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1、选修八 Unit 1 A Land of Diversity Teacher: Liu Rong Subject: English reading Time: 45 minis Date: 2014.12.13.Three main parts: Teaching material analysis; Studying analysis; Teaching procedure analysis.l Teaching material analysisA. Reading material:1. The topic of this unit is “a land of diversity”USA

2、,the multicultural country. So the reading material chooses “California”, the most multicultural state, as a typical case to embody the special characteristic “diversification”.2. The reading material is closely related to the knowledge of geography and history which the students have learnt during

3、their senior period. So with the assist of what they have known, I believe they will have a better understanding about the material.B Teaching aims: The knowledge aim: to help students learn the immigrant culture in the history of California; The ability aim:Enable the students to retell the importa

4、nt events in the history of California The emotional aim: to broaden their horizons and cultivate the cross-culture munication awareness of the students.C. Teaching important points and difficult points:1, help my students master the reading skills skimming and scanning to get information quickly; 2

5、, enable my students to talk about the important events in California history using the information they get from the text. Of course, the latter is also the teaching difficult points.D. Teaching methods: municative teaching methods; task-based teaching method; puter-assisted method; situational tea

6、ching method.E. Teaching aids: The multimedia; the text book; a quiz paper; the blackboard. l Studying analysis.As senior students, they have known more about the background information and have a better language foundation, so it is not so difficult for them to learn the content of the passage and

7、master the reading skills. However, they are not so active to speak in class. So the design of my class is to bine the reading with thinking and speaking.l Teaching procedure analysis Step1.Warming up Divide the students into three or four parts and then start a petition by racing to answer my quest

8、ions about American which relevant to the background information of the content. The purpose is to create a relaxing and active atmosphere and recall the students memory about the knowledge they have learnt before, making better preparation for the next partreading。 Step2.Pre-readingBefore reading,

9、I will let my students make a guesstimate and point out students sharing their guess with class:“bine the title of this unit with the headline, subtitle and the picture of the passage, could you make a guess what the text want to talk about? Why? ”We can always get some important information by read

10、ing the title of the article, quick and convenient. So it is a good approach for students to start reading. Step3. Fast reading read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of the whole passageunderline the special times in California history circle the immigrant cultural groupsThe purposes:

11、1. Check the answer of their guess 2.insire the students read quicklyStep 4.Careful readingput forward questions first according to the content of each paragraph. reading and answercontinue the game :race to answer finish the prehending exercise 1 and 2The purpose: enable the students master the ski

12、mming and scanning skills; cooperative learning can raise students interests and create an atmosphere of achievement. Step 5.Oral practice With the basis of the information they get from reading and summarizing, I will design an activity: role play. The students will have a pair work. Student A is a

13、 reporter of a magazine, student B is an American student. A is interviewing B in the hall about California. The purpose is to let the students have a better understanding of the text and take an oral practice.Step 6.rapping upFinish the prehending exercise 3, have a group discussion and tell their ideas to the class.This step can also regard as a summary of the text. At the same time, it can cultivate the students cooperation ability and arouse their cross-cultural munication awareness.

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