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1、-范文最新推荐- 家长会邀请函的格式范文 在国际交往以及日常的各种社交活动中,邀请函书信使用广泛。在应用写作中邀请函是非常重要的,那么,家长会邀请函很怎样写?家长会邀请函1尊敬的家长:您好!非常感谢您一直以来对我们工作的大力支持。值此之际,谨向您和您的家人表示最衷心的祝福!您的子女九年级的学习生活已三月有余,九年级也是您的子女人生成长中最关键、最重要的时期。您一定非常关心孩子的成绩,关注孩子在校的生活思想状况,渴望能与学校老师沟通,共同探讨孩子的未来。为了使您能更好地指导、教育子女及配合学校做好对您子女关键时期的教育、管理工作,学校决定于12月 9日(农历十月二十三)上午九点至十一点在大礼堂召

2、开九年级学生家长会。我们诚挚邀请您在百忙之中抽取时间光临学校,届时我们将真诚沟通,共同搭建家校联系的平台。家长会上,我们将做好以下几项工作:1、让您全面了解子女在校的学业成绩、行为习惯等。2、与您交流如何配合学校共同做好对您的子女中考前期的教育、管理工作。3、听取您对学校的意见和建议。您的积极参与和宝贵意见,会大大的促进我们学校各项工作迈上一个新的台阶。您的心愿正是我们努力的方 向,为了一个共同的目标,期盼您的参与,恭候您的到来。此致敬礼xx县第三中学201x年10月8日家长会邀请函2尊敬的家长:您好!首先,衷心感谢您对xx三中的信任,把孩子送到我校学习!开学一个月来,您的孩子较快的适应了新环


4、!非常感谢您一直以来对我校工作的大力支持,在此谨向您和您的家人表示最衷心的祝福!孩子在校的学习情况和表现,以及成长过程中的热点问题,都是您热切关注的,都需要我们真诚的交流和沟通。为了充分发挥学校、家庭、社会的教育“合力”,共同为孩子的成长撑起一片蓝天,我们真诚地邀请您在百忙之中抽出时间,于月 日(星期 )上午 来校参加家长会。温馨提示:1、上午8:308:50为家长进校时间,9:00召开家长会。2、家长会期间,请将手机设置为静音或震动状态,不要在教室接电话,不抽烟,不乱丢乱扔,不大声喧哗,自觉维护家长会秩序。我们真诚感谢您的配合,期待您的到来!金星小学201x年11月25日家长会邀请函4您好!


6、好教育管理工作。3、听取您对学校的意见和建议。为了一个共同的目标,期盼您的参与,恭候您的到来!xx小学201x年11月25日 当你生日想要邀请朋友时,如何用英语写一份生日邀请函呢?格式又是怎样的。下面是由小编为大家整理的关于英语生日邀请函的格式,欢迎参阅。英语生日邀请函的格式【1】may 2, xxxxdear lucy,next monday is my 20th birthday. imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! no wonder i feel old!my parents are giving a dinner pa

7、rty to mark the party. the first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you.well be expecting you any time after six. see you then. yours,xxx英语生日邀请函的格式【2】Dear my classmates,Do you know when is my birthday? The day is in win

8、ter vacation and itson February 1st. So do you come to my birthday party? Of course I wisheveryone can come to my party. If you come you can get too many free things because you are my guests.And you also should give me some gifts.Then if you make sure to come to my party you should prepare the foll

9、owing things:1) Think of games to play.2) Prepare 200 yuan and you phone.3) Tell me you phone number.4) Remember to meet me in Wanda Plaza at 9:00.See you then.Jungle英语生日邀请函的格式【3】Dear Jane,I would like to invite you to take part in our dinner party for celebrating my mothers birthday about her 60 ye

10、ars old in the evening Friday,November22,2018, at my home. You have been my best partner all the time. As you know, my mother treats you as her one of children, recently, who misses you extremely. She also excepts your appearing in the night. Whats more, the most of the friends invited are your good

11、 friends, If you come, I promise that you wouldt be boring. It starts at 7 oclock.At the first, there will be a small concert when you are gong to enjoy a band who plays the classical instrument, who comes from The Royal Band. At the second, dinner is inaugurated at 8 oclock, friends can have delici

12、ous food, and drink, at the same time, chat during the. Finally, I will take some photographs of all friends for souvenir together.We do look forward to your coming.Yous, Wang Qin 邀请函是现实生活中常用的一种日常应用写作文种。在国际交往以及日常的各种社交活动中,这类书信使用广泛。下面是小编为大家整理的英文版邀请函简略格式,欢迎阅读。英文版邀请函简略格式【一】Dear Bruce,This Sunday is my b

13、irthday ,Im going to hold a party in my house.As my best friend,I hope you will come.I think you will be free on that day.There will be cake,cookies,candies,pie and so on in the party.Lily said she would dance for me at that night.It must be very interesting and exciting.By the way,the party begins

14、at seven oclock,but I hope you can come a litte earlier to help me to prepare something about the party.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours,英文版邀请函简略格式【二】Dear Li Hua,I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party .The party began at 8a.m .on Sunday .Al

15、l my classmates were not be late.I was very happy.We ate some western food.They were very nice.Some of my classmates brought their own food.They shared their food with us.Because they are very friendly.We also played games.It was very interesting.All my classmates were very happy.I danced with my be

16、st friends.And all my classmates danced very beautifully!They sang a song Happy Birthday to me.And then they gave me a lot of presents.I was very thankful.All of us had a good time on that day!Do you have free time?I want to visit you next year?Yours,英文版邀请函简略格式【三】Dear *,This weekend is my fifteen birthday,andI hope you can come to my house.You can take the bus or walk to my home. When you go through Zhongshan Road, you can see a bank.Then you have to turn right.Go straight along this street, you will see a red house.That is my home. 7 / 8

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