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1、gender discrimination in workplacePan Baobao from Team3 Tongji university May 13,20132The average woman working full time in the US makes just 77 cents for every buck a man makes,according to the National Womens Law Centre in 2012.34In UK5Gender pay gap in average gross hourly earnings according to

2、Eurostat 2008.6Gender gap in median earnings of full-time employees according to the OECD 2008OECD:organisation for economic co-operation and development789FTSE:Financial Times and Stock Exchange10In our country,womens rights are gaining more recognition,and a growing number of women realize they ca

3、n do as well as men in most fields.But discrimination is still an issue when looking for a job,or seeking promotion.Gender discrimination in china11Reason is complex,main reasons as followed:1.Employers care more about the companys interests and employees ability,not the gender;In fact,in some post,

4、it harder for women to achieve the same results as men in the same job;2.When there is a conflict between family and job,most Chinese women are likely to choose former at the expense of failed her office work.3.Men are expected to support their family.Women dont have such pressure,so they are less ambitious,and less motivated to improve.This is not what companies want;4.A lot of female graduates are still very dependent on their parents or boyfriend。12Some measures:Improve themselves;Laws and regulations;Choosing the right career;Start a business or run a company;1314Thank you!

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