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4、,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Whats the mans feeling towards his exam?AHe is happy.BHe does not care.CHe is disappointed.2What does the woman think of the shirt for the lecture?AThe size is too small.BT

5、he style is not good.CThe color is not suitable.3Where does this conversation take place?AAt home.BIn a hospital.CAt a hotel.4In what competition did Mike win first prize?ASwimming competition.BDancing competition.CDriving competition.5Where did the conversation most probably take place?AIn a librar

6、y.BIn a bookstore.CIn a classroom.第二节(共12小题;每小题1.5分,满分18分)请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6Who shot Abraham Lincoln?AA young man of 24 from the north.BA young man of 25 from the south.CA slave owner of 26 from

7、the south.7When did Lincoln die?AOn the evening of April 14,1865.BOn the night of April 15,1865.COn the morning of April 15,1865.8Where did Lincoln die?AIn the hospital.BOn the way to the hospital.CAt the theatre.请听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9How does Adams cousin come?ABy car.BBy air.CBy train.10When does Adam

8、s cousin arrive?AAt 630.BAt 620.CAt 6 10.11Where will the woman go?AHome.BTo her cousins.CTo her friends.请听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?AAngry.BHappy.CSad.13What size bag does the woman want?AA 22inch bag.BA 24inch bag.CA 32inch bag.14When will the w

9、oman leave for Mexico?AOn Thursday.BOn Friday.COn Saturday.请听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15What exactly does the man want to find out?AWhat people think of the bus service.BHow many people are using the bus service.CWhich group of people use the bus service most often.16What does the woman say about the bus ser

10、vice?AThe distance between bus stops is too long.BThe bus timetables are full of mistakes.CBuses are often not on time.17Why does the woman say her husband is fortunate?ABecause he often goes to work in a friends car.BBecause he doesnt need to go shopping by bus.CBecause he lives close to the bus st

11、ation.第三节(共3小题;每小题1.5分,满分4.5分)请听下面一段独白,用所听到的独白中的词或数填空,每空限填一个词或一个数。在听本段独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。本段独白读两遍。请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。During DinnerWhat is the woman doing?Watching TV.When are the morning shows?At 18._oclock.When does the woman talk to the man?During 19._.Who is the man?The woman

12、s 20._.听力材料:(Text 1)W:Are you happy now that the exam is over?M:Happy? Look at my grade!(Text 2)W:You cant wear that,Smith? Its yellow.M:Whats wrong with the yellow shirt? Everybody has a yellow shirt.W:It doesnt look like you are going to a lecture.(Text 3) M:Your room number is 1620 on the sixteen

13、th floor.Well take the lift.WOK.Here is my luggage.(Text 4)W:Have you heard the news?M:What news?W:Mike has won first prize in the swimming competition.M:Great!(Text 5)M:Good morning.I would like to borrow some novels in English.What kind of books would you recommend?W:It might be a good idea to rea

14、d some easy articles first.You will enjoy them more and be able to read fast.M:Thats a good idea.Thank you for your advice.(Text 6)W:Its well known that Abraham Lincoln was the greatest American,you know.MYes,many American people do think so,and they feel proud of Lincoln.He rose from the lowest to

15、the highest position in the United States.W:Do you know how he was killed?M:Yes.It was on April 14,1865.After a very busy day.Lincoln and his wife went to see a play at a theatre in Washington,a 25yearold man,who was from the South,suddenly shot Lincoln through the head.W:Did he die immediately when

16、 he was shot?M:No,he didnt.He died early the next morning in the hospital.(Text 7)W:Hi,Adam.You are at the station,too.What are you doing here?M:Im waiting to meet my cousin.W:Oh,is she coining by herself?M:Yes,the train comes in about half past six,and it s twenty past six now.I can see her in ten

17、minutes!Where are you going?W:I am taking the train home to see my parents and my cousin is waiting to see me at my home!(Text 8)M:Customer service.Andney Grant speaking.How may I help you?W:I cant believe this is happening.I called and ordered a 32 inch bag last Friday.But today I found that you se

18、nt a 24 inch one.I was planning to use that bag during our vacation in Mexico,but it doesnt seem possible any more because we will take off on Saturday.Its only two days away.What am I supposed to do?M:Im really sorry,madam.Ill check right away.Would you please tell me your order number?W :Its E6769

19、. M:Just a minute.I do apologize,madam.There did seem to be a mistake.Ill have the correct size bag sent to you by overnight mail right away.W:OK.Well.Thank you.(Text 9)M:Hello,Mrs.Green.Im from Le Monde.And Im doing a report on public opinion about the city bus service.So,what do you think of the b

20、us service?W:The bus service? Actually I dont use it that often unless I have to go shopping.M:Whats.how could the bus service be improved?W:Well,they could turn up on time.I mean you look at the timetable and you think,oh,well,five minutes to wait,and it turns out to be half an hour.M:Do any member

21、 in your family use the bus service?W:My husband.He uses it more often.But fortunately a friend who works near his office often gives him a lift to work.But when he does need to use it,hes often angry at it.Once,he waited up to thirty minutes at the station for a bus.(Text 10)M:This soup is deliciou

22、s.Whats in it Anna?W :I am sorry,what?M:You know sometimes I think you watch too much TV.W:Oh,I hardly ever watch TV.M:Are you serious?W:Well,sometimes I watch the morning shows at seven oclock and I usually watch the late movies.M:And you always have dinner in front of the TV.I mean,you never talk

23、to me.W:Yes,I do.I talk to you during commercials.M:Turn it off and come over here! Now!W:Could I first finish watching this news,dad?答案:15.CCCAA610.BCACA1117.BACCACA18seven/7mercials20.dad/father二、英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21_ to pass the 2010 college

24、entrance examination made our whole family unhappy.AMy son failedBMy sons failingCMy son failing DMy son having failed解析:选B。考查动名词的复合结构作主语的用法。句意:我儿子未能通过2010年大学入学考试,这使得我们全家人不愉快。根据句意和选项可知这里应该用动名词的复合结构,即“名词所有格(或形容词性物主代词)动名词”,故选B项。22When I was twenty,I had to drop out before graduation and work in a clot

25、hes shop to help _ my family.Asupply BsupportCsuppose Dstop解析:选B。句意:20岁的时候,我不得不在毕业前退学到一家服装店工作来帮助家里维持生计。support“养活;支持;扶持”;supply“供应”;suppose“假定”;stop“停止”。23It is said that Chen Shuibian is _ to flee from Taiwan because of the campaign against him.Apossible BperhapsCprobable Dlikely解析:选D。likely的主语可以是人

26、,也可以是物,可用于sb.be likely to do sth.结构。possible和probable不以人作主语;perhaps是副词。24He feels relaxed and even begins to whistle because _ of the distance _ covered.Athree fifth;were Bthree fifth;wasCthree fifths;have been Dthree fifths;has been解析:选D。考查分数表达与主谓一致。three fifths表示“五分之三”;“分数、百分数of名词”作主语时,谓语动词与of后的名词

27、保持数的一致,此处of后的名词distance是不可数名词,谓语动词应用单数,因此选D项。25._ in a famous university is what most students wish for.ATo educate BEducatedCBeing educated DEducating解析:选C。考查动名词作主语。该结构的逻辑主语为后面的most students,所以应用被动语态,排除A、D两项;过去分词不能作主语,排除B项。26There are certain _ when you must interrupt people who are in the middle o

28、f doing something.Aconditions BsituationsCoccasions Denvironment解析:选C。句意:有些时候,你必须在别人正在做事情的时候打断他们。occasion“场合;机会”,符合题意。condition“情况,条件”;situation“位置;形势”;environment“环境;外界”。27The number of people in the world _ about 6 billion and large quantities of waste _ each year.Atotals;has been producedBtotals;

29、is producedCtotals;are producedDtotal;are being produced解析:选C。考查主谓一致。当主语为the number of复数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式,所以先排除D项。而quantities of之后无论跟可数名词还是不可数名词,谓语动词一律用复数形式,所以排除A、B两项。从each year可看出用一般现在时,所以选C项。28If you buy our goods,our company will _ the goods to your door.Adeliver BpassCshow Dwork解析:选A。句意:如果您购买我们的商品,我

30、们公司将送货上门。deliver“递送”,符合题意。pass“传递”;show“显示”;work“工作”。29My good friend Rose went to the party with her husband,_ a happy evening of wine,food and song.Aexpecting Bto expectCexpected Dhaving expected解析:选A。考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。由“去”和“期盼”两个动作之间无连接词出现可知,此处应用非谓语动词,又因为两个动作同时发生,所以要用现在分词作伴随状语。30_ the working efficie

31、ncy,the boss allows the employees to have a coffee break.AImproving BTo improveCHaving improved DImproved解析:选B。句意:为了提高工作效率,老板允许员工们休息一下喝杯咖啡。to do不定式表示目的。31If we expect _ much cleaner world,we should attract _ worlds attention to protect the world.Aa;a Ba;/Ca;the Dthe;/解析:选C。句意:如果我们期盼一个更加清洁的世界,我们需要得到世

32、界对于保护地球的关注。第一空泛指一个更加清洁的世界,故用不定冠词a;world为专有名词,其前需加定冠词the。32Its not surprising that Mr.Johnson suddenly fell ill dying._ he is already at the age of eighty.AAbove all BIn allCAt all DAfter all解析:选D。after all常用于句首或句中,起加强语气的作用,常译为“毕竟;终究”,有时还可译为“别忘了,应该记住”。above all“首先”;in all“总共”;at all“丝毫,根本”。33The stad

33、ium _ by workers now will be finished by the end of 2012.Ato build BbuiltCto be built Dbeing built解析:选D。句意:现在正在建的那个体育场将于2012年底完工。根据句意判断此体育场现在正在建造,同时built与stadium为动宾关系,故用现在分词短语的被动式作定语。34My father _ my brother for driving but he wanted to pick _ the knowledge of the computer during his spare time.Aadv

34、ised;up Bpersuaded;outCintended;up Dmanaged;out解析:选C。句意:父亲打算让哥哥学驾驶,但是他想在业余时间学点电脑知识。intend sb.for doing sth.“打算让某人做某事”;pick up“学会”,均为固定搭配。35Mum,what are you getting me for my birthday?_.Youll have to wait and see.AI think so BIll tell you whatCI wouldnt say no DIm not telling you解析:选D。句意:妈妈,你会给我什么生日礼

35、物呢?我不会告诉你的,到时候你自己看。D项意为“我不会告诉你”。A项意为“我想如此”,不符合句意。B、C两项与句意相矛盾。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I was having lunch with friends last week,and as usual we discussed the big issues (议题) of the day.Crowds at airports.Kate and Wills coming wedding.And at last Chr

36、istmas_36_.None of us had bought any yet,so we_37_the topic,not wanting to ruin the festival mood (气氛)We talked instead about the_38_Christmas gifts we ever received.One_39_said he got a real live horse._40_that was the one gift I always asked for and never received,I changed the subject_41_.After a

37、ll,regret should not be a_42_emotion (情感)I said the best gift Id ever received was our_43_Murphy.We all remember when thousands of parents_44_their kids request for a little dog after_45_Disneys 101 Dalmatians at the cinema in 1996.We had no kids_46_to meet,but I_47_that our alltooquiet house needed

38、 a pet.Then I received Murphy as my Christmas gift.Actually,Murphy hadnt even been_48_when I got her.One of my friends sent me a note_49_me that his dog would give birth and we would be picking the baby dog_50_in three months.Then Murphy was born.She_51_our family and hung around with us for 15 year

39、s,_52_than any Christmas gift Id ever received.Can you still_53_a Christmas gift from 20 years ago? No,I didnt think so.So if you havent_54_any gifts yet,Id_55_you to buy a dog.I promise itll be the best gift to give.【解题导语】“我”在与朋友吃饭聊圣诞礼物时,回忆了自己收到的最好的圣诞礼物一条狗。36A.plans BseasonCgifts Djourney解析:选C。通过下文

40、可推测,我们一开始是想讨论购买圣诞节礼物(gifts)的话题。37A.chose BcreatedCchanged Dcontinued解析:选C。因为我们还没人买礼物,为了不破坏节日的气氛,我们换了(changed)话题。38A.best Bmost specialCbiggest Dmost beautiful解析:选A。下文best有提示:我们转而讨论我们收到的最好的(best)礼物。39A.customer BfriendCchild Dwaiter解析:选B。文章首句friends有提示:一个朋友(friend)说他收到的最好的礼物是一匹马。40A.Because BThoughCI

41、f DWhen答案:A41A.angrily BimmediatelyChappily Dgradually解析:选B。因为(Because)马是“我”一直想要却没得到的礼物,所以“我”马上(immediately)换了个话题。42A.wedding BpartyCtravel Dholiday解析:选D。遗憾不符合节日的(holiday)情感。43A.cat BdogChorse Dfish解析:选B。下文dog有提示:“我”收到的最好的圣诞礼物是一条狗(dog)。44A.went on with Bcaught up withCgave in to Dlooked forward to解析

42、:选C。在迪士尼动画片101条斑点狗放映后,很多家长满足了孩子们买条小狗的请求。give in to.屈服于。45A.hearing BnoticingCvisiting Dseeing解析:选D。根据at the cinema可知,这里指孩子们看完(seeing)电影后。46A.request BorderCdecision Ddream解析:选A。根据上下文可知,我们没有孩子的请求(request)要满足。47A.forgot BdecidedCwrote Dhoped解析:选B。但是“我”认为(decided)我们的房子太静了,需要养个宠物。48A.fed Bborn Ctouched

43、Dpraised解析:选B。从后文可知,朋友在狗出生前先给“我”寄了个便条,告诉“我”要送“我”一条狗,所以“我”得到它的时候,它还没出生(born)。49A.warning BpromisingCtelling Dreminding答案:C50A.out BoffCover Dup解析:选D。朋友寄便条的目的只是为了告诉(telling)“我”他的狗要生小狗了,我们三个月后就会得到(picking.up)一条小狗。51A.joined BleftCbelieved Dhated解析:选A。Murphy加入了(joined)我们的家庭。52A.shorter B longerCmore Dle

44、ss解析:选B。Murphy跟我们呆了15年,比“我”的其他礼物都长久(longer)。53A.love BkeepCenjoy Dremember解析:选D。从上段“Murphy跟我们呆了15年”的事实可推测,Murphy已经离开我们了。既然礼物已经不在了,也就谈不上喜欢、拥有或是欣赏了,所以这里是问你还记得(remember)20年前的圣诞礼物吗?54A.bought BmadeCmet Dreceived答案:A55A.ask BadviseCwant Dpersuade解析:选B。如果你还没有买(bought)礼物的话,“我”建议(advise)你买一条狗作为圣诞礼物。三、阅读理解(共

45、20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe other day a friend asked me if I was sick of hearing Christmas music on the radio.It didnt take me long to answer.In fact,I keep the radio tuned (调台) to the station that plays only Christmas music at this time of year. Who can get tired of the songs of the season when they keep you in a neverending spirit of wonder and happiness? Weve been listening to the same songs for many years and the feelings they bring never fade (逐渐消失) as life goes on.Christmas was made s

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