定句,该句时态为一般现在时,主语my sister为单数第三人称,否定句应用助动词does的否定结构doesnt来帮忙,故选B。6B解析:B【详解】句意:姚明来自中国上海。他是一名优秀的篮球运动员。他篮球打得很好。good好的,形容词;well好,副词,basketball player名词词组,前面用形容词good修饰;plays动词,要用副词well修饰;故选B。【点睛】7B解析:B【详解】句意:_在英国很


22、动词第三人称单数;D买,动词第三人称单数。选项C、D不符合句意,所以排除。又因为主语Mary是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,故选A。11A解析:A【详解】句意:王兵周六喜欢看恐怖电影。本题考查动词的形式。watching是动名词/动词的现在分词,watch是动词原形,watches是动词的第三人称单数,like doing sth喜欢做某事,horror films恐怖电影。故选A。12C解析:C【详解】句意:玻璃杯里有牛奶吗?不,没有。该句是there be句型,milk是不可数名词,be动词用is。故选C。13A解析:A【详解】句意:电影什么时候开始?在十点。begin是

23、实义动词动词,主语电影film是单数,一般疑问句借助助动词does,故选A。14C解析:C【详解】句意:我能看到许多警察。polices错误,police本身就是复数,警察policeman,复数形式是policemen,故选C。15C解析:C【详解】句意:鸟有什么?它有翅膀。句子是一般现在时,问句主语the bird是单数形式,助动词用does。答句主语It是第三人称单数,动词have要用第三人称单数形式has。选项C符合题意,故选C。二、用单词适当形式填空16are【详解】句意:房间里有两株植物。本题考查there be句型,横线后是名词复数,句子可用一般现在时,be用are,故答案为ar

24、e。17friendly【详解】句意:我是_和有趣的。结合句意和提示可知,此处应用friend的形容词形式friendly来做表语,意为友善的,友好的,故答案为friendly。18healthy【详解】句意:对我来说它们很健康。health健康,名词,根据句意及句子结构可知横线处填形容词healthy健康的,故答案为healthy。【点睛】19drawing#to draw【详解】句意:李小姐喜欢画画。她画了很多漂亮的图画。本题考查动名词和动词不定式,draw画,like doing sth./like to do sth.喜欢做某事,draw的动名词形式为drawing,不定式为to dr

25、aw。故答案为drawing;to draw。20us【详解】句意:看!我们的前面有一只狗。本题考查人称代词,we我们,该空做of的宾语,用宾格形式,we的宾格形式为us。故答案为us。21workers【详解】句意:那家汽车厂有很多_。本题考查可数名词单复数,根据句意可知该空考查名词worker,意思是工人,many后面跟可数名词复数形式,故答案为workers。22isnt#is not【详解】句意:冰箱里没有牛奶,但里面有一些鸡蛋。该句考查的是There be结构的否定句,句子时态是一般现在时,句子含有单词milk是不可数名词,所以系词用is, is not的缩写是isnt,故答案为is

26、nt/ is not。23buys【详解】句意:迈克的堂兄通常在一个小吃吧买饮料。buy买,usually是一般现在时的标志词,主语Mikes cousin是单数第三人称,故谓语动词buy用第三人称单数形式buys。故答案为buys。24us【详解】句意:李老师这学期教我们语文。teach是动词,后面的人称代词用宾格。we的宾格是us,故答案为us。25H解析: have chating#to chat【详解】句意:他的父母有很多网友。他们喜欢在网上和他们聊天。根据句意,可知第一句是一般现在时,主语His parents 是第三人称复数,谓语动词用动词原形,第一空为have,like doin

27、g/to do sth喜欢做某事,chat with与某人聊天,chat动名词为chating,故答案为have;chating/to chat。26singing【详解】句意:艾米擅长唱歌。at是介词,后跟动词用动名词形式,sing的动名词形式是singing,故答案为singing。【点睛】27C解析: teaches Chinese【详解】句意:迈克的爸爸在一所小学教中文。teach教,该句是一般现在时,主语Mikes father是单数第三人称,故teach用第三人称单数形式teaches,China中国,根据句意第二空用名词Chinese中文,故答案为teaches;Chinese。

28、【点睛】28 her skating【详解】句意:不要让海伦或她的妹妹在河边玩。在冰上滑冰怎么样?第一空后面有名词,可知该空考查she的形容词性物主代词her,about是介词,后面的动词用动名词形式,skate动名词为skating,故答案为her;skating。【点睛】29studies【详解】句意:杨玲是一个好女孩,她英语学得很好。本题考查一般现在时,主语she是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式,study的第三人称单数是studies,故答案为studies。30 sisters flies likes climbing【详解】句意:风筝是我_,她每周六都_风筝,她_运动,

29、她经常_。该句是时态为一般现在时,结合句意和提示可知,首句应用名词所有格sisters,意为妹妹的。第二句主语She为单数第三人称,谓语应用fly的单数第三人称形式flies,fly kites意为放风筝,为固定短语。第三句主语She为单数第三人称,谓语应用like的单数第三人称形式likes,意为喜欢。go doing意为去做某事,结合句意和提示可知,第四句应用climb的动名词形式climbing,go climbing意为去爬山。故答案为sisters;flies;likes;climbing。三、完成句子31 four#our computers#omputers【详解】句意:这间房间

30、里有_。根据句意,首字母及图片,可知第一个单词是基数词four四,four后跟名词复数,第二个单词是computer的复数computers。故答案为four,computers。32The panda can ride the bike.【详解】句意:熊猫会做什么?熊猫会骑自行车。句子时态为一般现在时,由所给图片可知熊猫会骑自行车,因此应说熊猫会骑自行车,故答案为The panda can ride the bike.【点睛】33What do you want to be in the future?【详解】句意:你将来想要做什么?我将来想要成为一名老师。由答语可知问句应说你将来想要做什么

31、,因此应用特殊疑问词What提问,句子时态为一般现在时,主语为you,故答案为What do you want to be in the future?【点睛】34hard【详解】句意:这张床太硬。我睡不着。根据句意及图片提示,可知需要T填单词hard硬的,故答案为hard。35singing【详解】句意:迈克的姐姐(妹妹)喜欢_和跳舞。本题考查动名词。根据句意和首字母提示可知,单词可以是sing唱歌,and用来连接语法作用相同的词,dancing是动名词,sing也用动名词singing,故答案为singing。36early#arly【详解】句意:我每天去学校_,有时我是第一个到的。根据句

32、意和首字母可知,单词是早的early,副词,故答案为early。37a lot of【详解】句意:明天我们去爬山吧。对不起,我有许多作业要做。homework为不可数名词,形容词短语a lot of可以修饰不可数名词,表示许多,故答案为a lot of。38C解析:get up early【详解】句意:孩子们在圣诞节早早醒来。根据句意,可知句子是一般现在时,主语Children是复数,谓语动词用动词原形,由所给的汉语,可知考查短语get up起床,醒来,早早为early,副词修饰动词通常放在动词后面,故答案为get up early。【点睛】39forests【详解】句意:我们城市里有很多森林

33、。根据所给汉语,可知考查单词forest森林,句中的many修饰可数名词复数,forest复数形式为forests,故答案为forests。【点睛】40studies【详解】句意:迈克放学后和他的好朋友们学习中文。本题考查动词的形式。可以用一般现在时。学习用study表示,主语Mike是第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数形式studies。故答案为studies。四、阅读判断41F解析:41、T42、F43、T44、T45、F【解析】五、阅读判断42F解析:46、T47、F48、F49、T50、T【分析】该篇讲述了农夫和蛇的故事。46、句意:这是一个寒冷的冬天。根据It is a cold wi

34、nter.可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。47、句意:这条蛇很善良。通读全文,可知农夫救了蛇,但蛇咬死了农夫,故答案为F。48、句意:农夫把蛇放在衣服上。根据He picks tip the shake carefully and puts it in the coat.可知农夫把蛇放在衣服里,故答案为F。49、句意:农夫用刀杀死了蛇。根据Then he kills the with a knife.可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。50、句意:最后,蛇和农夫都死了。根据Then he kills the with a knife. At last, he dies (死亡) too.可知该句是正确

35、的,故答案为T。六、阅读理解解析:51、C52、A53、C54、B55、A七、阅读理解解析:46、C47、B48、A49、C50、B【导语】本文讲述了一个老太太养了一只老猫,但老猫抓不到老鼠,所以老太太又买了一只新猫的故事。46、句意:最初那只老猫不能_。A抓住狗,B在老鼠身上跳,C跑得很快和抓老鼠,根据“ It cant run fast and it cant catch mice (mouse 的复数).”可知是跑不快,抓不到老鼠。故选C。47、句意:当猫尽力抓老鼠的时候,_。A它吃老鼠,B老鼠跑开,C它跳到老鼠身上,根据“When the old cat sees a mouse, i

36、t tries to catch it, but the mouse can always run away.”可知老鼠跑开。故选B。48、句意:当它看到老鼠跑开的时候,那个老太太_。A非常生气,B非常累,C非常开心,根据“ The woman is very angry about it. ”可知她很生气。故选A。49、句意:那个老太太_。A不想要那只老猫了,B喜欢老鼠,C买了一只新猫,根据“ She buys a young cat to catch mice.”可知她买了一只新猫。故选C。50、句意:那个老太太不喜欢_在她的房子里。A猫,B老鼠,C狗,根据“ Then she has a good idea. She buys a young cat to catch mice. ”可知是老鼠。故选B。

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