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1、1. You are trading company or factory?你们是贸易公司还是工厂?We are manufacturer of knit fabrics, have a knit factory, a dyeing factory and a big office.2. What is your main products and advantageous products ?你们主要的产品是什么,优势产品又是什么?We produce most kinds of knit fabrics like single jersey fabric, mesh, spandex, f

2、leece and bonded fabric. We are more specialized in single jersey fabric, mesh and bonded fabric.3. Where is your location ?你们公司大致的位置?We are in the east of China, near to Shanghai, Haining City ,Zhejiang Province. 4. What about your payment terms ?你们的支付方式是怎么样的?Usually we accept TT,30% deposit in adv

3、ance, the balance after the BL copy.Or LC at sight, LC 30 days,60 days and 120 days at sight.5. What is your order lead time ?你们的生产周期大约是多久?Usually 25 days from the deposit.6. Can you accept small order ?你们能接受小的订单吗?We are very glad to accept small order, but it also depends on fabric items, some spec

4、ial items have the request of order quantity.7. How long have your company been in this career?你们在这个行业做了多久了?We begin knit career from 1989,so relatively we are more experienced.8. Inventory or order?库存还是现做All the products we make are based on your order. We do not have inventory9. How soon can I get

5、 a price quote?我怎么样才能得到你的报价?For most projects, once we know the fabrics type, width, printing requirements and quantity, we can provide you with a price quote within 24 hours.10. Can we get a sample for reference?我可以得到一个样品作为参考吗?We offer free sample, but you should pay for the freight.The charge coul

6、d be returned back when there is an order.11. .Samples charge for free?样品是免费的吗?Yes,of course, size A4,hangers, 1-2 ready meters are for free and you need to afford the courier fees. if you are in china,we will pay the courier fees.12. Can I get any discount?可以打折吗?The price is negotiable, we can offe

7、r you discount according to your order quantity. If you are buying in bulk for an13. I am a designer, Can you help me to produce the sample which we designed?我是一个设计师,你可以按照我设计的东西生产吗?Many types for your choose or as per customized.14. Your price seems so high ?你的价格太高了?1. You are very professional in t

8、his business2. Price is equal to price3. Also depends your quantity4. If you pay 100% by TT in advance, we can also XXX.15. 为什么大货颜色会有偏差?Because the sample we produced only one roll in a Lot, and the bulk about 15rolls in a Lot, so the color will be a little different, this is normal situation. 16. 为

9、什么数量缺了?1. As our content, the quantity allowed +-3%. 2. 缺很多 Because we cut the roll head and end to keep whole roll the same quality.so each roll shortage 3-5mts.17. 为什么交期会这么迟?You know the G20 will holed in Hangzhou, and all small dying factories were closed by Government. So the delivery time need

10、7days more than before. 18. 为什么大货样和品质样会有差别?It seems you are very careful and professional but would you pls tellMe what difference is shipping sample from the quality sample ?Is it weight,color,or some other difference ?19. 感觉你们公司不怎么专业和规范,比较乱 I am sorry to hear that.But I can not agree with you abou

11、t that. First,we are big company and have many department. Each dept has its duty. Besides,we have been in this area for more than 20 year,and almost know everything about this area. Finally,our all our members is very polite and kind. I do not know why you get this result from.20. 给我一个和你合作的理由? 1.We

12、 are very honest with your business 2.We always think in the position of customers 3.We are professional in this area for 20 years 21. 我可以不打订金吗,或者只打10%订金?Forthefirstcooperation,wehavetodopaymentby50%depositor30%deposit.Ifwehavecooperated,thenthedepositcanbediscuss.22. 这个订单我想要取消,定金可以退给我吗?No,thedeposi

13、tcantreturn,butwecanuseitasthenextdeposit23. 可以给我打折扣吗?Adiscountwill be givenif there is a large quantityyou need24. 可以给我推荐几款产品吗?(1)Our popular products is sportswear fabric such as xxxxx with stable quality . (2)whats your market do ?Then I can recommend it for you. 25. 你们公司的市场主要在哪里?We are develop your market for two years but 50% in Europe,30% in Southeast Asia,20% in China 此文档可自行编辑修改,如有侵权请告知删除,感谢您的支持,我们会努力把内容做得更好最新可编辑word文档

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