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1、The road not taken The Road Not Taken is a poem by Robert Frost, published in 1916 as the first poem in the collection Mountain Interval. Robert Lee Frost was an American poet. He is highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech. His work fr

2、equently employed settings from rural life in New England in the early twentieth century, using them to examine complex social and philosophical themes. Frost receives four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry.The Road Not Taken is a narrative and autobiographical poem consisting of four stanzas of iambic tet

3、rameter and is one of Frosts most popular works. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both”. This poem symbolizes that life always gives you two choices. For the large moral meaning which The Road Not Taken seems to endorse - go, as I did, your own way, take the road le

4、ss traveled by, and it will make all the difference-does not maintain itself when the poem is looked at more carefully. Then one notices how insistent is the speaker on admitting, at the time of his choice, that the two roads were in appearance really about the same, that they equally lay / In leave

5、s no step had trodden black, and that choosing one rather than the other was a matter of impulse, impossible to speak about any more clearly than to say that the road taken had perhaps the better claim. But in the final stanza, as the tense changes to future, we hear a different story, one that will

6、 be told with a sigh and ages and ages hence. At that imagined time and unspecified place, the voice will have nobly simplified and exalted the whole impulsive matter into a deliberate one of taking the less traveled road: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and th

7、at has made all the difference.The final lines I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference are often cited as emblematic of Americas individualist spirit of adventure, in a reading that assumes they are to be taken literally. But whatever difference the choice might have ma

8、de, it was not made on the basis of a discerned difference between the two paths that opened up before the travelers. The speaker admits in the second and third stanzas that both paths may be equally worn and equally leaf-covered, and it is only in his future recollection that he will call one of th

9、e two roads, the one he took, less traveled by.The sigh can be interpreted as one of regret or of self-satisfaction; in either case, the irony lies in the distance between what the speaker has just told us about the roads similarity and what his or her later claims will be. While a case could be mad

10、e for the sigh being one of satisfaction, given the critical support of the regret analysis it seems fair to say that this poem is about the human tendency to look back and attribute blame to minor events in ones life, or to attribute more meaning to things than they may deserve.A close look at the

11、poem reveals that Frosts walker encounters two nearly identical paths: so he insists, repeatedly. The walker looks down one, first, then the other, as just as fair. Indeed, the passing there / Had worn them really about the same. As if the reader hasnt gotten the message, Frost says for a third time

12、. And both that morning equally lay/ In leaves no step had trodden black. Frost might what to say that When I am old, like all old men, I shall make a myth of my life. I shall pretend, as we all do, that I took the less traveled road. But I shall be lying. Frost signals the mockingly self-inflated tone of the last stanza by repeating the word I, which rhymes - several times - with the inflated word sigh. Frost wants the reader to know that what he will be saying, that he took the road less traveled, is a fraudulent position, hence the sigh.2

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