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1、高中英语语法反义疑问句又叫附加疑问句。反义疑问句由又叫附加疑问句。反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。一致。反义疑问句21.1.陈述部分为肯定式陈述部分为肯定式 +疑问部疑问部分就为否定式分就为否定式They work here,dont they?She was ill yesterday,wasnt she?32.2.陈述部分为否定式陈述部分为否定式 +疑问部疑问部分就为肯定式分就为肯定式You didnt go,did you?He can

2、t ride a bike,can he?4请注意以下句型的反义疑请注意以下句型的反义疑问句:问句:51)陈述部分的主语是陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部,疑问部分要用分要用 arent I.Im as tall as your sister,arent I?I am a student,arent I?62)陈述部分用陈述部分用 no,nothing,nobody,never,few,seldom,hardly,rarely,little等否定含义等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。The Swede made no answer,did he/she?Some pl

3、ants never blown(开花开花),do they?73)含有含有ought to 的反意疑问句,的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用用oughtnt+主语。主语。He ought to know what to do,oughtnt he?8大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点94)陈述部分有陈述部分有 have to+v.(had to+v.),疑问部分常用,疑问部分常用dont+主语(主语(didnt+主语)。主语)。We have to get there at eight

4、 tomorrow,dont we?They had to cross the busy street,didnt they?105)陈述部分的谓语是陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,时,疑问部分用疑问部分用didnt+主语或主语或 usednt+主语。主语。He used to take pictures there,didnt he?She used to stay up late,usednt she?116)陈述部分有陈述部分有had better+v.疑疑问句部分用问句部分用hadnt you?Youd better read it by yourself,hadnt you?12

5、7)陈述部分有陈述部分有would rather+v.疑问部分用疑问部分用 wouldnt+主语。主语。He would rather read it ten times than recite it,wouldnt he?138)陈述部分有陈述部分有Youd like to+v.疑问部分用疑问部分用wouldnt+主语。主语。Youd like to go with me,wouldnt you?149)must表示表示“推测推测”时,如何确时,如何确定反意疑问句?定反意疑问句?He must be a doctor,isnt he?He must like physics,doesnt h

6、e?You must have studied English,havent you?He must have finished it yesterday,didnt he?1510)陈述部分主语是指示代词或陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词不定代词 everything,that,this nothing等时等时,疑问部分主语用疑问部分主语用 it。Everything is ready,isnt it?161111)带有定语从句,宾语从句等)带有定语从句,宾语从句等的主从复合句,疑问部分谓语的主从复合句,疑问部分谓语根根据主句的谓语而定据主句的谓语而定:He is not the man w

7、ho gave us a talk,is he?He said he wanted to visit Japan,didnt he?1712)I/we think(believe,expect,suppose,imagine,guess)后加宾语从句时,反义疑)后加宾语从句时,反义疑问部分与宾语从句相一致。问部分与宾语从句相一致。I think he is bright,isnt he?We believe she can do it better,cant she?I dont think he is bright,is he?She thinks he is bright,doesnt s

8、he?She doesnt think he is bright,does she?1813)陈述部分主语是不定代词陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody,anyone,somebody,nobody,no one等,疑问部分常等,疑问部分常用复数用复数they,有时也用单数,有时也用单数he。Everyone knows the answer,dont they?(does he?)Nobody knows about it,do they?(does he?)1914)前有情态动词前有情态动词dare或或need,疑问部分用疑问部分用 need(dare)+主语。主语。We need n

9、ot do it again,need we?He dare not say so,dare you?20当当dare,need 为实义动词时,为实义动词时,疑问部分用助动词疑问部分用助动词 do+主语。主语。She doesnt dare to go home alone,does she?2115)祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用部分用will you/wont you。Dont do that again,will you?Go with me,will you/wont you?22注意注意:Lets 开头的祈使句,后开头的祈使句,后用用shall we?Let

10、us 开头的祈使句,后开头的祈使句,后用用will you?Lets go and listen to the music,shall we?Let us wait for you in the reading-room,will you?23It is a fine day.Lets go fishing,_?Let us do this job,_?Turn on the radio,_?shall wewill you will you/wont you2416)陈述部分是陈述部分是“there be”结构结构时:时:There is something wrong with your watch,isnt there?There will not be any trouble,will there?There were many people in the room then,werent there?2517)否定前缀不能视为否定词,否定前缀不能视为否定词,其反意疑问句仍用否定形式。其反意疑问句仍用否定形式。It is impossible,isnt it?He is not unkind to his classmates,is he?26

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