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1、重复法重复法repetition翻译技巧翻译技巧2013-4-23第八讲ngrammatical repetitionnrhetorical reduplication and repetition2024/4/22 周一2repetitionn ngrammatical repetitionnrhetorical reduplication and repetition2024/4/22 周一3repetitiongrammatical repetitionn语法性重复Clarity is more important than conciseness.The bitterest enemi

2、es of clarity are obscurity and ambiguity.Obscurity is cured by logical arrangement of words in accordance with good usage,while ambiguity may be remedied by skillful repetition.2024/4/22 周一4n重复被修饰语Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulationsregulations.我们来修改安全规则规则规则规则和卫生规则规则规则规则吧。The use of at

3、omic weapons is a clear violationviolation of international law,in particular of the Geneva Convention.使用原子武器显然违反违反违反违反国际法,特别是违反违反违反违反日内瓦公约。I very much admire your determinationdetermination to strengthen Chinas economy and to ensure that the fruits thereof are enjoyed by the masses who uphold China

4、s socialist construction.我非常钦佩你们决心决心决心决心增强中国经济,并且决心决心决心决心保证使从事社会主义建设的人民群众能够享受经济发展的成果。2024/4/22 周一5grammatical repetitionn重复修饰语I identify myself as one of critical lovers and loving critics of the United Nationsthe United Nations.我自认为我既是一个批评联合国联合国联合国联合国的爱护者,又是一个爱护联合国联合国联合国联合国的批评者。We need materials wh

5、ich can bear highhigh temperature and pressure.我们需要能耐高高高高温和耐高高高高压的材料。Under suitable conditions we can produce energy in the electrical form by the conversion of heat,mechanical and other forms of energyenergy.在适当的条件下,我们能把热能能能能、机械能能能能、以及其他形式的能能能能转化成电能。2024/4/22 周一6grammatical repetitionn重复几个宾语所共有的动词或

6、几个动词所共有的宾语We have to analyze and solve problemsproblems.我们要分析问题问题问题问题,解决问题问题问题问题。We have come here to expressexpress our gratitude and the friendship,complete solidarity and comradeship-in-arms that unite our two peoples.我们来这里是为了表达表达表达表达我们的感激之情,也是为了表达表达表达表达联结我们两国人民的友谊、完全的团结和同志般的战斗情谊。2024/4/22 周一7gra

7、mmatical repetitionn重复几个宾语所共有的介词DespiteDespite his versatility of talent and shiftiness of purpose,this man has in his whole lifetime been wedded to the most fossilized routine.尽管尽管尽管尽管他有随机应变的本领,尽管尽管尽管尽管他的主张反复无常,但是他终生都是极端墨守成规的。The solid friendship between our two countries took shape during our prot

8、racted struggles againstagainst colonialism,hegemonism,and outmoded relationships.我们两国之间的牢固友谊是在我们反对反对反对反对殖民主义、反对反对反对反对霸权主义和反对反对反对反对旧式关系的持久斗争中形成的。2024/4/22 周一8grammatical repetitionn重复被省略或被替代的动词You can do it very well,if you care toto.如果你愿意做做做做这件事,你可以做做做做得很好。In any case work does not include time,but

9、 power doesdoes.在任何情况下,功不包括时间包括时间包括时间包括时间,但功率却包括包括包括包括时间时间时间时间。Reading exercisesexercises ones eyes;speaking,ones tongue;while writing,ones mind.阅读训练训练训练训练人的眼睛,说话训练训练训练训练人的口齿,写作训练训练训练训练人的思维。2024/4/22 周一9grammatical repetitionn重复代词所代替的名词Water evaporates more rapidly when the temperature is high than

10、when it it is low.温度温度温度温度高,水蒸发得快;温度温度温度温度低,水蒸发得慢。Translation from English into Chinese is not as easy as thatthat from English to French.英译译译译汉不如英译译译译法容易。A chemical change is oneone in which the structure of particles is changed and a new substance is formed.化学变化变化变化变化是改变粒子结构、形成新物质的一种变化变化变化变化。2024/

11、4/22 周一10grammatical repetitionn重复名词或动词,以代替英语的关系词或连接词Radar is a newly developed technique by whichwhich people can see the things beyond the visibility of them.雷达雷达雷达雷达是一种新开发的技术,利用雷达雷达雷达雷达人们能看到视线以外的东西。We have advocated the principle of peaceful co-existence,whichwhich is now growing more and more po

12、pular among the nations of Asia and Africa.我们提倡和平共处的原则原则原则原则,这个原则这个原则这个原则这个原则目前在亚非各国越来越得人心了。Peace-loving people can only wish thatthat the victory in election be utilized and consolidated,and thatthat a stable government be formed in that country.爱好和平的人只希望希望希望希望这次选举的胜利能得到利用,并加以巩固,也希望也希望也希望也希望该国能建立一个

13、稳定的政府。2024/4/22 周一11grammatical repetitionn重复下义词,代替上义词An electron tube electron tube is generally used for amplification,and vacuum tube is another name for this devicethis device.电子管通常用来放大,而真空管则是电子管电子管电子管电子管的另一名称。On July 14,1965,Mariner IV passed within 6,000 miles of MarsMars and transmitted back

14、to the earth 21 pictures of the surface of that planetthat planet.1965年7月14日,“海员四号”从离火星火星火星火星不到6000英里处经过,把21张火星火星火星火星表面的照片传回了地球。The monkeys most extraordinary accomplishment was learning to operate a tractortractor.By the age of nine,the monkey had learned to solo on the vehiclethe vehicle.这只猴子最了不起的

15、技能是学会驾驶拖拉机拖拉机拖拉机拖拉机。到了九岁的时候,这只猴子已经学会单独表演驾驶拖拉机拖拉机拖拉机拖拉机了。2024/4/22 周一12egrammatical repetitionngrammatical repetitionn nrhetorical reduplication and repetition2024/4/22 周一13repetitionrhetorical reduplication and repetitionn修辞性重叠和重复It is one of the peculiarities of Chinese to reduplicate characters or

16、 words in word-formation and to repeat the similar word or expression in a discourse for expressiveness and parallelism.This device,rhetorical or grammatical,can render translations more appealing to Chinese reader.2024/4/22 周一14n重叠字或词名词重叠,表示“每个”、“所有”、“许多”、“小”、“杂”或某种感情色彩等AA:人人、天天、年年、事事AABB:男男女女、世世代代

17、、风风雨雨、日日夜夜数量词重叠,表示“每个”、“逐个”、“许多”或某种感情色彩BB:个个、件件、条条、篇篇、层层ABB:一块块、一滴滴、一朵朵ABAB:一次一次、一步一步、一颗一颗AABB:千千万万、三三两两2024/4/22 周一15rhetorical reduplication and repetition动词重叠,表示动作的轻微、反复、完成、连续、轻松、随便等AA:说说、听听、想想、试试、歇歇A一/了A:走一走、摇一摇、笑了笑、看了看ABAB:考虑考虑、收拾收拾、整理整理、休息休息AABB:进进出出、摇摇晃晃、吞吞吐吐、吵吵嚷嚷A着A着/A了A了:听着听着、看着看着、老了老了、完了完了

18、2024/4/22 周一16rhetorical reduplication and repetition形容词重叠,表示程度的加重、加深、加强、减轻或喜爱、厌恶等情绪AA:高高、厚厚、小小、长长、细细A一/了A:走一走、摇一摇、笑了笑、看了看AABB:干干净净、花花绿绿、歪歪斜斜ABAB:笔直笔直、通红通红、雪白雪白、崭新崭新2024/4/22 周一17rhetorical reduplication and repetition附加式重叠,主要用来使表达形象、生动、活泼,其格式尤其丰富多彩AAX:毛毛雨、呱呱叫、团团转、步步高、蒙蒙亮XAA:水汪汪、羞答答、笑眯眯、亮晶晶、白茫茫AAXY:

19、花花世界、心心相印、娓娓动听、历历在目、脉脉含情XYAA:衣冠楚楚、忧心忡忡、杨柳依依、风雨潇潇A里AB:罗哩罗嗦、糊里糊涂、古里古怪、慌里慌张2024/4/22 周一18rhetorical reduplication and repetition偏正并列式、动宾并列式、主谓并列式及其他形式的重叠ABAC:难兄难弟、绘声绘色、没大没小、所作所为ABCB:以毒攻毒、爱理不理、好说歹说、一拖再拖ABA:面对面、心连心、手拉手、肩并肩、背靠背象声词重叠,形式多种多样。这类词有很大的可创性,有的纯粹摹拟声音,有的表示声音的一个自然段落,有的表示声音的连续或重复,有的表示声音的杂乱。哗哗、嗡嗡、呼呼、

20、呜呜、喃喃、咕咕、轰隆隆、叮叮当当、噼噼啪啪、哗啦哗啦、咕嘟咕嘟2024/4/22 周一19rhetorical reduplication and repetitionOnly a very slightslight and very scatteringscattering ripples of half-half-heartedhearted hand-clapping greeted him.欢迎他的只有几下轻轻轻轻轻轻轻轻的、零零落落零零落落零零落落零零落落的、冷冷淡淡冷冷淡淡冷冷淡淡冷冷淡淡的掌声。There were only half a dozen lines in her

21、mothers neat neat featureless featureless writing,a Manhattan public school script.她母亲用曼哈顿公立学校惯用的普普通通普普通通普普通通普普通通的字体,整整整整整齐齐整齐齐整齐齐整齐齐地写下了五六行的信。On the other side of the torpedo shop,large fires also roaredroared and crackledcrackled,fanned by a sea wind.鱼雷工厂另一边,海风吹着大火,烧得轰轰隆隆轰轰隆隆轰轰隆隆轰轰隆隆、劈劈劈劈劈啪啪劈啪啪劈啪啪

22、劈啪啪直响。2024/4/22 周一20rhetorical reduplication and repetitionThere were plattersplatters of smoking sausages and sauerkraut,there were many wholemany whole pink hams,there were moundsmounds of boiled potatoes,pilespiles of fried chicken,stackedstacked loaves of fresh bread,pitcherspitchers of beer,imm

23、ense wholewhole yellow and orange cheeses.桌上摆满了一大盘一大盘一大盘一大盘一大盘一大盘一大盘一大盘的熏香肠和酸白菜,整整整整块整块块整块块整块块整块粉红的火腿,一堆堆一堆堆一堆堆一堆堆煮熟的马铃薯和油炸子鸡,一摞摞一摞摞一摞摞一摞摞新鲜的面包,大壶大壶大壶大壶大壶大壶大壶大壶的啤酒,许多整块整块整块整块整块整块整块整块的黄色和橘红色干酪。2024/4/22 周一21rhetorical reduplication and repetitionShe dropped her voice,and looked so sad and piteoussad

24、and piteous.At the expiration of that time,wheels were heard whirlingwhirling up to the gate.He walked down the line shaking hands with each and mumblingmumbling a few words that were inaudible.Huge,riven and blazingblazing wrecks that only minutes before had been majesticmajestic aircraft carriers

25、settled into the glitteringglittering Pacific.Exercise:2024/4/22 周一22She dropped her voice,and looked so sad and sad and piteouspiteous.她声音放得很低,一副悲悲戚戚悲悲戚戚悲悲戚戚悲悲戚戚的样子,真是可怜。At the expiration of that time,wheels were heard whirlingwhirling up to the gate.过了那个时候,只听得车声辚辚辚辚辚辚辚辚,车很快在门前停了下来。Answer:2024/4/22

26、 周一23He walked down the line shaking hands with each and mumblingmumbling a few words that were inaudible.他走了过来,同一列人逐个握手,嘴里叽叽咕咕叽叽咕咕叽叽咕咕叽叽咕咕,也听不清说的是什么。Huge,riven and blazingblazing wrecks that only minutes before had been majesticmajestic aircraft carriers settled into the glitteringglittering Pacifi

27、c.几分钟前,这些航空母舰还是那么威风凛凛威风凛凛威风凛凛威风凛凛,不久就变成豁裂残断、熊熊烈火熊熊烈火熊熊烈火熊熊烈火的庞大残骸,渐渐沉入了波光粼粼波光粼粼波光粼粼波光粼粼的太平洋。Answer:2024/4/22 周一24n重复同义字或词2024/4/22 周一25rhetorical reduplication and repetitionhorrifiedearth-shakingsatisfactoryfrom door to doormoan and groanto talk nonsenseardent loyaltyoutlandish clothes惊心动魄惊天动地称心如意挨

28、门逐户唉声叹气胡言乱语赤胆忠心奇装异服2024/4/22 周一26rhetorical reduplication and repetitionheart and soulrumors and slandersremote barren landutterly exhausteddemons and ghostswith great eagernessby hook or by crookto become a household word全心全意流言蜚语穷乡僻壤精疲力竭妖魔鬼怪/牛鬼蛇神如饥似渴千方百计/想方设法家喻户晓n重复词语或表达法It is no use doing what you

29、 like;you have to like what you do.爱一行干一行爱一行干一行爱一行干一行爱一行干一行不行,要干一行爱一行干一行爱一行干一行爱一行干一行爱一行。At this,much bewilderedmuch bewildered,the reporter lamely lamely apologized and made off down the street,occasionally glancing back and evidently undecided whether to believe his eyes or his earsbelieve his eyes

30、 or his ears.听到这番话,这记者被弄得糊里糊涂,一面一面一面一面支支吾吾地道歉着,一面一面一面一面匆匆地顺着街道溜走了,不时地回过头来看看,显然拿不定主意到底是相信自己的相信自己的相信自己的相信自己的眼睛眼睛眼睛眼睛,还是相信自己的耳朵相信自己的耳朵相信自己的耳朵相信自己的耳朵。2024/4/22 周一27rhetorical reduplication and repetitionHe went wherever there was the greatest need.The weather alternates between sunshine and rainsunshine

31、 and rain.Our old clothes and few sticks of furniture have been pawned or soldpawned or sold.The men of Moscow huff and puffhuff and puff,complain,warn,warn,blusterbluster and no one seems to pay any attention.Exercise:2024/4/22 周一28He went wherever there was the greatest need.哪里哪里哪里哪里最需要,他就到哪里哪里哪里哪

32、里去。The weather alternates between sunshine and rainsunshine and rain.时而时而时而时而天晴,时而时而时而时而下雨。Our old clothes and few sticks of furniture have been pawned or soldpawned or sold.我们一些旧衣服和旧家具,当的当了,卖的卖了当的当了,卖的卖了当的当了,卖的卖了当的当了,卖的卖了。The men of Moscow huff and puffhuff and puff,complain,warn,warn,bluster blust

33、er and no one seems to pay any attention.莫斯科的当家人吹胡子吹胡子吹胡子吹胡子,瞪眼睛瞪眼睛瞪眼睛瞪眼睛,怒气冲冲,牢骚满腹,又是又是又是又是警告,又是又是又是又是大喊大叫可是好像谁也不置理。Answer:2024/4/22 周一29n汉语特有句式中动词的重复She has read few books.她读书读读读读得不多。她书读得不多。书她读得不多。In“S+V+O”sentence pattern,adverbial adjunct(状语补语)is idiomatically placed after the repetition of the

34、verb.However,if the object is put before the verb,the repetition of the verb is not necessary,and the meaning remains unchanged.2024/4/22 周一30rhetorical reduplication and repetitionHe spoke in an irritating way.他说话说说说说得令人不快。He is tipsy.他喝酒喝喝喝喝醉了。His illness this time was caused by a cold bath.他这场病呀,

35、准是洗冷水澡给洗洗洗洗出来的。2024/4/22 周一31rhetorical reduplication and repetition在汉语口语中,有时需要重复动词(或形容词、名词)以表达让步或其他情感;英语则不需要重复。I have made proposals,but they proved futile.说是说了,但没有结果。I have tried,but my efforts were a failure.做是做了,但没有成功。I shall go later but I cant leave just now.去是要去,但是现在还不能走。Its a good idea,but I

36、m afraid its impracticable.这个主意好是好,但恐怕行不通。2024/4/22 周一32rhetorical reduplication and repetitionn英汉语类似的重复I am persuaded that neither death,nor life,nor angels,nor principalities,nor things present,nor things to come,nor powers,nor height,nor depth,nor any other creature shall be able to separate us f

37、rom the love of God.我相信:死亡也好,生命也好,天使也好,君主也好,现在的东西也好,未来的东西也好,权力也好,高度也好,深度也好,任何其他生物也好,统统不能使我们脱离上帝的爱。2024/4/22 周一33rhetorical reduplication and repetitionProverbs are the popular saying that brighten so much Latin American talk,the boiled-down wisdom that you are as apt to hear from professors as from

38、peasants,from beggars as from elegantes.Brief and colorful,they more often than not carry a sting.谚语是使拉丁美洲人民言谈生动活泼的流行俗语,是洗练睿智的语言。大学教授说,田野农夫也说,市井乞丐说,名媛闺秀也说。谚语简洁明快,丰富多彩,往往带刺。2024/4/22 周一34rhetorical reduplication and repetitionIt was the best of times,it was the worst of times;it was the age of wisdom

39、,it was the age of foolishness;it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity;it was the season of Light,it was the season of Darkness;it was the spring of hope,it was the winter of despair;we had everything before us,we had nothing before us;we were all going direct to Heaven,we were al

40、l going direct the other way.这是最好的时光,这也是最坏的时光;这是智慧的年代,这也是愚蠢的年代;这是信仰的时代,这也是怀疑的时代;这是光明的时节,这也是黑暗的时节;这是希望的春天,这也是绝望的冬天;我们面前万物皆有,我们面前也一无所有;我们都在直登天堂,我们也都在直下地狱。2024/4/22 周一35rhetorical reduplication and repetitionn英语中的“叠词”2024/4/22 周一36rhetorical reduplication and repetitionhurry-scurryhurly-burlysilly bill

41、ytick tockfiddle-faddlecrisscrosstittle-tattlepell-mell慌忙乱窜骚乱,喧闹笨蛋滴答声瞎搞;胡说十字形;杂乱无章,混乱状态闲聊,漫谈混乱的,乱七八糟2024/4/22 周一37rhetorical reduplication and repetitiondillydallyslip-slopnitty-grittyhanky-pankynamby-pambyhiggledy-piggledyhugger-muggerheebie-geebiesshilly-shally吊儿郎当地消磨时间平淡的本质,基本事实欺骗、耍花招优柔寡断的乱七八糟混乱神

42、经紧张犹豫不决Nothing venture,nothing have.Out of sight,out of mind.Love me,love my dog.Nothing happens for nothing.No news is good news.He laughs best who laughs last.Self do,self have.Talk much,err much.Know something of everything and everything of something.Exercise:谚语谚语2024/4/22 周一38Nothing venture,no

43、thing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Out of sight,out of mind.眼不见,心不念。/久别情疏。Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌。Nothing happens for nothing.事出有因。/无风不起浪。No news is good news.不闻凶讯便是吉。Answer:2024/4/22 周一39He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。Self do,self have.自作自受。Talk much,err much.言多必失。Know something of everything and ev

44、erything of something.通百艺而专一行。Answer:2024/4/22 周一40译作赏析2024/4/22 周一The First SnowThe first snow came.How beautiful it was,falling so silently all day long,all night long,on the mountains,on the meadows,on the roofs of the living,on the graves of the dead!All white save the river,that marked its cour

45、se by a winding black line across the landscape;and the leafless trees,that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches.What silence,too,came with the snow,and what seclusion!Every sound was muffled;every noise changed to something soft and m

46、usical.No more tramping hoofs,no more rattling wheels!Only the chiming of sleigh-bells,beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.41译作赏析2024/4/22 周一【译文译文】初初 雪雪初雪飘临。多么美啊!它整日整夜那么静静地飘着,落初雪飘临。多么美啊!它整日整夜那么静静地飘着,落在山岭上,落在草地上,落在世人的屋顶上,落在死者的坟在山岭上,落在草地上,落在世人的屋顶上,落在死者的坟墓上!在一片白茫茫之中,只有河流在美丽的画面上划出一墓上!

47、在一片白茫茫之中,只有河流在美丽的画面上划出一道曲曲弯弯的黑线;还有那叶儿落净的树木,映衬着铅灰色道曲曲弯弯的黑线;还有那叶儿落净的树木,映衬着铅灰色的天空,此刻更显得丫枝交错,姿态万千。初雪飘落时,是的天空,此刻更显得丫枝交错,姿态万千。初雪飘落时,是何等的宁谧,何等的幽静!一切声响都趋沉寂,一切噪音都何等的宁谧,何等的幽静!一切声响都趋沉寂,一切噪音都化作柔和的音乐。再也听不见马蹄得得,再也听不见车轮辚化作柔和的音乐。再也听不见马蹄得得,再也听不见车轮辚辚!唯有雪橇的铃铛,奏出和谐的乐声,那明快欢乐的节拍辚!唯有雪橇的铃铛,奏出和谐的乐声,那明快欢乐的节拍犹如孩子们心房的博动。犹如孩子们心房的博动。42The EndThank You!

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