1、完整详细的合伙协议翻译 亿维翻译长期为海内外人士与企业提供专业的合伙协议翻译,亿维翻译是传奇译客信息技术有限公司旗下的高端翻译服务品牌。亿维翻译总部位于北京,向全球客户提供超过70种语言的文件资料翻译、口语翻译、网站本地化、视听配译等专业服务。亿维在前外交部高级翻译韩刚老师及其团队的指导下,悉心耕耘、奋力开拓,在众多世界500强客户群体和翻译界内赢得了良好的口碑。 合伙协议是依法由全体合伙人协商一致、以书面形式订立的合伙企业的契约。合伙协议是设立合伙组织必备的法律文件,是明确合伙人各项权利和义务的基础性法律文件,同时也是设立合伙组织必须上报主管部门的必备法律文件。 合伙协议作为一种共同的民事法
2、律行为,要取得法律的确认和保护,从而对合伙协议的当事人具有法律上的约束力,就必须具备法定的如下要件:(1)合伙协议的当事人具有相应的订立合伙协议的民事行为能力;(2)合伙协议的意思表示必须真实;(3)合伙协议不违反社会公共利益。 合伙协议部分内容英文翻译案例: The second chapter the purpose of partnership and business scope of the partnership enterprise The third objective: to set up the partnership, the partnership enterprise
3、. Fourth of the partnership enterprise management scope and way: The third chapter partnership name and address Article fifth partnership enterprise name: Sixth of the partnership enterprise address (the main place of business locations): Name and address of the fourth chapter of the partners The se
4、venth partners of common people. Name address ID card number The fifth chapter partner invests the way, amount and delivery contribution period The amount of eighth partner invests the way, as follows: The amount of the partners contribution evaluation mode (yuan) evaluation method The ninth partner
5、s should be in the date of delivery of capital contribution. During tenth the partnership continues to exist, the partners according to the partnership agreement or the decision by all the partners, the partnership can increase the investment for expansion of business scale or making up the losses. 北京亿维翻译公司郑重声明合伙协议翻译收费标准与其他翻译服务一样,都是按翻译语种报价,绝不胡乱收费具体收费标准请点击“参考报价”或“在线询价”详细了解。合伙协议翻译热线:010-5840 5720。