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1、动词不定式的用法导学案. 时态语态:主动形式被动形式一般式to doto be done完成式to have doneto have been done进行式to be doing/完成进行式to have been doing/否定形式not to donot to be done疑问词不定式wh to dowh to be done复合结构sb.to do/for sb.to do/、不定式的时态意义不定式的时态是以句中谓语动词的时间为依据的 (1)一般式表示的动作或状态_。They made plans to live in Paris. 他们计划住在巴黎。(to live 发生在 ma

2、de plans之后)(2)进行式表示其动作正在进行,_。He pretended to be listening to me carefully. 他假装认真地听我讲。(3)不定式的完成时表达下列意义:A. 不定式的完成式所表示的动作或状态_。I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。(to have kept发生在_ 所表示的时间之前)She is said to have just completed a novel. 据说她刚完成一部小说。(to have just completed a novel发生在_ 所表示的时间之前)B.

3、用在intended, expected, meant, hoped, promised, planned, wished, thought, desired, was, were等词后,不定式的完成式表示未曾实现的愿望、期待、想法、打算或计划等。to have + 过去分词表示动作, to have been表示状态。I meant to have done the work before Sunday. _(没完成)I was to have been a doctor. _(没当成)I intended to have come to see you. _(但没来)C.用在seem, a

4、ppear, thing, consider, believe等后,表示一个动作先于另一个动作发生。I seem to have seen her somewhere before.以前我好像在那见过她。(see在seem之前发生)He was believed to have been a reporter.都认为他从前干过记者。(4)不定式的完成进行式表示动作在_。 He was happy to have been staying with his uncle. He looked too young to have been publishing books for six years

5、. 不定式的语法功能:动词不定式是一种非谓语动词,不能充当谓语,但仍具有动词的特性,可以有时态、语态的变化,也可以在句中可充当_ _ _ _ _ _等Examples:It is good to help others. It is my ambition to make sure that the disabled people have access to all public buildings. My ambition is to work in the computer industry when I grow up. I dont have time to sit around f

6、eeling sorry for myself. I am the only student in my class to have a pet snake. A big company has decided to buy it from me. I have had to work hard to live a normal life. Some days I am too tired to get out of bed. We must call on local government to give financial assistance to disabled people. 1.

7、作主语动词不定式作主语既可位于句首,也可以用_做形式主语。例如:To learn a skill is very important for everyone in society.翻译:_It is necessary for young students to learn a foreign language.翻译:_注意:“It is + 形容词X 代词(名词)不定式”句型用of 还是用for(1) 如果句中的形容词表示人物特征或品质,常同of搭配eg: brave, careful, careless, considerate, cruel, rude, generous, right

8、,wrong, kind,nice,good,polite,clever,wise, foolish, silly等。这是一个带有感情色彩的不定式结构, 表示褒义时,具有“对不胜感激”的意思;表示贬义时,含有“真是太,真是透了”的意思。It is kind of you to help me.你帮助我真是太好了。It was foolish of us to do so.我们这样做真是太傻了。(2)表示事物性质的形容词eg: easy, difficult, hard, important, impossible, possible, safe, dangerous, necessary常同f

9、or 搭配Its difficult for me to work out the problem.我要算出这道题目太难了。Its very important for students to learn English well.对于学生们来说,学好英语是很重要2.作表语 动词不定式作表语常用于以下结构:My wish/ job/ aim/ goal is及The next step/ measure is 等。例如:Your job is to type the papers in the office.翻译:_The next measure is to stop the river f

10、rom being polluted.To see is to believe. 【翻译】_3.作宾语常见的只能使用动词不定式作宾语的动词有:arrange,agree, afford, choose, decide, demand, expect, fail, hope, intend, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, wish等。eg:They decided _ between these two cities. 他们决定在两座城市之间建一条高速路。I expect_ tomorrow.我期待明天见到你。注意:1) belie

11、ve, think, consider, feel, make等动词可用于“动词+ it +adj. / n+ to do sth.”句型,其中使用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语动词不定式置于句末。eg:I think it necessary for us to have a good rest after the long work.翻译:_2) 有些动词既可以用动词不定式做宾语,也可以用动名词做宾语,二者意义没太大区别,这类词有:continue begin hate like loveprefer start;They continue smoking.They continue to

12、 smoke.I like swimming.I like to swim.3)有些动词既可以跟动名词做宾语,也可以接动词不定式,但不定式前面需要加人/物做宾语,这时动词不定式就成了宾语补足语Gerund(动名词): verb + -ing Infinitive(动词不定式): verb + person + to-infinitiveadvise allow encourage permitThey advise walking to town.They advise us to walk to town. They do not allow smoking here.They do not

13、 allow us to smoke here.They encourage doing the test.They encourage us to do the test. They do not permit smoking here.They do not permit us to smoke here.4) 有些动词既可以用动词不定式做宾语,也可以用动名词做宾语,但二者意义不同。这类词有:forget go on mean remember stop try4. 作宾补, 用在这些动词后:warn, tell, allow, help, ask, force等+sb to do sth

14、The teacher asked Mother to take him home.翻译:_She found him to be a very good pupil.翻译:_注意:1)feel, think, understand, suppose, know, imagine, find, believe, consider后的宾语补足语常是to be的形式She found him to be a very good pupil.翻译:_She believes him (to be) honest。翻译:_2)一些感官动词也可以接动词不定式做宾语补足语,但动词不定式符号to 省去。感官

15、动词:feel,(一感觉) hear, listen to, (二听)let, make, have (三使) watch, see, look at, notice, observe(五看) eg: They saw the boy fall suddenly from the tree. Mother made John wash the car for a week.但当以上的动词用于被动式,to要还原:The boy was seen to fall suddenly from the tree.John was made to wash the car for a week.5.作定

16、语动词不定式作定语,应位于所修饰词语之_,即:做_。eg:Have you got anything to eat? (to eat修饰_,位于其后)1)下列名词后常接动词不定式作定语:ability, attempt, chance, courage, decision, effort, failure, promise, way, wish等。例如:2)由only, first, last, next以及序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词后,也常接不定式作定语。例如:Who was the last one to leave the classroom last night?【翻译】他总是第一

17、个来,最后一个走。_6.作状语 动词不定式作状语,可表示目的、原因、结果或条件。例如:We went there to see our grandparents.(表_ )I am very sorry to hear that.(表_ )She hurried home only to find her father dead.(表_ )作目的状语,还可以使用in order to或so as to。(区别in order to和so as to_)注意:1)不定式用在介词but, except, besides后时, 如果这些介词前有行为动词do的各种形式, 那么介词后的不定式不带to,相

18、反则带to。1. She could do nothing but cry.2. I have no choice but to go.3. What do you like to do besides sleep.2) 动词不定式和疑问词连用(1) 关系词+动词不定式动词不定式可以和疑问代词:who, what, which 及疑问副词:when, where, how, why等连用,构成不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等成份。eg:Who to do the work has not been decided yet. 做_语He showed me how to use a com

19、puter. 做_语 (2) “with + whom/which + 不定式”结构“with + whom/which + 不定式”结构是一种简洁的表达方式,指人时用whom,指物时用which,这种结构中的with有时可以是by, through, on, from等。这种结构通常用作后置定语。She had only 15 dollars with which to buy her husband a gift. She is a nice woman with whom to work.她是一个很好的工作同伴。He opened the north window from which(

20、where) to enjoy the distant hill. 他课后作业:细节小试 A.请将以下肯定句变为否定句1. He decided to go home 2. I told him to do that again. B.单项选择1. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _. A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to2. The teacher asked us_ so much noise.A. dont mak

21、e B. not make C. not making D. not to make语法填空While English is getting more and more important in your schools, Chinese hasbecome popular among foreign kid. But Chinese can be more difficult _1_(learn). Many foreign kids thinks that Chinese characters have too many strokes, but they still want to le

22、arn it. Some South Korean students begin to learn _2_(write) the language on their first day at school. _3_(help) students learn Chinese, South Korean holds popular speaking competitions for high school students every year. The Chinese Ministry of Education _4_(say) in the interview yesterday that l

23、ast year nearly 33 million people from 85 countries _5_ (learn) Chinese. Some even try _6_(write) and draw in a Chinese way. China _7_(develop) so fast that foreign countries intend _8_(understand) China better to help them with business. The Chinese government is also helping the world learn Chines

24、e. It _9_(send) more than 200 Chinese teachers to more than 60 countries in the world. Nowadays, more and more colleges _10_(set) up in foreign countries. 翻译Translate the following sentences.A. 1、The boy worked so hard in order to make up for the lost time.翻译:_2、She felt it her duty to help the old woman.翻译:_3、But she gave up the chance to go abroad.翻译:_B.1 学好一门外语对我们将来的工作很重要。(learn)2 务必记住在交朋友时彼此理解尤为重要。(make friend)3 近来李老师很忙,他要在20日之前写完他的报告。(finish writing)4 李华比以前都用功,因为他想赶上他的同学。(catch up with )5 禁止随地扔垃圾,吐痰和抽烟。(allow)5

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