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1、国际学界人士对段进的专业评价Comments on DUAN Jin from International ArchitectureAcademic Circle克劳斯昆兹曼德国空间研究科学院院士在每年到学院讲学、参加各种活动和研讨会期间,我都有机会与他定期见面,并就中国城市规多特蒙德工业大学教授划的演变交流我们的见解。我知道,段进教授是中国一位炙手可热的城市规划师,同时也是一位受人尊敬的老师。他与他的团队为中国的城市实施了许多令人印象深刻的项目实践,并获得了许多奖项。最重要的是,他孜孜不倦地研究和撰写植根于中国传统的城市设计理论。他的大部分出版物都是中文的,所幸最近他的中国当代城市设计思想一


3、学院建筑与城市计算教授、前院长英国住房、社区与地方政府部前首席科学家段进教授与空间句法在中国的发展在这篇文章中,我将对段进教授在建筑与规划研究领域,特别是在空间句法研究领域的贡献进行评价。空间句法,即是把建筑和城市作为支撑社会结构和文化的空间模式的正式研究。为此,我必须先介绍一些历史和背景。空间句法的发展始于1 9 7 0 年代初的伦敦,当时比尔希利尔在英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)工作,是该学会有史以来最年轻的秘书。他的早期论文都是关于建筑师这一职业以及建筑知识的本质。1 9 7 3 年,比尔希利尔和阿德里安利曼发表了一篇开创性的论文人类环境范式及其悸论,对理查德鲁尔温戴维斯提出的、造就了全

4、新的伦敦大学学院(UCL)环境学院的“会场哲学”进行了有力的批判。1 9 7 6 年,希利尔和利曼应邀在UCL开设了一个新的高级建筑研究(A A S)理学硕士学位,这是英国著名的实用主义原则的范例一“招募你最有力的批评者”。同年,他们发表了一篇题为空间句法的论文,提出了一个全新的建筑研究方案,一个全新的领域就此诞生。这一时期恰逢中国向西方开放,仅4年后的1 9 8 0 年,新的硕士项目就招收了第一位来自中国的学生。比尔希利尔和朱莉安汉森的著作空间的社会逻辑于1 9 8 4年由剑桥大学出版社出版。1 9 8 5年,两篇论文发表在中国杂志新建筑上:比尔希利尔的空间句法一一城市新见赵兵译)和靳东生的

5、关于“空间句法”一文的讨论。段进教授回顾了这一早期阶段,并反思了中国当时对这些新思想的怀疑态度。这种怀疑在国际学术界也同样存在,人文和社会科学界都反对这种他们认为是“实证主义”的方法。希利尔的对策是将实验室中的理论发展与设计实践中的实际应用结合起来。在与诺曼福斯特合作完成国王十字车站改造的规划并与SOM合作完成伦敦市布罗德盖特大厦的重要项目后,一家名为“空间句法有限公司”的设计公司于1 9 8 7 年成立。该公司采用新的研究和分析方法,为建筑设计带来了严谨性。该公司起步缓慢,但在1 9 9 0 年代已在伦敦完成了大量设计项目,包DUAN Jin and the Space Gene Inher

6、tiance括伦敦南岸艺术综合体的改造、伦敦特拉法加广场的干禧年改造以及通往新泰特现代美术馆的人行天桥设计。在上海,我们参与了理查德罗杰斯在竞赛中获奖的浦东总体规划。到目前为止,这些理论的实际应用是对学术批评最有效的回应。尽管我们的硕士和博士课程在不断吸引中国学生,但直到新千年伊始,段进教授发现这一领域后,中国在城市规划领域的空间句法研究才开始起步。这套理论思想进入中国的时机已经成熟。快速的城市化进程意味着中国的城市都在制定总体规划。段教授是当时中国唯一提出需要研究空间自身规律的资深城市规划教授。他的团队在许多实际设计项目中运用了空间句法分析方法,包括南京红花机场地区概念规划(2 0 0 3

7、年)、嘉兴中心城市空间发展研究(2 0 0 3 年)和天津城市形态专题研究(2 0 0 4年)。2 0 0 7 年,段教授与比尔希利尔合著了空间句法与城市规划一书,标志着空间句法研究在中国进人成熟期。在此期间,英国研究委员会资助的“城市历史与多尺度建模”项目和欧洲资助的“景观教学课程开发”项目让我有机会前往中国,与清华、天津、重庆、同济等多所大学建立联系,当然还有东南大学,段进教授(时任副院长)和院长王建国教授参加了我们的所有会议。自2 0 0 6 年以来,段进教授的空间研究系列丛书出版了1 5本专著,其对空间句法理论的研究发展得到了中国城市规划学会的认可。段教授提出的“空间基因”概念,解释了

8、社会结构的再生和城市空间中的多样性,以及与之相关的“基因库”概念和“空间基因解析与传承”技术体系,有助于在面临无数威胁的情况下保护城市文化的多样性,为城市建设与自然保护、文化传承的共赢提供了有效设计路径。他的最新著作空间句法教程于2 0 2 1 年出版,满足了对这些方法的应用感兴趣的年轻研究人员日益增长的需求。2019年,段进教授当选中国科学院院士,这并不令人意外,也是莫大的荣耀。同年,第十二届空间句法研讨会在北京召开,这巩固了中国在国际空间句法研究界的地位。世界建筑曾出版过一期空间句法的专辑(2 0 0 5年第1 1 期,客座主编伍端)。而在1 8 年后,世界建筑期刊又以本专辑记录了段进教授



11、实践者为塑造更加美好的城市而努力。我结识段进教授是在我所在的德国卡塞尔大学与东南大学合作时,2 0 1 6 年初我在南京教授空间基因传承:段进Klaus KunzmannTheelectedmemberof theGermanAkademie fur Raumforschung undLandesplanungProfessorof TechnischeUniversitatDortmundWhen the School of Architecture invited me to lecture at Southeast University in 2014,I met professorDU

12、AN Jin for the first time.Since then,during my annual lecturing visits to the School and participation invarious events and symposia,I had the opportunity to meet him regularly and exchange our insights on theevolution of urban planning in China.I know that professor DUAN Jin is a much-demanded urba

13、n planner in China and a respected teacher.Together with his teams he has carried out numerous impressive projects for cities in the country,and wonmany prizes.And above all he is a tireless researcher and writer on urban design theory rooted in Chinesetradition.Most of his publications are in Chine

14、se.Recently,however,his book Contemporary Urban DesignThoughts in China has been translated into English and published by a renowned international publisher.It gives a comprehensive overview of over 100 years of urban design and urban planning in China from aChinese perspective,making his contributi

15、on to the development urban design theory in China accessible tointernational readers.The book will contribute to a better understanding of urban design achievements in thePeoples Republic of China in contrast to the many publications,which are communicated by Anglo-Americanauthors on urbanisation,u

16、rban development and urban challenges in China.Meanwhile,I am also pleased to report that professor DUAN Jin has always promoted the exchange ofplanning ideas between China and Germany.Under the leadership of DUAN Jin,YI Xin,who is currentlyteaching at the School of Architecture of Southeast Univers

17、ity,and other colleagues have carried out a series ofactivities to strengthen the academic exchanges in planning between China and Germany,and have achievedpositiveresults.Alan PennProfessorofArchitecturalandUrbanComputing,FormerDean oftheBartlettFacultyof Built Environment,UCLhistory andcontext.For

18、merChief Scientisttothe UKSpace syntax began its development in the early 1970s in London when Bill Hillier was working at the RoyalMinistryofHousing,CommunitiesInstitute of British Architects(RIBA)as the institutes youngest ever Secretary.His early papers were all aboutand Local Governmentarchitect

19、ure as a profession and the nature of architectural knowledge.In 1973,Bill Hillier and Adrian Leamanpublished a seminal paper The man environment paradigm and its paradoxes,that made a powerful critiqueof Richard Llwelwyn-Davies meeting grounds philosophy which had shaped the new School of Environme

20、ntalStudies at UCL.By 1976,Hillier and Leaman had been asked to establish a new Master of Science degree inAdvanced Architectural Studies(AAS)at UCL,an example of a notable British pragmatic principle-recruityour strongest critics Later that year they published a paper entitled Space Syntax setting

21、out a completelynovel programme for research into architecture,and a whole new field was established.This period coincided with Chinas opening to the West,and just four years later in 1980 the new Mastersdegree had recruited its first student from the Peoples Republic of China.Bill Hiller and Julien

22、ne Hansonsbook The Social Logic of Space was published by Cambridge University Press in 1984 and in 1985 two paperswere published in the journal New Architecture in China,Space Syntax:A Different Urban Perspective by BillHillier(translated by ZHAO Bin)and A discussion about Space Syntax Paper by JIN

23、 Dongsheng.ProfessorDUAN Jin reviews this early period and refects on the scepticism that greeted these new ideas at the time inChina.The scepticism was no less amongst Anglophone academia where both the humanities and social scienceswere opposed to what they saw as a positivist approach.Hilliers re

24、sponse was to bring together theoretical development in the laboratory with practical applicationin design practice.Following significant projects with Norman Foster at Kings Cross and SOM at Broadgatein the City of London,a design company,Space Syntax Limited,was established in 1987 which used then

25、ew research and analysis methods to bring rigour to architectural design.The company started slowly butduring the 1990s had completed a large number of London schemes to its credit,including the regenerationof Londons South Bank arts complex,the transformation for the millennium of Londons Trafalgar

26、 Squareand the pedestrian bridge to the new Tate Modern art gallery.In Shanghai,we contributed to Richard RogersProfessor DUAN Jin and the Progress of Space Syntax in ChinaIn this note,I will write an appreciation of Professor DUAN Jins contributions to the field of architecturaland planning researc

27、h and in particular,in the field of space syntax-that is the formal study of buildings andcities as patterns of spaces that support social structures and cultures.To do this I must first set out someDUAN Jinand the Space Gene Inhertiancecompetition winning Pudong masterplan.These practical applicati

28、ons of the theory were by far the mosteffective response to academic criticism.Although our Masters and Doctoral programmes gained a continual fiow of Chinese students,progress inspace syntax research in the urban planning field in China only took off at the start of the new millennium whenProfessor

29、 DUAN Jin discovered the field.The time was ripe for this set of theoretical ideas to come to China.Theprocess of rapid urbanisation meant that Chinas cities and municipalities were all developing masterplans.Prof.DUAN was the only senior urban planning professor in China who saw the need for an ind

30、ependent spatial law.Histeam was also involved in practical design projects using space syntax analysis,including Nanjing Honghua AirportArea Concept Plan(2003),Study on the Spatial Development of Jiaxing City Center(2003)and Thematic Study onTianjin Urban Form(2004).In 2007 Professor DUAN co-author

31、ed a book Space Syntax and Urban Planning withBill Hillier and Space Syntax had come of age in China.During this period,a UK research council grant on City History and Multi Scale Modelling(CHAMSPAM)and a European funded project to develop landscape taught programmes gave me the opportunity to trave

32、lto China and to make links to a number of universities including Tsinghua University,Tianjin University,Chongqing University,Tongji University and of course Southeast University with Professor DUAN Jin(who wasthen the Vice Dean)and Professor Wang Jianguo the Dean at the time who participated in all

33、 our meetings.Professor DUAN Jins developments of space syntax theories have been published in 15 books in the SpaceStudies series since 2006 and are recognised by the Urban Planning Society of China.Professor DUANs conceptof a Space Gene that accounts for the reproduction of social structure and di

34、versity in urban space together withthe counterpart concept of a gene bank to help conserve the diversity of urban cultures in the face of countlessthreats,is truly innovative and urgently needed.The technical application of a space gene provides an effectivedesign method to combine urban constructi

35、on with ecological conservation and cultural inheritance.His mostrecent book Space Syntax Tutorial published in 2021 meets a real need for the growing community of youngresearchers interested in applying these methods.It comes as no surprise,but also a great honour,that Professor DUAN Jin became a C

36、hinese Academyof Sciences academician in 2019,and in the same year the 12th Space Syntax Symposium came to Beijingand cemented Chinas place in the international space syntax research community.This edition of WorldArchitecture charting Professor DUAN Jins contribution to the field follows nearly eig

37、hteen years after theSpace Syntax monograph published by World Architecture(Issue 185,November,2005)frst appeared.I amconfident that the progress in this field,in which Chinese academics now publish more papers than the rest ofthe world put together,will continue.UweAltrockProfessor,Chair of Plannin

38、g Theoryand Urban Regeneration,theUniversityofKassel,GermanyI first met Prof.DUAN Jin in the context of the cooperation between the University of Kassel in Germany,whereI am based,and the Southeast University(SEU),when I was teaching a class in urban regeneration in Nanjing in2016.I learned about th

39、e enormous work by my colleague who,as one of the core faculty members,was not only incharge of an important planning office,but also influenced urban regeneration in theory and practice in the region.Isoon had the chance to accompany him to Xuyi,a county renowned for its long-standing lobster festi

40、val and museumin Jiangsu province north of Nanjing and full of heritage from the Ming Dynasty,where he was doing fieldwork forthe regeneration of a small town.During this visit,I was able to understand the challenges of urban regeneration inChina,trying to bridge the needs for modernising the infras

41、tructure,upgrading the housing stock,improving thelivelihoods of the local population and keeping the cultural heritage alive.Prof.DUAN also made us discuss urbandevelopment in China and Europe,and I can say that this was a truly open-minded and fruitful exchange of thoughts.I learned how Chinese ur

42、ban policies push for innovative approaches and sustainable development,and Prof.DUANmade a significant contribution in this respect,not only with the help of his practice,especially in the context of thenew urbanisation,but also throughout his refection on contemporary urban design thoughts in Chin

43、a he laid downin a book of the same name.This being said,I would like to thank Prof.DUAN above all for establishing and hostinga series of international conferences on people-oriented urban design,to which I had the pleasure and honour tocontribute myself.This conference can be understood as a wonderful platform for the discussion of innovativeplanning and design approaches both in China and elsewhere in the world,and I wish him and the SEU allthe best infurther strengthening it,making it fourish to inspire scholars and practitioners for the sake of better cities.空间基因传承:段进

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