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1、Learning in AmericanLearning in AmericanDifferences Between Chinese and American Education SystemDifference#1American students have more choicesIn America,high school students make personal decisions about what courses to take.About 50%of classes are mandatory.Everyone has to take basic math,science

2、,English,etc.Students choose the other 50%of their classes based on what theyre interested in.A student who is very good at math could take many advanced math classes,and only basic English and historySteve Jobs(pictured to the right,age 17)took many computer classes,but few English ones.Advantages

3、of Student ChoiceStudents develop specialties.Take more classes in a subject become an expert in it.Can choose a major in college and find a job more easily with a specialized skill.Advantages of Student ChoiceStudents learn decision-making.They control their futures.Practice for the“real world”:mak

4、e good decisions successmake bad decisions failureAdvantages of Student ChoiceVery talented students arent held back by less talented peers.Gifted students can take college-level courses at their high school.Difference#2Focus on creativity and innovationCritical ThinkingUS education system places mo

5、re priority on critical thinking and creativity than on memorizing facts.Much less repetition,memorizing facts,and homework than Chinese school.Many more group projects,self-expression,role-playing,experiments,debates,etc.American Science Class“Science fair”:students make their own inventions at hom

6、e and bring them to school.Example projects:computer program,model of a volcano,electric conductor,home-made rocket,etc.American English ClassStudents read books,and write original essays about what they think.“Creative writing”:write fiction stories,poems,etc.Have debates about different topics.Adv

7、antages of Critical ThinkingDevelops students problem-solving and critical thinking skillsAn important reason why America is so innovative in science,technology,movies and books,etc.Difference#3Less homework,more extra-curricularsLess Homework,More ExtracurricularsAmerican students do much,much,much

8、 less homework than Chinese students.2-3 hours a night,maximum.But,they are expected to do many extra-curriculars(school-sponsored activities outside of normal school hours.)Drama ClubStudents meet after school to make costumes and perform plays.SportsAmerican high schools have student sport teams f

9、or basketball,football,etc.They practice after school and compete against students from different schools.Band/OrchestraMusically gifted students make bands,write their own songs,perform.Debate TeamStudents practice how to argue a point effectively.Compete against students from other schools in comp

10、etitions.Advantages Lets students develop passion for an activity.They do extra-curriculars because they want to,not because they have to.Americans believe in a“well-rounded”person:should have many different hobbies and interests.AdvantagesStudents can become masters of their field.Bill Clinton was

11、on a school Debate Team.Michael Jackson learned to sing in Music Club.Many other examples.ConclusionAmerican educational system successProduces creative,innovative students.Students develop a specialty in some field.Students learn decision-making.Students can explore their interests and passions thr

12、ough extra-curriculars.Top students can progress very quickly.ConclusionAmerican educational system failureStudents lack basic knowledge of math,science,etc.Social inequality;poor students are left behind.Dont learn to eat bitter(吃苦)Students become too specialized in one field,and dont learn enough in others.Too much focus on extra-curriculars,not enough on academics.summaryI think Chinese education system should be improved,in a way we should learn something good to USA about thire advanted ways

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